Zuckerkike launching crypto

Facebook plans to launch 'GlobalCoin' cryptocurrency in 2020

No one likes this faggot, and I hope most of you do not use social media, but this really could be a game changer. They have the means to hire all the right people to get this done, and they start off with 2.4 billion users. What are you thoughts coinfags? Will other cryptos be able to compete?


Attached: facebook.jpg (1240x744, 36.54K)

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Facebook is a goddamn trojan horse and yet all these mouth-breathing goddamn fucking idiots continue to use their service without questioning anything.
It's sickening.
This is literally the NWO world currency they have been preparing people for for decades.

Cryptocurrency was created with the sole purpose of being the NWO one world currency.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 35.32K)

Would it surprise anyone if the entity behind facebook also created bitcoin?

Jews really are the shittiest thing on this planet

So…. are EMP(like) grenades effective at deleting data at big tech corporations? Can you make said EMP grenades at home? Would a small scale EMP destroy the crypto-infrastructure and delete thousands of people's money, debt, salaries, and good transactions?
Would the disruption of said attack be able to cripple the kikeconomy?
For real.
fightclub reset when?


It's value will be pegged to a basket of currencies so it's completely different to bitcoin and altcoins. No impact at all.

This. I never expected the mark of the beast to be so lame.

Attached: Chick-Tract-1.gif (900x464, 127.57K)

Zuckerkike? Really. Nah nah nah nah I can put kike on your name! Wow that suffix is so mature, you really convinced everyone with your argument. Yeah, facebook is making a crypto, so what? Facebook is a Californian (not American) success story and you are lucky enough to be part of it. Instead of witnessing greatness and the ground shattering ways facebook is changing the course of humanity, from how we share, create and love, to now making financial transactions!

Do any of you understand the scope this will have for the entire world? I don't care if he's jewish. If his product helps me, those that I love and humanity as a whole (who I also love), then it is a good thing. Everyone ITT is just butt hurt that they didn't make it first.

This is an invitation to join the rest of us, you don't need to be outcasts. Join in. Lean in.

lol actually filtered now. facekike does attract facekike users.