Terminator 6 - using gender neutral cyborgs to push LGBT agenda
Trailer clearly says it all.
We need to nuke Hollywood now.
Terminator 6 - using gender neutral cyborgs to push LGBT agenda
Trailer clearly says it all.
We need to nuke Hollywood now.
Fucking gay…..gunna flop at the box office.
Holyjew is always out of ideas.
How to make a movie:
1: Create a spin-off from some older movie(s). Saves you the trouble of creating something new and interesting.
2: Bring in washed up actors from those older movies in a failed attempt to jerk off the fan of the movie series.
3: Push political agenda.
4: Get shit ratings, but cash in enough to get back to step 1.
This plus capefag keeps Hollywood floating. If capefag movie following dies Hollywood will die with it.
Why is Hollywood parading a Dylann Roof lookalike around?
Obligatory. I hope next time they kill and eat him.
So fucking gay
Cape fag is supported by soyboys, man-children are far worse than boomers.
They already burn't me with how bad Terminator Genisys was. I'm smelling nostalgia bait big time with Linda and Arnold getting so much screen time. This is gonna fail hard. Why can't Hollyjew just leave good franchises rest in peace?
That shit looks awesome
Maybe if you see the world with red tinted nostalgia glasses and sucked SJW cunts it might.
Societal manipulation is the most important point. Movies are one of the many conditioning mechanisms of jewish control over White countries and shitskin golems against Whites. As long as the movie breaks even, jews will keep doing it. In some cases, they will create a loss-leader and siphon off the movie system to keep it afloat, just like they do with cuck porn.
Great effort, nigger.
It's all war propaganda now. They want to outrage you by rubbing it in and destroy your past.
who the fuck cares about your retarded movies
I hope he gets drop kicked by a nigger in it lmaoo
Watch your mouth, Roof is much cuter
so they're remaking terminator 3?
only 1 and maybe 2 are canon. salvation had some cool imagery, but it's still lesser than. Michael Biehn was the man as Kyle Reese
most films lose money, which proves that jews care more about agenda than shekels. money is simply a means.
That's a tomboy you stupid fuck.
Also, they made the jew the bad guy.
Came here for this. user never disappoints.
should i fell lucky or unlucky that i didn't know about 4 & 5?
what a bland and soulless subtitle. sure they all are, but this one sounds particularly fan fictiony
The fancier T-1000 looks interesting, but everything else is shit. Plus, Robert Patrick shits all over this spic Jew.
Lucky. They're boring as fuck movies.
That new terminator looks jewish as fuck
Looks like a remake of 1 and 2
Sarah Connor died in 3, but apparently she's alive again.
I didn't even bother for 4 and 5
Why do Terminators age like slags? Why is Arnold such a faggot? Roids.
Dumb nigger.
The entire franchise died when the 3rd movie came out. That killed it for me. The one with Christian Bale wasn't bad in the beginning, but the last quarter of the movie was fucking dumb as hell. The problem with the movies is the 2 originals were made in the 80s early 90s. The future movies needed to keep that kind of feel and not get TOO sci-fi-y. The shit fell out of the Bale movie when they introduced those stupid fucking eel robots and him riding the motorcycle robot. Absolutely fucking retarded. Even though T3 was garbage movie, the ending was so despondent that it made it an actual decent movie, except for the gay shit at the beginning and the slutty terminator cunt. I didn't even attempt to see genesis, it just looked fucking gay.
The Terminator movies were literally my most favorite movies as a kid. I grew up with T2 and I've seen the movie well over 100 times. I know everything about Terminator and T2 and everything beyond that is trash hollywood cash grab bullshit.
This movie is supposed to erase everything after the 2nd movie. It's supposed to be a direct sequel from 2 I believe.
Figures.. well, I don't really care tbh
I just want to erase all the jews that produced this, then I'm happy.
You aint alone. While I fear the happening and what it will unleash, I know we need this to do what must be done.
Nice double dubs. Don't worry, it will happen soon enough and we will be able to reclaim our birthright by harnessing our inner god of chaos.
Who could possibly be behind this?
Screenplay by
(((David Goyer)))
Justin Rhodes
(((Billy Ray)))
Story by
James Cameron
Charles Eglee
(((Josh Friedman)))
(((David Goyer)))
Justin Rhodes
looks as gay as the Village People.
Linda looks fucking ancient now.
it's all about just making more and more money to re-invest in their next movie idea following the same formula to make even more money
Its funny because a buddy of mine has a boner for LInda Hamilton and I'm gonna have a giggle rubbing this fucking fagfest starring the Corpse of Linda Hamilton in his face.
Hamilton was a good looking girl in the 80s and early 90s, but after 25 years, age claims all beauty.
women age like milk
I'd still adtificially inseminate her eggs for somebody.
Lol yeah, no shit. She's only 63. Arnold is 71.
Michael Biehn was the fucking shit. Terminator, Aliens, Abyss, The Rock, Tombstone, Navy Seals, then he just fell off the fucking planet. He was a badass in the 80s early 90s.
Huh. A little surprized they went through with it. I remember a few years back they came out with a promotional image of the cast and it was all female. Right around the time Ghost Busters absolutely flopped, and they got absolutely shit on all over social media. Although if the new Batwoman series is anything to go off, I guess they just don't care. Or the kikes in charge have accidentally brainwashed themselves into valuing virtue signaling over shekels, which is pretty impressive.
The Heck You Say.
What about;
Men and Stronk 98lb Black Women in Black International? lmfao
Muh 4" Lift/Heelz make muh 5'4" pig faced body look slim n stronk.
They will all Suck on Ice.
I'd like to see her get drop-kicked by the same nigger with the same force as Arnold and see who takes it better.
holy shit the CGI is trash
I don't have an issue with this, shitty reboot aside.
good one i haven't seen before, saved
Watch as the (((mods))) delete the thread for "low effort" or some equally shit reason because it's exposing propaganda that's being pushed to the masses, while they leave up "high effort" threads like "X hate thread" and single-line pro-trump threads based on a screencap of a tweet.
If we changed up the tax code then they economically couldn't produce these flops.
You think they'll cram in a joke about how no wall can stop this T-Mex?
Get personal information on the producers, writers and director. Maybe the actors too.
Spread the printed info on places where spics and niggers gather, along with info on how much money those Pedowood bots have. Write in anything that can incite those spics and niggers to invade the homes of the Pedowood's bots and kill them for their money, or at the very least, threaten their lives.
Be careful to cover your tracks and to do it all while covering your own identity.
Incite subhumans to kill those who work for Pedowood.
The dark horse comics were great. Maybe this will be cool.
What the fuck are you talking about? There are still female cyborgs and male cyborgs in this. The female one strongly resembles Sarah Connor in the original Terminator film. She was fairly masculine in that. Have you even watched the first two Terminator films? Fucking idiot.
It's extremely obvious that this is a return to form for them, it's a lot like the first two Terminator films. I bet this will be the first well-received Terminator film since the second one. You guys are fucking retarded.
CGI seems to have not only hit a wall, but severely declined. I don't know if this is due to outsourcing to the third world or more "diversity" at the studios themselves.
That is the definition of a leftist.
It’s funny how hard they try to make women appear “badass” and “cool” but all it does is come off as unrealistic and painfully try hard.
Terminator was Cultural Marxist trash from the first installment.
Anything you watch these days we are meant to believe a 80lb woman can take down a 200lb man, like at least do some judo or something, use your opponents wait against them, instead you have Scarlett Johannsen taken down 10 dudes and flipping them on their arse.
Side note: this is literally a chick flick, I will probably wait for it to pop up on Piratebay i.e. not getting my money
They trot this geezer out again (even though he only has a year or two left to live) because when you sell your soul to the jew, they own your for life. Arnie is the biggest cuck, sell out piece of shit on earth. If he were younger, I would probably have him on my list.
Obvious feminist propaganda is obvious…
This. Rapey porn flick that can exit in book burning 2.0
J-just can you… can you just… can’t you see that cyborgs WOULD be gender neutral? Do you people gender your Roombas?
It cleans house better than a feminist. Roombas are female.
Well. At least Zig Forums's memes about it will be good.
No they wouldn't you humongous faggot. Cyborgs are cybernetically modified humans, and androids are designed after humans, so both would likely have gender. Especially if you consider that any society advanced enough to make near-perfect androids would have traditional roles and values and would certainly design them to be gendered.