I'd really like to believe that there aren't any genuine Zig Forumsacks retarded enough to actually support Zionald. For those of us who have had the misfortune of taking a quick look at /r/the_donald, we know what actual supporters of Trumpstein are like: They aren't anti-white in terms of actually hating the white race, instead they are full on racial Marxist who genuinely believe in rainbow hand holding racial equality bullshit. They are also pro-faggot, pro-tranny, pro-neocon wars, and don't care how many based half-breed mongrel rape baby bastard genetic abominations come into the country as long as they come in legally. Could we make them useful to us in anyway? Would any of them be willing to fight alongside us at least temporarily? White Trump supporters are just classical liberals, and MLK-style racial Marxists. They are the enemy, maybe we can get some of them onto the side of truth, but I think most of these faggots are just going to be a thorn in our side. Maybe we can make them useful temporarily, and then long knife them. At this point they are starting to piss me off more than the radical left wing whites.
What are we going to do with the Trumpfags?
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Could be used for false flags to incite more support for the white cause. Because to the public, Trump = White Power Ranger Hitler.
Other than that, they’ll form the majority of our population after we do what is necessary.
Let’s operate ;)
By operate you mean die, right? Because that's exactly what will happen.
Either us or them, it seems. In some ways they are worse than someone who doesn't know anything about politics, because they've already made up their minds, and most people are too stubborn to change their minds. They are ideologically committed to what is nothing more than one of two factions of international jewry.
You never know if they're just shills, or just low IQ. You have to be greater at mental gymnastics than the average white leftist to think that Trump is pro-white in any way.
I support President Trump.
I suspect that they will waste away in their delusions, apart from the very few who will see through the lies (too late for them).
trump will win, suck a fatty liberal
Then you get the rope, we don't need the feeble minded shitting up the white gene pool. You fuckers and your stupidity is only going to hold us back, and we will have to target you like we'll target the kikes, along with their spic and nigger golems.
I'd say this is projection, considering that Trump is a self-admitted liberal and a fag lover.
I say kill all the islamic fuckers first.
One enemy at a time.
In America, we aren't being flooded with Muslims, we're mainly being flooded with spics. Or do you believe that our magical dirt will transform spics into white people?
ITT: Why Cletus and his friends will end any WN revolution within an hour.
SO tell me what all Immigrants religion is again.
Poor people are Islamic flowers from south America.
I own you…
Can't even tell if you're joking or not, Trump supporters really are this retarded.
Redpill, thats all.
This faggot spic cunt.
Blow leaves, glow beanigger.
You're not fooling anyone.
You effect nothing, bitch.
The Trumpfags will definitely be a hindrance though. They are pretty dedicated to their kike worldview of race mixing and faggotry, the ones who know about the JQ but still somehow think that Trump is working against the kikes are just low IQ morons with cognitive dissonance. And a lot of them have armed up as well, we're going to have to kill these faggots when we come for the shitskins and the kikes, they'll be the ones guarding the synagogues and threatening anyone who tries to attack "Muh Gods chosen people".
I deal with these faggots all the time, it's always cringe when they "debate" a left wing shithead, and when I get involved they unite against me, they are our enemies and we need to have special rope prepared for these Zionist homos.
In the US the population of muslims went from something like 1.2 million back in 04 to 3.5 today and climbing fast. Their demographic is split as counting as either asian or 'white'. There are entire large areas in several major cities and assorted suburbs which host 60+% muslim population due to their own push to live close and dominate local politics. Most muzzies are not somali like most boomers assume.
There is a reason that muzzy bitch in senate rolled into north texas unannounced and visited several suburbs north of dallas for fundraising independent of the dem's apparatus. North texas is fast becoming a major muzzy enclave, covered by the hordes of spics and other brown immigrants from pooland and asia proper, but it is far from the only place were populations have exploded. As a note, the north texas branch of the FBI is some of the busiest in the nation because of this in a desperate attempt to avoid that area realizing the damage, at this point one muzzy manages to snackbar and it could be game on independent and armed whites there (high vet populations near their ao) go snackbar back and come into direct conflict with .gov forces looking to protect these subhumans. That wont go over very well btw and the feds know it very well.
Also, mosques are fronts for armories the world over once they get any political power to keep cops from looking at them too hard. Not some AK shit tier toys either. So remember this when things happen, for easy access to more robust arms subhumans are not going to need.
Predominantly Catholicism.
Kill yourself and they all go away.
Day of the Pillow my fren
They are just a different faction of shock troops organized by the kikes. The spics will be the main force fighting against us, it's Europeans who should mainly be focused on fighting the Muslim golem. Hell, a lot of them may turn against their kike masters during the civil war and strike against them. Being against Islam is mainstream among American conservatives, the real issue with them is that the vast majority of them are inbred mud skinned subhumans. We'll deal with them all, and finish the kikes once and for all, then we'll never have to worry about pitiful subhumans threatening our people ever again.
Fuck off TRS
No thanks, but you can go ahead Moishe, you'd rather kill yourself than deal with us. We'll make you beg for death.
They aren't all boomers unfortunately, quite a few of them are able-bodied, fighting age men. If we can't red pill them, they're going to explicitly pledge allegiance to ZOG, and will physically fight for ZOG.
Fuck off, crypto-kike worshiper.
Sounds like WWII, the good thing is that even if we lost again in this upcoming cycle the Whites left who win and defeat White Nationalism again will ever be more pressured into accepting that we were right.
You sure showed him, fellow MIGApede! Shadily! We'll defeat those RACIST LIBERAL NAZI COMMIE FASCISTS who want to hurt our based blacks and Gods chosen people!
Who could of ever suspected?
They wont be around if we lose, this is our last chance, if we lose this war then the future will be nothing but low IQ, half-breed mongrel goblins being herded around as livestock by their kike masters. No one will be around to praise us or curse us for our failures. This is why we can't let anyone get in our way, if we have to kill half of the whites in this world to save the other half, so be it. Then we'll eliminate our enemies, and millions of healthy white families will form, leading to millions of healthy whites being born and raised under good values, and having offspring of their own to carry on the cycle. We will rebuild our civilization. Everything is at stake, and we must not lose. Communist whites and MIGApedes alike will either see the truth, or get the rope, and we wont have time to waste.
you didn't answer my question, why do you support him?
For 3 possible reasons- He's a kike, he's a mongrel, or he's white, but he was dropped on his head as an infant.
Yes, White Nationalists are saving us all.
you mean AIM, TRS and DS? They should receive a traitors death of course
No, I think OP just meant trumpniggers in general.
Of course we're going to kill those faggots, I mean the useful idiot followers of theirs. Some of them may be redeemable. But I feel like most of them will stand in our way, they are programmed and committed to their kike ideology. They know a little bit, they know that there is a conspiracy, they know that politics is rigged, but they also fully believe in the racial equality meme, are too brainwashed to look closely and see how powerful the kikes are, and how they're playing both sides. They genuinely believe that kikes are the chosen race of God, while spouting racial equality when it comes to all other races. Even the ones who come to our side, we still wont be able to fully trust them. I do believe that they will be a greater hindrance to us than the shitskin hoards.
Learn to code.
Just need the >We faggots and THIS IS A NATIONAL SOCIALIST BOARD spam to make this thread perfect
Great job using Tor to hide your Israeli ID.
I don't know man, they're nearly impossible to red pill. I've had an easier time red pilling leftists. You're spot on about these retards, they're so damn irritating. At least leftists don't worship kikes as the chosen race of God, how dumb do you have to be to think that the race responsible for the murder of Jesus is the chosen race of God?
Global report for ban evasion and supporting Trump.
Go back.
Counterpoint: you're looking at the extremely leftist Reddit community, so being pro-Trump himself is about all they're allowed. Of course they're going to parrot every globohomo line, if they didn't they wouldn't be there.
There's still a huge middle ground of Hank Hill conservatives (Dem and Rep) who can't stand the constant tranny shit, libertarians realizing the "marketplace of ideas" fails when you're trying to reason with low-IQ hordes, Boomers who wanted to "give everyone a fair shake" but are seeing their kids attacked and overrun, and MAGA babes who'll follow whatever male projects as alpha.
Question is whether you want to alienate them and waste effort on infighting (wignat, ancap, natsoc, natcap, wtf), or gently expose them to reality so they come to their own conclusions and form a cohesive movement.
Most people that want one world government do.
Trump is looking to get slaughtered next election. Everyone I know doesn't want to vote for him because he cucked on immigration (number 1 issue to voters) and won't shut the fuck up about all his israel firster bullshit, though to be fair through his inane bullshit has helped make israel have the lowest approval ratings in years. ZOGnald needs a fucking copy of what the talmud says about gentiles like him.
This is the reason we are in the situation we are in.
The past 2 years have been a complete waste of time.
Get over yourself, jew. I know where the fucking moslems come from, who sent them here and why.
He was never going to end legal immigration anyways. His appeal was solely to retards who couldn't differentiate between the impact of legal and illegal immigration. Ending illegal immigration strengthens legal immigration, which is higher anyways.
I think a fair amount of them will see the light, but the kikes have built a personalty cult around Trump, they parrot the same shit that Trump himself says. Based kikes, based legal beaners, based fags, based trannies, this is what Trump is about. They don't listen to us because Trump says we're bad, and because we're against Gods chosen.
You can't take vocal minorities on leftist social media as representative. Plenty of Boomers and libertarians and conservatives have woken up. I know plenty of dads and uncles who have taken the "they can come here as long as they adopt good ol' American values" approach their whole lives, and now scowl every time they see DuhShiticus or Pajeet on tv.
Keep showing them Arnold getting kicked in Africa at 71 or the 5yr old thrown off the Mall of Somalia balcony in MN. Random inner city attacks, DuhBeetus and DuhBonica demanding free shit on tv, ghetto politicians who can't speak English. That shit is 100x more powerful than rattling off crime stats and going full HH which they've spent a lifetime recoiling from.
Imagery and emotions matter, but they have to draw their own conclusions. Tranny kids on TV, not "13 do 52 lol".
Get fucked.
They've always been like that faggot. You just think their impotent cynicism is something new.
This is a tiny vocal minority amplified by faggot social media. Real people with real jobs in real towns are disgusted by this shit, they just need to see more of it to come around.
Best weapon you have is sharing every gang attack on a white substitute teacher over nothing, with helpful questions like "We've given them so much, why are they still angry?" and for foreign savagery "I know we're supposed to respect other cultures, but I worry about these attacks in my neighborhood" etc
As opposed to fake people with fake jobs in fake towns? You're talking out of your ass and you know it.
Whoever the kikes want to win, will win. If they want Zionald to win, they'll make him win. If they want some negroid tranny to win, then they'll make some negroid tranny win. The only "plan" coming to fruition right now is the kikes plan, and we have to stop it. Trumpstein is a pied piper.
Trump supporters are conflicted normies. They know something is wrong but lead astray by controlled op and demoralized to the point in which they are just as insane as the “libtards” they mock when confronted with a non kosher opinion.
I will say Trump supporters are not completely demoralized like the left is. There is still hope in converting them, as evident by the huge amount of ex Trump niggers on this board including me.
I don't think there is much real support for Trump online, there's just a legion of shills
The US government is in such a pathetic state at the moment that an absolute and obvious shill and fraud like Isaac Kappy can just obviously fake his death (or get murdered - incredibly unlikely) and everyone just sits back and does nothing while other shills just sit there and keep scamming and making youtube videos. THere's no way there's any good people in the government, the scams just pile up and stuff like this is the most pathetic and shameful display you're ever likely to see, what do you even call it ? Beyond banana republic.
I work in a deeply pozzed city, with an office full of "we're all the same", diversity is great from far away in my safe white suburb types. Probably voted for Romney, Obama, split on Trump but were the housewives that turned the House Dem cause Trump's been too mean.
When Chicago's tranny DA dropped all charges against Jussie for his fake hate crime, the same housewives were openly arguing with the leftycucks about how ridiculous a double standard there is (gay black jew let off by black tranny), because they're starting to connect the lack of consequences for black criminals with who's likely to attack their kids.
You can be a purist scoffing at everyone who isn't enlightened, and get nowhere, or you can accept that most people are flawed and try to figure out what motivates our natural allies, nudge them awake instead of beating them over the head, and grow our numbers.
MLK was a sodomite who cheated on his wife and a Communist.
That said most Amerimutt Whites deserve the rope too. Yes, I legit believe that. There's very few white men who are worth fighting for. Sad fucking reality.
Yes, Trump is a Shabbos Goy Kike Puppet. There is no political solution. Kill Jews.
The economy is good we have room to move. But in 2024 we should think tucker Carlson. You can cuck the tuck .
You are a kike fed and I will be happy to see you all executed.
Can't cuck the tuck . Damn typo . Gas the kikes race war now!
Cucker Tarlson is a confirmed Zionist.
Get fucked faggot
you honestly think a republikike can win in a no deportation, no wall, post trump America? Are you this naive or just baiting? The demographics are gone by then, Trump was the last gasp of white America, and he did nothing
Many of them are irredeemable. They are the type of faggots who marched alongside niggers for desegregation and allowing human-animal marriage. They are the "responsible conservatives" in the Turner Diaries. They will be a thorn in the side of the revolution, either they see the truth or they get the bullet. We can't risk letting subversives live in the territory we seize, and we wont have time to debate them either.
(waste of fucking dubs)
Says the man who worships a crypto-kike, with a kike daughter who has a kike husband and kike children.
I could care less about your insignificant life user.
You seem to think democracy is the solution, it's not.
Playing psychologist is just masturbatory bullshit. What you do is take their bread and circus away. People aren't fucking complicated. Gas stations, grocery stores, power stations, main roads, these are the things that you take away from them. Then you will watch them change.
I like how the new strategy is to make Zig Forums look anti-trump.
Bravo, you glow in the dark foreskin devourer.
Get the fuck out.
real communism has never been tried, also karl marx wasn't a jew and its all trump-nigger lies
fug klumptf, vote ____ in 2020, kill jews in minecraft
I lost my foreskin as an infant because kikes made my parents think it was a good idea. I will do everything I can in my life to eradicate jewish DNA from this planet, down to the last kike infant.
Starting with Trumpsteins grandchildren.
ZOGnald just ordered more slaves for his kike masters.
They want to send the strongest and bravest white men to lose their lives, their limbs, and their sanity settling a kike score in some shit hole desert.
youve reached lvl 7 when normie cons are more repuslive than the libs
Fuck off, goy.
They literally worship kikes as the chosen race of God, it doesn't get much more shabbos than that. They aren't even "conservative", just moderate liberals.
Holocaust yourself, kike.
So your plan is, what, fight the horde invasion AND the actual Americans you've managed to alienate? How is that better than having the slightest bit of self-awareness and helping wake your people up?
For all the Zion Don shilling just now. Remember to sage, ladies.
You can't have a society of nothing but revolutionaries, most whites are lemmings who will side with the strong horse, the one who provides them order, food, water, and maybe even some of the comforts they love. Not any degenerate ones of course. I believe that the vast majority of leftist whites will ironically end up getting killed by shitskins, while the MIGApede types will be part of the pro-ZOG conservative militias. Most of them will probably fall in line and redeem themselves, but many will have to be dealt with as enemies.
This thread triggers the kike.
(checked and heil'd)
I'm sorry for this, brother. I want to do the same to them, and I'm ready for it. Soon.
We would probably be in a civil war right now, so yes indeed.
trump would really hate your image, imagine if his grand kids saw that? Horrible
It astounds me that kikes are still wasting their time trying to shill Zionald here.