It seems like Schlomo and friends are getting smarter. How does one debate against infographs like these?
I'm in a bit of a pickle. Would be nice if some
more experienced user's would help.
that is a great way of losing a debate
Apologies for killing a thread
Other urls found in this thread:
That's a lot of info user and I have to go to bed now. You should have planned: never enter a debate without knowing how to argue and refute arguments. Bumping so another user can help you (it's holohoax shit. Link is safe).
I saw your post in QTDDTOT. If you were creating a thread about this, you should have at least posted the pics related you lazy fuck.
Imgur is not a friendly site. Quite the opposite.
What's wrong with imgur? The content is 99% garbage and the average user is worse, but that's not what I'm asking about obviously.
alright sorry for the balant faggotry
and that's pretty much it
Yeah fuck you OP faggot. Your link is probably being monitored for ip-harvesting, which then can be used in correlation techniques to figure around even vpns
Protip: even with a VPN you should always have some kind of constant traffic(server, seedbox, etc) going so correlation can't be used
You can pretty much go through these and notice the usual kike snarkiness in them.
I stand corrected