well Zig Forums I think I nearly found the one for me problem is shes alt-light and I want a full on nazi. She also dresses slightly slutty but I think Ive almost got her to stop. My main goal is make her homophobic and more mostest(as in wearing mens clothing) Ive introduced her to cuckchans /gif/ but I dont think it will be enough
Redpilling a soypilled women
have these for the final anti gay pill. once you've seen it there's no going back.
sage for low-tier cuckthread that should be in QTDDTOT
im a newnigger what QTDDTOT?
being homophobic is the morally right thing to be and mens cloths are modest but not weird looking and cheap.
Don't push too hard. Take her to cuck/r9k for blackpilling and cringe. And to 4/news for nigger hate and subbtle redpills. Then show her some reactionary documentaries like EUROPA- THE LAST BATTLE by Europa tv on youtube.
And then the final pill, The Greatest story NEVER told.
Then 4/pol/ then 8/pol/
Then u have yourself a /ourgirl/ waifu
What a cuck lol
being newfaggot = lurk two more years
also you posted (((Brevik))) who was Zionist and advocated for supporting the (((greatest ally)))
Ive done the first few but whats the ideal time to strike
Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread.
Is a Big Thread the second on the top of the 1st page.
pfffftttt lol