In Hitler's Table Talks, there seems to be mention of Hitler sending lazy workers and potential political enemies to concentration camps to learn the value of labor and for reeducation. Didn't Hitler make the Jews leave Germany? Couldn't he have just expelled such workers and people from Germany like with the Jews? If Hitler did threaten various people with concentration camps, then he doesn't seem like an upright example to follow, regardless of how sincere he might seem in his speeches. It makes me want to think that all of the Table Talks are just fabricated, and not what Hitler actually said. Are there any examples of Hitler mentioning concentration camps outside of those Talks?
Hitler and Concentration Camps
already had a table talk thread. whatcha slidin'?
Not necessarily a Table Talks thread, but discussion of Hitler using concentration camps.
If he did, how much he used them, how many documents refer to them, and such
false prerogative, there were camps, just not concentration camps whatever the fuck that means, they were work-camps. You are literally shilling your perspective and steering discussion, you are obvious.
Well the Table Talks document seems to refer to concentration camps where people might all be killed by guns there. Did Hitler threaten his potential political adversaries and a group of workers that didn't want to work, among other people, with these work camps?
Yes, Hitler took in prisoners of war like every other country and forced them to work. The concentration camps were prison camps. However, there were no homicidal gas chambers in any of those camps. Not a single jew was gassed to death.
Under socialism people not wanting to work is always going to be a huge problem.
That problem stems from the fact that under socialism you can just stay in bed all day and someone else will take care of all the things that you should be taking care of.
Pop people in a camp that forces them to work and 80% of the people will learn that hard work is actually rewarding. And they can rejoin society.
The other 20% are not redeemable and then its just a choice between keeping them fed and watered with the minimum possible resources or killing them.
I'm not saying that the Holocaust with 6 million Jews happened. I want to know if Hitler sent some of his own people to camps
Do you think that it is morally just to kill this other 20%? America didn't seem to want to put lazy people within camps if they didn't work during WW2. There may have been much propaganda and the public may have criticized such people and looked down upon them, but America nor Britain didn't seem to march their own people into labor camps. That seems like such a forceful and totalitarian course of action, like there isn't really freedom there
Germans were not the targets of those camps. They were for prisoners of war.
Not a single jew was gassed.
No one disputes that lazy degenerates were sent to Labor Camps. Retard. They had been using concentration camps for commies and other assorted degenerates since before the war even started
Prove it
But it seems that these degenerates in these labor camps were liable to be killed if they didn't reenter society.
Its questionable. But there are many such questions under socialism.
I could ask you is it morally just for 20% of the population to live an easy life benefitting from the hard work of the other 80%?
If you set up the camp along the principle that 'hard work makes you free' then the problem would solve itself. The 80% of hard workers would work their way out of the camp and rejoin society with a new found work ethic. And the 20% of iredeemable lazy bones would stay in the camps and be housed and fed in the most efficient way possible to reduce their drain on the rest of society.
No one in the prison camps run by the National Socialists was murdered.
Are you serious? They made newsreels for the public showing how regimented the camps were, showing them marching and eating's etc .. it was for Communists if I recall correctly… Surely you don't believe no camps were ever used ever? That is quite silly
Give me a few moments to find the newsreels
I said nothing of the sort and that is a false implication. They were sent there as punishment/reeducation. No one was executed unless their crimes deemed it appropriate
That doesn't seem like the worst scenario, but still, forcing people into camps seems to show a lack of freedom there. Even if no one is killed, I think that there are less forceful methods to inspire people, such as propaganda and having the public criticize and shame such people, not physically moving someone into a camp by force. Did the Roman Republic force people into camps if they didn't work?
This one is of course after the war began… The footage I am talking about is in the World at War documentary series and I have seen it elsewhere as well. It's totally wholesome, shows the men being drilled and doing excercises, eating meals, etc
As soon as I find it I'll embed it ad well
Oh here is literal proof of the autocracies committed on humans.
How do you know these are lies?
OK we are done talking. keep drinking that kool-aid.
8-chan is the home of anti-intelligence and the echo chamber of hate.
define "hate"
You hate white people so you should be quite at home in a place of hate, no?
This isn't the newsreels I referenced but still actual footage from the 1930s. Dachau was a labor camp for political dissidents/enemies of the state in 1933. This was reported in the German press at the time:
Pic related it's the article
This shit was no secret, it was widely known and there was nothing sinister about it. Why you would dispute this is beyond me
Forgot pic.
Polite double post sage
Socialism diminishes freedom. That is certainly true.
But it also harnesses the power of millions of people. Which can be used to devestating effect.
If the country next door to you becomes socialist, then you better do the same or they will use the power of their people to invade and massacre you.
In the Roman empire there was no welfare state. So while people were not forced to work, they also couldnt expect handouts if they didnt want to work. They didnt have the inherent problem of socialism where some people live it large off the hard work of others.
That is not why they weren't thrown in the camps in the first place.
Like another user said they were used for prisoners of war.
National socialism is a form of socialism.
With national socialism your redistributing wealth among your people and country. Where as globalist socialism that dominates modern politics, you are redistributing your wealth throughout the whole world. ]
National socialism worked because they had a good leader who wanted the best for his country. But what would happen after Hitler died and some establishment cuck took over? They would use the socialist state to enrich themselves and their friends and family. Like they ALWAYS do.
Did these political threats have much of chance to leave and reenter society? If so, how much time did it take on average for someone in the camp to get out of there?
Dude, the Romans literally had free grain distribution, and urban Romans who were slaves tended to be jobless. The Roman Empire was literally built on gibsmedats.
For me, its the gas chamber.
Fair point…
Fair point…
All your fake history bent to your opinions while ignoring facts that don't fit your narrative. Like the piles of dead bodies when Americans liberated the camps. That is fact. Your weird old newspaper articles from Germany claiming they were “labor” camps. Ok use whatever words you want to describe them. Does not take away from the fact that millions were murdered. More Asians were murdered the. Jewish people. Germany was killing all. Genocide for nationalism. Facts are facts. No matter what weird random fake white supremecist apologist shit you take from hate groups and post.
Picture of piles of the dead murdered prisoners: Fake!
Picture from a old German newspaper saying camps are "Labor": Truth!
You will do some mighty mental gymnastics to avoid facing the fact that Communism was the opposite of socialism.
Hitler was a bad politician who used foreigners as a scapegoat for his failed policies that drove Germany to the brink of collapse.
It is the same as hating all left handers, or people with blue eyes, or people with blonde hair.
Scapegoats for your own failings as a society.
You must look beyond your own myopic view and use empathy for others positions.
Germany tried the "It's the other people ruining our country" approach. It did not work. The failings of the country are every ones.
The people the Americans themselves killed with the constant bombing raids that targeted infrastructure and civilian buildings. But they won the war, there's no need to hold them accountable.
Millions of German people raped and cast away from their homes in Eastern Prussia. Millions of German people raped and killed in Germany proper during the Soviet invasion. Millions of Polish, Hungarian, Romanian, Baltic, Bulgarian women raped by the asiatic soviet hordes. Nobody remembers them now.
Penalty for rape, looting or physical violece against POW-s or civilians in the Wehrmacht - death.
Penalty for rape, looting or physical violence against POW-s or civilians in the Red Army - a pat on the back from the political comissar.
So tired of dealing with b8 and bot threads while good threads keep getting slid. If you weren’t a rabbi and lurked you’d find that is due to the jews (read: allies) decision to slowly take the camps while cutting of the supplies, this in tandem with the understaffed camps, disease outbreaks and previous shortages due to war led to a portion of the prisoners dying.
If you actually cared about the subject you would also know how the allies deliberately starved and killed axis prisoners in open air “prisons” while in the camps they had humane treatment for their prisoners. et tu kike? But you don’t care about fact, reality, or anything really because your a fucking nigger kike with a shit thread and bot replies. Fuck you and the newfags and larpers posting in earnest on this joke of thread. This topic has been discussed a million times already and retards actually respond to the bots. Hope this post is the nail in this kiked rabbi slide thread.
America had concentration camps during this same time period. We rounded up all the Japs after pearl harbor.
The only reason you think the nazi version of this is wrong is because optics.
Sage for low quality slide thread. Try harder faggot.
Americans were fighting the Japanese. I'm talking about how National Socialist Germany was putting its own Germans into labor camps, for however long Hitler's administration planned to keep them there. For how long were those Germans supposed to be in those camps?
No one is gonna spoonfeed you.
Lurk moar.
I'm not familiar with one incident of a Japanese American plotting an attack against the US during WW2. Those where legally US citizens and we detained them in concentration camps off a fear they would remain loyal to the empire.
Germany acted similarly but with better cause. Before WW2 the jewish population had launched an unsuccessful communist revolution in Germany and subverted plenty of German culture through ownership of newspapers, media, and local politics.
If anything germans where far more justified in their detention of Jews than us of the Japanese.
Lurk more faggot.