May 22, 2019, 8:31 AM UTC
IQ rates are dropping in many developed countries and that doesn't bode well for humanity
wtf how cud dis heppin Zig Forums?
May 22, 2019, 8:31 AM UTC
IQ rates are dropping in many developed countries and that doesn't bode well for humanity
wtf how cud dis heppin Zig Forums?
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post an actual paper shlomo
This, ironically anybody with a room temperature can figure out why this is happening.
Hard to believe. Sure that there is no skewing done to combat racism or bs like that?
This will push some buttons for sure. EuroNIGGERS have nothing going for them other than pathetic “pride”
That last one is a euronig favorite. So let’s here it for the continent of sophistication and “purity”!
This is just the effect of more immigration and higher birth rates of that genetic detritus isn't it?
Yeah, one of the reasons is clear, but let's not forget either that chavs are having more children than high IQ whites as well.
Why? Guess why? Adapting to a hostile degenerate elite's mentally ill propaganda as a means to reproduce. That's why.
Basically we're getting fucked by evolution.
Imagine how stupid you have to be to be a degree-holding academic these days and do a "study."
Just to make sure you don't influence anymore stupidity with your post I have to say this. Evolution is natural, not artificial.
It's due to the lack of liberty. Any country that allows free debates has a naturally more enlightened people. The free flow of ideas is what counters stagnation.
More like they don't like the answers and don't want to change the trend. Or very likely want this trend to continue.
I'm sure there are others but those are the things that come to mind first.
Also, I was under the impression IQ had been dropping since the 18th century but of course has accelerated since the later half of the 20th century.
Also I love how muhhh economy and technology is the most important thing to these faggots. But what can you expect from your friendly neighborhood jew?
I believe it was the fucking jews that used false arguments about IQ, that it was just used to discriminate against non-Europeans, to push forward the Hart-Celler Act.
It is obvious that the main cause is population replacement,they have been testing IQ with natives and foreigners and then present it as though it is the natives who are becoming retarded they have been caught doing this in Italy,Portugal,France and Switzerland and im pretty sure they do the exact same thing everywhere else in Europe and in the US.
From what i have read IQ in the West has only been decreasing since the 70s.
Nice red pill but how come Singapore is gaining from immigration? Their citizens are mostly high IQ Chinese but the immigrants are mostly Indians.
No there aren't. t. able to see through the (((obvious intention))) of the statement.
If you are interested in these type of topics I would recommend reading or listening to Edward Dutton. He does research in these areas and has a higher output than Alt-Hype and didn't go retard. Although Alt-Hype still seems confused at best. He also is a prolific writer it seems.
According to him, and I think he was measuring IQ by per capita technological innovation, this is the case. I also like him because his books as well as his subject material like Survive the Jive spices of things that are in a similar area.
Thanks, i will check it out.
Maybe this?
They probably don't include foreigners into statistics where they are irrelevant.
I wonder why?
The answer is NIGGERS
Grug no understand.
Why long nose tribe want dumber us?
Obviously, niggers and other mud races are to blame for the majority of this. However, I wouldn't be surprised if the average white IQ is lower in the modern era than it used to be.
The proliferation of internet and smart phones means people never have to remember facts and aren't as often forced to critically think or problem solve in daily life. They just look for a prepackaged solution to every problem via a web search.
How many people, even white people, can you say actually use critical thinking in their daily lives (if at all)?
Vid related. Taxi drivers develop a larger hippocampus in the course of their work, which they would not develop if they relied on driving route apps.
Involution, which leads to massive violence
It's almost like people that never invented the wheel aren't as intelligent as people that have invented almost everything.
Isn't this dysgenics then, if eugenics makes the race better?
Apparently not. They may have to make a reality show keeping up with the merchants to catch everyone up.
Was mainlining sex drugs and rock and roll a bad thing?
Nice D&C, kike.
It’s eugenic for non whites lmao
Not so fun to have your assumptions fall around your ears now is it? You euronigs grew up soy, weak, and indoctrinated. Did you really think you could outrun the consequences forever?
I suppose you mean immigration from the Brown World. But also, I do believe that things like widespread water fluoridation and perhaps vaccines, not to mention dysgenic welfare policies subsidizing the birth of high time preference indigents has something to do with it.
In other words, I bet intelligence is dropping within the white population as a result of poor administration and the ever-present Fifth Column nipping at our heels, and not merely dropping on average because of immigration from the Global South.
Dutton is interesting. I take some of the things he says with a grain of salt, because I find his explanations to be reductionist. For example, the claim that left handedness is a sign of mutation is hardly true except insofar as it is a recessive variant, as we have now identified genes correlated to left handedness, and they are present in the population to the tune of 12.5% or half of the one-quarter that would be expected from a simple recessive inheritance. Left handedness is also correlated with intellectual achievement, creativity and homosexuality. Dutton also seems hasty in other claims he makes, and his statements regarding religion makes me think he has a religiously centered basis for these claims.
probably has nothing to do with inbred jews, inbred muslims, niggers, or faggots.
Not European, retard. I just hate yids like you.
Sure they are.
What is "IQ" in this sense? Do they mean average? Or do they mean capacity? I guess the author hasn't noticed artificial selection of weakness for the last 100 years.
You mean how bankers wars have decimated European countries, and how our grandparents and parents largesse for inferior species, has shielded niggers and dunecoons from natural pressures, to to remain sparsely populated?
IDK maybe it has something to do with the nigger migration, the poisoning of our food and water supplies, the constant bombardment of EMR and cellphone radiation, the anti-intellectual education system, vaccines, the drug industry in general, and the garbage proganda media system.
Current era is literally the most dysgenic the world has ever been and these “experts” can’t find out why. What a clown world we live in. The truth is they can’t find a “kosher” reason why. All “science” is controlled and pozzed.
Is this a cover-up or are they that stupid to hurt themselves with their own poison?
Watch how they change the definition of IQ test to bump up the scores of niggers and shitskins and reduce whites'. Redefine IQ (a proven measure for success) so that it measure something niggers are good at e.g. jumping, shooting niggers
I want to see the paper before making a judgement. It's pretty easy to tell how much of the drop is due to immigration and how much is environmental,
>(((Horowitz))) - it's not immigration goy
Edward Dutton does a good job at explaining the decline in general intelligence and why the flynn effect only masked the real biological decline for a few decades.
Anybody got a good video or research studies that are non pozzed for redpilling purposes. Ops video kind of sucks.
This video for example:
pic rel
"Evolution is not scientific theory but a metaphisical research programme."
Popper (before (((he))) cucked)
hmm, that can't be true, I was told we are all equal, which is why history is littered with examples of everyone being equal
Trying this hars to D&C wew lad
*lips in mutt speak
Cope harder euronig. Europe’s always been diverse. Now you don’t even have mythical IQ numbers to brag about.
Bezos needs his nigger cattle feed lot to operate the cageswarm to get goods from the warehouses to space for when he's king of his depopulated Earth park watching from his orbital mansion.
Mysterious. What is Western Europe currently suffering under that the poorer less economically attractive Eastern Europeans are not?
It's a mystery.
The reason that the Average I.Q. is dropping is because successful men are being seduced by dumb whores…
Also, the mass Vaccinations flood your brain with Aluminum.
Also, Big-Pharma keeps drugging everyone; this causes a lot of brain damage.
Does this mean we Europeans require Immigrants based on merit?
The niggerdom must flow!
Successful men are always seduced by dumb whores. The only difference is that today they have smaller families, so there's less probability of bearing a worth child.
these dumb fucks, the average IQ is dropping, but only because low IQ people are increasing in population more than high IQ. it's not like high IQ white people are losing their IQ, just becoming smaller
Our modern societies are degenerate and dysgenic, catering to subhumans, so nature punishes us. What's wrong with that? We're the ones in the wrong here thinking we could beat God's natural laws.
good. fuck whitey
Fabulous! Let's have meritorious immigrants replace us. "I'll let my wife fuck QUALITY men."
Vaccines and other forms of hardcore new-age pollution are the cause. These cause permanent genetic damage. If you are vaccinated or have vaccinated your kids, or if you eat lots of GMOs, then you are playing your small part in this decline.
Thankfully we are at the cusp of Crispr-Cas9 technology, which will change everything we know about biology. The time to prepare for that, mentally and financially, is now.
O no! Who would have predicted it?
Reasons for the decline (dysgenics) for the real autists out there:
Reminds me of that Toronto Chief of Police who has absolutely no clue why crime rates are rising to Chicongo levels while the media goys are asking themselves whether crime rates could be linked to health care or education or unemployment. What else could it be?
And that's exactly the plan.
As they need a dumbed-down general population, intelligent enough to work, but too stupid to question the actions of authorities.
Article written by a kike who of course doesn't mention that it's the result of importing millions of muds.
Lots of white are migrating to Singapore.
Curryniggers are mostly on work visa sweeping streets (although for some reason a few are granted citizenship thanks to liberals)
Maybe it is because stupid liberal sluts fuck niggers.
Answer found.
Stop fucking Niggers.. Iq's will rise..
Why are the Swiss at the bottom?
What do they all have in common? Black hair, animal behavior and low IQ.
It is the dominant animal genes.
I keep telling you fucking fags that Switzerland is only 70% White…the same as many states in the USA. They are #1 shitskin factory. And there is always one fucking swiss fag who says, no they aren't. But the swiss are as 'multicultural' as Florida. It is a fucking filth factory that has more turd worlder 'gun control' now that 1/2 the USA.
Qatar gained 5…hahahaha now what are they 87 IQ…ooohhhh aaahhhh
I can't fucking wait for the Malthusian collapse of this fucking vile system.
Want someone to blame?
jews aren't white.
You asked a precise question and I'm going to give you a precise answer.In the books Genetic Studies of Genius it was found those with IQ's above 150 had .8 children. Those with IQ's above 170 had .3 children among women and .5 children among men. This is the modern age with birth control so I expect smart people are having even fewer children now. Norman Treolar passed out a survey called the soapbox survey asking people what they believed. He diveded the people into 3 groups. Ordinary people people who are members of Mensa and those who are members of high IQ groups beyond mensa. His goal was to fing an arrow of truth. The arrow of truth here is the higher the IQ the fewer children people have. The world is doomed. The bible says in the last days a days wages will buy a loaf of bread. Enjoy your world we no longer have a stake in it.
not shilling, but what do you supposed the average IQ for a pol user is? cuz we've got kike name calling samefags that contribute nothing and people that sorta resemble the mental makeup of a stereotypical white confederate flag redneck all the way up to disputes over the work of neitzche and high level satirical banter.
In all fairness, the US is still a strong voice of Christianity throughout the world. God may be preserving us to some degree due to this, in spite of the world's literal highest degree of (((poz))) being directed against us incessantly.
I would bet fairly above average. Perhaps 110-115?
Fuck this Jewish slave market bullshit! Fuck your "Intelligent Quotient"
This plus a higher degree of schizophrenia.
I like how kikes took over the party and they get fat retards to walk around in illfitted clothes.
Only the Chinese and our elites who sell out to the Chinese (they already have, where's your factory job?) will have access to it thanks to the "white left" morons.
The degenerate baby boomer generation caused this with their shitskin loving ways. You find declines everywhere with them in every single stat since the 70s, surprising at one point Americans used to be the fittest and tallest people in the world.
But the EU just imported millions of doctors and rocket scientists ! How could this have happened ?!
So it's not the Jews then. Thanks for clearing that up.
People selfishly chose their feelings over the future so I'm not surprised. The only question now is how long future generations will choose to stand for it, how much they decide they want humanity to have a bright future instead of eternally wallowing darkly in literal darkening among the dark hordes that will darken humanity in eternal darkness to extinction.
The path is clear, Sir Charles Darwin knew what future generations must/will do
>At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes… will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene in a more civilised state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as baboon, instead of as now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla. The Descent of Man, 2nd ed., New York: A.L. Burt Co., 1874, p. 178 by Sir Charles Darwin
I did say elites, didn't I?
Yeah, I don't know about you fuckers but after I read mein kampf I quit drinking and started getting rid of the tidbits of pudge on my body.
Congrats, user. Hopefully everyone else learns from you.
yeah lol
woops meant to use this pic
I suppose if by 'feelings' you meant 'muh dick'. Look how many people are on Zig Forums who are proudly fucking a hideous bug person or a nigger. I think it is a lack of standards. The more male control there is of reproduction the further the standards decline.