Free Will Doesn't Exist

Take Some LSD

And Go On

A Shooting Spree

There is no Free Will, but there is also no Fate besides that which you make for yourself. It is impossible to unsee the extent to which your life is meticulously (((managed))) by literal fucking kikes – literal, fucking, jewish, homosexual, taxpayer-funded, cowards.

It's brutal, when you realize our societies are DESIGNED to gaslight us into demoralized permanent subservience, and when the NormieNet they let you browse spells it out in complete detail. Don't worry, everyone* can edit Wikipedia. The truth shall always rise to the surface.

The handful of wealthiest people on the planet, including (((Larry Page))) and (((Mark Zuckerberg))), plus the shadowy backstage incestual orgy of inbred Rothschild / Zionist hollow weakling Beautiful Ones, don't view you as human, they view you as property. This is why you can't attempt suicide, or even purchase a firearm if you have a history of (((mental health issues))): YOU ARE BEING USED BY SOMEONE ELSE TO EXTRACT AS MUCH LABOR VALUE FROM YOU AS POSSIBLE, WITH ZERO REGARD FOR YOUR HOPES, DREAMS, HEALTH, FAMILY, FRIENDS, OR WELLBEING. And they spell out in explicit detail in their most honored and trusted names in news – remember Sarah Jeong? She still works at the New York Times – that you, the pathetic white male oppressor Nazi, are targeted for erasure.

There's no fucking point. The strong are ruled by the weak, because the virtues that make the strong who they are, are co-opted by the weak who lack such virtues: honesty, dedication, self confidence, law, order.

I have a gun and I can kill as many fucking NYPD as I want. Come get me, you fat, gluttonous, bald bitch paypigs. I'm bored.


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Other urls found in this thread:

Kill some christians or your attacks on jews will fail until the end of time.

Go Bathe in fucking Molten Acid you Shill Kike and Rot on your Shite Psychs yourself

You wont do shit faggot.
If you do, make sure its a jew cop

Fine. You spammed your message all over the board. Now go ahead or shut up.
Neither way does anyone here care.


bump so people can laugh at these blatant fedposts.

fuck off judeo-Protestant.

You done fucked up now.
The party van is on its way no doubt.

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There is a slim chance that he is just a schizo but it's probably an attempt to shut down the main hub of nazi terrorism online.

A thread died for this