You have to call a spade a spade. You have to explain to people that jews run your country and jews are fucking up OUR country. And this fact is true whatever country you live in, anywhere in the world. Jews are fucking up everywhere.
You want something to protest? Groups of nationalists should just go into jewish neighborhoods and protest jews being in your country, holding up signs that say "jews leave the usa".
Why the fuck are people protesting government areas, the government doesn't run anything. The synagogue rules America. Protest jews, don't protest the government.
I'm tired of these dandy assholes dancing around the jewish question with their high falutin talk of muh cultural marxists, or some of them start talking about reptilian aliens or illuminati. Seriously fuck those people.
All this shit about aliens was dreamed up by jews to distract us from jewish power, all those ufo's people have been seeing are just military aircraft or experimental technology. This alien crap is jewish bullshit. There's no aliens visiting earth.
This fancy stuff won't get us anywhere I reckon. People nowadays are too stupid it seems to catch subtle nuances and notice the wink and a nod when you say things. If you start trying to dogwhistle about stuff the crowd will likely not mobilize properly.
People need to wake up. It needs to be explained to people that jews are ruining our society and that jews need to be expelled. This isn't supposed to be some 100 year long struggle, these people can be kicked out of our country in a few years if the people mobilize against them.
You have to call a spade a spade. You have to explain to people that jews run your country and jews are fucking up your country.