They only exist to brainwash people.This was a question in my management class. Straight up a fuck you to white people. There is absolutely no reason for this to be a question.
Fuck Universities
you just tagged yourself as a bad goy, have fun with all your professors hating you
I can feel the 'fuck you' from here.
I'm sure there is more than one management class in the whole USA.
The less white people in the world, the better.
You have time to make the thread, you have time to kill someone over it.
Where do you expect to get hired after taking your "management class"? If you're a white man, you'd better be able to create, build or service something. Cushy desk jobs are reserved for niggers. Most engineers for example hate managers, because more often than not, they're complete useless and everyone ignores them anyways.
Humanities departments were a mistake.
He should kill this guy here
Subhumans were the larger mistake.
its not my major its just a required class
also pic related is another wonderful gem
The only reason to go to a university is for engineering, e.g. mechanical, electrical, optical, robotics, chemical, software, and some of the sciences, e.g. material sciences, mathematics, etc.
Everything else you can teach yourself, e.g. languages, philosophy, political science, art, communications, psychology, etc.
Even better, find something you're interested in and see if you can intern there. If you have aptitude, they'll train you and you can just skip it (or they'll pay to get you the coursework you need).
This isn't your fucking blog.
Does "challenge" open up a prompt where you can feed them an alternative response?
You don't have a brain to wash yet. That question represents the reality of the US today. See if you can manage to pull your head out of your ass long enough to get through your intro courses. That question is designed to see if you read the text and nothing more.
This question is also factually accurate. Just because you don't like globalization doesn't mean that situation isn't a challenge. Are you really throwing a fit over homework in an intro course that not even the professor gives a shit about?
Stop being a sensitive faggot and try being a man.
How crooked is the professor's nose?
Not a Muslim or lady. But pic related anyway.
College is outright fucking Kike Kancer. You can pursue education easily literally anywhere else. BUMPED
how is the correct answer brainwashing or an attack on white people? Do you not like hearing the truth? The first people to tell you that fact are white nationalists lol
Instead of Khan, we need a Zig Forums academy to teach the young white students who visit the board. Imagine how nice it would be to go back to learning mathematics without nigger filth getting in the way.
We already of SIG, so that could be doable.
If I were a professor I would ask similar questions in order to wake up our race tbh
Commit suicide. Now.
what the fuck is your problem with these questions?
this isn't your church. you're supposed to learn the material and use it to make a living. the questions are checking to see if you read the assignment. not probe your personal beliefs.
it's a management class for fucks sake. if you wanted to spend your time in college usefully switch to engineering or computer science. shit.
But college gives you a certificate that indicates you are “kosher” for hiring. Without the good goy stamp of approval you can’t get anywhere in life.
University is fucking cancer filled with commies and feminists. Me and a friend are taking over the kosher conservative club at our uni next year and are going to slowly turn it into a national socialist club.
As an academic at a university, you're right. The only reason is to counter-subvert the system; the goal is to get high enough up the hierarchy to blow up the system from within. It has been thoroughly corrupted by kikes and Cultural Marxism and it deserves to burn down to the ground. However, you are a fag for willingly doing non-STEM at a higher institution; everyone knows that it is kiked to hell and back and it's infiltrating even the objective fields with their destructive post-modernist "critiquing".
They taught you well. Now while you're waiting for your next comfy shekel check of subversion, kindly
And kys.
Then you won't mind if wypipo stop sending their money to rApefrica and Isntrael. It sure is good to not be needed.
Wait? What's that? The sounds of millions of niggers dying because they can't find for themselves? That other sound - millions of Israeli kikes being blown up by their Arab Muslim neighbors?
Whatever that sound, it sure is sweet music.
You're an even bigger faggot for thinking academics get paid a lot of money. There's a reason why PhDs jump ship and go to literally any other job besides Academia. You ever hear of scientists who get some funding for research? Your college or university instantly takes anywhere between 50-75% of that and the rest of the money is then "budgeted" according to their rates. As a researcher, you don't see shit.
This. The questions are reminding OP that if he's going to be a manager he's going to have a bunch of different flavors of shitskin as employees in the future due to demographic shifts, so he better get used to dealing with retards.
I assume you're a professor at a nation or University where students still have a choice. My students do not, they HAVE to take these idiotic brainwashing classes having absolutely nothing to do with their career path for the credits. It is insidious and evil what these leftists have done and it's all our fault because we decided to moralize standing firm to our right to free speech, including theirs. We didn't censor or jail them in the cold war or after Venona as we should have. The problem is, they do not play by the rules of an honorable or intellectual honest people. They do not follow the rules of real intellectual discourse from the roots of classical philosophy. No, they follow the socially destructive and anti-intellectual "rules for radicals".
Remember, there's no reasoning with them. I have tried for many many years. As per history, there is only one path left when this happens, and I hope the violence comes soon for any brown shirts are welcome to my retirement pension once it comes.
This, literally telling people that we are going extinct and OP is complaining. The sooner they know the sooner the survival instinct will kick in.
Checked. I personally want to assassinate Netanyahu.
Soon Shlomo, soon
He could do a lot of good as a manager. Unlike an engineer he has a good chance to rise through the ranks and gain authority. There are many redpilled engineers but often they have to shut up about it and defer to shit office culture without support from management. He could be that manager, and create the perfect bubble inside a pozzed industry wherel white engineers can use their advanced skills and extract good money from globohomo without having to compromise on their beliefs. The problem right now is that we can't organize IRL at all. Guys like us can only be out about their beliefs if they work very low prestige, low tech, blue collar work for irrelevant companies. Anyone who has a high level job or works in a company that is big enough to care about its image must be stealth about his beliefs all of the time or lose his job. This limits how much money we have available for organizing and permits the left to create a false image of all academia/high tech industry being unanimously left, when in reality its a slight majority of vocal left and a silent but large minority of people who are redpilled but too smart to say it without anonymity and get fired. Young people see this and assume if they go into any high iq work they'll be completely outnumbered by progressives and it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
Yes, you will have to work twice as hard as the diversity hires but so be it. On the bright side, you are also more capable than them.
Decades ago gays would infiltrate companies, colleges, government jobs and even the military while keeping their faggotry a close secret (remember DADT was a thing just 10 years ago and 20 years ago -in 1999- being out would probably still be career suicide for many). Meanwhile they secretly helped other faggots and helped younger ones get in without anyone realizing. They bided their time until they reached critical mass and then they were too entrenched to remove, so the establishment just accepted them. I'd say this is the best strategy for us to infiltrate elite professionals and sway the consensus back towards sanity… If I wasn't blackpilled on politics that is.
You should be grateful for brainless propaganda. It's easy to see through and just pay lip service to. People get used to reciting it by rote and it loses meaning, they start wondering if there's more to the world than these empty mantras and go looking for deeper ideologies. They could ask deeper questions that require much more knowledge of progressivism and enough experience to connect to dots between the right lies. In acquiring those, weaker skeptics would get brainwashed and strong ones would have no energy left to seek the truth.
Even if you were those majors you'd be forced to learn everything on your own anyway, the lectures will be useless. College these days is nothing but a competition to learn the most progressivist memes. Even in very hard subjects like math, physics or CS they managed to do this. Typically coursework will be only a small part of your success, the real meat is internships, projects, networking, outreach. Cue countless women in X events, "equal" opportunity internship postings, shit projects winning everything because it's done by a minority.
I would only go to higher education if it was legally required for the job I want, like lawyer or doctor. Even then it's worth asking if you really want that job.
Your college or university instantly takes anywhere between 50-75% of that and the rest of the money is then "budgeted" according to their rates.
That's true, but part of that money is used to provide with free office and lab space, utilities and various university services, access to common equipment, subsidized housing and parking, access to hiring quality students of your college. Although most of it does go to fund useless shit like diversity programs, humanities departments and the president's 7 figure salary.
On the other hand though it's grant money. You're not really working for each dollar, an application for a $10 million grant isn't 10 times harder or more work than a $1 million one. And the money is for work, you can just pay yourself a big salary. Grants restrict how much can be paid to the researcher in salary.
don't people take management bs if they've been working for a company and want to get to executive level?
and law, business, pharmacy, dentistry, law, comp sci.
Also good but not technically university: animation
Actually, the best and most common major among top and fortune 500 ceos is engineer.
lots also have accounting degrees. Where I work the executives are all accounting nerds.
One thing: everyone should be reading business books. I'm talking about real university business books, not normie books from book shops. Learn about entrepreneurship, supply chains, macro-economics, micro-economics, etc. This stuff can all be learned from books on library genesis. Understanding this stuff will help you to monitize whatever skill you have. Just search for business related keywords on library genesis and you'll come up with all sorts of results.
This is a good idea for all useful college subjects. I went to a decent college but most of my knowledge was acquired by skipping class to read the book at home. You will rarely get better quality instruction in class than from the book, unless your instructor wrote the book.
You can get textbooks at libraries, or buy used for 20-30 bucks. They hardly change over time, don't shell out $200 for the latest edition.
fuck schools
hail children's military camps
Oh hey, I took that class OP. Have fun.
The thing that makes all colleges cancerous is even when you're going to study business or finance, which are almost 100% straight white men and women in senior level courses, in order to get there the school admin requires all students to take a bunch of garbage humanities courses which teach how evil white men are.
I went to a private Catholic college that had ancient nuns roaming the halls and the cafeteria served food (including beef) that was raised/grown on the property. Not all college is kike bullshit. But you'll have to pay more for it not to be.
how to save universities?
I had two classes where the professors said "whites will be a minority by 2050 and that's for the best". Really wouldn't mind a 'cultural revolution' to occur here.
Same way you save Congress and the White House.
It is now in nu-Zig Forums apprently. This board has gone to shit
I would fund this a new chan cyber university for the chan students. The class should be small, exciting and challenging to keep the lecturers and students motivated. Having fun will help them to crave to learn more.
this thread is going nowhere
We need to create the webm with subtitles bank for Zig Forums students to study.
Leftypol is right over there nigger
>>>Zig Forums