How can one man be so based?
>Warned us about (((Trump)))
Bro Nate also never tries to promote race mixing like rabbi Anderson does.
How can one man be so based?
>Warned us about (((Trump)))
Bro Nate also never tries to promote race mixing like rabbi Anderson does.
Other urls found in this thread:
Isn't he ethnically jewish though? If a jew changes his belief, is that "jew" now considered no longer a "jew"? Is there such a thing as a "good jew"?
There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus! :^)
The Jews persecuted St. Paul and all the formerly-Jewish Christians, many of whom they martyred.
Hitler thought so.
You do know he is a Jew himself, right? I admire him calling out his own kind but he is and was raised Jewish, he rebelled against it later and became a Christian.
Judaism is not only a religion it is an ethnicity, a race. This man will always be a kike no matter what he does and therefore a spawn of hell. The so called "based Jew" does not exist.
Also look into his past, he has been involved with some shady shit
Like what?
They are vanishingly rare though. Better safe than sorry has always been a good motto.
The ONLY way that a jew can be "good" is if they align with us and denounce their own kind. Unfortunately, we can't even trust them then.
There will always be Earthly hierarchy in all matters whether we'd like it or not, belief cannot change core racial attitudes. If I thought it could then race and upholding the race wouldn't mean anything to me only upholding beliefs would matter then.
Useful uncorroborated stories that serve a useful narrative purpose. I cannot trust when jews write of the deaths of other ethnic jews.
Napoleon also thought so and there are many other Kings of European who thought that they'd found "good jews" or could trust their court jew. Sadly none of them got to create what they wanted, all died wanting.
In shorts: yes, brother Nathaniel is a good man, even though he is an ethnic jew.
Orthodox (((Christian))) priest eh OP?
Anderson has let actual hate creep into his heart and has become feminine because of it. You can’t preach and receive forgiveness when you want to kill mentally ill people for their sins. Hell, even Abraham pleaded for God to spare Sodom and Gomorrah when they were going around raping and murdering anything they could find.
Don't fall for memes. Jews are a religion, not a race. There's way too much misinformation around here and way too many stormtards.
That is the meme.
The jews are absolutely racial with defining physical characteristics.
Nice try shill but no one believes you. Both Pastor Anderson and Brother Nathaniel are good men. Honest men. Just because they have Jewish family doesn't mean anything.
Brother Nathaniel looks evil, how gullible you whites are.
I believe decent jew exists, but make no mistake that jews are racial.
Can I hear your understanding as to why you think that is the case?
A simple counter-example is the many 19th century conversion stories of ethnic jews to Christianity which occurred across Europe who then married into gentile families. In time though, most of these jews "escaping the ghettos", especially their children reverted back to judaism and talmudry. If there weren't inherited racial characteristic which weren't past on, one would think for a scattered group, such an event couldn't happen. Though because of this event seemingly jews as a whole got some European characteristics while still keeping to jewish culture, an ultimate win for jewry.
you are newfag, Zig Forums oldfag can easily tell a jew from gentile based on his appearance.
Post this image to a hillbilly goybook group and watch how fast your house gets torched
He's also a Putinbot and controlled opposition
Him being an Orthodox Christian will always make him subservient to Russia
So said the FUCKING JEW. They have been trying to destroy us with their fucking race mixing agenda for thousands of years. Jesus would have freaked out if you said something THAT FUCKING DEGENERATE TO HIM.
Yes, we 'get it' you Khazarian ATHEISTS are going to kill everyone else…
not a priest, just a monk
his power arises from his brutal autism. He sounds great talking at the camera alone but in a normal conversation he's a weird freak
Kill yourself yid.
You jewish piece of shit. Kill yourself and stream it.