This crazy lady destroyed man’s life because of the lies and police sent him to the jail for two weeks without looking at videos first. This is known as Duluth Model.
Women need to be controlled
He'll be a very wealthy man through defamation lawsuits then.
No one needs your take on what women need to be. GTFO.
Is this the daily woman hate spam?
Anons should be aware that this is D&c.
OP is most likely a jewess.
Nah, I am strayan so get out you fucking dried up whore thot.
we're not muslims, our tradition is to allow our wives to spend the night with other Aryans because real Aryan men know their woman won't cheat… remember the 50s, nothing bad happened to the family then
Then why bump my thread up for? You are a dumb bitch who need a nice and warm spank.
Anyway the moral story is don’t help the women until the mess gets clean up by the fascists and put the women back in the line.
You have just proven you are not from here.
You need the source to back your claim up. Anyway I am pretending you don’t exist and stay on the topic.
That's a terrible OP, OP. You have to do better. I will try to say something to save your thread.
A lot of men don't know about the insatiable female appetite for dicks.
Women love a good dicking, no exceptions. That's why men have to control them, so women can have a good life. Giving women sexual freedom is like giving a child candy freedom. You're going to have a fat balloon child in no time. With women you get used up whores, mentally unstable, angry, unsuitable.
Women are like children, in motivations and agency. They need to lose all political and most legal rights, and we will take good care of them. Nothing is worse for women and better for Jewish capitalists than requiring women to wageslave. Expecting women to work outside the home increases production and destroys wages, and it wastes female lives in slaving for a Jewish company. Not only does it destroy the family, but male productivity also suffers from not having a trustworthy assistant in the home.
There's no topic. No one asked you what women need to be. No one needs you on figuring out what women need to be. No one needs your take on what women need to be. GTFO.
Lurk moar kikess.
Pic related it's you.
the absolute state of Zig Forums
Women need to be killed and replaced by artificial wombs.
Control is not enough. Every single woman must be tortured until it becomes just an empty shell, with the sole purpose of being a tool for reproduction, while artificial tools are upgraded until they can replace the defective biological tools.
Cucks and jews are trying to D&C white men by making them tolerate women. Never let them. Never tolerate the enemy.
This whole thread is full of cucks and jews already crying for women to be worshiped.
Women and jews are both enemies of white men.
Literally a pussy worshiper.
All who want to give a good life to women (the enemies of all men) are traitors.
Traitors must be killed first.
All women are to obey men. Women have no saying in anything, and it is ok to kill any woman simply for speaking.
No one will take your side. You will be killed eventually.
Well said, and redpilled women agree with you. A woman is unhappy to take on the mantle of responsibility that comes with manhood. A happy woman is married with children, and is consumed with homemaking.
Kill yourself you (((MGTOW))) faggot. Its not our problem your such an enormous faggot that not even a 3/10 will spread their legs for you.
Whether the bitch wins or loses, whe will get off on the drama.
I am not pro transhumanist and my point is the women need the men to control them.
these idiotic feminist golems have proven the Muslims right with their behavior and have unwittingly fucked over middle eastern women as a result.
This is why hapas are superior to whites.
White men have zero power. Ergo, they are cucked.
The funny thing is that the white man voted women into power.
Then, white people voted jews, niggers and shitskins into power.
Then, the jews, niggers and shitskins fucked over the white people.
A bit of amusing poetic justice, is it not?
I assure you, there are no hapa men stupid enough to do this kind of shit.
There is no hapa woman degenerate enough to pull this on a fellow hapa.
Yet, whites backstab each other like this because they have absolutely no racial cohesion, and because they are degenerate and greedy (like jews).
Hapas are simply superior to whites.
No racemixing please.
roastie detected because men don't give a shit about women hate
that's a lie and you know it
hapa women do nothing but suck BWC
Look at this pathetic cumskin. His race is falling apart before his very eyes, woman turning on man, man turning on woman, woman turning on child, liberal turning on conservative, young turning on old. The white race is in the terminal stages of collapse, destroying itself from the inside out. White countries are full of parasites feeding on the dead flesh of the white race - at first figuratively, and then literally. And yet, despite all this, white people across the world cheer on the imminent collapse, brainwashed into thinking it'll all be okay, and that the collapse is a good thing.
And yet you have the nerve to make a snarky response like that? Please. Look at yourself. Look at your own race, at its unsalvageable status. Look at that and weep, for that is the only thing you can now do.
You're really not from here are you?
Whatcha doing here?
Cumskin-san, I understand that you are very much accustomed to slutty white women who are degenerate, unfaithful and immoral, but that is the exception among races, not the rule. Even nigger men try to stop sheboons from cheating on them; yet, white men are cucks of such a tremendous magnitude that they simply accept being cheated on, justifying it in the name of "women's liberation" and "reparations for hundreds of years of patriarchy".
only chinks are retarded enough to be attracted to cucked white soymales.
Jewish transhumanism
Jews take great pleasure in torturing white women
Jealous omega faggot who is closeted
Obvious D&C shill
Oldest fucking Jew trick in the book.
Don't fall for the lunatic, jews rely on female liberation to subvert society, he is trying yo set up a false dichotomy so you'll start polisjing the pussy pedestal again, which is his real goal.
You just fell for a jewish hegelian mindfuck, idiot.
t. ricedick eurasiantiger
Daily reminder MGTOW fags will get the rope too
Yeah, yeah…
We don't have any use for feminist cunts like you. While we wait for the arrival of robowaifus and artificial wombs, we should just pay surrogacy.
oy vey the boyim know
Correct. Women are children. Responsibility, duty and competency have nothing to do with why they covet power; they just want it. It should be taken from them.
Social pressure mostly. That's how.
That's only true if the police acted in bad faith or the woman is rich. Odds are he's just screwed
Try being a man and not a shitskin.
Chicken and egg. How will you reinstitute social pressures to make women not want to vote when women can vote for things that lead to the conditions where women believe they need to vote?
Oh fuck off beta, white knights are a cancer to society
Thats just dumb. I'm one of you, why the fuck would anyone have to control me? Because some dumb bitch did some dumb shit? Lol I don't call all men cucks because you are one..
this is the problem of ex-yugos
we are so blissful and kind and totally unaware of whats going on around us, since forever normies are taught that west is all unicorns, rainbows, free money and some utopia, then they get the dose of reality like this…
kill yourself roastie
No one will cares about you when the entire world collapse. Bye bye to your old world,
This board increasingly resembles a mixture between half/pol/ and /qresearch/. This entire thread is garbage. White people are fucked.
I don't think it is women who need to be control faggot.
This board increasingly resembles a muslim/semitic/kike hangout. 'Controlling our partners' is a semitic agenda.
Thats right. True paganism is allowing our women equal rights. Just like Odin would want it to be.
C U C K! and most likely a filthy jid.
Woman lied to the cops and the cops didn’t investigate properly until they looked at the videos. The cops would have look at the videos first because it is available 24/7 so all they can do is look at videos and the problem is solved within a split second. It is not a rocket science to figure that out.
Go ahead, quote scripture to prove it.
Boomers were born and raised in the 50s.
dude, srsly
cum is obtained through an orgasm ', and it creates life'
"cumskin" cannot work as an insult
you fractal nigger
both being bumped to the front page at exactly the same time
Women are subhuman, and deserve to be beaten and raped. They should not be taught how to read or speak from birth.
that's a funny way of spelling exterminated.
fuck off, simpboi.
kek. tits or gtfo, roastie.