A Jew wants immigrants and inter-marriage in Japan. Evidence he is Jewish is in an attached image from his twitter.
I fucking hate these people. They can't even keep their grubby fingers off of Japan.
A Jew wants immigrants and inter-marriage in Japan. Evidence he is Jewish is in an attached image from his twitter.
I fucking hate these people. They can't even keep their grubby fingers off of Japan.
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Get rid of the Reddit spacing. Archive his tweets.
Why do these idiotic leftists always try to add some goofy phrase. Do they really think it's disarming us to their deceptions? Oh look! He posts about Rabbits!!! Awwww.
Reminder japan is not a paradise. You aren't going to survive harsh working environment if you're not asian.
Gee I wonder how this one is gonna go rabbi, won't be a repeat of the muslim "refugees" all doing criminal behavior and being evicted, nope that's just silly.
How can people be this blind?
Reminder that Americans work more hours and use less vacation than the Japanese.
This hasn't been true in years thanks to Abe's obsession. The Japanese work less than fucking Americans and they just had a fucking ten day holiday thanks to their new emperor this year kek
Excellent example of why mean vs. median is important. Do these include part timers dragging the average down?
Also cuckchan image has germany at lowest and greece and mexico at highest. I think it's safe to say the methodology was a complete clusterfuck and the data is useless. Meanwhile in Japan it is a cultural norm to arrive in the office early and stay until late evening, even if there's nothing to do. Sucks that (((globalists))) got to them though.
I think the reason salarymen are wrecked and suicidal is because of low-level managers being sociopaths and the hard drinking culture. You have to go out and get wasted all the time as a salaryman for no good reason other than some higher ranked prick is forcing you to. I'd be depressed too if I had that shit on me.
The fucking chutzpah of this subhuman kike.
And what do you base this on, anecdotes?
Everything is accounted for, look it up. Even accounting for mean and median the Japanese still work less than the US does. This is further proven when looking at South Korea. Obviously Mexicans do work long hours, they can be lazy but they definitely work long hours. The Germans don't work long because they have efficiency on their side. Greeks have always been hard workers no matter how much people want to bully them over debnts.
Except Japan's suicide rate has been dropping for years?
They're not even in the top ten anymore, or not top twenty for that matter.
Fuck. I miss Japan. The entire place is so wonderfully professional and developed. You can reach everywhere on a train and even the homeless are more orderly, keeping to themselves and picking up trash compared to here.
Expensive as shit though, I suspect because of taxes. Also weirdly high numbers of Nigerians distributed into tourist areas.
Just wait until they come for North Korea.
What we need to do is reach out to our japanese counterparts and encourage them otherwise.
We need all the allies we can get in the fight against this multi-cult garbage.
Basically, we should post encouraging things to japs, and redpills/warnings about what evil is going for them. On their boards, their websites.
Get the japs to fight back. Anyone who fights is another chink in the jew globalist armor, another wake-up call to sedated whites.
It's gotten a lot better lately. Work hours are getting cut, more shits and people hired and more vacation time is being given.
Currently, the average work week in japan has fallen below Germany.
he's part Aryan because rap and jazz are
I never thought it was expensive, and I went there a year ago. And I'm from the fucking balkans!
The onyl thing that was expensive was fruit (in Tokyo) and housing. Everything else seemed OK price-wise. Some things were real cheap.
Any system or taxation work as long as the ruling elite isn't made of a bunch of dysfunctional degenerate human recluse.
PR. Learn some.
I have never seen that in any country on earth before, ever. Here in my country the homeless make you rethink the social democracy policies that allow these dysgenic parasites to fester and degrade the nation with all their antisocial behaviours but in Japan their homeless are better citizens than our average citizens. Even their cardboard boxes are organised and clean, I couldn't believe it. One even shared with me some kind of citrus fruit. It actually pains me to admit we have no equal to them in all white nations of Europe.
How are we going to do that? Jim isn't going to let us post on 5channel, not like we have to. 5channel makes even us look like the diversity kittens on meltingpot mountain.
The only form of immigration JP should of allowed is spousal immigration and only from other slope countries, I feel pretty much this way about all immigration.
Thai, Viets, Laotians, Cambodians, Flips would be dieing to go their, how watered down can your culture and blood line be if a small percentage of your population takes in a foreign spouse.
The language barrier could be quite an obstacle.
Anyone has the full video (with English captions) of that "The Jew fears Samurai" guy?
Immigration to Japan happened before. Why are jews trying to be loud about this now? Could it be that they're running out of things to degenerate?
A) True. My trip to Japan has drastically changed my opinion on japs.
B) is 5channel the only jap site/board/meeting place? Write some textsand rediplls, get someone who knows japanese to translate, and then we desseminate such material as much as we can, where we can.
And if the experiment doesn't work, simply reverse all the damage.
It's all so tiresome.
rip anime
rip nippons
kill the jews
one must lead by example. i look forward to watching the daughters of Judea breed with the darkest of Africa.
Does this surprise anyone? Tokyo will be very multi-culti after the Olympics. Osaka and Kyoto too.
Israel sterilized their blacks without telling them.
Fukushima was not an accident - it was a forced push into accepting their own self destruction.
I hate the idea that all datasets are perfect gaussian distributions and that the average is always right.
Hikineet works no hours, 20%.
Salaryman works 2200 hours.
Read the thread
I had fun mugging niggers trying to throw their weight around in Roppongi. They're illegals so they never go to the police, too. The thought of an expanded hunting ground appeals to me as an apex predator.
Japan has small Jewish community and synagogues for decades you moron.
The rabbi of one synagogue even married a jap.
The Jews have already been manipulating the system there for decades, for example in Japan many surnames have a family crest, dime people get offended by them, such as persons whose ancestors wared with the ancestors of said family crest, and so in Japan tribal/family crest are not slowed to be displayed other tha one day of the year, on "crest day" on that day people hang flags with the crest that represents there ancestral family:tribe but there is restrictions to this, they all have to be displayed the same size, nobody is allowed to make theirs bigger and better, also they have to be simple, nobody is allowed to make theirs flash or light up or be fancier I a way that other people crests, the Jews however have the star of David flags and Star of David neon signs inside and outside of their buildings all year round, they also have them larger than allowed, of course if any Japanese complained the Jews would vote it's their religious right and that its religious persecution to not allow them to do it.
The Jews are starring small but they have to start start somewhere, give another century and they'll have infected the Japanese media and Japanese government.
Flicking peoce of shot iPhone wrongly autocorrects everything
Is that everyone though or just salarycucks? Here in the west, salarycucks still tend to have shitty lives with unpaid overtime and unpleasant work environments (they work in a little box and their every word is policed by HR), while tradesmen and so on have great lives getting paid for the hours they work, no HR, varied work environments, etc. Is it the same in Japan? We only hear salarymen mentioned, but not a word about everyone else, which makes me suspect tradesmen there also have it pretty good.
My phones fucked,.
What I meant to say was -
Japan has had small Jewish communitys and synagogues for decades.
The rabbi of one synagogue even married a jap.
The Jews have already been manipulating the system there for decades, for example in Japan many surnames have a family/tribal crest, some Japanese people get offended by them, such as persons whose ancestors had warred with the ancestors of snither tribe, and so in Japan tribal/family crests are not allowed to be displayed other than on one day of the year, on "crest day" on that day people hang flags with the crest that represents their ancestral family/tribe but there is restrictions to this, they all have to be displayed the same size, nobody is allowed to make theirs bigger and better, also they have to be simple, nobody is allowed to make theirs flash or light up or be fancier in any way that other people crests, the Jews however have the star of David flags and Star of David neon signs inside and outside of their buildings all year round, they also have them larger than allowed, of course if any Japanese complained the Jews would claim it's their religious right and that its religious persecution to not allow them to do it.
The Jews are starting small but they have to start start somewhere, give it another century and they'll have infected the Japanese media and Japanese government.
Wait what
Anything to back that up?
The amount of immigrants Japan allows to work in their nation is relatively small compared to the U.S., Canada, and Europe. Only like 2% of their workforce is foreign. Also, it is more difficult to attain actual Japanese citizenship for a foreigner.
There are now some historic sites in Japan that are banned to foreign tourists…because of their impolite behavior. Japan cracks down heavy on crime, and poor behavior.
No doubt Globohomo is trying to make grounds in Japan, but they will meet much stiffer resistance there compared to the west.
If the jews ruin my sacred Nihon then I will sacrifice myself and exterminate them myself
Japan is a high tech hell
i'm guessing life must be nicer in small farming or fishing towns but big cities and corporations are a nigthmare
also, nips only like yuropean looking gaijin, not many jews fit that bill
We really have to kill these parasites, each and every single last one of them.
They leave us with no other option.
Immigration will destroy Japanese culture, how can they copy Europe's example when multiculturalism has been shown to be a total failure?
Interesting that they pick a nigger in their article. Niggers are the worst genetic weapons the world has ever seen.
Reminder that American are the most productive people on the planet. Europe is second. Japan is probably somewhere up there but niggers survived America and Europe, so we are probably just looking at making Japan into another welfare state (since this is how nigger survive in Europe and the USA).
Imagine letting someone do this to you and not exterminating them COMPLETELY…oh wait, except for a handful of SAINTS this is the fate of the entire planet.
They need to be [redacted] that is the only moral solution.
This kike is playing the name game.
The jew need to be half japanese, like ashkenazis are half european. Cant imagine any jew marrying a jap and becoming slanty eyed just to infect a small backwater.
It didn't take them that long in America. I say within 30 years Japan will be full multicult.
Admit it was a mistake
This and there's nothing we can do about it. Japan is dead forever. We lost. Surrender them to the kikes.
What’s this guys address? Work office?
We should sign him up for Minecraft Quarterly
Jews aspire to become fans of anime so they can appropriate our culture and steer us
You won't do shit. Nips won't do shit. Accept it.
Daily reminder that the only reason Japan hasn't gone full globohomo is because they don't have the available housing infrastructure to support western style mass-immigration. It has nothing to do with muh based nippon nativism.
Seriously, you guys need to take off the anime-tinted glasses.
What nonsense, it's not like Europe has said available housing infrastructure either.
American was founded by Explorers,Pioneers,& settlers unlike modern day Israel.
ooh that's a cringe
American was founded by Explorers,Pioneers,& settlers unlike modern day Israel.
why do they need foreigners at all in the first place? fuck outta here with your globalist premises
this is a highly effective tactic, anyone know nip runes?
so what? whats your point?
How does that undermine or support any argument on this thread?
Daily reminder that you won't do shit. Nobody will. Japan is hereby surrendered to the jew forever.
You will never learn Japanese. Nobody on this board will. The only thing that will happen is Japan happily spreading their assholes for the immigrant wave and becoming the next Sweden.
lol retard
There's plenty of empty houses in the Japanese countryside. They remain invader-free because of Japan's strict immigration policies.
Western Europe is decades ahead of Japan in term of poz and hostile invasion. Japan has a lot of catching up to do to get to that point, and centuries of hard work to get to the point of no-return.
The white nations will go down in flames before (((they))) will manage to make Japan becomes a ""racially diverse"" place
Sure they do, there's just ebil wypipo in them, whom are easily displaced. Whether nips can be as easily moved to more rural areas, I'm not sure
There's an orange kike on his way there right now, ask him.
Not yet.
Japan actually has tons and tons of empty homes and not just in the countryside but also in cities.
It's just that no one wants to buy those homes because the property taxes are too high.
Why the hell would anyone want to appropriate their culture?
Go back to leddit, newfag.
All they do is lie.
There is no point of no return, except for skraelings like yourself. Have fun surrendering.
Here's another pic related user
As soon as that passes it will be all over. Japan will have fully converted to globohomo. All the culture they have built up over the years will be gone forever, never to come back again.
More like one year. See
How long until the Jews try and dismantle Shintoism or do they not see it as a threat due to how differently the nips handle religion?
Where the fuck is our Tetsuo?
Look at what happened to Sweden during the whole 2016 refugee crisis. You have their fucking deputy PM break down in tears at a press conference because they have to cut the influx of migrants for this exact reason. It just becomes physically impossible at some point and the housing shortage is even worse in Japan.
The countryside is premium real estate, and they're empty because they're so cost-prohibitive.
It will still take several decades of housing development and population recession before the blackening can begin.
Why are the taxes so high? Activate those almonds of yours and maybe the answer will come to you.
Not washing and inbreeding?
You're not giving jews enough credit, they also invented usury, blood libel, male genital mutilation, pornography,
The ironic hubris of (((Bloomberg))).
Why do the people and race need to serve the economy and not the economy serve the race? Why do they always demand blacks and muslims to pour in to replace the natives? Why is it such a big deal if the population goes down instead of going up in infinite numbers (which is an obviously retarded idea anyway). It is natural and normal for populations to go up and down over time. Japan and other advanced nations can use technology rather than imported low IQ labor and all the problems it brings.
Why do they think that the people they import will:
A) Be the same as the people they are replacing
B) Somehow not get old just like the people they say are getting old
Is there some sort of immortal cloning vat technology they have hidden on an island somewhere or is this just the usual (((media))) scatter shot approach to lies and propaganda to confuse their victims? Rhetorical question.
Forbes: archive.is
Haaretz: archive.is
Reminder that they already have planted agents in Japan in order to sell and spread pro-migration propaganda. Starting up organizations to push standards of beauty and normalize what is obscene. They do this exact same process in every country they are allowed to take root in.
Thanks. Didn't doubt it for a second. Just like the jews. We need to do the same.