This, is pretty much true.
What it all boils down to, is that these .. well we would call them lunatics, crazies… are just the tip of the spear in where the political discourse is or is going to be going very soon. They are loud, they are open about their insanity, and the "main/real" candidates dont endorse their ideas openly….. note that I say openly
Behind the curtain they all, both left and right politicians, do exactly what these lunatics are running around talking about openly, they just do it secretly, quietly, never telling anyone about it, and putting on a different face for the cameras and voters so people THINK they're doing something else
Look at Obama and Trump, the perfect examples for both sides. Obama claimed to be welcoming to immigrants and not in favor of detention and so and on and so forth, very left wing stance on it. In reality, his admin was detaining shitloads of them, keeping them in cages, and letting just a steady stream of them out into the US on a regular schedule
Then look at Trump, claimed to be very anti-illegal immigration, a "send them back" mindset, wanted a barrier on the border to at least massively slow down illegal crossings… and what has he done? Exactly what Obama was doing, detain a lot of them, but let a constant steady stream of them out into the US interior.
And thats what it comes down to, a slow steady heat that never stops, but never increases or decreases either. The whackos on the left screech on and on about basically letting the entire third world show up in our house and just stay forever with no consequences, but the candidates that will ever be allowed anywhere near a chance at the WH will always be more "tempered" than that, or rather, will always keep it on a very slow boil. And we all know why, the frog doesnt react.
If this psycho were ever allowed to be president, half the nation would revolt over night, and the whole system would break down. I mean, just look at how far the left has gone over trump while he has done basically nothing different than obama. Now imagine a president getting seated that will outright destroy the nation overnight and has zero issue saying thats exactly what they're going to do. The right would lose all reason to restrain themselves because their homes are going to be gone anyway, if you have nothing to lose, you have no reason not to fight.
And thats why she and her ilk will never be allowed to be president. BUT at the same time, its also why its bad for us that they cant be. Because instead, we get these mirror image candidates who slowly destroy our nation, but keep each side distracted and inactive enough that they dont do anything.
Frankly, I wish some lunatic like her would become president. I hope the fuckery they're pulling with the electoral system and such goes through far enough, and the radical left picks someone like her, and it all goes fucking tits up inside a few months. Why? because I'm tired of shit slowly boiling and no one ever doing anything. No one is GOING to do anything unless they lose all their creature comforts. Crash the economy, overload the system with subhumans leeching off it, destroy any and all social trust and cohesion, its the only way anyone is going to stand up and fight back for real and not this limp wristed bitch posting on youtube and twitter