Every other comment is about genociding niggers and muslims, now you have the opportunity to invade iran, "accidentally" switch off your legally required solider cam and torture and murder sand niggers to your hearts content and yet you still complain? Was it because hillary suggested invading the middle east? You're predatory nazis, but also a bunch of babies if the "wrong" person tells you what to do?
What's wrong with war with Iran?
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(((Pacifist))) free first post
Let me guess, you want an Ethnoglobe?
What if I told you that invaders in America and European countries make people think about savage torture, but unfortunately the whites are held back by faggot jewbois? You'd agree right? What if I told you that if cunts never came to my cunt then I wouldn't think about them at all and generally feel only very mildly +/- towards them in general? There is your answer dirtbag. You bring em here and we hate them for being scumshit.
Just as your country has a pact with other country's called NATO, Russia, Chins and Irsn also have a pact, I can't remember what it's called, the press conveniently never talk about it in NATO countries, it's not commonly known about, I've only heard about it once many years ago and can't remember what it's called
This pact comes into play in the event of a world war, I don't know what happens if just the YS and Irsn have a war, as to whether Russia and China official join in.
Typos : /
jesus christ you fucking kikes are hilarious, trying to fill up the catalogue with greater israel bs.
Just as your country has a pact with other country's called NATO, Russia, China and Iran also have a pact, I can't remember what it's called tho, the press conveniently never talk about it in NATO countries, it's not commonly known about, I've only heard about it once many years ago and can't remember what it's called
This pact comes into play in the event of a world war, I don't know what happens tho if just the US and Iran have a war, as to whether Russia and China official join in.
Remember to shoot up a synagogue if you get drafted.
I advocate that.
Death to Jews
Yes goyim destabilize the middle east some more, you're about due for more migrants anyway.
A reminder that if you do get drafted, you shoot all (((glowniggers))) and ZOGbots before turning on America.
No GreaterIsrael
Because Iran is against Israel and supports the legitimate Syrian Government of Assad
Why are we having this thread
"What's wrong with war with Iran?"
FUCK OFF JEWISH WHORE. No one will die for Israhell, I hope that Russia,Syria and Iran nuke the hell out of Israhell and the Jewnated States of America.
The whole topic is boring and irrelevant. None of this serves Aryan interests, but you already know this, jew.
OP is right. A war with Iran would enable us to reclaim our ancient holylands and secure more lebensraum for our race. All we need to do is topple 5 countries in 7 years.
kill yourself kike OP
What's wrong with war with Israel?
Because we have our own war to fight against YOU first
Quick reminder that we invaded Iran during WW2 on a whim just to stop the Germans getting their hands on the oil.
It was piss easy and the local sand niggers put up zero effective resistance. Even though we were at war with like 12 other people at the time.
kill niggers who occupy OUR LAND
not kill Iranians who live on their own homeland, so jews could bring more of them in here.
I do not hate muslims, I only hate jews
There is no reason to hate the muslims.
Reminder that David Duke was invited as a guest by the former president of Iran, while the ZOG Emperor's son (a father of yidlets) called for his death because he's a "racist".
Reminder that jews send white people to fight their own wars and then tell Muslims how it is white people fault in order to make them white more
hate whites more
The nazis here are antisemitic so they will spite off the jew by cutting off their own noses. War with Iran will benefit them.
The jews want to send young white american soldiers to fuck up Iran and for power, control and oil in that region.
this plan is as old as 9/11 and will probably happen sometime soon.
I am against it, because every time we rattle the cage in that region there will be a massive influx of semite rats into Europe and killing of white people for jewish interest.
be smart retard.
Eat shit and kill yourself kike
Shut up liar.
Even your own God hates you and wants you dead hebrew.
I support a war with Iran if it means Iran will nuke pissrael and kill every one of the millions of yid parasites that live there. Have a great day you fucking kike
Go back to reddit, your spacing is leaking
Because fight your own wars, kike