The Pentagon on Thursday will present plans to the White House to send up to 10,000 more troops to the Middle East, in a move to beef up defenses against potential Iranian threats, U.S. officials said Wednesday.
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I remember when the shills and their beta goyim were celebrating the Trump withdrawal.
According to there were 26000 US troops deployed in the middle east last year in countries like Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan so this is a large boost but not that many spread over a large region.
There never was a withdrawal tho.
I meant to put "Trump withdrawal" between quotation marks.
White countries have all voluntarily enslaved themselves for the benefit of Israel. If this isn't evidence that whites are the most cucked race on earth, then you're retarded.
White people are the only reason that Israel exists.
White people are the only reason that Israel is prosperous.
White people are the only reason that Israel is powerful.
White people are responsible for everything that Israel does, and they continue supplying it with billions of dollars of foreign aid as well as military assistance. They vehemently defend Israel on every political front, voting again and again to help Israel and defend the interests of Israel.
White people always help their own enemies. Look at the USA helping terrorist groups which always turn on them. Look at every single European country importing millions of niggers and arabs into its borders. White people are the most retarded, degenerate, cucked people in existence.
If you enter any gay bar, most of the faggots will be white. If you look at a gathering of LGBTrash, most of them will be white. If you view any meeting of "Refugees Welcome" groups, most of them will be white. White people are constantly interested in their own destruction and collective suicide.
Hapas are not like this. Hapas are uncucked and redpilled by being racially aware. Hapa men are intelligent, persistent and reliable, while white men are indecisive, retarded and feminine, supporting all sorts of equality and multiculturalism.
Hapa women are feminine, caring and quiet. They are perfect females, in contrast to white women, who constantly drink and party, slutting it up and getting fat. White women are degenerate and unpleasant.
Hapas are superior to whites in all possible ways. White people are a dying race.
That’s his point retard
Follow the example of St.Eliot, kill yourself but try and take as many sluts with you as you can on the way out.
You know that was a hapa's idea, right? Look up the Kalergi Plan.
Whites are the ones who enforced the idea, and they are the main proponents of the idea, so they are still cucks. If someone tells you to commit suicide, and you actually do it, don't blame him for your death.
Kalergi was merely wishing to replace whites with somewhat less organized niggers and arabs so that they are more easily killed and expelled when the time comes for hapas to take over. Kalergi was based.
cumskins are retarded, I get it, but to this extent? really?
only white people spontaneously die like that, by committing collective suicide.
Look at South Africa for example. Niggers didn't have to do much to wipe out the cumskin population.
what a fucking stooge.
I'm Chinese, retard. Our people are gullible af. Only Americanized Chinese stand a chance in the current Milhousian mileu.
You're a half breed abomination. Both your Asian and European ancestors would have looked down upon you in disgust. What do you have to be proud of, you dog?
You should not exist and after the Final Victory of National Socialism and the DOTR… You won't :^)
When has this ever been the case there? We all know this was planned decades in advance
I see they're ramping up because of their failure in Syria, rehashing tried old WMD lies.
Who's ready to sign up?
Did some gwai-lo steal your gf? Holy shit dude calm down. Or do you think niggers/jews would treat you soooo much better than whitey?
then go back to China and shut the fuck up you communist dog eating subhuman. Japan is the only Asian country worth saving, hope they rape you again in the near future.
Hapas are superior to you.
I am not "your people". Your people are communist dog eating subhumans.
Your ancestors would look down upon you in disgust, too. White people are so far removed from what they used to be that they are practically a different race at this point. Any of your ancestors from the 1800s would immediately puke upon seeing the absolute state of cumskin societies today, with multiculturalism, feminism, and LGBTrash ideology everywhere.
Furthermore, my ancestors are all subhumans, since they are either cumskins or pissheads.
the fact that I belong to a race which isn't cucked so much that it's on the path to self-destruction.
Many people on this board two years ago were in vehement support of Trump as a savior of the white race. Just a few weeks ago, he spent $1,570,000,000 on 1.7 miles of fence. Doing the math yields a cost of over $500,000 per yard of fence. And the fence was clearly a shitty low quality piece of garbage that wouldn't stop a latrino from getting through. That fence is the pinnacle of Aryan engineering. No other white country is even trying to protect its borders. Your race is a disgrace. You have nothing to be proud of, and much to be ashamed of.
Larpsocking cumskins were defeated by other cumskins in WW2. Your race actively worked against its own survival, and continues to do so. The old boomer conservative cumskins are dying off, and will no longer be able to vote republicuck. Generation Z is mostly nonwhite, and on top of that, the whites are extremely cucked. The white girls of Generation Z are all whores and coalburners. The white boys of Generation Z are weak, degenerate and cucked, having absorbed many elements of nigger culture and progressive ideology. Millennials are similarly pozzed. "National socialism" is dead. Hardly anyone even knows what "National socialism" is, preferring instead to call it Nazism, which they have a strong distaste for. The only people "supporting" Nazism are edgy, down syndrome redditors who never shower.
DOTR in your sense will never happen. Decline of civilization will occur in a similar manner to that of South Africa, with niggers slowly taking over all institutions. Within a century or two at most, the white race will be but a memory.
The difference between Canada, America and Australia versus South Africa is that the three former countries have a significant population of hapas, especially Canada and Australia (to a lesser extent). With only niggers and shitskins to contend with, it will be very easy to rise above the filth despire our low numbers, and expel/kill all of those aforementioned subhumans. This is what the real "day of the rope" will look like, except it won't be with rope, it will probably be with bullets. My descendants will clean up the remainders of your rotten society and rebuild from scratch.
The only way you can preserve your genetics is by fucking an Asian woman and making lots of hapas. By doing this, you can ensure that a part of your genetics will be passed on to the future. If not, you and your race will die out, leaving nothing behind. What will you choose?
Did a nigger do that to you? Is that why you think it happens to me? I'm sorry your gf got blacked, but that isn't an excuse to take it out here.
Niggers and jews will no longer be in the picture after the demise of the white race. The only reason why niggers and jews are an issue is because cumskins keep giving them resources.
Calm down cumskin, maybe start from the beginning.
All jokes aside. This comment was produced by a Generative Adversarial Network trained on the Burger King Kids Club, right?
Die jews.
illiterate cumskin trash
Adolphine Fagler would be ashamed of you.
Chris Hopkins
Text me you fucking shrimpdick
lol butthurt some whiteguy did steal your gf didn't they
Now if some white guy was a violent ape and attacked you for no good reason then you could use that analogy
Don't get mad and start spamming cuck-porn like you do on /gif/ okay ;)
Absolute faggot. I hope you enjoy living among the niggers and the mexcrement.
Very sad, kinda like the hunchback of notredame but a chink.
Dude stop it
My bad. 916-599-9950. That's my actual number. Sorry y'all, back to studying psychology.
10000 more dead whites
It is a well known fact that cumskin "women" enjoy having sex with various types of shitskins, because white women are degenerate and useless. Stop projecting your cuck fantasies. I saw a white girl with a big nose brown skin jew faggot a few days ago.
Hapa women on the other hand are very unlikely to fuck niggers, cumskins and shitskins, because we find subhumans innately very disgusting and unacceptable.
Hence why you're so bitter.
Truly an apex of genetic superiority.
Truly the master race.
This is what an ARYAN(tm) looks like.
If its so out of context why are you sperging so hard dipshit?
stop talking about tyrone's penis, nobody wants to hear it
White people can do better, we will send 1,000,000 Aryan men to fight those shitskins