cant find anything ctrl+f. looking in specific for earnest and breivik's manifestos
sorry this is a terrible thread, lurk 2 years etc
cant find anything ctrl+f. looking in specific for earnest and breivik's manifestos
sorry this is a terrible thread, lurk 2 years etc
Other urls found in this thread:
Science Officer Spock is a Mongolian Khazar.
k-kike free first post?
This has potential.
Forward! Forward!
Blare the bright fanfares!
Forward! Forward!
Youth knows no dangers!
Germany, you will shine bright
Even if we fall!
Forward! Forward!
Blare the bright fanfares!
Forward! Forward!
Youth knows no dangers!
Even if the goal is high
Youth can achieve it!
Our flag flutters ahead!
In the future we march man for man!
We march for Hitler
Through night and despair
With the banner of youth
For freedom and bread!
Our flag flutters ahead!
Our flag is the new era!
And the flag leads us into eternity,
Yes, the flag is more than death!
Youth! Youth!
We are the future soldiers!
Youth! Youth!
Bearer of the coming actions!
Yes, by our clenched fists
We destroy all who oppose us!
Youth! Youth!
We are the future soldiers!
Youth! Youth!
Bearer of the coming actions!
Führer, we belong to you!
We comrades, you!
Our flag flutters ahead!
In the future we march man for man
We march for Hitler
Through night and despair
With the banner of youth
For freedom and bread!
Our flag flutters ahead!
Our flag is the new era!
And the flag leads us into eternity,
Yes, to us the flag is more than death!
Breiviks can be downloaded here:
Don't forget to ctrl-F it for his favorite Jewish luminaries like Pam Geller and Robert B. Spencer.
Personally I think his manifesto is rambling and a bit ridiculous at times, it lacks the focus of Tarrant.
Earnests is just like one page but I'll see if I can find it again, OP.
Ah nevermind, it's longer than I remembered but still short compared to Breiviks and Tarrants
The Great Replacement, the Manifesto of Brenton Tarrant:
John Earnest Manifesto (California Synagogue Shooter on April 27th)
I made audiobooks of these manifestos
Ah damn, sweet. Good work user. The only one I knew of was that welder guy who outed himself as a white nationalist by reading the Great Replacement on his 500+k subscriber YouTube channel. I saw talk of anons planning to do one but didn't know if it ever happened
Yeah the cucked site links i had were just from using Google since OP is clearly too retarded to do so and I'm at work on my phone at the moment
I will explain the nu/pol/ Saints and God-emperor shill game. The purpose of it is to wrap as many mouths as they can around Tarrant's penis. Tarrant's mouth firmly encircles Breivik's penis, and Breivik's mouth is wrapped around Robert B. Spencer's penis. That covers the "saints."
Or, get them to suck Weis-Sandman's cock, while he sucks God Emperor Trump's cock, while Trump sucks off Adelson or Netanyahu.
The idea is to promote the idea that the board is a bunch of fags that suck uncircumcised dick. Also, they will trap some beta Aryan simpletons with this scam, because Tarrant leads to Breivik, and Breivik leads to (((Spencer))), the intended result of the shilling is to make Spencer a reputed and often quoted source here.
It's gay, it's Jewish, it's nu/pol/.
Any relation to Richard B. Spencer?
Either way yeah he's a faggot and most likely a shill for Tel Aviv but I don't see many anons praising the guy. If that's the intent then it doesn't seem to be working. Maybe at cuckchan
i have lots of time to kill thanks to cryptocurrency
kill yourself kike
thank you for your autism
really appreciate you posting this, its kinda scary how hard it is to find old habbening items like this for the tech illiterate
How gay can you be, jew?
Really not a terrible thread. i was just thinking earlier today Manifestos should have their own board. There has been plenty more final writings from people other than Breiviks, Tarrant, and Earnest.
Found the faggot that fantasizes about men sucking other mens cocks all day
Ted, of course.
His manifesto has 1500 pages… wtf man.
which is why its funny when kikes call him mossad. really throwing the scent off the trail by writing a 1500 page manifesto for a false flag
you can find tarrant translations at
He was prolific in many ways.
Hey, look at it this way, it is far more compelling than Proust.
I told you it was long and rambling dude. Enjoy, you're gonna be sloughing through it for a while. Also he contradicts himself many times in it. It comes off as the continuous ramblings of someone unhinged written over quite some time.
No problem, man. I have noticed whatever YouTube did recently with search results related to mass killers and infamous figures like this (Making the first dozen pages or so ONLY (((mainstream))) news media coverage and videos no matter how you search it, whereas it used to be videos of regular users talking about them or reading their manifestos, the high profile one was Elliot Rodger content but it's all controversial shit now too) has also been done on Google. Whereas before you could search and find forums and blogs discussing or supporting these type of people or easily find their manifestos or writings, now it's all (((official))) coverage in all the top results. You can still find the shit but you have to be more savvy and obscure in exactly how you search it and even then wade through a bunch of bullshit like Washington Post and Vice articles talking about it before you find the actual shit you want
The moment has arrived . Take to the streets and sieze the day. The mainstream media isn't covering it and none of the online independents know yet. A new dawn is breaking and with it the chance to once and for all beat the Jew.
Iirc there was quite a bit of copy paste from others in his manifesto.
Uncle Ted, uncle Adolf and Spengler were names mentioned by people who read the whole thing.
Here you go, buddy
The manifest of anders breivik
Just about every major mass shooting in the US since Columbine was a false flag with the exception of the Navy Yard shooting, which was just a case of payback being a bitch for the military industrial complex when one of their mind controlled slaves turned on their handlers and killed (look into ELF / Extremely Low Frequency mind control to see what I’m talking about). NZ was a false flag for a gun grab in NZ because it’s the only first world country other than America and Israel to have lenient gun laws.
You have lots of time to kill because of WWII reparation payments and jew thievery in general.
Kek, I can see that hooked nose from up here, Herschel.