Hope no one fell for this kike's psyop here.
The curious case of (((Brenton Tarrant)))
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Fuck off Ahmed
That darned kike psy-op of keeping Europe for europeans.
There there.
While not even blaming the culprits. Who the fuck are you trying to fool here yid?
I know! Anyone who does anything other than complaining online is a shill!
The culprits are the invaders.
Who do you think you are fooling here?
Who let them in?
Daily reminder that there was no blood at all in the videos.
Who let the invaders in?
Surprisingly, white men.
Reminder that this is a shill thread. Pic very much related.
Remider Tarrant calls for total expulsion of all Jews from Europe and is okay with them living in separate space ONLY if they do not harm or subvert white countries.
Reminder he also says the same about Muslims, yet shills don't call him pro-muslim.
Reminder to report the spammer thread.
I am actually going to agree with you there. The ultimate blame does lie with the whites who sold their country to the jews. But jews were the biggest enablers of that change. Whites are not unfucking themselves until the jew is named and blamed.
Can jet fuel melt steel beams?
Aksually, jews, arabs and chinks are gonna win forever if white men still wait for "jews to be named".
That's some sort of mental wall by itself.
There's literally nothing stopping white men from killing jews.
Reminder that's a copout because its a very hypothetical scenario and not based in reality, where jews are subverting white country right now.
Tarrant also has the issue of worshipping a zionist.
Here, (((OP))) even if he is a Mossad, jewish, false-flag, psyop plant;
His happening was executed so amazingly that it works in white's interests.
That's why (((you're))) here.
Yeah some mud is clearly pissed lol
Funny how the expulsion of jews is not based in reality.
Why don't you try doing it in real life?
And Breivik renounced being a zionist.
>Here, (((OP))) even if he is a Mossad, jewish, false-flag, psyop
Stopped reading there. Get out yid.
He refers to them as hebrews and other things too. You have to actually read it rather than ctrl + F
Now the white men just need to vote in baste non-white politicians who hate Israel.
That's when jews are to be named and white men can get their mojo back.
It's hilariously pathetic.
Odd. It's like he's a white ethno-nationalist.
Too late. He had his norse firmly planted in the kike's buttcheeks. He's gonna after to do something more than just renounce, just because he figured he wasn't as popular as he thought he would become.
Cunt listen, you can hate kikes and be aware without sounding like a full on 8chin faggot…
Seig heil and will be springing Brenton soon.
It's never too late.
It's funny to see your narrative falling.
Also reminding, shill-prevention duty here. All "arguments" shills push to "prove" it was a "false flag" are debunked in infographics here: .
He gets a bullet and so do you.
Oy vey goy, the people shouldn't know about Tarrant and his firm political ways…
Much blood packs and red clothed markers… Subvert the white dogs…
Someone have the brenton tarrant video ?
what about all those kikes that were literally standing on the beaches of Greece with maps of Europe and flares to signal down boats of muzzies from Turkey? Or are we supposed to have forgotten about that by now?
Just fuck off moarpheus.
No one fell for it. The kikes will still try and astroturf this patsy, though.
If only the white men can you know? Bring up the guns and shoot at the boats.
You forgot to mention the niggers.
These whites swore allegiance to the jews and brings muslim to their countries.
Try it, yid.
Tarrant should have mentioned the JQ. At best you can claim he referenced it slyly but then gave jews a way out (if they don't subvert) without holding them responsible for present crime. Muslims in the west is primarily their fault.
The victim class continues
Fell for what?
Muslims in the west is primarily the white men's fault for enabling them.
See how muslims don't even dare to come into Israel.
When was the Holocaust 1.0?
Don't worry about it, Chaim. Just do your thing.
Many of them were very young and could be changed. I was a liberal before I discovered Zig Forums. A zionist massacred whites and you are celebrating the cause. That is why no remorse will be felt when Israel and jews are crushed mercilessly. The whole world will celebrate.
Yeah, just like young jews can be educated to hate the jews.
Spare the bullshit, examples must be made.
Didn't you say traitors need to get the 1st bullet?
LOL, keep LARPing.
OK, Mordecai.
We are talking about human beings. Not jews.
Many niggers were killed with the "whites" there.
Are you sure they are human beings?
Goyim all the same. Even the most niggerest tranny from Africa is more human than any kike alive.
That's literally baste.
We are all humans, except the yids.
Capable of truth after all.
Nice but what's the point, just Jews and shrills on here.
I won't share that "truth".
Niggers ain't humans.
Funny how Zig Forums becomes super baste if it comes down to yids.
Compared to jews, yes they are. Otherwise jews wouldn't see them as goy cattle.
Jews see every races as goy cattle.
Doesn't mean we have to adopt the jew view and see niggers as humans.
And no, even compared to jews, nigger ain't humans.
Precisely, that is why they are every single race's worst enemy. The negro must all name the jew.
Funny how Breivik cannot change and renounce zionism, but the traitor whores can get changed and become le redpilled.
It's all a sham in order to discredit Breivik, nothing more.
136 AD
I don't fight jews so that I can share land with negros.
Now piss off to Africa and redpill your niggers there.
Exactly. Shills are going all out today, I wonder what suddenly made (((them))) so scared…
Good answer, but the dead was not done.
One of the killed hoardes of human beings while sniffing jew farts. The other went to a camp that could easily be undone with a few redpills. Like I said, jews will be destroyed mercilessly.
Hahaha stay mad heeb.
Yeah I'm sure the committed left-wing faggots/socialists/traitors that have been indoctrinated since their childhood would have been changed using "a few redpills". You know it would take much longer to redpill them than to redpill some cuckservative or alt-liter.
Said man killed traitors. As you said, traitors get the bullet first.
How exactly?
I'm still waiting for the jews to be destroyed mercilessly.
Look how easily even sjw's are turning against israel just because of Ilhan Omar. Its all very possible. The world knew the truth about jews once and it will know that again. Your pilpul is useless.
Start by severing ties with all your kike friends.
Said zionist killed whites and will hang.
And this is in, you cannot be racist anymore.
We are all human beings, except the yids.
Here's a redpill for you, the SJW have always been against israel because they are an apartheid state.
So the redpill is useless?
What kike friends?
Nope, said man killed traitors, and traitors get the bullet first.
You're going into the oven, shlomo. There's nothing you can write here that's going to change that.
Zionists get the bullet, sorry.
Actually, traitors get the bullets.
Funny how shills can't even be consistent in their own ideology.
So the plan is a gun confiscation so that white can fight against it?
What's the bad thing?
This was posted in the previous thread as well?
Am I seeing Groundhog day? Am I insane for keep responding to these shills?
Nice try, but there was no mass confiscation. There was little to no confiscation at all, actually. And what's more, exactly the opposite is happening - Zealanders are buying more guns than ever, to the point where many shops report being sold out. And again and again; if you understand freedom as "what the zog allow me" and you are ready to accept it's every whim and change in your rights, then you are already lost. This is not political idea, this is politicized cowardice what you are pushing. Fuck off.
What is this supposed to prove?
jews cannot understand zionists have no claim to take any human life, much less a WHITE life. Its a simple concept.
Know it well.
Yeah, no, TRAITORS get the bullet first, no matter if it's white, black or yellow.
Know it well.
rotten yid
How is it not "authentic"?
The shill can't even maintain their own ideology.
Visiting muslims ethnostates is such a typical thing for white nationalists to do. I mean (((white nationalists))).
Aksually, Pakistan is not an ethnostate and has plenty of ethnicity in it.
And Tarrant is an ethnonationalist, what's wrong with visiting muslim states?
Too bad kike. Name the jew. Blame the jew.
Are you fucking retarded? How is that a bad thing? Are you supposed to stay in your country your whole life or is in your braindead empty head forbidden to travel to different countries? Exactly the opposite, it's vital to travel the world, because it shows how important ethnonationalism and white sovereignty is. Nothing will show you the importance of 14 words as traveling. Especially to countries which are a) ethnostates b) multicultural hellholes c) vastly different culture.
Fuck off with your schizo drivel you disgusting idiot.
True shlomo, but they are majority muslim. So typical of white nationlists to go to Pakistan, lol.
As always, shills can't maintain their ideology.
He visited pissrael too. Very odd selection of countries for a white nationalist. Just saying, no need to get defensive.
How is it not typical?
I guess white "nationalists" should stay true to the boomer stereotype of never leaving their home?
Aksually, there's no evidence he visited Israel.
The odd thing is that israeli officials come out saying he visits Israel, but that doesn't raise suspicions for the mossad shills, weird.
U true ratard. Turkey and Pakistan… Trentan is a sponsored shooter
No, fuck off you narrative-pushing cripple.
No, it is not. Even if there would be some actual proof he did visited Israel (and there is not beyond a mention of "some Israeli official" on RT) it wouldn't be in any way "strange". Tarrant visited exactly the places that make sense - battle-sites against Muslim world in Balkans, multicultural hellholes like France, alien ethnostates like North Korea and even rather authentic muslim world like Pakistan. What do you think Israel is, beyond the center of our enemy? It is also the site full of history of Crusades, which obviously Tarrant is interested in.
I swear, take your fucking meds you double-debil.
Listen here goy. Visiting countries that spawn muzzie terrorists is just a typical tourist destination for authentic white nationalists to go!
Now stop asking questions and worship your hero Brenton Tarrant, kill more muslims before they destroy my ethnostate.
At what? The OK sign?
inb4 the OK sign really ought to be banned because it's freemason handsignal
So…you don't like Pakistan, but you don't like killing muslims invaders in western countries.
Are you a paki by chance?