I see nonwhites laughing at whites. They laugh for many reasons. There are two main reasons: they see us as weak and, as a collective, we refuse to defend ourselves and act as a group because the average white is liberal-minded and sees the world as being composed of individuals instead of different groups. This also means they largely fail to see the blatant reality of everyday inter-tribal relations. Personally, I'm sick of being civil. Being civil means being a cuck because self-defense is illegal in the context of our nations which are having invasion forced upon them. Being civil means going out on voting day to change the world by choosing between a Leftist or a Cuckservative zionist. I am extremely angry. With each day that passes, I see myself becoming increasingly enticed to pull a Tarrant – and if I do that, it'll be for a triple-digit high score because double-digits are for niggers and people who can't do maths. It would be an act of love more worthy than nearly any other. To the alphabets reading this: fuck you and the scum you work for. You are worthless shit. And Anonymous forums don't create violent radicals but leftist governments backing innocent citizens into corners do.
(Apologies for the shitty thread but I need to vent and I have not one single person I can talk to about anything. I'm effectively a stranger in my own country and have nothing. I now feel nothing but abject hate.)
vent your anger into exercise and training. Tarrant trained for two years, so you better get started now.
Isaac Nguyen
I have three years of experience as a high-level competitive shooter. I have beaten police, military, and Vietnam vets in competition – especially with the shotgun which is my speciality. My educational training is in chemistry. I could take on the fucking city. I get a big rush just thinking about it. ;')
Colton Mitchell
then idk why you're larping on Zig Forums and not shooting minecraft villagers as we speak user, keep your violence to vidya, this is a board of peace.
Lucas Cruz
Much of the open mockery against white people and civilization stems from the popularisation in America of 'white' stereotypes combined with allegations of privilege. Like most American cultural abominations it has spread across the Atlantic and Pacific, mostly through media, despite many of the stereotypes not even being possible to attribute to a non-American white.
How am I LARPing. I never claimed this was anything more than a vent thread, illiterate. Contrary to your belief, though, not every country gives their citizens easy access to assault weapons, which is why I'll be making my own. Earnest's idea of flamethrowers cam from me in a discussion we had before the shooting. If I do something, it'll be to demonstrate that bans can't stop people like me from killing too many people.
William Gonzalez
I was joking fag. For someone claiming to be literate you sure can't read between the lines.
Wyatt Long
I hope that you at least take the time to plan an exit strategy. You don't have to go to prison to be one of the SAINTS.
Jason Hernandez
I have Aspergers.
Tyler Rodriguez
Is this the modus operandi nowadays rabbi? Just summoning golems?
Evan Ortiz
They will stop laughing when you walk in there wearing only a flame thrower and a dark smile.
k, makes more sense. I have trouble with social shit too. I'd suggest some kind of distraction so the minecraft authorities are busy somewhere else. Not just a fake call, something big enough to get them to swarm a particular location so they're busy with that while you knock off minecraft villagers. Then again that might also put them on high alert, doing some research on how they operate would do you some good. Either way the fewer minecraft villagers there are, the more we PCs can build in peace. I wouldn't say violence is always the answer, I think there are more constructive solutions to the situation, like going innawoods or just rural, but you do you m8. Go for a high score!
Owen Turner
IDK I am on the fence. The collapse is coming and I wouldn't want to be in jail for that. Besides, there will be plenty of free killing and no authority (other than warlords) once the shit kicks off.
Juan Wilson
There's no need to be cruel. Death by fire is agony and should be left to kikes and subhumans. There are exceptions due to circumstance sure but you shouldn't be a dick about it. Kill them yeah, but we shouldn't lower ourselves to their level unless they've done something especially heinous.
Matthew Gonzalez
Fire is a cleansing agent.
Oliver James
I have done the research. There is no where to go. Every country has shitskin relocation programs to spread them everywhere. There is no where to run. From the desolate north of Canada to any given town in Australia, all of it is filled with shitskins. Ever heard of Svalbard? Even that has been colonised by shitskins. If you want to secure the existence of your people and a future for white children, you better be ready to fucking kill for it.
Nathaniel Clark
it's very up in the air as to what the collapse will look like. nobody knows for sure, but it won't be pretty. I plan to get some real skills and go rural, cities just make me anxious all the time and the fucking subhumans piss me off. I just want to be left to my own devices.
Adrian Butler
I agree, but when a dog has rabies do you torture it to death, or shoot in the head?
Ian Foster
You shoot it in the head, but that is because it's a dog and worthy of mercy.
Thomas Ross
You have still the liberal mindset. Not saying you are one but it's a remnant part of the programming. That shit won't help us. We need to work together or at least for our group in some objective way.
Dominic Murphy
Subhumans will never 'leave you alone' they are parasitic filth. Enough DNA to look human but not enough DNA to be HUMAN. You will have your fill of killing filth when the war starts. Look at the USA…flooded. How long when food supplies peter out do you think it will take to kick off the war? There are MASSIVE food grabs all over the world and most of this 'sanctions' showmanship is to cover up the real problem which is, simply, not enough food to feed people anymore.
David Gutierrez
oh I will be stocking up on virtual weaponry, I'm well aware of the violence our future faces. I'm just saying rural is the best place to be when shit hits the fan. Niggers are almost exclusively urban because they have to suck the teat of the nanny state to survive. Rurally we can get in touch with the community and form strong bonds and militias so that when shit does go down we'll have a strong unit that can actually defend our shit. Niggers will have the numbers but they're easy to outsmart.
I'm not a fan of shitskins or kikes either man, but it isn't their fault they were born that way. If there's really no other way then sure, especially because of the violence they do to our people it's permissable, but I really can't get behind torturous death. It doesn't vibe with my soul.
I know man but it's going to be very hard for me to mesh with anybody. I've never once met someone I could feel fully at ease with, how the fuck am I gonna fit in a community of ethno nationalists even post /sig/? I'm a loner and that's how that shit is gonna be, I want to be part of something bigger but nobody will let me.
Kevin Mitchell
China distributed rice to Africa at a ratio of 1 Chinese farmer to 3 bags rice. Over the last two years that hit 1 to 2. That is Malthusian Collapse. Once you pass that point it is a fucking cliff dive but no water at the bottom. I would continue your flame thrower planning won't do much good against roving gangs but if you joined a gang you might earn your weight in beans.
Right, I'm just saying given the option you don't have to cause extreme agony to them. They're abortions of nature but have you ever heard someone burned alive? Why isn't a bullet sufficient? You don't have to take pleasure in causing suffering, just fix the fucking problem with a bullet and be done with it. If you're going to go foxhole diving like in Nam then that's how it's gotta be, otherwise I don't see a real need for fucking flamethrowers.
Jace Martin
The better case against it is simply efficiency. Nobody has time to torture anyone but should there be an opportunity to score several hat-tricks faced with an open net we should kick and kick hard.
Cooper Wilson
No question. Just don't be an individualist. Do it for Ebba.
Me too. I have literally no friends, no family. But what is more important? You or whites? Without whites, the part of you that is part of the white group can have no hope of continued existence. And without them, you wouldn't even exist. This shit is bigger than any user, user. It's about the 14 words.
Cameron Martinez
Oh I am right there with you user. I don't believe in torture at all. Not even a little bit. If I saw someone burning alive I would shoot them in the head so that they didn't suffer that fate.
Jason Price
You better not waste ammunition on putting the enemy out of their misery.
SAINT TARRANT was efficient and accurate. He didn't leave anyone to suffer.
William Bailey
He double tapped them to make sure they were dead, I'm not saying mercy for the kids but fuck's sake man. Children screaming as they're burned alive, does that get you hard user? There's a fucking line somewhere. We have to be ruthless but still hold higher standards than the subhuman filth, it's what separates us from them.
Adam Roberts
It is what separates us from the subhuman shit. Tke the bug people for example. They might be more intelligent but they have no empathy so they are not human at all.
Gavin Smith
Can you move in a place without non-whites ?
Juan Gomez
Many Whites can't afford a White neighborhood anymore.
Jacob Morgan
You mean the Chinese? Yeah they're scum, most Asians are. Japs are pretty based, I just wish they'd rediscover their racial spirit.
Chase Butler
Kill your empathy and embrace your inner Tarrant. Do it for Ebba.
All suffering is temporary. They suffered before they died. So he did cause suffering. And he obviously enjoyed killing every single one, cuck.
Empathy towards other human beings is indeed a strength. Empathy to anthropomorphic excrement is just idiotic.
Levi Gray
There's a difference between the shock and pain of a bullet and being burned alive slowly.
Jayden Russell
Japs are done. Modern ones are totally deracinated. Basically cosmopolitan beta faggots – worse than whites.
Jackson Foster
This depends I suppose. I was not against Grenfell Tower, in fact I wish it happened more often as payback for 9/11…oh how I would laugh if some Jew York highrise when up like a meth lab.
You mustn't have heard all the people moaning on the floor, slowly dying. The entire mosque is filled with moans until his final round of capping.
Gavin Clark
yeah maybe, but in Europe, rural places (almost only white areas) are often (very) cheap, the pb is to find a job there. It depends on what job you do.
Jaxon Clark
Again, most people die from smoke inhalation. I guess it wouldn't be anything worse than what the semites did to our people while they all called in 'sick' that day.
Birds are chirping, think it's time for bed. Wish you all luck whatever your path, hail victory.
Nicholas Walker
Damn those same birds are chirping here too…time for bed here as well. Hail user.
Jackson Barnes
Again, bullets =/= fire.
Oliver Myers
Glad someone else recognises them for what they are. All the "muh honrorororary aryn" won't save the weebs precious degenerate scribbles from scrutiny.
Mason Barnes
All they ever do is moan. Crybabies.
Grayson Martinez
I don't care fag. You're killing them so it makes no difference. In the end, they're dead. Your morality subjective anyway and with cuck standards. I'm all for making my enemies suffer as much as possible.
Brody Long
Just ask yourself what kind of man would produce weebtoons. Their existence and popularity is symptomatic of the death of classical masculinity. Imagine Hitler or Evola watching that shit. You can't because it's totally absurd.
John Hill
Finally someone gets it!
Anthony Wilson
Then you're nigger-tier already. How's it feel to enjoy causing pain like a kike? Try getting tortured sometime and get back to me faggot. Nazis were forbidden to rape or torture the occupied people under penalty of death.
Liam Robinson
News for you, Avi, it aint the fucking 40s.
Camden Anderson
Your morality is subjective. Your standards are subjective. The evil your enemies commit is objective and suffering is temporal. You're the nigger imposing your own made up standards as if they're a golden rule, illiterate. Go cry.
Joshua Jones
It’s time to deal in lead We are the legions of the damned The army of the already dead. Take the RJM pill OP
Cameron Thomas
user you sound like a smart and dangerous guy. Don't take it too seriously, but one of us has to say it: You won't do anything you nigger.
user, you'll likely come under surveillance. Besides your ip, there's the fact you're into chem, a loner and shooting. I suggest you investigate how surveillance works in your country. Eg install recorders in your apt so you can catch them if they try to bug your place. Watch this: 8ch.net/pol3/res/687.html Get on it - you started the clock with this effort post.
Brandon Hall
Saint Tarrant wounded a lot of people - approx 50. I think they're suffering. I blame the jews and the communists for bringing them in. It's all on them. I just didn't want you to kid yourself.
Owen Hill
This next link was for you - please get up on counter-surveillance. I know you won't do anything you nigger, but you might as well have fun being under surveillance, because it will likely happen:
Ethan Murphy
I cringe when I read your moralfagging. Win first. We are on track to lose. Nothing else matters. I'd strangle a bunch of babies with my bare hands if I thought it would save whites from extinction.
Hudson Morales
Flamethrowers might be the thing that gets groups of white kids inspired to get started. OP complains he has no buddies. But if he does something, he might cause white kids to start building "things" and "getting ready". As busy as glowniggers are with us, they cannot monitor all the white youth.
It's funny because in real life, I get nothing but respect. Stand up straight, walk with purpose, exude confidence. Take pride in what your ancestors created and passed on to you to develop. Women, even libtards, love it. Always remember that the jews, niggers and shitskins envy us for very good reasons. We gave them everything, dragged them out of the shit and they can never return all the favors we deigned to give them. They can never be us and that must sting every minute of every day. White pride isn't just a meme, it's a way to be
Elijah Garcia
im over 6 foot and lift heavy. i also know how to fight. everyone gives me respect. it's not about me tho.
Liam Hill
I can understand that, I feel exactly like you, brother.
Justin Ward
I agree. I'm talking about confidence. We cannot appear to react to every little dig, that's what they want - it must be seen to be beneath us for the very reasons they feel the need to attack us. If you don't like it, ignore it, move on. Ridicule should be our only response and then used sparingly
Am I correct the power you display, Tarrent displayed is incorrectly directed?
Do you see why I said this:
Gavin Cook
You wont do anything you little niggers.
Charles Brooks
Hol' up cobber, dont be rash about this. Tarrant didnt rush into his mission because time meant nothing to a craftsman like him. Information and training are your tools right now and Zig Forums is here to help so why dont you start with reading Ragnar Benson's manuals and musings. You'll find em searching paladin press on gen.lib.rus.ec or libgen.io .
yep flamethrowers bad optics. could get charged with war crimes.
You're telling me that Cowboy Bebop is shit? I mean I've never watched anime but I find CB interesting, drama-wise.
Aiden Collins
Unless it directly deals with science or philosophy, not interested. Exception is comedy. Laffs are good.
Xavier Morris
Go for high value targets, not innocents.
Jaxon Reyes
Invaders are not innocent, faggot!
Connor Rodriguez
Picture every major Synagogue in Canada. Picture vans packed with C4 parked withing blast range. Picture high-profile public figures being gunned down at the same time.
William Ross
Tarrant Didint sit in his room getting angry at what he saw on TV then venting on his blog
Elijah Morales
Your the definition of an idiot. kys
John Ward
Yeah, that would be good, but the sand niggers must also be killed too!
Brayden Peterson
they don't even know the definition
Brayden Walker
Tyler Davis
You are a castrated faggot who loves to suck Muslim sand nigger dicks.
Austin Russell
Watch it, you wont regret it in that case unless you have bad taste. The dub is very good I think this magnet link includes it. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:D2C37D2413FC007FA5F08CD670DAC1C829FA463F&dn=Cowboy+Bebop+Complete+Series+%281080p+Bluray+BD+X265+10bit+AAC+EN+JA+Joy%29+%5BUTR%5D&tr=udp://tracker.zer0day.to:1337/announce&tr=udp://tracker.zer0day.to:1337/announce&tr=udp://tracker.coppersurfer.tk:6969/announce&tr=udp://tracker.leechers-paradise.org:6969/announce&tr=udp://tracker.doko.moe:6969
Isaac Foster
Stop trying to change the world around us, under the current scenario, we're actually WINNING.
Fuck me with a chisel, how the fuck did he get into office?
Mind you it's no better here.
Brayden Howard
Charles Collins
Good, men of action earn respect and reputation. No one in history remembers individual “votes”.
Jonathan Mitchell
in minecraft :^)
Easton Green
If you pull a Tarrant make sure to do it because of the love you feel for your people instead of the hatred you have for your enemies. You'll be more successful that way.
Cameron Rogers
A good way to be uncivil is to organize very large groups of people and go into jew neighborhoods holding signs saying that "jews are not welcome in our country"
Also create a climate of anti-semitism in whatever town you live in, and work to create this anti-semitic climate with a team of other men who coordinate with one another in spreading anti-semitic ideas at bars and other places.
Cooper Green
Also if you go the Tarrant route make sure to target zionists, high-level egalitarian politicians, or neo-liberal billionaire capitalists. Don't waste your time shooting random mudslimes in a mosque; make your life count. In minecraft of course.