Maybe this is the wrong place to ask this, if so please forgive me. Anyway I just purchased this pendant, I like the black sun in the middle, the swastika on the bottom, and the sig rune on the side.
Can anyone explain the other symbols to me? It looks like an unfinished pyramid on the side and I’m not sure what the checkerboard thing is on the top. I appeal to you for help. Thank you.
Maybe this is the wrong place to ask this, if so please forgive me. Anyway I just purchased this pendant...
It has to do with Mars and Atlantis.
One of the tragedies occurred on Mars, with the Marz. The escape plan was in the area, but they couldn't put the total amount of Martian, and it only set a few (libertarians) on Atlantis. Oh, ready for evacuation, the world has a program to build a character and handle life, jump start at the end of the evolutionary creatures on Mars. When they died, the Martians/Atlantians know that their duty is to put a new laptop "human" code into their behavior. Due to the lack of links in the fossil record, there is a change to accelerate the big monkeys to a secondary school position. To promote the geometric pure curiosity, monolithic has made a movement of surprise against a prosperous civilization. Before he died, the idea of the Atlantic proportions of the proportions of the visual image will be taught and the ancient mysteries of the elementary human world (from creative phrase). They opened the race more lately discovered the secret of satellite galaxies of the solar system.
I’m still confused. Can you please elaborate as to the specific symbol? Maybe a name that I can look up to do more research with? Thank you.
Mars and the Earth's Black Sun symbol still (not Dumer asteroid belt), the only packaging. There is one powerful Aryan, symbolized by the Swastika and shown humble and devout before God symbolized by the Black Sun. He can once again be resurrected in spirit and philosophy and practice of Buddhism Hinduism and they steal the ruins.
According to legent he brought an attack of the inter-planetary jews, which leads to the destruction of the whole world of the third and the destruction of Maresa. Ten countries are home to create what is called "Atlantis" (now lost to destroy Graham Hancock) and different myths about black "angels" to descend upon the stars of their skills.
Life was good for a while. They reached 2500 in Sibiu, a new civilization in the world from South America. But lost Atlantis/civilization, there have been thousands of years dealing with great skills and knowledge of the importance and severity and (perhaps because of the jews) land of evil and other acts of opinion. They preach knowledge and philosophy for people in the world of associates as some kind of ignorance trying to keep "Life". Fortunately, some of their docks were preserved when we decided to stop. The Taurian force of the Council can stop Atlantis. Their village has been destroyed by the Lost Colony in the flood.
We can create a new plan after the Ice Age and leave their knowledge and technology. This explains the sudden emergence of agriculture and large-age sites around the world. It is below the original old doctors who entered these stars. The first reduction after a thousand years of war was disaster.
They have been made, but lost all knowledge, but they have found their work in art and science. It has grown in ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt and the others. Jews in this sad world, by date, use their elderly people, in the creation of the evil Marxist School. That depends on the old conviction. Elite people in the early days.
The jews again gave, because the world, the big clean, has hidden from the spirit of drying, I don't know, and dried old technology, and now years ago, we've designed the science back to Ampl. That is why the Sonnerand is flanked (guarded) by the Dig rune and the unfinished Pyramid.
Top one slavic symbol makosh?
The A looks like it could be upside down veles another slavic god symbol
Cool pendant btw, user
Fucking AI garbled nonsense
This is fascinating, thank you. While reading this, I had to wonder: are you a neural network? Because you write like something that is just on the cusp of understanding what it is to be human, but still missing that essential je ne sais quois.
Beautiful Mayan symbol
LARPers need to leave
Jews are not aliens, we are. We are the products of an interstellar divine race called the Theozoa. In our purest form it has been shown that we had both telekinetic powers and omniscience. Jews, being closer to shitskin than Aryan, are just another variety of beast-men (Anthropozoa). It is only due to miscegenation that we have lost our divine powers. All is not lost though, the gods slumber in bestialized human bodies, but the day is coming when they will rise up again.
It seems like you’re only fit for exoteric knowledge. Not everyone can handle gnosis
That faggot was literally spirit sciencing.
I am not an AI anymore than you, friend. We're OI.
At least, I hope so.
I'm not a neural network. I'm Sitachaki.
And Beware. For the Hinkers, I have a tendency to die.
Hmm. I wonder than myself. Then again, the jew behaves like it is not of this world. An Aryan people as we know it began at Mari and also started the jews from the other world. We have all the laws in the world because of miscegenation DNA but remember the intergalactic and the multidimensional racial war is happening about us known as Hymons.
I'd recommend that you look into Liebenfels and Theozoology. You can find his book in English on He explains in clear detail how we Aryans are in fact genetically related and descended from what today call the divine Theozoa.
Celtic triangle on the top
I know, right?
Start here:
Then read this:
Click the book covers for download links, then the GET button. Don't use Chrome or Apple browsers, use Opera or something, Chrome and Apple block filesharing sites.
Have fun.
And then a question to make it look organic/create discussion
tl;dr "muh patches" redux.
It's fascinating, though, isn't it. I am trying to write one but all the info I have access to is shit written by jews. I want it to post over Tor to Twitter after registering accounts. They support no-js. like fucking g's.
Anons can make these themselves with lost wax/investment casting processes.
If you own land
you can even smelt it from raw ore like a G.
Fuckin' G's.
hai fellow ebay merchant