Not as your primary source of income, but perhaps as a way to invest (at risk) a small chunk of your monthly disposable income. Whatever you're comfortable *potentially* losing, I guess.
So is it worth it? Can you get away with just spending 30-60 minutes on it a day? Maybe longer over weekends. A guy at my gym is getting by solely on trading (and he doesn't come from money), so he must be doing something right to get decent returns.
I think it's clearly important that we advance ourselves financially. A strong stable job is one thing, but if there's money to be made on the side… you'd be foolish not to. The question is which way forward is the best in terms of a time: money-back ratio.
If only there was a big network containing information on almost every subject. If only there was a way to easily find that information Not going to spoonfeed you lazy faggot.
Options trading > Forex. Limited losses (as long as you go don't write them), unlimited gains, heavily leveraged. Just one thing: Do not confuse CFDs and options. CFD losses aren't limited at all. I wouldn't rely on it too much though, remember that the finance markets are all a jewish game.
Nathaniel Clark
Better off trading crypto… Eth is gonna boom in the coming weeks ;)
William Ross
I don't think so. If you just do it on the side, your probably going to blow your stack and then never come back to it again. 90% of forex traders lose money and give up. It's definitely possible to make money at it but you have to put in so much study to do so that it's not really going to be a "side job" at that point.