White patriarchy when?

The Jewish problem was ALWAYS known but women were ALWAYS recognized as the worst evil WAKE UP!! Hitler was not in on some big secret and neither are you.

Jews were always heavily criticized, killed and expelled from European states. When Jews were allowed to live, they were often supposed to wear separate dresses so that they would be recognized. Sometimes, interacting with jews was frowned upon. Jews were regarded as the worst of MEN because of their religious teachings, but women were recognized as INHERENTLY EVIL. Hitler was a feminist and woman-worshiper. No wonder he was so abusive.

Beware of evil feminazi men who put you down when women are around. Women are not just evil, they encourage men to be evil. Alpha male, loser, nice guy/bad boy, grow a pair etc. And THIS.. is the cause of most, if not all the evil in nightlife, workplaces, neighborhoods, schools & families

- Women claim to want equality, but make sport of men as their ATMs and slaves.
- They often talk down to us and make it obvious that they "look down" on us (either as a group or individual men)
- In private, they argue viciously because they want to make you feel bad and question your own sanity.
- All "traditional women" want to make you their workhorses.
- They turn men against their friends, brothers and parents.
- They also turn boys against their fathers and indoctrinate them to become feminazis.
-They play the husband's victim even though they've been leeching off him and treating him like a slave.
-80-91% divorces are filed by women because they don't care about the emotions of their sons nor about family.
-Women's liberation is the root cause of loneliness today.
-They all support the ongoing oppression of men in one way or another.
-They will never approach you because they want to hold the power and make it seem as if you need them more than they need you.
-WOMEN KNOW NOTHING OF MORALITY. They make your life hell in marriage because they can't control their urge to make you feel bad.
-They lie shamelessly about rape, what they said/meant, violence, their height/appearance etc.
-They claim they don't want to be objectified yet without patriarchy to keep them in check they'll start wearing tight/short/revealing clothes to entice you.
-They are the source of constant problems and sorrows.
-Women were always known to be highly evil if not the root of all evil.

Women should be sold, married off, traded and even captured like always. A man should have nothing to do with his wife except when he needs food or sex. Men have always been ill advised to keep the company of women, and rightfully so! Women of all ethnicities belong to the SAME EVIL RACE and this has ALWAYS BEEN known

Attached: pythagoras-mathematician-there-is-a-good-principle-which-created (1)

Too many white nationalists are no different from your average feminist bastard who gives women special treatment and abuses men. They are enemy #2 after women. Jews are #3.

I'd much rather live under the usury of Jews than be subject to constant humiliation and discrimination by women and their army. These white-knights will not stop until they're all murdered

Too obvious.

didn't read you blog post.
White patriarchy (kike term) = kiked and cucked
White male dominance over all things living except nature herself = natural
anything less is literally jewish subversion. Women are retarded is the baseline; only newfags think otherwise.

lol it's not constant but yeah the threat exists all the time

Jews would lose power if women lost their rights. Very quickly too. The ones who use temptation to manipulate can't exist without women who fall easily for temptation. They cannot cultivate virtue, and thus by definition cannot heed respect. They must be governed with fear.

Oh, it's this retard. Again. Honestly I dont know why you waste your time.

You think people can't see this? You really expect to be considered believable and trustworthy people who should be supported with posts like these? You're digging your own grave. Nothing can stop the return of patriarchy…
Wrong. The term goes back more than 1500 years at the very least. And even if it were a jew invented term, it wouldn't matter. It has a certain meaning and that's what matters.


Women are children. They will do whatever the law allows. Right now the laws have given them far too much power and they are exercising it. They are only as evil as they are allowed. Pretty simple.

imagine being this retarded.
way to out yourself as either a rabbi or a retard, bravo.

There's a massive difference between the innocence and extent of morality of a male child… and that of females. Why are you insulting male children? Women are not innocent. They know exactly what they're doing when they abuse and oppress men

When laws don’t force people into certain positions, they self-organize for the most part. What I am getting at is the battle of the sexes is an economy subject to supply and demand and all the other natural laws of economics. Women are shit now but eventually that will self-correct due to adaptive social pressures. Millennials and Zoomers are having less sex, getting married less and so on. This will put pressures on women to behave themselves better. The only problem is that billionaires like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, George Soros and so on are all dumping millions into feminist SJW shit. Without them, feminism and all associated retardation would be gone by now. It’s on its last leg, propped up only by the wealthy elite.

True but that is not what's being said here.
OP wants to convince us (or convince people that Zig Forums believes) that women are evil and that we should bring back slavery except only for women.
The funny thing is that I know OP from way back and he wants to do a hell of a lot more than ban women from the voting booth. He wants to unironically restructure society to resemble the liberal fantasy of the Handmaid's Tale. Replete with burning women alive, stoning them to death, and drowning them.
He's a sadist and I have no interest in enslaving anyone for any reason.

This. They are classic feminists and worship a feminist god (Hitler)
Not saying I'd do it, but I'd be happy to see them all dead

WRONG. Then why haven't men organized to oppress women for over 100 years? Men are too kind and are willing to live in an equal society, unlike women who are diabolical and will self organize to oppress men at every turn
WRONG. Women aren't people they're tools of satan
WRONG. Women were always known to be shit… so this is factually incorrect
MGTOW will continue to grow. We're tired of women!! Men were never supposed to have sex like this anyways until feminism
WRONG. Women do not care about marriage or family. These are patriarchal arrangements done by forcing women to obey men. A 50% divorce rate hasn't forced women to behave better and they've only become much worse over the years since the 1950s so you're not being factual

lol. Typical feminazi
Typical woman/brainwashed white-knight

It'll be legal to kill you in the future.

The OP contains facts about women's behavior and that too just a small fraction of them. Looking at things from a moral perspective, it is clear that women are far more evil than good and far more evil than men.

We're just asking for a return to traditional society. There's nothing wrong with giving abusive and oppressive beings the treatment they deserve, and they treatment they have always received by our ancestors for good reason.

First he was gay. Then he was a pedo. Then he had one testicle. Now he's a feminist.

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Correct. I hate them
I hate them
I really hate them
Yeah they're lying about being traditional. I hate women
Seen it happen way too often. I hate them
The story of every white family
I hate them but unfortunately we can't kill them
Let's attack the women's march and beat these bitches up
They certainly contribute to it. I really really hate women
I hate them
I hate them
Fuck modern marriage
I hate them
I hate these snakes
Unless you never see them

I really really hate their defenders too. They're extremely insulting and violent for women. Please let's have a new genocide FOR THE LOVE OF GOD

You rabbis are desperate aren't ya?

White nationalism is a feminist movement which naturally has many women members and supporters.

You meant ZOG society.

oh look its the same mossad kikes from the anti iran thread yesterday.

2nd operation as intelligence officer? still weak.

Hitler kissed women's feet so much that he gave them awards for "choosing" to produce more children while a patriarch would just command a woman to bend over and produce children.

Nobody can deny the facts

you write like a spastic. end yourself, faggot.

slightly incorrect, i'd say that the masculine nature is to want to act and dominate every extrinsic nature, everything it identifies as external and not accounted or incorporated in oneself

I knew this board was infested by women and feminists. Several rebellious women will be hung by their breasts and have their skulls bashed in if they refuse to comply

Hitler's way sounds more enlightened tbh famborghini

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Go back to China, raceniggers. Western countries aren’t patriarchal.

We're watching you feminists. And we don't like what we see. We know all your tricks and we're going to find you… and kill you all and torture your families taking your women in as our property - as our slaves

Typical woman / white-knight

OP truer words never spoken

I'm surprised it hasn't been said that womens liberation collapsed a number of civilizations including

Arab E

In fact there was never any "civilization" with free women. Even 99.9% of tribal societies that survived were patriarchal.

Apart from the blatant false accusations that are so typical of women and their liberal army… it's worth noting that a female was portrayed to say "get out" lol

That's what I'm advocating.
Not tying wailing women to stakes and burning them alive or putting them in front of cannons and blowing them apart with grape shot.

/r9k/, (((you))) get the woodchipper!



Attached: Rome.jpg (554x297, 76.29K)

Considering your four posts here you have not once said that women's property, education, career, divorce, disobedience, independence etc. rights should be taken away. Burning women for some crimes is a part of English culture and there's nothing wrong with it. However, its not a strict requirement for all societies. Nobody ever said that

You have not advocated for bringing back wife-beating or arranged/abduction marriages either which are central to controlling women. You actually post like a woman and it wouldn't be surprising if you turned out to be one.

Rome was founded and flourished as a strict patriarchy through a mass abduction and forced marriages of women, where men had the right to kill their wives for certain offenses, and beat them with clubs&whips for others

There is no evidence for that.

I'm with you and I'm not surprised that many white nationalists are bluepilled on women. Post redpills.

shitlibs agree, criticizing women is wrong because women are innocent pure angels and whenever they aren't innocent pure angels it's a man's fault.

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You're right about this – women aren't EVIL

muh EBIL!!

they just shouldn't have more rights than children. OP is a fag.

Third world mores stay in third world! Western nations are not patriarchal. We are happier without gaping iniquities.

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There is plenty of evidence. First and foremost, just look at his speech on women. He advocates for the true equality of women (based on their physical inferiority when he says something like – that's not equality, but inferior rights for women!). So yeah he was a quirky women's rights activist. Secondly, just look at the customs and norms in Nazi society. They're all full of first wave feminism. Just a few below:

Women in high schools and even university? CHECK
Women voting? CHECK
Women's property rights? CHECK
Did not bring back arranged (and abduction) marriages? CHECK
Women can divorce? CHECK
Wife beating illegal? CHECK
Said he wanted true equality? CHECK
Women exposing their bodies? CHECK
Women eligible to hold some jobs and get promoted? CHECK
Women receive alimony? CHECK
Women believed in court? CHECK
More first-wave feminist social practices? CHECK

Stop hopping IPs and agreeing with yourself. Fuck off woman.

Attached: 1459335584741.png (850x400 441.17 KB, 137.94K)

hundred years ago.

if you favor women over men just because women have babies (or just because you are a pent up incel larper) you are the problem.

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Lol, I’m an actual IP Hopper, but I’m not the otha guy this time.

lol that second picture is funny as hell. Unfortunately MGTOW has 2 very serious issues:

1. Women will continue roaming around freely with rights and privileges
2. Women are a necessary evil, and are required for mankind to continue

Why is this shit still up?
Is minimal moderation really too much to ask for?

You do realize you’re basically bitching that Hitler wasn’t sufficiently retarded-Muslim for you, right? You would slag huge amounts of productivity and make society poorer, sicker, dumber, and more miserable, because what, you can’t overcome slave ethics in yourself?

See what I mean?

Fuck off feminist bitch. Islam is actually less patriarchal than white patriarchies for several reasons including:

1. Women being believed in court
2. Limitations on beating
3. A daughter is entitled to inheritance

White/Indo-European patriarchy is the SUPREME PATRIARCHY and this is especially true with the Anglo-Saxon one where women are burned at the stake for some offenses and you're allowed to sell your wife. Greco-Roman is based too.

But, I'm certainly with you on this my fellow jew
Divide and rule
Divide and rule

Jesus christ, this must be the 6'000'000th time you subhuman shills have posted this shit.
We all know how it goes. First, there is the (1) and done OP, then he begins to switch IPs to try and generate the illusion of support, then other shills begin to stir the pot even more. In the end, Zig Forumsacks come out on top as always, the thread eventually dies, and you fuck off back to your holes.
Do yourselves a favor and just skip to the part where you fuck off, nobody is buying the semitic filth that you are selling.

I'll leave this here. Should be right up Ops alley

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Samefag alert. IP hopping woman / white-knight fanatic is on the offensive!

"Divide and rule" is a term used to refer to divisions between men. Women were always divided and segregated… this term was never applied to that division. Only a FEMINAZI can twist it to mean that but I won't let you get away with it. You are and will always be decimated using FACTS

Lol why do we need Islam when we have our own patriarchies?? xD What a ridiculous suggestion, if made by anyone

Divide and rule
Divide and rule
Divide and rule
Hitler a feminist

"Divide and rule" is FACTUALLY a term used to refer to divisions between men. Women were always divided and segregated… this term was never applied to that division. Only a FEMINAZI can twist it to mean that but I won't let you get away with it. You are and will always be decimated using FACTS

"Divide and rule" is FACTUALLY a term used to refer to divisions between men. Women were always divided and segregated… this term was never applied to that division. Only a FEMINAZI can twist it to mean that but I won't let you get away with it. You are and will always be decimated using FACTS

"Divide and rule" is FACTUALLY a term used to refer to divisions between men. Women were always divided and segregated… this term was never applied to that division. Only a FEMINAZI can twist it to mean that but I won't let you get away with it. You are and will always be decimated using FACTS

"Divide and rule" is FACTUALLY a term used to refer to divisions between men. Women were always divided and segregated… this term was never applied to that division. Only a FEMINAZI can twist it to mean that but I won't let you get away with it. You are and will always be decimated using FACTS

I spy a feminist

If you’re gonna clang clang and you won’t sit back with ylang ylang, at least ring the cowbell into different threads. One paragraph in four places works better than one paragraph repeated four times in line.

Actual viking women would have torn you limb from limb for being disrespectful, goyl.

Weren't most of the feminist leaders jewish plus weren't there a bunch of women who hated the feminists back then? Or am I wrong?

It's the closest a jew gets to physically fighting back

OP is part of the shills who create anti-Iran threads.
There is a active group pushing for kosher right here

Source for that claim?

JIDF's overtime bill is skyrocketing today. No wonder they need so much welfare from the US

Why would the same person make an anti-Iran thread and an anti-feminism thread? Iran is massively anti feminist and forces modern feminists to marry traditional men.

how is taking control of things not good.
I spot emasculation. Females are static, males are the active principle who impregnates and shapes the static potential and actualize it. Fucking pacifists are worse than women

Stop reading there. You know you'll get the rope too right? Fucking yid stop your fucking rambling.

Attached: feminists.jpg (496x486, 234.87K)

He might be talking about patriarchal laws, things like no divorce, etc.

Where do you live where there's such a patriarchal legal system?

Millions of Whites are suffering from poverty, unemployment, sickness, homelessness, dispair and agony.

They have no where to go, no one to help them as Whites have no one representing them. The State tells them to fuck off because they are White. I see this first hand daily in real life.

You did this White Nationalists/Alt Right

with your larping, Nazi porn, vulgar mentally ill politics and doxing/derailing every attempt by Whites to create something that would work. You are the real enemy of Whites. You created the political climate for this to happen. And you continue to give aid and comfort to our enemies who wish to exterminate us by forever denying our right to self defense.

In modern lingo, letting only males be representatives is a patriarchy. Are you for women as representatives, or did you just not understand the modern term?

Fucking boomers are pathetic, what are your hands for?
You traded masculinity for the state, of course women chose the state and now we are left to die if we don't fight. Natsoc as is conceived is the masculine moment where the whites become aware of what they must do and try to retake the state. Of course we're not going to vote our way out of extermination

kys shills
n lived within a regime characterized by a policy of confining them to the roles of mother and spouse and excluding them from all positions of responsibility, notably in the political and academic spheres. The policies of Nazism contrasted starkly with the evolution of emancipation under the Weimar Republic, and is equally distinguishable from the patriarchal and conservative attitude under the German Empire.

First and foremost in the implied Nazi doctrine concerning women was the notion of motherhood and procreation for those of child-bearing ages. The Nazi model woman did not have a career, but was responsible for the education of her children and for housekeeping. Women only had a limited right to training revolving around domestic tasks, and were, over time, restricted from teaching in universities, from medical professions and from serving in political positions within the NSDAP.

Stephenson (2001). Women in Nazi Germany

WN's hate Whites more than our enemies.

The Nazi woman had to conform to the German society desired by Adolf Hitler (Volksgemeinschaft), racially pure and physically robust. She did not work, living in the naturalization of motherhood and following the slogan of the former emperor William II of Germany: Kinder, Küche, Kirche, meaning "Children, kitchen, church".

Try being less dense. The shills ITT operate under the guise of anti-feminism because they falsely believe that it gives them the perfect cover to peddle their anti-women, anti-Hitler, and anti-NatSoc filth.

i think that's a great thing

They hate your stupid political complacency

Like it or not, being against 0th wave feminism is still anti-feminist, even if you think it's anti-women. Anti-feminist means being against 0th, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd wave feminism, not just 3rd. Women being allowed to own property and attain an education beyond basic literacy for passing on traditions, for example, are feminist beliefs of the 0th wave variety.

This thread is anti-Feminist.

Are you mental?

NSDAP was absolutely based. If you need a red pill on women's rights, just look to Hitler's Germany.

The wearing of makeup was generally prohibited, and a certain modesty was demanded of women, contrasting with the Weimar Republic period, which experienced more freedom on a moral level. In 1933, meetings of the NSBO (National Sozialistischer Betriebs Obman, the women's section of the German Workers' Front) proclaimed that women "painted and powdered were forbidden at all meetings of the NSBO. Women who smoked in public – in hotels, cafés, in the street and so on – will be excluded from NSBO". Activities considered more or less traditional were limited to recommended places: music, manual labour, gymnastics. Sexuality was banned, unless for a reproductive goal; liberated young women were considered "depraved" and "antisocial". Mothers were encouraged to have children: thus was created the "Ehrenkreuz der Deutschen Mutter" (in English: Cross of Honour of the German Mother) for mothers having brought into the world more than four children. A "German Mothers' Day" was also created; during that of 1939, three million mothers were decorated. Concerning abortion, access to services was quickly prohibited, until in 1935, the medical profession became obliged to report stillbirths to the Regional Office for State Health, who would further investigate the natural loss of a child; in 1943 the ministers of the Interior and Justice enacted the law "Protection of Marriage, Family and Motherhood", which made provisions for the death penalty for mothers convicted of infanticide.






Fuck, you were a bot all along

and he had a micropenis and literally every mental illness and Definitely killed himself like a coward and DEFINITELY didn't escape to south America.


40 year old virgin kike

Women in high schools and even university? CHECK

Women voting? CHECK

Women's property rights? CHECK

Did not bring back arranged (and abduction) marriages? CHECK

Women can divorce? CHECK

Wife beating illegal? CHECK

Said he wanted true equality? CHECK

Women exposing their bodies? CHECK

Women eligible to hold some jobs and get promoted? CHECK

Women receive alimony? CHECK

Women believed in court? CHECK

More first-wave feminist social practices? CHECK

I'm sorry but women being banned from CERTAIN meetings or banned in CERTAIN careers under CERTAIN conditions is not good enough. Women were not just everywhere in high school, they were also 11% at university in Nazi society. Of course, they voted. Divorce, alimony, marriages for love, dating/relationships etc. were rife. Heck, Hitler himself was in a relationship. Arranged and abduction marriages were non-existent and wife beating was illegal since the early 1900s. Women also had property rights. Women exposed their legs. All the above still stands.

These are not good enough. Hitler did not change the laws back to their original state and in fact, he said he does not want inferior rights for women in his speech on women. Overall, the society was a small step in the right direction, but still FACTUALLY full of first wave feminism.

As mentioned earlier in this thread, he gave awards to women for choosing to producing children, while a patriarch would have just told women what to do

Even in the civil service were women employed. They were restricted but still had the option to be there somehow. Women make every work environment toxic and they cannot be allowed in ANY workplace unless it's at the lowest level in a segregated setting for a few months with no hope of having a career

Hitler and his woman worshipping intellectuals also praised women a lot, unlike men of the pre-feminist era in similar positions who almost always spoke out against women.

The Gospel according to Thomas
"Simon Peter said to [the disciples]: Let Mary be excluded from among us, for she is a woman, and not worthy of Life. Jesus said: Behold I will take Mary, and make her a male, so that she may become a living spirit, resembling you males. For I tell you truly, that every female who makes herself male will enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

Clement of Alexandria, Pedagogues II, 33, 2
With women "the very consciousness of their own nature must evoke feelings of shame."

Origen, On the Apparel of Women, chapter 1
"And do you not know that you are (each) an Eve? The sentence of God on this sex of yours lives in this age: the guilt must of necessity live too. You are the devil's gateway: you are the unsealer of that (forbidden) tree: you are the first deserter of the divine law: you are she who persuaded him whom the devil was not valiant enough to attack. You destroyed so easily God's image, man. On account of your desert–that is, death–even the Son of God had to die."

Just a tiny, tiny fraction of what's been said in addition to what's mentioned in the OP

it seems like all 6 million jews are right now in this thread

Shut the fuck up you fucking feminist. The JQ is already mentioned in the OP and that means nothing. You're nothing more than an abusive and falsely accusing feminazi

Why are you so evil? Because you are in league with evil

Good job OP keep waking men up. Women are evil and the #1 problem in the world. Every pre-feminist era seems like a golden age compared to the shit we're in today. Even the dark ages were much better


You know if society goes back to a patriarchy, women would have an easier life compared to men. I mean women would just have to take care of the house, take care of the children and make some food. Meanwhile men would still have to find a job, be it a dangerous, stressful one or a boring, depressing one, might have to join the military still and a whole bunch of other stuff.