How do you bring money in to small poor rural towns in America, especially in the flyover states, with a minority demographic in the single digit percent?
How do you bring money in to small poor rural towns in America, especially in the flyover states...
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blow up the expressways and move that traffic through the small towns.
Stick to the concrete jungle with your fellow dgenerates
advertise the fact that you have minimal niggers and degeneracy, strong family values.
also this
the towns died because traffic went around them once the expressways were built.
Then how do you attract people to come and spend their money?
You can’t. No minorities, no wealth. Take it from me, beigites are totally stationary.
Less cars, more trains. Passenger railways built the West.
You can build a giant data center and route all of your states internet activity though it.
Distribution of money by the Central Government.
Investions into infrastructure etc.
World drops US dollar. You turn off electricity as payback.
Spike the price of food.
Farmers get windfall profits.
I rather bring it to a small neighborhood in Paraguay
Bribe bus drivers to make stops at the local restaurant/convenience store, then jack up the prices. Drivers get free food at my Chic fil a if they bring their passengers. We get 3-7 buses a day, ~40-90 people per bus. This is in rural NC.
What city
Chick-fil-A masterrace
Let’s hope no one is stupid enough to answer that
Money != Currency
Currency can be anything if you can get the community to agree to it, so in effect you can minimize the requirement for dollar currency as a group. I would argue quit looking at the problem as one of increasing kike dollars and start looking at ways to minimize kike dollars.
Contemplate the Rawlsian veil of ignorance. If you were selecting a society to be born into without knowing exactly who your parents would be, how much variance would you tolerate for a higher average? This is the backbone of the left’s not entirely honestly presented drive towards inclusivity and egalitarianism. The better a society is, the better it looks through the Rawlsy lens.
(((The left went “unforgiving” by which it meant “unapologetic”, and it turned out being very exclusive in the name of inclusivity may have driven an actual rise in racism. Or it may not have; when calling out fabricated bigotry and inegalitarian corruption only got me targeted, I tried playing along. What a mess that was!)))
Rural towns aren’t very Rawlsy. This matters because humans are bizarre spiritual idiots constantly being born anew, especially when they travel. People don’t want to be born into rural towns. There’s nothing there; little beauty, and no drive in the people to create anything other than primate biomass. Small towns with artists and artisans living in them aren’t so hopeless, but artists “don’t produce anything”, so “hard-nosed” populations don’t like them. Unusual educational or religious establishments help, but rural populations tolerate those poorly. Beautiful landscapes help, but beautiful landscape villages aren’t the ones that die when the expressway no longer goes through them. Even a really good local diner can matter, though it’s probably not enough on its own. In the absence of amenities, only biomass replicants seek to be born into rural communities, and then they subsequently whine about evil liberals luring their children away to regions that aren’t soulless pits.
Don’t be soulless, is what I’m saying. Those minorities you hate so much often have questionable preferences and erratic personalities, but they aren’t soulless; the places they want to be are more appealing than the places they don’t. Care for the spiritual idiot perspective. Even if your heart is shrivelled hard, acknowledging the Rawlsy perspective can still improve your quality of life.
Or, y’know, if all else fails… Provide some kind of cost-leveler subsidy for people who live where the cost of living is low. People will seek out slagheaps to live in and variously start bidding up local prices in the better slagheaps or living very efficiently in the worse ones. Perhaps a migration payout that only rewards people moving from richer areas into poorer ones. That might drain a few opportunity-seekers back into rural areas if it’s high enough.
(((We need life extension tech and mass voluntary sterilization, this business of primordial primate biomass manufacturing is dreary…)))
Do you want tax income or employment or both? Incentives are the way to attract businesses and works.
Are there natural resources? Make it easier to mine. Is it beautiful? Spend a few bucks promoting tourism.
It's endless if you're the guy in charge. Fuckers know. So the reason things are bullshit is because that's how the cunts in charge want it.
Print more money
Cheap land and good internet.
Elon musk's starlink will help a ton.
But anywhere you have good internet you can work and make businesses.
Flyover states have tons of land for solar and wind power too.
Run a coding business or internet based business on renewable energy, get grants from the state level and trump's America first initiatives and get rich.
Signal to progressives that you want to become more diverse?
Make something legal which isn't legal in the surrounding area. People will come so they can do something illegal without breaking the law.
I was contemplating if Land Value Taxes could have a role to play by encouraging rural redevelopment, but I don’t understand LVT well enough to know. I was imagining (but couldn’t confirm) that it may be savvy to put down an LVT levy and then immediately pay out the take to the public, so if anyone is hoarding land, they would have to pay their neighbors for the privilege of doing so.
This link might be interesting reading for people who like this thread:
Just be like, "Once every two weeks, we are going to sell beers and barbecue food, and set off a shit ton of homemade explosives. We are Chadtown, here to fuck your girl."
Less philosophically broken people are talking. Go play Russian Roulette with the other hoodlum warrior-slaves, there’s a good lad. We’ll be glad to see the back of ye.
That’s a savvy idea. Relatedly, try spraying fungus spores in suitable nesting sites in the forest. Pick funguses that are beautiful, edible, or psychadelic. Do this for a few years and you’ll attract favorable word of mouth courtesy of the internet.
God, that is less dumb than it sounds. Fireworks factories ftw.
It ain’t, though. A lot of humans are… really, well… immobile. Unable to fathom a life plan other than fabricating biomass in the image of their deified gonads. Culture spasms with hatred against the public as artists periodically lose control of their hate-bladders and blame others for how they feel, especially artists who have wealthy friends or who pride themselves on being “living influences” tend to suffer that. I used to sympathize with that impulse, but I’ve come to the wretched conclusion that artists fallen to psychologically abuse are one of the actual causes of human immobility.
Start any business that relies on post deliveries, supply and sell, not local resources. Then just pay taxes/people earn money, its spent locally, and the wheel starts to turn.
Maybe create a manmade lake if there isn't one nearby already? This will attract tourists to watch the blasting, then more laterfor swimming, fireworks, fishing, etc.
This erudite faggot knows what dick tastes like.
And he loves it.
Lib/Left/Dem/etc. are bringing $$$ via the local Colleges that offer Farm or Culinary courses, which promotes Slave Labor of students (Illegal Aliens) to tiny Hemp Farms, overpriced organic farm to table (college farm or PRISON Farm) restaurants, craft Beer Brewery, etc. all spreading through Rural America like a Plague, driving up prices.
C O N spiracy.
Discovery Channel (DIY), Tribune (Food Network
Cooking Channel), Trunc Inc., Mcclatachy, etc. all promoting it.
Hmm a (((soulful))) degenerate cesspool or a 'soulless' small town. Hmm you're right that's a hard choice
I used to be close to a rural city government. I'll post some reasons why no one would build businesses and what to do about it.
Fuck off Hateslave-user. It is clear that is who you are, or else you are someanon *very* similar to him/her/it.
Part of the reason businesses wouldn't come in is because they weren't allowed to develop anything downtown. The buildings are so old they aren't up to firecode and it's much cheaper to rebuild them than modernize them, but the city wouldn't let them take the buildings down because of "historical value." These weren't even very old or nice buildings, and it applied to virtually everything downtown. No buildings means no businesses means no jobs.
Also, people didn't build businesses because there was nobody to hire. Many of the locals were so uneducated and so lacking in people skills that they weren't qualified to even work for a simple restaurant. This is related to the next point.
The biggest reason no businesses came in is that the schools were so bad that business owners wouldn't dream of living in our city. I pulled up some school board records and found out the schools have been bringing in more minorities and they were running roughshod over everything. The average test scores were plummeting and there were more fights. But even before that the teachers themselves are too ignorant and too unionized and the schools sucked.
Aditionally, the local prosecutors and judges refused to take out the trash. You wouldn't believe how many crimes weren't prosecuted because the judges "didn't want to shake things up." All sorts of trashy people would beat their dogs, beat their wives, neglect their children, and nobody ever went to prison for it. If you don't enforce basic rules of living, things will fall apart and good people won't move in and set up businesses. See "Broken Windows Theory"
Rule 4.
There's truth in this too. Some of the locals like this because they don't want the baggage associated with it, like the trashy exists with a thousand gas stations and signs everywhere. They like the peace and quiet. But overall the majority of people wanted to see more traffic diverted through the town.
Why do you want to ruin small towns you fucking jews
I care about small town America. But they aren't doing so well, lately, you may have noticed. That means something has to be changed.
This is the most shortsighted view I've ever heard. Kids are leaving their small towns that 'don't have anything' because those small towns were gutted by global interests that don't live in that local area. Ergo, they poisoned the water, abused the people, and stole the money that was already there. When all the families there collectively had nothing left to take, the businesses vanished, and took all that capital and reason for living in that area with them.
Small towns were never the problem. Corporations that don't care about their workers ARE - and no, the 'Workers of the World Unite!' types are just as bad, because their global perspective also doesn't care about how to help specific places. The only answer left to solve the problem is National Socialism on a small, local scale.
Essentially, think energy efficient Amish towns, with cars of some kind, and housing for people that already live in the community (raise barns, build windmills, and spend money at your local farm coop/auto mechanic). That's what small towns need to become.
Topple the ZOG and issue US Treasury Notes instead of Federal Reserve Inc. Notes
That's what niggers are you dumbfuck
your forced meme won't work, you won't manage to fabricate your chan-name, take back your ip-hopping >>13314031 brainfarts and go to tumblr, at least there you stand a chance to get noticed to write for salon or buzzfeed
also, you're fucking dumb