Ok we need to remake the bible it's so damn fucking jewed and cucked Let's be real we need to basically make a new modern version of positive christianity.First we need to start by ripping the jewish pages in Douay-Rheims Then start editing it into a book!Also does anyone have child youth books as pdf's???I might want to get some inspiration From them.
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Ok we need to remake the bible it's so damn fucking jewed and cucked Let's be real we need to basically make a new...
Schizo just go
Christ was a Jew, you fucking mong, what do you expect?
Lol ok no explanation but ok jew!
Lol yes he was born from a jew family but that does not make him have jewish blood.His blood comes from god.
"We, as Ethno-Nationalists, need to make this Arabic/Semetic religion less Arabic/Semetic, so it will feel more at home for us Europeans, who aren't Arabic/Semetic"
Stop associating Pagan European runes with filthy semetic scriptures and cults.
If you want to worship an Arab, use his peoples culture and insignias. Not ours. Especially if you claim to be us.
Back 2 lurking for me, you should too.
I don't feel like typing out two paragraphs to explain to you, a retard, why Christianity is so important. Let me give you a quick explanation though: What our countries, our societies are like now, is mostly, not entirely, but MOSTLY, caused by the Jew getting rid of Christianity. There are more Atheists in the US than there are Christians. All the problems we have now? They were not tolerated when we were 99% Christian, everything was fine and White then.
What are you doing? It's past your bedtime. Fuck off back to cuckchan low effort retard
True tbh i have read some stuff on paganism but never could get into it yew we should go back to paganism to follow our old gods but still their is way to many people now that are following Christ
Christ was a Gaul according to Hitler.
Lol it is it's like 10pm lol
"Lol he was born into a Jewish family but that doesn't make him a Jew"
Hmm. I'm going to have to say this is infact, a troll. And not a retard.
(It genuinely doesn't matter if he has Jew blood. Why do I have to tell you this?)
This is precisely why the Jews are the most disastrous people in world history: they have left such a falsified humanity in their wake that even today Christians can think of themselves as anti-Jewish without understanding that they are the ultimate conclusion of Judaism. —Nietzsche
You type like a 15 year old, bud. Give it a few more years until you get involved in politics, I can tell how old you are just by the way you type. And if you aren't 15 or thereabouts, you must be one low-IQ individual.
He's 14. He should be in bed. (It's 11 here btw)
It's almost like you unironically are unaware that the (pagan) ancestors actually killed the people that Christians publicly shame?
Go be a pagan then, just know that most people are not going to follow you, your splinter group bullshit with Paganism vs. Christianity is not helping, you're doing exactly what the Jew wants, divide and conquer, mate.
Also, I could've sworn Christians also used to kill certain people who got uppity, up until Jews started promoting tolerance and shit.
How the fuck…TBH why does this happen all the time?It's just so easy for people to see my age?Like fucking hell im more siege pilled then anything else tbh and not that very religious but still I want A bible where you don't have to read fucking jewish trash!
"Go be a pagan then, your people won't follow you, this is D/C"
1. I am. Testosterone levels are booming
2. Yes they will. Christians, however, will not. They will be dealt with after the fact. Weak spirituality is a main reason as to why we're here in the first place. Check out the Military accomplishments our ancestors made
Who worshipped the perfect religion, and a military religion.
3. "I refuse to revert back to the old ways! Because of this, you oagans are trying to divide and conquer!!"
Yes. Trying to convert is D/C tactics.
I dislike ad hominems. But I would absolutely love to use one right now.
Go read the poetic eddas. They'll send a chill down your spine, and they're written by real OG's who were out hitting licks.
Where the fuck are the OG's of this group and why aren't they verbally and intellectually raping you?
You're absolutely correct. They used to kill our ancestors for not converting.
Christians are our closest allies.
And our worst enemy.
The Juden would not have gotten so far, with us, had we not been completely demoralized by Christianity.
Be honest, how many people do you hear justify open borders with Christianity?
Me, coming from a Christian home, alot.
Call me when you somehow convert the Midwest and South.
Kill yourself schlomo
I'd rather just nail thesis to every single church in the world about Christ, Martin Luther, and the Saints warnings about the vile jews.
Lol retard it does warn us about the jews but many parts in the bible are still kiked
Oh fucking wow
And in this episode, Buggerbeard, the stinky jew, is going to tell us what GOD told him that he wants us to do, because he loves us, and if we don't do what he says he's going to torture us with fire for all eternity.
Why not just burn the heretical scofields and the evangelicals who refuse to heed the words of Jesus Christ? Reading Revelations it is the least cucked thing ever. The Norse religions don't have their Gods murdering billions of degenerates with their riding Valkyries, no they're busy getting arsefucked by ice giants. We get four horsemen who will kill every degenerate, heretic, and kike by war of arms, famines, disease, animals, earthquakes, storms, raining fire, and death itself.
Lol how are suprized gen z is the generation of revenge after all most boys I know are based well mostly conservative fuck or alt right nigger's I only know like three that want to destroy this fucking kike ass system too.And for how gen z girls are their not that based only some are my girlfriend is but I only made her that way with the help of black pills and redpills.Also It's kind of funny how everything is like the weimar republic and more and more people are people are waking up in this clownworld
Im tired af so I typed that bad tbh
Waste of trips tbh, but I'm glad things are looking up for gen Z. I was born at the begining of it so I didn't see much of a change until later. Also use some goddamn punctuation ffs
chr*stcucks gtfo my board
Can the new Bible have unicorns and tacos?
Gen Z likes unicorns and tacos.
l a d
This is one of the highest heresies to "change" words of God. And reason Bible still safe is because He protected the word so it is heard across the whole world. You're going to get punished for that soon or later. Reminder gays tried to change it as well, you don't want to be like them. That's what devil constantly does, tries to undermine/change word of God.
Just read the Bible yourself.
Are you implying the pagan ancestors didn't kill fags and other degenerates within their society?
Read germania by tacitus.
"Pagans wuz gaying wif muh ice Giants n shiet while muh Arab horse men was killing degenerates!"
The 4 horsemen are, supposedly, going to kill everyone still on Earth. Not just fags.
Plus, I wouldn't be surprised if Christians stole that from us too.
(Adam and Eve? Like Ask and Embla?)
Hmm then why do we have the king james bible a bible that changed everything god said?
Wouldn't that only apply to the Book of Revelations which is what the passage is talking about? The Book of Revelations was its own work before the "Bible" was put together, it can't mean the other books because they were all separate during its writing and nobody knew which books would make up an "official" compendium.
If not then whats the understanding in changing the words in the Gospel of Thomas? Since while not apart of the now official "Bible" at least during its the time of the writing around the Book of Revelations it would have been held in esteem by certain groups?
Your autistic don't know much to say.
fuck off yehova's creature
The bible is dead. Pick up a science book. Also learn to code.
You got have the Dark Age now it's time to stop living your life based on superstition and start choosing a moral path based on biological imperative and kin selection.
Everyone killed degenerates back then but it meant nothing, their faith is wrong.
Wrong. People who have faith in Jesus the Messiah are spared. That's the whole fucking point of Revelations, all the wicked degenerates are purged from the earth straight to Hell. Meanwhile Odin literally gets raped to death by a furry in the norse version of revelations.
Nice trip but you're fucking incoherent here, boy. Please learn to get your thoughts out like a white man and not babble. Also please learn to use at least some grammar.
The issue is not your age specifically but rather your lack of intelligence and behavior due to it. Wait a few more years before you truly step into political discussion, otherwise you stick out like this and people will instantly disregard your comments.
"Odin gets raped by a furry"
I can feel a loss of testosterone for asking a Christian about Norse mytho but uhh
What? Can you elaborate or link me please?
Norse version of revelations?
It is impossible to create a non-Jewed version of a religion that tells its adherents to worship a Jewish Rabbi.
What we NEED is a return to Celtic mysticism and a worship of Nature as a deity. Truly worshiping Nature and the planet will lead us to realize that Niggers are a cancer that must be eliminated.
Celtic mysticism? Well, sure. But as of right now, Norse mythology makes more sense.
Ultimate war religion.
We don't need to praise the trees just yet. They're mad at us for allowing the kikes to desecrate our lands and pollute the planet.
Just go back to medievalist or ancient Christianity. That's it.