And get a gun at least one and some RICE AND DRY BEANS. Do not fall for the trap. Ghey are trying to steal your energy.BUY GOLD SILVER GU S RICE AND BEANS AND WATER.
Buy gold and silver you stupid niggers
precious metals and/or cryptocurrencies should be lowest priority, getting actual practical supplies that can help you survive is infinitely more important than something that is only useful for holding value which you may or may not ever actually be able to use
that being said, if you already have everything you need (weapons, ammunition, food, water, medical supplies, clothing, survival gear, etc…), there's nothing wrong with collecting some silver coins or bars
Fuck off jew.
This jew wants them for himself haha. Fuck you torpedo.
Metals are something everyone should own and the price is great right now.
If you live in CA get a generator and/or solar panels with universal battery and adapter, might go dark this summer. Also sage for gay topic.
Silver is cheaper than it was in the 80's, which is low compared to it's actual value.
The world supply of silver is roughly the same as gold, yet silver has a significant amount of medical, industrial, scientific, and technological uses.
The same goes for copper. Buying rolls of pennies and sorting out the copper is an actual investment.
The silver commercials I see say "silver hasn't been this ratio to gold since the last seven times: BUY SILVER !", and they show a line graph which charts the prices over time showing the now eight points in which silver is this one special ratio to gold, and the fucking points are at the maxima. The price of silver is $14/oz.
Silver Price
2011 $35/oz.
2001 $ 5/oz.
1991 $ 4/oz.
1981 $11/oz.
1971 $ 2/oz.
The gold radio ads I hear say "Trump is going to jew the fed by correctly pricing gold at $40/oz: BUY GOLD !" and implies that the economy will boom because everybody's gold will increase in value making them rich. Except that the price of gold is $1,280/oz.
Gold Price
2011 $1,500/oz.
2001 $ 270/oz.
1991 $ 360/oz.
1981 $ 450/oz.
1971 $ 40/oz.
I can only conclude that jews are taking advantage of people as always. I would defenitely not buy gold and maybe buy silver. I would need to adjust historical prices for inflation for each respective year to see where today's price falls.
Okay but it is still at one of it's highest so I would also not buy silver tbh.
Buy a cow or a tractor and do something worthwhile instead of being a geld-jude
Okay then Captain Dunning, first mate Kreuger is waiting for you in the captain's quarters.
This user is right, though I'd add land. Get land and you need far less supplies because land literally grows food.
Cryptos are fucking retarded. Fight me.
Moon Pies are dog shit tier… It's not 1955
in the 80's was also inflated due to the hunt brothers cornering the silver market for a short time, hence the spike. looks like silver is long term averaging around $15 / oz inflation adjusted
why not set up something that makes money like a business?
guns freak me out user, to damn scary
Wow troglodyte do hammers (another tool) freak you out as well?
guns scare me too
i was thinking of getting a strong tall black male roommate, so when SHTF he can protect me
then we can cuddle when he's not taking care of all the scary things
Nah man. Buy crypto. Sell everything you have today and convert it all into bitcoin.
Disclaimer: This IS financial advice that I am qualified to give you, just trust me dude.
I really do want to do my research into bitcoin and other crypto currencies. Any good sites or boards I can use to do that that you are aware of?
Beans, lol. Full of antinutrients. Gonna make you sick. How do you want to kill niggers being bloated and farting all the time? Its toxic. Make pemmican, get canned meat, jerky and hunt for fresh.
Someone is clearly salty they missed the latest chance to buy low on bitcoin
I've never found PMs to be all that useful. I quit buying them years ago and focused on shit I actually use: tools, expanded fuel stores, generators, welder, ect…
I just saved myself $800 by doing my own truck repairs last weekend. Savings on home repairs and improvements is in the thousands so far in 2019.
In my locality converting PMs is pretty gay. If you want to do it without documentation, there is only one broker who won't require ID/bill of sale and he pays out crackhead prices. Nobody is trading cash, guns, et al for PMs in the classifieds anymore. I doubt this local dynamic will improve in more desperate times. Maybe it's a networking failure on my part, but I can't be assed to figure out the nuances while there's so much other shit that I need to be doing
Just buy bitcoin, no other crypto project has a team with 10 years of experience, people with actual skill in cryptography
Buy the new iPhone and YOLO!