Why is there a push for STEM studies? On here and on cuckchan people say that STEM is the way to go in college and that it's the only thing not cucked anymore, but when I went to community college, STEM was being advertised as something students should look into with somewhat of a regular occurrence. What would happen if there's a mass of STEM grads? Is there a STEM bubble in the making? What are the pros and cons of STEM?
Could you try any harder to fit in as a total goy and not at all some angry, whinging jew?
Hudson Lee
I believe STEM may be set apart from other studies because they inherently do not carry ideologies by themselves, rather leaving the students to take on that regard on their own. My case was different, I studied in a engineering exclusive campus. There were no other courses except engineering, and the other closest university that had anything different was 20km away. There was very little political activity going on most of the time I was there because it was relatively new. My take on it is that, when left on their own, most students rarely had time to get in depth on this sort of thing, and, when they did, they acted with a somewhat better understanding of logic and critical sense when faced with anything political. This resulted, at least in the beginning, in most people being centrist or right wing. The only ones that were vehemently political, specially leftists, were those that came in contact with people from other campi or that got into the university with these ideas beforehand. Still, over time, to my disgust, things kept getting more and more leftist as I remember. It was very clear that leftism was spreading, and each new generation of freshmen was becoming more detached from reality than the last one. When I got out I was thankful to be away from that madness, but it was quite tame compared to other campi.
On the plus side, being in the STEM gave me a better understanding of everything physical, about mechanical and electrical systems, how to build reliable things, how to work with materials, a sure grip on mathematics and, as I said above, a critical and logic sense which I highly value nowadays. Perhaps these things are up to the individual, as I couldn't say the same about most of my peers. Maybe I would've developed these things on my own anyway, but I feel like I got out a better person than I got in and I think I can credit my studies to that. Still, at times I felt like I was wasting my time, it took too many years to get this degree and the course structure was garbage in the end in my opinion.
John Murphy
If you want to get a good job without going into (((debt))) and spending 4+ years at a (((university))) then just learn a trade, also common advice on here.
If you are stuck on going to college then obviously what remains is to pick something that is employable, gets you some kind of public respect, and also has a function in your favorite economic/social apocalypse scenario. Pretty much the only things that fit these criteria are S, T, E, and maybe M. I went for chemistry myself, looking forward to being one of the few who know how to make antibiotics when hell arrives.
Brayden White
Go the fuck away.
Justin Mitchell
Liberal Arts majors is a waste of money, you'll be stuck working a McJob anyone without post graduate education can get, the STEM guy isn't much better off getting into what he wants but he's got more options to jump ship to none STEM jobs that don't make you want to kill yourself then you do.
Connor Martin
Read Kaczynski and you’ll get your answer
Camden Lewis
Around here the kikes got it renamed STEAM (the A is for (((arts))) of course).
Angel Baker
Enjoy making
Gavin Carter
I know a lot of engineers that ended up being very disappointed with their careers. But then i was in Western Canada and there's not a whole lot going on there, especially as the oil sands in Alberta went dead. Most of them had to either move to the USA or Australia or get jobs in some other field. One woman who had her mech engineering degree wound up going back to university to be a nurse, a trade where a woman can pull down $100k per year working overtime.
Medicine seems to still be the one area that provides a bulletproof career with good earnings. Dentistry is potentially more profitable but there's some risky downsides there especially when you're breaking in. Working in another older dentist's office can destroy your career if he uses you signature stamp on millions of dollars of false insurance billings.
Dentists = jews so if you get in there with them you just have to be prepared to get whatever you get.
Julian Lewis
Here's an unpopular opinion: STEM degrees are actually the most worthless. The ones that are worth the most are the business, finance, and arts degrees. STEM majors are essentially just glorified labor workers while business majors run everything, finance majors own everything, and art majors influence everything.
Connor Powell
A lot of people go into engineering who aren't very good at it, and they get shuffled into lower paying positions which don't require the strong abstract thinking required for a senior position.
Working on the computer all day causes pretty serious injury over time. I've heard a statistic that office jobs represent the highest incidence of occupational and physical therapy clients.
Connor Reed
How are arts degrees worth anything without nepotism? At least with business and finance if you have the smarts you can go places if you keep your mouth shut and know who butters your bread, but I don't see why a talented art degree holder would go places, considering only degenerate artists are allowed to make it big nowadays.
Or is there a certain segment of art degrees you had in mind?
William Anderson
That’s a result of the inherent flaw in the Jew controlled system. Money traders and degenerate artists create nothing of objective value, just subjective goyim control (money) and even worse art. These roles will be still necessary but they shouldn’t be encouraged or pursued to the degree that they are. A healthy long lasting society glorifies those who actually do good in it ie STEM.
Colton Morris
Ask yourself why there seem to be only degenerate artists? Do you think any conservative parent would want their child to live on the little pay that Art has to offer. It is my experience that the children from sensible households often go for the sensible degrees because they pay well while people with parents that don't care about their kids have more of their kids going into seemingly worthless fields. Most conservative people value a degree based on the money it individually brings in rather than the power it may bestow collectively. Not really.
Yeah I would argue that it is not the profession itself, but the people that pursue that profession which should be considered. Both art and STEM have their uses in society. One seems to reflect and the other progresses.
Nathaniel Bell
Second part of this is meant for
Robert Johnson
In certain areas, there will be an over saturation of people. Although STEM is supposedly the least cucked way you can go, since it leaves pretty much no room to interpretation, meaning that the truth is logical and things like ethics rather get excluded from it and aren't required at all. But STEM also requires a minimum amount of intelligence and discipline. So not everyone can get a degree… Of course, nowadays even STEM has been infiltrated by SJWs, and universities are more often than not far more forgiving towards minorities for being stupid.
Oh right, have fun with the debt if you're American :^)
Adam Edwards
yeah people tend to underestimate the difficulty of most of those degrees. 3 hours a day, six days a week, of studying alone. this is in addition to lectures and homework, which means many more hours than that. unless you only want to take a class or two at a time, while working, and get the degree in 8 years instead of 4, your life has to revolve around mastering the material for the full 4 years
Oliver Sanchez
There is a STEM bubble, follow youtube channels Money GPS and thunderf00t that expose them
There is little to no advantage for a society to have such a massive techy part of society, the increasing rates of STEM educated people are also happening in exact time there is a massive decrease in major innovations.
All of the major innovators like Tesla, Ford, Diesel, Braun, Franklin, Wilkinson, Watt, Curie, Wright, Marconi etc had nowhere near the education we have. They were self made outcast mavericks who were incompatible with the system and were usually thrown out or failed in school due to thinking outside the box.
Same principle applies and can be seen in Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Mate Rimac.
The more you tell someone what "is possible" the more you restrain their ability to innovate anything relevant. Exact reason why Asians don't make any major innovation. They just copy what is VERY SUCCESFULLY thought to them.
Brody Torres
STEM is very broad. Many of the disciplines in STEM don't get you that good of a paying job. It's just computer science AI medicine engineering that pay. When you study math you're expected to get knowledge of some other field to actually get a job. Same with some other disciplines.
Some of the salaries of new graduates are kept lower due to outsourcing, migration and globalism. For example take computer science, people who study that do not get rewarded enough since it's more convenient to employ 2 from lower paying countries.
Trades are fun if you want backbreaking work for a relatively low amount of money and no upwards career advancement. Just ruining your body until you're ~50-60 and can't anymore for a kiked system. Also very shit advice for anyone in Europe because the salaries are being kept low in many trades since companies have set up entire structures in the west to get eastern Europeans to do the jobs (and with this structure keep salaries painfully low for the actual western population).
In my country it takes 3 years but only 20% typically do it within that timeframe and around 40% in 4 years, leaving another 40% getting it in more than 4 years. These were rough estimates from my university, and those only included people who got their degree.
Some of the courses are extremely difficult and in my country you have to pass every single one of them with a satisfactory grade. Some teachers intentionally make it very hard, especially some first year courses just to filter out students. There was 1 first year course in my degree that was more difficult than all other mandatory stuff you had to do for that degree.
You don't want to do that really, it's just learning boring impractical model after another which you forget a year after you completed a particular class. Or you just remember vague details of it. In my country business degrees are the most popular but I would personally say they're useless since the theories you learn there are not relevant for well.. almost anything. I'm not sure if finance or economy are much better, they'll also include a large amount of business classes that explore weird models.