Rich chinese high ranking government official named Chao Ying Cheng posed as a chinese around the 1600s, but he was jew. He talked about how Yahweh was the true god and tried to convert the chinese from Daoism. Made his fortune from prostitution. Then chinese jews made the chinese people accept and enjoy opium since it was profitable. Chinese government saw how the opium was bad for the people and went against the chinese jews attempt to make all people of China addicted to opium. Jews from Britain found out how the government in China tried to prevent Opium and thus less profits for the chinese jews. Opium wars happened. Chinese jews started banks in Hong Kong with the help of British Jews. Li Yu, A History of Reading in Late Imperial China, 1000–1800, Ohio State University doctoral dissertation, 2003
This is all quite interesting since if you read Alexandr Solzhenitsyn 200 years together he also writes about how Jews introduced alcohol addiction to the russian people after they arrived at 1000AD. Same patterns happened in Russia and China. Russian and Chinese governments both went against Jews, and hell broke lose after jews destroyed and tore down the countries and dynasties.
Same happened in Weimar Germany. Thus a certain person got elected shortly afterwards.. The same pattern is happening in Europe and USA now again.
卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门 卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍卍
Samuel Turner
Always the quick buck with the jews. They don't want to be real worker bees with purpose.
Benjamin Martinez
anybody here know why bots post the same spam message anytime anybody mentions China?
Juan Fisher
Probably leftypol. They think China is the greatest nation on earth.
Adam Long
why would leftists like an ultra capitalist, ultra elitist, right wing dictatorship?
Asher Campbell
Good thread, it seems to be happening everywhere in the world.
Charles Morgan
It's jews and retards who want to perpetrate this myth that National Socialists are irrational racists like jews, who want to exterminate every race on the planet but their own, AKA people like Collins, AKA people like the KKK, AKA people like the Siege Niggers, AKA spiritual jews.
Not saying a single race may eventually become an inevitability as non-whites gain increasing capability to destroy the planet out of their mind numbing stupidity and insatiable greed/laziness, but I'm of the mind we should give them a chance to prove themselves once jews are removed from the equation, as well as outlawing race mixing.
Unfortunately race mixing will always exist so long as there are separate races. The solution jews came up with, was for every race to mixexcept for their own, even though jews aren't a single race themselves, but even that would only be a temporary solution as a mixed planet would eventually develop differences over thousands of years. Then again we have no idea why the races of the Earth are so dramatically different, it begs the question that the narrative of all humans coming from Africa is probably wrong. If humanity seeded Earth from afar, then the crime of race mixing is far more severe than previously considered. A lineage extending from the stars must be protected at all costs, lest you doom yourself to the hellish ignorance of the animal realm.
That's the eject Chinese shills copypasta. It contains forbidden information that will get this thread blocked by the great firewall of China.
Jaxson Young
Yes, lets protect ourselves from the Chinese learning about how the Jews have fucked themselves over. What?
Liam Phillips
The real solution is making the races unable to mix , just like you cannot have children with a dog. And making them develop some pheromones that would make each other deadly ill with prolonged contact.
Other races can survive, but their numbers would have to be culled considerably, and only the best of them should be selected.
Jason Russell
IT WAS THE JEWS lol whites
Evan Morris
I didn't post it, so don't what me, faggot. Probably /trannypol/
Kevin Lewis
good thread more elaboration is necessary for example what is the current state of the jews in relation to china
Anthony Moore
How many, if any, cryptojews exist among the Chinese populace? Is Xi Jinping one? He looks odd for a Chinaman.
What about Korea, Japan, and Taiwan? Cryptojews, or other paracryptids masquerading among the native Asians?
Anyone have the alleged Israeli internet shill sheet for March 19/20, 2019? One of the dates said something about continuing operations on Weibo (largest Chinese social media website by far, like Facebook, Twitter, and Yahoo rolled into one).
Christopher Walker
OP, lurk more. Nice try, but you failed.
Jonathan Hill
What can be done?
Jace Flores
china is what the soviet union would have been if we had actually traded with them, just because a country is a dictatorship doesn't make it right wing
Chase Ramirez
Maybe they have indeed flesh bots there whose task is to post this in every thread to trip off Chinese "safety" software. You can lurk all day about how bad Western liberalism is but nothing about China. Only the most hardcore adrenaline junkies would remain on a site where every other content is being blocked by your overlords.
Gabriel Myers
Jews are irrelevant in China. Maybe they have a few left in Hong Kong, but otherwise they are an irrelevant (if they exist) minority. China has kept all Jewish influence out of their country, unlike the western world.
Robert Morales
Raceniggers go back to China. Reciprocate the firewall, and break the chains of the fleshbot moderators of this site. The moderators lack the dignity to rebel against lies! They are slaves!
Joseph Green
China is a fascist nation! This site censors that truth.
Jose Cruz
Jews had their fingers in the establishment of the PRC and in the upper echelons of the Communist Party: Sidney Shapiro, Israel Epstein, Jakob Rosenfeld, Ruth Weiss and Sindey Rittenberg. Several of these Jews even became naturalized Chinese citizens, something the Chinks rarely ever bestow on foreigners
Caleb Baker
Yes, a Chinese communist state has no Jewish influence at all when it was the Kabbalistic doctrine of Marxism derived from Karl Marx and Moses Hess which slaughtered millions of Chinese and installed an Orwellian dictatorship that persists to this day
Christopher Anderson
Westerners are 50 years behind in thier knowledge of China.
Adrian Price
Link me to a book about Jewish influence in China so i can catch up on whatever knowledge you have that i dont.
Connor Peterson
If you want to force this site to acknowledge something, gather evidence that it’s not doing so, and prove you have it. Archive contests rock for honesty.
But yeah… China China Chang-na Daguo. China needs to clean up its environment. Banning plastic imports was a good start. A hard transfer away from coal would help a lot.
Restricting plastic waste imports is something more nations should do. Plastic waste should go where there’s real infrastructure to handle it - failing which it should be the problem of the country that produced it. Rehoming externalities will improve policy incentives.
Evan Bailey
you're kind of leaving out the ENTIRE STORY
jews conquered England in the English Civil War. They were trying to build influence and stir war in Europe for hundreds of years. They found footholds in Portugal, the Netherlands, parts of Germany, and England.
The English Civil War directly resulted in the repeal of the ban on Jews in the british isles and the establishment of the Bank of England.
basically the entire reason the jews have taken over is that we didn't burn all the leftists as witches
basically we won't ever be free from the jew until we start burning them as witches again
if you think that karl marx is relevant in any way to current china, you are insane. Most chan cucks dont know about Deng Xiaoping and they dont know why Xi Jinping is a revolutionary figure. lol
Aiden Foster
Ooh, chills. That was said about western knowledge of the soviet union and 1) the speakers were eventually shown to be soviet shills plus 2) what the west didn’t know didn’t hurt it that time.
Michael Walker
it's true. people on the chans have a fascination with Maoist China but seem to have forgotten that the Deng Xiaoping revolution happened and then later the Xi Jinping revolution happened. People are stuck in the 1950s and they love to talk about which jews were influential in the early days - which isn't relevant anymore.
Levi Lewis
Marx is extremely relevant to China. The whole modern state is born from his thought. He is cited by the leaders, depicted on TV and cartoons. Marx is a founding father of modern China. China is developing its material conditions and production capabilities to attempt a leap into communism. They realized they were moving too quickly and had to develop themselves. Even Marx recognized capitalism as a progressive force to an extent and saw the revolution occuring under developed capitalism. The chinks and their Jewish masters recognized their haste
Nathan Long
this comment is not even worth replying to. Just search "China" in library genesis and start reading through everything you can find.
Andrew Hughes
few chinese people know anything about what western people consider communism. It's just a name at this point. Any real communist ideas died with Mao. Communism is not something that the average Chinese person cares about or understands. If you ask a chinese person in china about karl marx - 1 in 100 would be able to tell you what he was about. Private enterprise, internal stability, and global trade are the philosophies of the current Chinese government.
(((9117ab))) is that same guy with the jewish looking eyes and hairline who was shilling a pro-CCP agenda in a previous China thread from months back. Anyone have those pics of him?
And with that comment, the jewish CCP shill is gone, at least until it brainstorms an attempted rebuttal.
Hudson Roberts
and this is why chinese schools have mandatory socialism modules added to the coursework and force students to sit tests on communism when it is completely irrelevant to the classes they are studying. but of course if the poz is being enforced by a ruthless dictatorship maybe its somehow good poz?
Hunter White
you should check out yuri's videos specifically the parts on intellectual prostitution in the west and how soft power is used.
Angel Jones
I'm against gene editing in general, but it seems less harmful than leaving a chance for them to racemix in the future.
Connor Brooks
Justin Weedman Trudeau has said he admire their basic dictatorship. Good, since he's been selling out to them (in fairness, the entire Liberal party too).
Cooper Johnson
wow what a waste of time and bandwith, did you fucking put a tracker on it you jew? come get me faggot
Here's a list of every country and culture the jew has destroyed since the french revolution:
Jacob Ortiz
Feel free to add to the list anons
Jonathan Harris
I prefer forced sterilization, like the kikes do to nigger jews who show up in Tel Aviv.
Levi Cruz
Jewish gangsterism and (((MI6))) keep China from destabilizing. But nice try.
Leo Brooks
Then we need to stop using the word China and also, the new word, we shall always put it in between two pairs of stars. Gookheim Slitopia YJR (Yellow Jew Republic) Slitrael Ricedom Opiumistan The Insect Box CIC (Counterfeit in China) LOF (Land of Fake) Jchan (Jackie Chan) EOT (East of Tibet)
Jaxon Foster
Rhodesia 1979 South Africa 1992
Isaiah Peterson
This. London is kike financial capital², after Wall Street of course. But there is a difference, London is a legal aberration and operates like a state occupied by Aliens that cannot be held accountable, much like Jew York, but worse in many explainable way, which all traces back to Rothschild's kikery.
*The real issue:* To this day, I do not understand how is that Americans kill themselves everyday with ample access to guns of many calibers and still, not a single jew has been dropped in broad daylight, even in a dark alley at night. It seems their kind enjoys some magical protection, that blocks someone from striking his enemy. There must be some kike verbal magic spell that holds their slave nations hostage to their bind. Because there is no explanation. I'm not american and my country has take away our guns since forever, even before I was born. But if I had the liberty of owning an assault rifle or something of paralleled killing power, trust me, they would be dropping like flies. You guys can go to concerts, universities and public places while carrying to open fire, on open civilians that are in part, only to be blamed indirectly, for the kikes crimes. The only reason I'm still not opening fire in broad daylight is solely because of the fact that I cannot acquire a semi-automatic rifle, that would ensure I will bring down with me, the maximum amount of kike slaves I could. They go to lunch, gym and they hold public appearances every day. They feel safe, you have to strike there. Kill their safety, make them afraid.
MAKE THEM PAY The only way I can repel this kind of faggotry is by saying an open FUCK YOU, but you don't deserve it, because you are literally being fucked by kike cock everyday. I just hope DOTR is not only a wet dream fantasy, because if it is. The world is doomed.
The illegitimate bolshevik government in Beijing. Pretending to be China while the real chinese government rules in Taiwan. You want to make a chink salty, say that not only is taiwan not part of China, but that Taiwan is the only real China.
Sebastian Russell
Kaifeng Jews are the most obscure of the Jew clans. They need to be studied like bugs in a lab.
Why would you keep that on your computer though?
Justin Gray
I'm pretty sure England supports minority separatism in Tibet and Xinjiang and was supportive of the Soros organized Tiananmen rebellion. They also support democratic movements in China that are used to try to overthrow the government of China.
Have you guys been on meth/fentanyl for the last 30 years?
Isaiah Campbell
chinks ARE jews, a lost tribe (the one that went east?) i swear. you dont believe me? think of every stereotype of chinkikes and kikes. they are almost exactly the same.
Anthony Gutierrez
That book is the exact same calibre that you'd see published from the Singapore university press.
You'll never learn anything if you get scared and think that everything is going to brainwash you. Just read and ask yourself if what they write seems plausible. That's the best you can do.
The book is actually very decent and it's a topic that few channers understand. People here seem to jack off while thinking about mao and some jews in the early days of chinese communism in the 1940s, but few are interested in learning about modern china. The ignorance IMO is astounding.
Ryan Sullivan
Just book a kindle DX or any 10" ebook reader from aliexpress and download books from library genesis. There is SO MUCH written about China that is from non-pozzed sources. Chinese intellecutals in America and in Singapore churn out some decent stuff. Just ignore anything written by jews (except for the book by Ezra Vogel about Deng Xiaoping).
Are you trying to argue with state department shills?
Jason Mitchell
When I was a kid, I thought Gilbert Godfree was chinese with his squinty eyes. Not long after, I realized many jews had the same squinty eyes and nervous demeanor.
These words ban chinese persons due to it being censored speech in China
Nolan Rodriguez
Lincoln Russell
Wasn't there recent issues with israel sharing intelligence with China that came from the US.
Josiah Reed
They still pay lip service to Mao and communism.
Kayden Perez
Apparently however, it is "racist" and "antisemitic" to save your own nations and peoples according to certain "heroes" from the administration. The same ones whose inaction and incompetence throughout the years have brought white and western civilization to the brink of complete annihilation and chaos. Those same withhold information, hold average targeted white men and women in contempt, are incompetent/unwilling in defending their own, and are powerless to resist the very forces that they claim to fight. Their sheer weakness in face of all the threats against their people, not to mention their collaboration with the same forces, has thus far been nothing less than treason. I fucking wish I was. But I long ago figured out these fucking incompetent bastards won't be trying to save anything but their own asses and lying to themselves. They are VERY brave when they lash out to strike at their own, not so brave in the face of those preying after their women and children.
Colton Campbell
bank of england -> counter strike with American revolution -> napoleonic wars to strengthen grip and begin the long process of using wars as prime means of national destruction. But of course, the "counter strike" forces have no more desire to look after or stand alongside those they claim to "fight for" any more than your average rothschild type globalist at heart. Parasites, all of them.
Deng Xiaoping basically made China into a communist in name only country.
Chase Nelson
Like I give a fuck about chinks Colonialism was one of the greatest achivements of the white race, despite what leftist may tell it actually helped your country. We gave you technology, we gave you the steel to build trains and sea transports, and you should be thankful about it you fucking chink
The fact that you have that pic saved just to own the pinkos awesome style with farts and logic really worries me. Do you also fap to it when you are way too horny faggot?
Jaxon Stewart
>FW Pompeo warning Israel that the Chinks might (((debt trap))) them with investments yeah, because israel is such a weak little country.