Maybe none of you will give a shit about this thread, but I want to vent about several things. I'm fucking sick of the mainstream media attacking kids. When the story about the Covington Catholic kids broke, i knew it was fucking bullshit from the start, and I didn't give a fucking hoot if it was real. They were attacking kids. Months past and it has left my mind, but recently, another activist "journalist" attacked a 14 year old girl. This has made me even angrier. I feel like I want to do something, but I don't know what. I want this fucking shit to end. I want all of these MSM kikes to fucking die. Every single activist "journalist" that lied about the Covington Catholic kids needs to hang. (((Joseph Bernstein))) needs to fucking hang. What am I supposed to do, Zig Forums? I feel like I'm betraying the white race by letting this happen. Anyhow, all of this has compelled me. I'm not going to let my health slip deeper and deeper. I've already started a diet, but I'm going to exercise, train for fighting and running. The "left" has devolved into pure violence. Simply being anti-immigration, pro-family, and against faggotry makes you "far-right" to them. They insist repeatedly that they are going to "punch nazis". I want to get to the point where I can say "go ahead". I want to be able to take REAL action against these fucking tranny faggots.
I'm done. I'm angry. Gas all kikes
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill your local anti-white journalists. Or kikes in a synagogue/yeshiva.
something productive that wont land me 20+ years in jail
Make White Women pregnant and tell your children what you know.
If you want change you must change something yourself first (in minecraft), this could include but is not limited to: PVP in churches synagogues, banks, big (((tech)) companies, journalist, or even your local nigger drugpusher, kill a cop, kill a soldier, commit suicide in a way it fucks up logistics (like throwing yourself into a power plant to short-circuit and fuse with the equipment so it becomes unusable), burn buildings in poor neighborhoods;individual homes of white trash and apartment complexes of blacks and Mexicans to rile them up and UP the heat, trying to derail commercial trains, sabotaging traffic lights, kill (((people))) in gated communities and frame niggers, spread rumors that stick about controlled opposition, get college kids to feud with niggers over petty shit and watch the system turn those kids into actual race aware people, Molotov a ghetto gas station and ensure that the rich are forced to interact with the poor at THEIR gas-station, frame cops, frame niggers, hide nails in the road when you call the police on a nigger and say the nigger did it. make a batch of toxic water bottles set them on a sidewalk at 3-AM and watch how the niggers the next day get sick for some weird reason, enlarge the divide of pro and anti zion jews. The options are endless in minecraft, what matters is what YOU want and what works.
also Doesn't work like that, anything truly productive is illegal in someway or another, when have laws stopped ANYTHING except the white people abiding them? The jew game is to outlaw any form of dissidence,SLOWLY. If you let them do it slow you'll be in hell before you know it. Let them kvetch, let them ban, let them demonize, let them outlaw, FAST and people might wake up from all the shaking and realize they can't do the things they love due to (((somebody)))
another reply to the void here we go.
Don't get caught.
Don't forget about the white elite. You can't ignore it and let all they've done slide and let them ride into the sunset with the cargo.
(((You))) hahaha lol xd (((You)))
can you fly an Air Bombardier Dash 8 Q400 (in minecraft)?
be special
The thing you have to remember here is that YOU are the target audience of this shit the MSM spews. The do it to make you hate yourself and to hate your fellow white brothers and sisters.
Be deaf ears to them and work to make as many whites deaf to them as well. They use bait words like “racist” or “anti-Semetic” to trigger and emotion in you, without ever specifying what’s so bad about being those things. As soon as you break that condition you are freed from their bullshit and they become powerless over you. It will be impossible to break said conditioning in all whites but we should strive to do it in as many as we possibly can
have a BBQ. let everyone know your views and state it all as calmly as you can and try to prove your points. Once enough people know what we do, the problem will be solved. Only 3% actually fought in the civil war and won. You need to popularize the views in order to get mass support. If you are going to hi score make sure other people know why.
Hello CIA nigger, Please read
Im not a nigger
Do it intelligently.
Get a car that doesn't look out of place, preferably a very common one with neutral paint, and with no identifiable features. Also try to obtain fake license plates.
Get an outfit specifically for these operations, and a mask/bataclava/whatever.
Drive to your target location with whatever gun you choose to use. Find the target and shoot into it, make sure that all casings remain in your vehicle and do not fly out into the open. Be quick, then escape.
Go to a more remote location. Change your license plate, and into normal clothes. Drive home.
If you aren't reckless or retarded, it's a good way of doing something without getting caught. YOu could even do a "road trip" sort of thing, driving around the country and occasionally carrying out an operation. To make it harder, you can add "identifying points" to your car like stickers, which you then peel off after the operation.
Or if you don't want to do any violent action, just have a white family with many children, and make sure to redpill them.
Why are you at all surprised they are attacking kids? They want us exterminated, in many senses that starts with our children.
How do i know you're a CIA nigger?
This is the easiest way that police can identify you. You will leave millions of traces inside that car. If anyone witnesses that crime, and they find that car, you're fucked.
Big red flag in your post. If you're using your own gun, you're going to get caught. Simple as that. Casings aren't the only way they can identify what weapon was used.
And throw out any alibi you have. Gotcha.
just more evidence that you will have to hide.
The car wouldn't be abandoned.
Makes sense. You could make homemade guns, there are hundreds of tutorials online.
Can be left out, but it's mostly to change out of the easily-identifiable mask/outfit used for the operation.
Scrape stickers off, put inside car, go home, keep stickers at home or burn them/throw them away in someone else's trash.
If you want to do something productive, use your own brain and come up with something that you are able to accomplish. Calm yourself so you can think logically about what you can do that will help these kids. Also don't tell anyone here what you're going to do until it's done.
This is best suggestion here.
steal a fuckin plane OP
Making cocktails is really easy mate. I also recommend you scout your local DSA/Antifa. Subversion and doxxing our enemies is obviously on the table. Maybe combine an address with a nice Russian cocktail.
I’m with you. And will be devoting this summer until my big boy job begins to training myself.
yeah mate, make copies, like 250 of them, of some doxing bullshit, throw them out your cr window on the way to work and cal it a day. A ream of paper is 6 kike bux. No biggie, do your part
Not your blog, faggot.
Use the right tool. A camera.
In the final stages of terminal judaic infection, they prey on your children…
How come when I publish my manifesto I get banned yet killing jews does not get banned? My manifesto is far better than this shit.
Vent on various image boards to a bunch of random people.
The only way to change what has become normal is through war. If insanity has been normalized, the only way to revert to sanity is by force. The time for talk and reason has ended. And once people get past the stage of denial it's on to acceptance. It's at that point things will actually get done and goals get accomplished.
Because you're a larping faggot.
Most small mom'n'pop auto-shops will keep a bunch of keys in an easily breakable box. Plenty of places in the styx won't have cameras and you can just "borrow" a car with very little ability to trace it back to you. gasbomb the interior when you're done with it, and the Insurance pays the owner.
Victimless crime? Not really, but it's the best way to get a ride.
not necessary, just do 80%'s. There's so many millions of AR and glock parts kits sold that even if you killed the guy buy throwing the 80% glock at his head there would be very VERY little for the police to go off of.
Just don't use your car, idiot.
But the biggest thing I would sterss is GET A TEAM. Get a fire-team (4 people) together for any job. You KNOW that the impact would more than quadruple. A 4 man team has such potential. I know my guys, if you don't have a 3 or 4 man "trouble trio" you're behind. Imagine a coordinated action. Minecraft is much more fun with a team.
dont compromise your zero percent chance of infiltration and betrayal by not going solo
lone wolves actually do things, groups have failed
Your trips are admirable, and I would agree to a point. Never trust strangers you met online, certainly. My "team" is all childhood friends I grew up with and I'd trust to the end of the world. I feel lucky to have them and we discuss fun hypotheticals routinely.
That being said, Randy Weaver knew his ATF plant friend for what, 3 years before getting dabbed on? The FBI plant in the mob was a 6 year operation? Truly it's a risky business. If you don't know them through and through, there is little that can be done. Part of it is risk management, part of it is keeping your profile low, and part of it is the bravery of facing the odds regardless of the consequences. Greatness is dared not at the 100% chance of success, but against great odds of failure.
We're not Wiemar just yet, but the time will come for brave men to stand against the odds and shoulder these risks
Fuck off
We are just as evil as them in terms of methods
The only difference is the goals
It's called free speech OP.
This is your only legal recourse if you live in America:
Sadly the White traitor has been our worst scourge and why it fills so much of our stories. If you can defang the White traitor then the jew and the non-White races become much easier opponents.
Do your duty to secure the existance of our people and a future for white children
3 steps to retake Europe
Redpill by Word of Mouth
Leaflet Distribution
Activism 2
How to put up a poster secure and anonymously
How to make self made stickers
Wallwriting made easy
Tired of enemy propaganda
Adbusting against white genocide
Guerilla Gardener
Pepe Rocket
Race Evolution and Behaviour
Why shall the White Race go extinct?
End Jewish Privilege
White people trending towards extinction
Holocaust Questions
Stencil Stop White Genocide
Stencil No Mosque
Save South Africa from the apes by real life Jedi mind tricks
all of this and more can be found here:
The world's going to go apeshit in the next decade which means you're going to have your deserved fun. stock up on ammunition, train and exercise. It's happening.
Godspeed, brother.
What to do? Speak against the jews every day. If enough people hate the jews then eventually the jews get pushed out of power. Its how communists destroy aristocrats. SPread anti-semitism to all races.
Well you're fucked. We're all fucked.
Just don't be a dumb nigger and get caught, you'd be surprised what one can get away with if they are smart.
If we aren't willing to get our hands dirty, then yes. I'm perfectly willing to die or go to prison, when we take back our lands we will free all of our brothers who are languishing in ZOG confinement as political prisoners.
Speak Against Jews
If I speak against Jews anymore than I already am, I won't have time to eat or work out.
>>(((Joseph Bernstein))) needs to fucking hang
This is true. Hitting him in the back of the head with a hammer on a NYC sidewalk also works.
A Technical Manual for Independent
Originally published by Paladin Press
Written by Rex Feral
Apart from becoming a hero like Robert Bowers or Brenton Tarrant,
you can do the following:
1. Assuming you haven't already, find a White wife (healty, virgin, non-degenerate, fertile - you know the deal) and start having as many children as you can. When they are of age, homeschool them
2. Remove any degeneracy left inside of you (eg. videogames, unheathy diet, masturbation, etc.) - Instead connect more to your European culture and embrace anything that is good and pure.
3. Try to wake up as many White people as possible (it's best to go for young people, they aren't as afraid of EBIL NADZEES as boomers yet).
4. Support politicians that you think will bring beneficial policies, but DO NOT be afraid to criticize them when they are cucks like (((Zognald))) (eg. when they refuse to call out (((them))) ).
5. If promoting these opinions would get you fired from your job, IMMEDIATELY go look for a new one - or much better, be self-employed!
6. Get guns and learn how to shoot them. Make sure that at least some of them are not linked to your name in some database and that you don't show strangers that you own them - don't be afraid to hide these guns when (((they))) eventually come for them.
(((They))) barely had the support of any Russian people during that time, they just had to win over a small amount of the population. And they didn't just talk, physical action was taken, there was a revolution and a civil war that came after, and history will repeat itself for America. Though I don't know if we'll see the type of revolution that happened in Moscow happen in Washington DC, balkanization is an inevitability however.
Nothing worth doing is legal. System built around the concept. This is the true matrix - nothing legal matters.
Borrowed cars. Use fake ID. Always different car, never the same modus operandi. Never same car rental service twice in a row. Cash only. Never use your phone. Never search for rental service on your phone or computer. Only rental services you can go without being on any cameras. Prefer high traffic rentals. Plan your way using maps and camera databases. Make pre-trips via city offered buses or trains and map the environment. Applies to every trip you make. Prefer 80-90s cars. Less electronics = better.
Out of car .22 revolver. Untraceable, casings stay in the gun. Point blank distance, empty whole gun. In the car .22 pistol. Buy on darknet. Never your own. Also stolen weapons.
Two layers of latex gloves. Regular leather gloves on top. Clothes everyone wear. No exposed skin under neck line. Prepare everything with gloves. No electronics with you.
Have special location ~30 minute drive from target. Everything one-time use. Underwear, shoes, socks etc. included. Weapon can be hidden and reused. Not at places you use. Burn all used if safe. If environment allow, use where river meets the sea (ocean). Drop there. Never keep used gear on you. Never keep used gear existing. Once home, strong industrial soap for shower. Shave everything.
Just do not talk to police. ~80 % of crime solved because people are talking. Never talk to anyone. Compulsory:
Stolen real license plates. Not from stolen cars, just plates. Pick random real license, use tape to recreate.
Solid. Good part with car.
No enemy ever defeated by deploying same level of violence. Only by being worse.
Regrettably outdated. Still recommended.
good advice friendo
Most Jews are bad, the so called good jews have semen that produces bad jews. Therefore all jews are bad, the good ones give birth to bad ones.
Solid, would like to add, some methods on how to wake up people in real life.
With these methods and some dedication, each of us can wake up 10 000 people in real life.
Do the math. If 1000 people reading here are putting in some otherwise boring weekends, we can reach 10 000 000 white people.
Do your duty to secure the existance of our people and a future for white children
Victory is reserved for those, who are willing to pay its price.
-Sun Tzu
3 steps to retake Europe
Redpill by Word of Mouth
Leaflet Distribution
Activism 2
How to put up a poster secure and anonymously
How to make self made stickers
Wallwriting made easy
Tired of enemy propaganda
Adbusting against white genocide
Guerilla Gardener
Pepe Rocket
Race Evolution and Behaviour
Why shall the White Race go extinct?
End Jewish Privilege
White people trending towards extinction
Holocaust Questions
Stencil Stop White Genocide
Stencil No Mosque
Save South Africa from the apes by real life Jedi mind tricks
all of this and more can be found here:
All we need to do is get people talking about Jews like they were in the 30’s. The more people talk about them, the more they’ll see them for what they are. Also the Jewish narcissism makes it so they cannot resist the urge to talk about themselves.
True, we must expose them to ALL races in the world. Then they can not divide and conquer us.
Keep the races seperate and expose the jews.
The world must know their tricks and tactics:
Underrated post
I've heard this advice given many times and I'm sure it's valid, but since I'm a brainlet, explicitly what should I say if the police come knocking on my door asking questions?
Cause discord between your enemies with media.
Make radical communist site that calls for extermination of muslims for being capitalist puppets.
Make a marxist kosher website that calls for removal of all jewish leaders for promoting jewish supremacy and push a war on Israel for its attack on kurd marxist.
Make a pro-black website calling for attacks on muslims for slavery and current slavery in Libya.
Say nothing without a lawyer present. The police will try to intimidate and threaten you in order to get you to talk. Give them nothing.
Then learn to get away with it retard
Q: Am I under arrest?
A: Then we have nothing to talk about, goodbye officer.
Don't say nothing until your lawyer is present. If your lawyer tells you to talk, he is not a good lawyer and you should get a new, brah. Also look at the video user posted, it explains a lot.
It's this easy. Works similarly around the whole western world too.
Checking those Hitler dubs.
Hey can we just get like a tier list of easiest to get away with pking people in Minecraft? And perhaps a list of target usernames and base coordinates? That would definitely streamline threads like these.
gas the kikes race war now !!!
Where might a good white man purchase guns where no questions are asked, no background checks etc? at least point in the direction to dig properly avoiding glowniggers
Mill one yourself. There are plenty of resources online.
You don't get to own a gun, Goy. Those are big boy toys.
Real Aryans travel to the Andes, where the Aryan people came from
Private sales are considered property transfer.
Zig Forums is a board of peace through Democratic change, like how Adolf Hitler was elected.
Sorry user but our circumstances differ way to much to uncle adolf circumstances.
I understand, before Hitler used the Democratic method he tried another method and wow its almost 2023.
Oh you naive little thing. Laws are for thee, not for me.
Where is Antifa active in Michigan?
People homeschool all the time.
This is good advice for killing zombies in Minecraft, user. Thank you. I might consider it when planning an attack on the ender dragon.
I might do this irl and not in minecraft
This is a waste of time, as most illegal gun sales are run by CIA niggers.
This is likely a kiked user, or a nigger. One of the two
That is exactly the strongest argument against voting and political solution. If you think that kikes who own the system will allow another Adolf Hitler, then you are extremely naive. After he masterfuly used the democracy against itself, the new after-war democracy was established solely for one and only purpose - to keep status quo.
Real democracy is an enemy to (((them))), thats why they rigged the system to their advantage
Real democracy, especially the original ancient, "organic" one, which allows voting only to adult men who own the land and are members of the nation by blood, is a tool. It's rather neutral. But it is not under their control. It's wildcard, it allows Hitlers in time of the crisis and Caesars in time of expand. It's a multitool used to fix issues that can arise. That’s why they are against it and did everything to break away all possible parts of that multitool.
Women's suffrage was the final blow to real democracy in the JUnited States.
That and nigger suffrage. Now they're trying to get voting rights for illegal muzzies and niggers
True. Ironically enough, old Greeks even had comedies about how catastrophic it would be to give women voting rights. What makes it a bit chilling is that the system ancient Greeks thought women would establish is rather close to communism.
You know. You don’t have to live your life in submission to hatred. There’s a lot of beautiful things out there. Have you ever stopped and contemplated the beauty of a tree? Every needle on a conifer formed of a mindless process of tremendous and fairly exact complexity; likewise for every leaf upon a broadleaf tree.
This goes out equally to both antisemites and to people who promoted antisemitism because they could imagine no weaker enemy.
This world is beautiful. Bring beauty into it, not hatred. With integrity we can overcome all challenges.
It truly is. That is why I hate the kikes, they subvert and destroy all that is beautiful. Even nature itself. Most importantly, nature itself.
And Jews want to destroy it all. Being a hippie means bending over to (((them))) and letting them do what they want with the environment. We need to fight back.
A good Jew is like a sanitary turd.
Even if it exists, why the fuck would you want to be around it?
They know who is going to actually be fighting the White Nation Liberation War, and it isn't 50 year old boomers.
Hate is not an emotion. It's a strategy against that which actively harms you. Nobody cares about your kike shilling. Get the fuck off this board now.
Look up crime statistics of various things, look up statistics on rate of innocents being convicted for crimes they didn't commit proven by dna, note how even serial killers let alone lesser criminals go for decades to never getting caught racking up a huge tally of their crimes, realize the rate of people getting away with pretty much everything is extremely high, that police order is a con, realize how retarded all the leroy jenkins sperg killers are along with other spergs strung up for non lethal charges are given the statistical reality, realize whatever you come up with you'll likely pull it off if you don't do any of the sperg retardation. That being said, while you may find it cathartic to kill, unless it's high value targets you're pissing in a sea of piss, even tens of thousands is noise with enemies being in the millions, think of things that will actually have an impact. guns, knives, and the like are only effective when it's a war with enough people going at it to put a dent in the other side, unless again your targets are very specific. One thing that would be very useful is spying the shit out of jews and then proceed from there, find out the real score, make money off them, ruin them financially, cause infighting, distraction, whatever, skies the limit.
shame on you. Let's Kill the white SUPREMACISTS en let our high races destroying:it don't care.nobody care.nobody do something.yes tarrant,but he not Kill His self and now he is in jail.
Death death death to white Supremacist weak idiotic weak weak weaklings.
Death death death.
Do you know who's a real German? A white warlord who kills himself in battle. Then you come into the WALHALLA!!!!
tarrant and the one from that synagogue didn't even do that! Breivik did, didn't he?
It's really crazy: they're just scared.
The Germanic and Celtic ancestors weren't afraid either, so make sure you die in the battle before you're thirty when you have a gun!
Take YOU Gun NOW and go to an ANTIFA meeting, feminism meeting, anti racism meeting!
And you can always go to a nigger church or mosque or synagogue.
But preferably not a synagogue or mosque because they had been there before! Short ago is shooting THEN.
Take Your gun! Be a warlord like breivik and the germanic forfathers!
Go die in beatle!! ! For your forfathers .
Long live racism!
Neither, but don't think they won't give you a load of shit for trying to opt out of the system. There's even been talk of banning homeschooling outright.
If your already in a position where you can/do have a family and your planning on having kids or they are reaching the age for schooling, then I wish you the best. For us youngfags such a think is but a daydream, especially those of us with an abysmal financial outlook.
Ever since I heard from the propaganda media that a lot of murderers were on the streets, I really believe that it works to incite people to die.
I will only do it more.
Their talk works the other way around.
Death to negro apes.