Why do jews keep pretending he didn't write this in his manifesto:
>A jew living in Israel is no enemy of mine, so long as they do not seek to subvert or destroy my people.
Why do jews keep pretending he didn't write this in his manifesto:
>A jew living in Israel is no enemy of mine, so long as they do not seek to subvert or destroy my people.
First for legalisation of swastika
Ha ha oh god, might even have a Brenton Tarrant general.
Swastika is legal in the US, just socially unacceptable.
Social acceptance then
no archive because lazy, Pakistan is in pic related
Tarrant got ISIS tier training from Mossad handlers, prove me wrong
Basically not a Savage, he is aware of the kike and it's ways… Why are you faggots letting simple English fly over your head?
Evidently many people here did let the implication fly over their heads. Either that or kikes are still massively butthurt at Tarrant.
You must prove yourself right first.
Funny how it's the jews who implicate themselves here.
Millions of Whites are suffering from poverty, unemployment, sickness, homelessness, dispair and agony.
They have no where to go, no one to help them as Whites have no one representing them. The State tells them to fuck off because they are White. I see this first hand daily in real life.
You did this White Nationalists/Alt Right
with your larping, Nazi porn, vulgar mentally ill politics and doxing/derailing every attempt by Whites to create something that would work. You are the real enemy of Whites. You created the political climate for this to happen. And you continue to give aid and comfort to our enemies who wish to exterminate us by forever denying our right to self defense.
Kikes have been butthurt about Tarrant since March.
It never stopped.
You provided no evidence to examine. There is no proof of your claim, thus I have no reason to provide counter-claims.
Why did you make another thread, you fucking kike?
Nobody bought your bullshit the day after the cleansing. Nobody buys it now. Kill yourself kike.
Kill yourself boomer fed kike kikestian niggerlover schizo shill.
Arguing with the shills are pointless.
Better spend time training and planning.
What part of the OP is bullshit?
Yeah that's the point. Jews ALWAYS subvert and destroy whites, so there is no Jew that isn't an "enemy". If you look at other things he says, it should be obvious to anyone.
False flaggots, shills and schizos ignore obvious nods towards the tribe. Shills do it to discredit Tarrant. Shills and kikes have been kvetching about Tarrant since the day his attack happened, pulling out retarded points directly from their asses in order to discredit and slow down the movement. Ignore shills, kikes, and schizos.
Also if you notice my OP is in direct contrast to the other OP despite having the same title. I kept the title for reasons.
By continuing a conversation that was finished in March you're just as bad.
Reminder that this is a shill thread. Pic very much related.
Remider Tarrant calls for total expulsion of all Jews from Europe and is okay with them living in separate space ONLY if they do not harm or subvert white countries.
Reminder he also says the same about Muslims, yet shills don't call him pro-muslim.
Reminder to report the spammer thread.
This is also a shill post, presents "information" already debunked hundreds of times. See infographics here:
Ever since that moment this place has seen more subversive shilling, sliding and kikery from the mods than ever before, even moot wasn't this gay. They've been sweating bullets ever since.
Just imagine if just 10 Tarrants made a plan together and they all attack different places in the same country, WEW @ ZOG. That's just 10, now imagine weekly attacks by whites just like the weekly muslim attacks, niggers getting their skull crushed in the dark only to be found the next day all over a nation,
My claim is that Tarrant had visited Israel and Pakistan to recieve training from Mossad as both those nations are notorious for spawning terrorists in their terrorist training grounds protected by America and Israel
My second claim is that in pussyfooting around the jewish question when he has already committed to 50 kills, yet he is shy to mention the responsibility that the jews played in getting the muslims into the country, shows that he doesnt want the public that reads his manifesto to be pointed to the direction of the jew
He left bread crumbs that only those already in the know would pick up and the normies would overlook and ignore
Third is the fact that he wasnt the only shooter and yet this fact is constantly overlooked and only Tarrant recieves all the attention as a lone wolf despite the evidence being right there that he wasnt alone, which begs the question: How many more people were involved?
He had the perfect oppurtunity to name the jew and didnt
There is only one reason for that in my mind
True, documented and admitted by Tarrant himself.
Absolutely zero proof of this claim, this is the one I take issue with.
There's no proof to anything you say at all.
Tarrant didn't say he visit Israel.
Also we don't have confirmation he visited Israel other than "some Israeli official said" on RT.
He didn't point at the Jew directly in order to not take away from the overall effect of his attack. The knew that the public will be more supportive of an attack against the Muslims than an attack against the Jews. By not naming the Jew directly he ensured more public support, even from people who still fall for the "antisemitism!" shrieking, but do not care about being called "islamophobic". The fact that he also posted on here, and the media picked that up, means that people who wouldn't have found this board before will go here after hearing it from the media, and will find all the redpills about the Jews here. It was a good strategy.
If he named the Jew right there in the manifesto directly, the cuckservatives and alt-liters would have just called him an antisemite, ignoring the point of his attack. It would have lowered his public support in general.
Guess you guys are right. I must have been confused with the Pakistan post combined up with that RT article. My bad. The shill I responded to is 100% fag instead of just 95%
No actually buying chinese products, jews did 9/11, the 2008 housing collapse and a muslim president did that to them but nice try kike.
Aaand none of that was mentioned in his manifesto. Like Breivik he's willingly missing the elephant in the room.
It did though.
I'm glad he did, because Tarrant needs to be exposed for the crypto-zionist, alt-kike POS that he is.
TRS USED THAT SAME EXCUSE WHILE THEY WERE BEING DOXED. Some of us haven't forgotten. Go back to TRS fagets.
Funny because Tarrant is not a zionist at all.
Kike is running out of label I guess.
Who's pretending to like zionists?
Please learn how to read before continuing to post
This is the only good reply Ive seen that seems reasonable, thank you for actually taking the time and effort, user
I wish you good luck and safe travels, 88
Yep, righto Maurice.
Except this OP is pro-Tarrant in it's message. The other ones on the catalog are not. Just because I used the same image and title doesn't mean it's the same thread. Was Hitler a Communist because part of the National Socialist flag was red? Nope. Was he a socialist because of National "Socialism"? Nope.
Ya liking this aye kike? Lampshade for you.
I see you've still refused to learn how to read. Sad. Filtered.
Dogwhistles, winks and nudges weren't good enough for Spencer or Enoch, and they aren't good enough for Tarrant. There are no good jews, and they have to be named in no uncertain terms. I learned that during the TRS doxing, and I won't forget it. I'm not giving Tarrant a pass just for taking out a few low-value targets.
It's actually a straight forward message if you are literate.