And "they" aren't going to stop until they're all gone…
We knew it was only a matter of time till they were gonna look East…
RIP Japan
And "they" aren't going to stop until they're all gone…
We knew it was only a matter of time till they were gonna look East…
RIP Japan
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Sad to say, it’s been over for Japan since 1945. Unless a country’s government is explicitly ethnonationalist the wave of pozz will one day wash over everything and destroy it and atomize it. Globalist Japanese politicians in their pursuit of endless economic growth will important millions of shitskins to help the shrinking population. It will soon be a country of Arabs, South East Asian monkeys.
Americans are an insidious virus, it's like a hub of these gross self hating (((white))) + actual whites spreading their shitty ideology around the world to whoever they sense weak enough to do it so. I truly hope that shithole of a nation falls and any based whites left there leave it.
That song is heavy. Kamikaze pilots should be looked upon with respect by nationalists everywhere. White bushido when?
Let the suicidal virtue signalling ensue
Absolutely no way this bullshit would affect japan. Theyre still backwards neanderthals at heart, plus as europe and america shows jews need to be sufficiently "white" to pass through european filters, i cant see any jew marrying a jap and having slanty eyed offspring just for the purpose of spreading an ideology in a small backwater.
This is true, the only way for jews to subvert high IQ populations is to kinda look like them.
They are already intermarrying, you cretin. With chinks, too. Also, that backwater has 120 million people.
As long as the core Zionist elite remain pure the big Jews don’t care. Jews are ultimately egomaniacs and only come together as a group when threatened. It it leads to the destruction of Japan the big Jews who control the banks and Western government would certainly start to send Jews to interbreed in order to subvert Japan from within. As long as Jewish blood flows through the vains of a Mischling, he will corrupt, subvert and destroy
What a shame that another country will be ruined by disgusting rat kikes. Hope someone reheats the ovens very soon.
Miss Universe Japan 2015 was the nigger. She went on a diversity campaign against Japan after she won. Did they kick her out of the country in response? lol
>plans to expand immigration even further because (((muh aging population)))
With the rugby world cup and the olympics coming up, I foresee a rapid death for what's left of Japan. Real shame tbh.
The global pogrom of all jews and chinks can't come soon enough
So apparently marxists see anime and japanese culture as a whole is a threat to the degenerate status quo.
Another shit thread brought to you by your local yids.
Damn, that song almost brought tears to my eyes. All those poor guys who were forced (by jewish war and destruction) to suicide, and end their lives to protect what their family, in a war that never should have happened. I'm sure it was an honor for them, which is truly the epitome of a patriotic act, but goddamn, it sickens me still WHY they were sacrificed.
Is that HN? That place became insufferable for me years ago, just how full of soy is it now?
I know how you feel, that is one of my favorite songs. They were heroes. If we had even a hundred good white men with their bravery and spirit of self-sacrifice it would make a great difference.
Muh BASED Nips
Japan is cucked
Who is surprised? This is obvious to anyone with a functioning brain. White nations are finished. Whites are on the inevitable death spiral and decline unless someone actually does something instead of complaining and making useless memes that do nothing. Anyone who tries to do just that is called a fed and a shill, so the kikes know their work is done. Now they're moving onto the other non-brown races.
There are no good non-Whites other than some Japanese honorary Aryans
Chinks are basically kikes
Pic related the first president of Guyana
Learn how to read, retard. The kikes are going after ALL non-browns. It doesn't matter what you think about chinks, that changes nothing.
We need a White ethnoglobe.
RIP japan since the fucking JSA took over their country post WW2. It was inevitable. When the (((west))) (((takes over your country))) you're fucked.
is there any concrete information on what Japan is doing to become more "diverse"?
This is the origin of the reptilian shape shifter meme. They always shapeshift into the average appearance of a citizen of their host nation. The only really noticeable thing that gives them away is their nose.
May a thousand Otoyas rise.
Soros did just that lol
Anime turns you into s tranny
How is that good, you actual retard? They are going after east asians because they're already done subverting and destroying europeans, who they've left in a death spiral.
true, only the white race is uniquely fucked over by the jews.
Are you actually incapable of reading? Let me repeat:
They are going after east asians
because they're already done subverting and destroying europeans, who they've left in a death spiral.
You are praising the death and destruction of europeans because all light skinned asians including chinese are getting attacked next.
It's a freemasonry experiment and they're still owned by the (((UK))). They wanted to see if free range chickens laid more eggs. They do.
who cares? japs aren't white. and even if they had admixture from another race, it wouldn't ruin them like one drop ruins whites
At this point americans are no different from those moderate muslims who say they have nothing to do with the radical muslims but whose actions support them every single time.
Tokyo is an early harbinger of changes that are coming, albeit more slowly, to the rest of Japan. The capital city’s diversity is in large part the result of Japan’s increasingly open stance toward immigration. Japan’s foreign-born population is still small compared to most other rich countries – a legacy of the highly restrictive attitudes and policies toward immigration that prevailed in past years. But since Shinzo Abe became prime minister at the end of 2012, the number of foreign-born people working in the country has expanded steadily:
Sooner or later, we always win.
Your grandkids are gonna be brown :^]
Japan is the reason this reality exists
Japkike mongrels look like you would expect them to.
Cry harder sperg no one cares
Cry harder, goy. You're still losing the race war, and you haven't even fired a shot. What do you even have your precious guns for?
Tfw you think that jews became powerful on their own and didn't have help from the dumb Anglo (+American which are anglos) goyim.
Tfw not knowing who financed the American revolution (a polish jew named Salomon) and who first recognized the jews as the chosen people (hint, it was the anglos)
Of course the american is too retarded to understand basic analogies.
"As a result of his millennial experience in accommodating himself to surrounding circumstances, the Jew knows very well that he can undermine the existence of European nations by a process of racial bastardization, but that he could hardly do the same to a national Asiatic State like Japan. To-day he can ape the ways of the German and the Englishman, the American and the Frenchman, but he has no means of approach to the yellow Asiatic. Therefore he seeks to destroy the Japanese national State by using other national States as his instruments, so that he may rid himself of a dangerous opponent before he takes over supreme control of the last national State and transforms that control into a tyranny for the oppression of the defenseless.
He does not want to see a national Japanese State in existence when he founds his millennial empire of the future, and therefore he wants to destroy it before establishing his own dictatorship."
Nah, you kikes are losing. Not only are you all inbreds with a fetish for feces, you're bleeding numbers faster than aryans, and your state doesn't exist without us. Your extra inbred elite will betray you too. Your messiah will return to rule a rock of niggers.
I agree with the first paragraph. The second paragraph is new to me.
TFM predicted this!
Holy shit that's such an obviously astroturf'ed post.
I hate kikes. Especially when they pretend to be whites admiring other cultures.
That's nice. We have a walled and fortified ethnostate, and you don't. As long as we have that, bleeding numbers means nothing. The closest thing you have is Orban, who kissed the wailing wall like every other good goy. It doesn't matter if every one of us(myself included) living away from home drops dead right now, as long as we achieve final victory.
fuck off. you didn't even bother saging.
Update your playbook nigger.
I meant you specifically, but I guess that's my fault for having any faith in the intelligence of rebellious cattle.
Not that what he did matters in the end, but he does deserve credit for having more balls than 99.999% of you miserable cowards.
Go on now, goy! Post another clever reply! Every time you post on Zig Forums, whites everywhere win! Keep going like this and you'll save the white race all by yourself:^]
Hope Iran does have nukes
Sounds like an oxymoron.
You're so afraid. It's adorable. You can't stop what's coming.
Sleep well.
Sure thing, goyboy. DOTR soon, right? Soon… soon… soon… just keep waiting. It'll come. Just keep waiting. Soon…
Everyone but you. Sulk elsewhere. Sage negated despite a lack thereof.
I think they might be running a parallel experiment into how best to subvert a society. In the Western world they use immigration. In the Eastern world they use low birth rates (one child policy, work culture) and other types of subversion.
I agree with you but the article was written by a JEw
Jews can colonise any nation but not nigger nations. Even Jews can't handle Lagos.
Stop denying it. Japan is over. You lost. Kikes won forever.
Agree, jews, who at the present are 90% white converts are too proud to breed with japanese and the original sand nigger jews only care about infecting europe.
It's time for the East Asians to rise and take its lands away from the nigger and jew. Remove all (((American))) bases from the East so that the nigger scum cannot rape our women. The West is lost and immediate quarantine is necessary.
Wait just a minute! You guys mean to tell me there is an international Jewish conspiracy for global domination and in order for that plan to work the white race has to be destroyed? I just think it's all a conspiracy put forth by the reptilian shape shifters who really call the shots.
Nips won't do shit. Only cumpilled retards think otherwise.
cloven hoofs
OMG he obliterated his kike DNA (look at that nose)…AHAHAHAHAHAHA…now that is FUN-NY.
She obliterated her DNA as well. This thread just keeps getting better
Depends on what you mean by 'win'…if you mean that you will all die in a Malthusian collapse, yes, you will 'win'.
That reply: "Modernization has already hurt Japan so let's hurt it more." Where's that comic where the guy happens upon one man killing another and helps the murderer by sticking his own knife into the victim too?
The nose wants to get rid of only half. Don't worry.
Yeah. Your half.
Like I always say, the entire world would have agreed to the same thing about white people a couple of centuries ago (or less).
This might be the only thing that can help other targeted peoples. For a time, anyway. They'll interbreed and indoctrinate their mongrels into the cult, like they always do. They can also just keep buying politicians and control things that way.
And your.
dey need-u de lacism-u, dey need-u to folm kruu krux jap
But Japanese are not white.
It the jews, but (((america))), not amricans, has been their greatest golem. As long as you think of yourself as an american, and not as an ethnic european, you're the enemy. America was an (((enlightenment))) state founded by masons. As a country it was never good.
Resist !
The (((US))) should fuck off out of japan and take their rape-apes with them.
80 years of occupation after the end of a war is ridiculous, with a 100k troops no less.
Fuck off and take your kikes with you.
Kikes are a parasite that infect the host, interbreed to a limited degree in order to hide itself, kills the host, then moves on to find another.
They should have been made extinct thousands of years ago. They exist only to poison.
Quite an appropriate analogy.
Look at how many yanks are gearing up for a war in iran, FUK YEH LET BOM DEM AY-RABZ SHEEET Y'ALL, even when they might consciously know that it is the jew doing it, they still cheer it on like fucking zogbots.
most of white america is germanic you fucking kike. kill yourself
You know what to do, Birry.