People hate the Euro because it works!

Chinese, Russians, Americans, Communists, Nazis etc. hate the Euro currency because it makes Europe's economy strong and independent.

Chinesen, Russen, Amerikaner, Kommunisten, Nazis usw. hassen den Euro weil er Europas Wirtschaft stark und unabhängig macht.

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If it did work we would love it. The only thing it has done is to make my country be on life support by Germany

You are literally Jewish slaves.

EU shills. That's a new one.

Makes German exports cheap, but in order to do this you need badly performing economies in the same currency.
Bit like the UK having Scotland in the union.

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We deserve better shills.

Half the European countries that adopted it had the value of their own market deflated if not halved (Greece, Italy, Portugal) while the ones that didn't had very little change in their spending power.

Are you mad? It doesn't work. It's made every country in Europe except Germany poorer and theres nothing anyone can do about it because it's all run by the European Central Bank. OP is an idiot. Saged.

It completely failed at everything it was proposed to do.
If an Euro is the same everywhere, why does a beer cost 1€ in Portugal, but 4€ in France?
Why is the minimum wage 400€ in some countries, but 2500€ in other's?
All it did was make people realize that some countries have it better than others and they migrated to those countries. The perioheral countries in the union are being desertified and now thye "need" refugees to repopulate becase 1/3 of my country left for switzerland.

This has to be b8, nobody could be this retarded….right?

Just a German idiot I think.

He is about to be fired.

Sweden and Norway are having a blast with their economies (despite the leeches) because they are not part of the euro.

U just mad because our economy is still independent from jews and marxists in europarliament. Czech it out.

Their annual propaganda budget is huge

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Save your kike propaganda for people it works on

Why does all subversive corporate kike artwork have that same cheap aesthetic?

Nice one.

Because kikes cant into art.

7 hours ago


Sage goesin all fields

To leftists the government is a mother replacement because they never outgrew the need for nurture or they never had a proper upbringing, sad!

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No, everybody hates the Euro because it's a retarded concept that binds widely divergent economies and peoples together into a suicide pact.

are you even trying mongrel kike?

Well damn. The best parodies always have a sense of truth to them. Is edginess based on unspoken truths?

This thread is personally endorsed by the moderation team, Codemonkey, and Jared Kushner.


There seems to have been a lolberg resurgence in the last few weeks

Saged german globalist cunt!

Work based currency was proven to be the correct economic model by Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany. Fiat kills nations as proven by the Federal Reserve. These are undisputed facts. Hang yourselves.

"The euro works"

This is the content codenigger and his goon moderators personally endorse.

muh central bank issued currency owned by jews works goys! believe me!


Euro == slightly devalued Deutschmark.

They hate it because it is German,




Euro doesn't work. Is like shoes in 42. To big for who need 40 and to small for who need 46. The only one who need 42 is Germanistan


I'm not sure that is the case. The problem seems more to be some issues with the overall direction of the EU and the intentions of its commissariat, rather than a deep-rooted opposition to some kind of political and economic union.

Except no. It empowers/enriches already rich nations (germany) at the expense of basically every other nation in europe.. but it also ends up draining the coffers of those rich nations as they have ended up constantly bailing out those poorer nations just to keep the currency stable, so now EVERYONE is in massive debt. What took the US basically a century to amass in debt ($20 trillion), the EU has amassed almost as much (~$13 trillion in USD) in its short life already. Do you really think thats somehow a good thing? Or that that doesnt matter?

Prior to the single currency, each nation had its own currency that could be adjusted in value (either locally or by global markets.. yes I know we're loathe to deal with that bullshit, but its there) to allow say, country A, with a lower economic output (than say, country B) but who wanted to seek investors to its nation to build more businesses and spur economic growth… prior to the single currency, they could in fact do that by essentially making it cheaper to get started in their nation. Yes, it meant that if you were traveling from country A to country B you'd have to exchange a lot of your money for far less of theirs to be able to do business there, but it also meant that each nation was more stable economically, could attract investors more easily, could compete in global markets and thus increase their prosperity/wealth at home, and so on.

Now, with a single currency, each nation has absolutely zero say in the value of its currency, it isnt tied to each individual countries economic power and is instead tied to basically germany and co, and so if you want to invest in germany or greece you have to deal in the same currency, you cant take $100 and say "well thats not enough to really get going in germany, let me take it to greece where its worth basically $500 and I'll be able to start up more easily," no, now you have to say "well $100 isnt enough in THE EU," so where you COULD have started in greece, now you can't start at all. FURTHER, because this has had a spiral effect of weakening already weak economies, its also destabilized those same nations, so now its even LESS appealing to start there due to uncertainty in those nations, why start in greece when you can start in germany for the exact same price but have (generally) more stability? All this does is destroy those other nations ability to compete in the market.

Think of it in simple terms, look at indie games vs AAA games (well, think of it more like, 5 years ago when AAA wasn't SUCH total shit). When they start up they are lower "quality" (usually) in terms of graphics, music, voice overs, etc etc, and they bank their success on a "hook," whatever their cool idea is that they polished to a mirror shine and revolved the gameplay around, but they ALSO charged 1/3rd or less compared to what a major title charges on release. $15 for that neat indie game vs $60 for that new AAA game. you could buy four new games for the price of that one game. So what happened? there was a boom in the indie game market, it led to a bunch of dumpster fires and unfinished messes being churned out, but it also led to games like undertale, ori, hollow knight, shovel knight… some more expensive than others, yes, but all much cheaper than AAA titles and all amazing games. HOWEVER, if they were all forced to compete at that same $60 price tag, that "boom" never would have happened. Why? because who was going to sink $60 on a game from a studio you didnt know shit about, with no real previous games anyone cared about.. why not just sink the cash on the next gta or cowadoody clone or ass creed? Sure its the same trash as always, but at least you know itll kill enough hours to be worth the price tag. What if that indie game is 2 hours long and is total trash? You had no way of knowing, so who would risk $60 on it?

Now blow that up to a national economy scale. The risk vs reward system is destroyed because the risk comes at the same cost as the safe investment, and the rewards are the same either way. And all of that, because those weaker nations are forced to play at the level of nations they do not have the structure to play against.

And that was the plan all along. Weaken those other nations and make them subjects of germany and other large nations, put them at the mercy of those larger nations, and force them to do as they're told. THATS what the euro achieved. Anyone who thinks that is a good thing, is either a jew or an idiot

I like that EU is anti-Zionist though.

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