We need to talk about what it means to be white. I've seen a few people advocate for the one drop rule, but they never constitute what a drop is. I assume it's 1%, as anything below 1% is generalized as noise and/or inaccurate data which is either too low to differentiate between 100% or simply noise which means it is non-existent all together.
As far as the one drop rule goes, it may be too extreme, and I don't think it needs to be that complicated. It isn't too hard to know what a white person is. Everyone here knows what a white person is, and those who try to divide whites based upon arbitrary illogical lines most often are kikes trying to Divide and Conquer.
White people have white skin, easy enough. Soft flowing straight or wavy hair. Blue, brown, green, gray, or hazel eyes. And, generally have pink areas such as nipples, gums, lips, and penis tips. Also whites are tolerant to lactose. These tests are a sure enough way to know if someone is white or not.
If you all are curious, by the way, I am of the North West European stock, and am part British 75% German 20% and Scandinavian 5%.
Yesterday that user advocated FOR the one drop rule, which made me make this post calling it too extreme and a D&C tactic.
I want to discuss this to have a concrete definition if whiteness to put this to rest.
Sebastian Carter
Slavs, whites, nords, celts and meds are in this together and will rise together to wipe you from the face of the earth chaim.
Parker Richardson
Wipe who? I swear to God, you all cannot be this paranoid or else this whole thing as one big lost cause.
Angel Gray
No shortage of nonwhite people to purge first, so you trying to make this a metric for anything in the world today makes it obvious that this is pure DC shill tactics. It's fucking irrelevant.
Ian Wright
Saged and reported
Nolan Morales
Why are you guys so disingenuous lying pieces of shit? YOU don't want to discuss anything, you want other people to post in your shit thread discussing what ((( a few people))) spammed the board earlier with. We all know it's you trying to D/C the non-existant niggers on this board (except /int/) so really it's a black hole where people can only waste their time discussing this retarded topic. The divisiveness in your posts about people who aren't even here or don't care about their mutt blood is stupid, it's basic tier and you know it Shekelberg. This thread is meant specifically to waste time discussing a possible future we are nowhere close to, we don't have a movement nor representation, to alienate now is literally retarded. no kikes or full niggers tho
Carter Thomas
Easton Thomas
How is it D&C to call out D&C tactics? I'm so confused here.
Connor Johnson
how is it D&C?
Christopher Miller
The rule is the same the National Socialists used. 1/3 or less is ignored.
Tyler Richardson
Talking about jewish genes, for clarity
Brayden Rogers
no it's not
Cameron Hall
ITT leftist larping as so called "alt-right".
Landon Parker
The One Drop Rule is D&C as shit and uses arbitrary rules to choose who is and isn't white as if a single drop matters. It would be bred out in a single generation.
Ian Ortiz
Oh, so now I'm a leftist. I guess hail stalin comrade. Like, fuck no, I'm just a white dude tired of the Alt-Right being some secret society where we are all afraid of talking out in public. I want to get public and let people know what the fuck is going on. I'm tired of everyone thinking I'm wrong for knowing the truth about the jews. I'm tired of resenting my surroundings because everyone is grasping to escapist bullshit. People need to be waken up and we need to form a party.
Austin Barnes
isn't arbritary
the only exceptions I can think of are if you're mixing with borderline white Caucasians like some Levantines or majorily Europid Turkics
Dylan Flores
and here the thread ends
Zachary Edwards
There's no way to delete threads so, mods, if you see this delete it, because people took me wanting to discuss the one drop rule as advocating for it, which was not my intent. I wanted to discuss the rule and decide whether or not it was valid, while also discussing whether or not it's D&C. So, yeah this thread went to shit fast, so just delete it I guess, mods.
Jose Clark
Alt-Right was used in context because the other user said it first.
Carson Carter
If I put a turd in your milkshake, how much more milkshake mix would I have to add before there is no more turd in it?
Slavs are a wild card. Generally good people, but some are too mixed with Mongolian blood. Slavs should make a concerted effort to bear offspring with Celtic or Germanic fathers. Meds are Latin. Stop trying to be White. Meds are fine people, just stay in your own lands, breed with your own women and preserve your own (Latin) culture.
Eli Turner
Paranoid schizo-fuck.
Mason Butler
You were banned for a reason. You're ban evading with Tor for a reason.
Joseph Rivera
I didn't ask what is white. I stated what is white, right after calling the One Drop Rule arbitrary and a D&C tactic. You can"t be this low IQ to not be able to read properly.
Cooper Anderson
current cutting edge methodologies in population genetics are just not sensible enough to be consistent about a ±1% difference in a certain admixture model, especially if the purpoted "external" source is not too different from the target population(i.e intrusive nigger DNA is ceteris paribus easier to detect than middle eastern one) t. genetics pro
the one drop rule may be employed in terms of recent genealogy, when available then again, if you don't have traceable parents to a certain country going back some centuries you shouldn't be there in the first place, unless of course in the near future public genealogical records mysteriously burn down all over the west
as far as I'm concerned, "race" is ultimately about quality, not so much about quantity; methods in population genetics are quantitative, they typically query some millions of loci, most of which probably don't even have any sensible phenotypical expression, and then try to look for patterns; now this is useful to a degree, but at the same time the more you reduce the target "excess" intrusive DNA the harder it is to make sense of things, and in particular, the overall phenotypical expression may correspond more to the ideal of the race than the expression of someone who is quantitatively purer but qualitatively poorer e.g someone with 1% negro DNA may express the ideal nordic race better than someone with 0%, because all of the pieces that express the ideal are there in the first despite the 1%, while some lack in the other despite the quantitative result; mind you, that obviously isn't to say we should be lenient about racemixing, just that a qualitative approach often times will be more efficacious than some vague quantitative models that you may not even trust; quantitative models may be used as a first discriminant to tell apart obviously racemixed individuals; then, once this stage is passed, a qualitative approach evaluates the individual where it matters the most obviously, this can happen because even within modern races, there is often significant phenotypical variation, no race is pure to the point of producing qualitatively equal individuals, some whites are trash, and I'm afraid the dysgienic policies of the last 500 years have increased that fraction
Slavs can be annoying. Arrogant. But I proudly fight side by side with then to remove you from the face of the earth. Tick tock, schlomo.
Mason Scott
Watch out, apparently discussing things on Zig Forums makes you a kike.
Lucas Morales
Slavs are white, they are probably one of our best Hope's as they already know first hand the tragedies of Jewish communism.
Parker Roberts
You're excluding a lot of celts with brown eyes in your model.
Henry Taylor
I said brown.. I have light brown eyes lmao why would I exclude my own eye color
Luke Gonzalez
White people can have brown eyes, it's a lighter brown, unlike bigger eyes which are almost completely black and soulless
Alexander Martinez
Anthony Foster
not everyone lurking has a degree in genetics, so you should have included a tl;dr in your post
Zachary Cox
Yes the “BUT WHAT IS WHITE” Arguement is garbage. Most people easily fit into one race or the other and taking extreme cases like mixed race people and saying extrapolating them out to the general is dishonest.
Dylan Anderson
JIDF is very active this morning I see…
OP, I think the one drop rule is impracticable because nearly every faggot in here, and over on 4chong are half breed gooks or mutts.
Here is the rule my wife and I developed as a way to decide if we want to be social with other families… no jews, no niggers, no sand niggers, no christ cucks, no race traitor white niggers, no retards, and no mutts.
The blood rule shit is pointless unless you are walking around with a damn 23&me DNA test in your fucking pocket. But for the sake of argument, my acceptable level is at a minimum, 70% white, no nigger blood at all, and you can only have either Asian or certain types of Hispanic blood.
Outside of having a fucking DNA test in your pocket, we only hang out with whites, Asians, based crusader minded Christians that are not cucks, or certain types of Hispanics.
A turd is where you start. How much milkshake has to be added to get to one drop? And at what point after that is there magically no more turd in the milkshake?
Xavier Robinson
Reported for not even trying.
Hunter Wright
I'd say if it's less than 1% turd it doesn't matter anymore. And that's including weight and volume, so you can't Invision a small turd floating in a jar of milkshake, since milk shakes are less dense. More like a single booty flake in a pool of milkshake and you would never even notice it's there.
Zachary Scott
Green or blue eyes, or another color of eye that isn't "Eternal Brown."
Those soulless black eyes just give me the creeps. So I look to the eyes. Colored eyes means human in my book, even if it's a cat.
Carson Cox
It was 1/8th or 1/16th. I forget off the top of my head. 1/8 = 12.5% 1/16 = 6.25% They did it based on generation.
Dylan Taylor
If you believe in collecting evidence, proposing hypotheses, executing experiments to test your theories, and adjusting your theories based on the data collected from your trials, then every human who's ever lived is "mixed race." If an Irish Wolfhound mixes with a German Shepherd, the offspring is still a dog.
If you'd prefer to believe in kike fairytales, then yeah, there's a fucking ice wall at the end of the ocean that goes on forever, because the Earth is flat, because it's actually a simulated reality wherein (((YOU))) are the only sentient entity and everyone else is an NPC; or runes, or something else. Racism is correct and good but also a kike D&C trick, as per usual.
Still, every living human needs to die, ASAP. I'm begging.
Cooper Harris
the first paragraph is the tl; dr, more or less methods in population genetics are heavily statistical and it isn't easy to consistently detect ±1% differences, especially if you want to detect admixture by proximate yet different sources(e.g anatolian admixture in the Balkans, if present, or west siberian ancestry in east/north-east Europeans) in fact, as counterintuitive as it may first be, it's often easier to detect admixture from very divergent sources, since the signature in those case is stronger there are always many assumptions involved behind these models, DNA doesn't come with labels saying "I'm nigger" or "I'm white", you more or less have a big bunch of positions with 4 possible letters and you got to figure out things based on reasonable patterns with those>>13311322
Jayden Watson
I have all of those and I'm a mutt who's 1/8 flip, 1/8 jap, 1/8 german, 1/8 dutch, 2/8 spanish, 1/8 mexican injun
Simply being able to consume dairy, having white skin, fair eyes and red hair doesn't make you white. There's also many abominations like me who delusionally call themselves white as well.
Brody Rodriguez
Lucas Green
Why haven't you strapped a bomb to yourself and walked into a synagogue yet?