Secret documents show Russian plot to stoke racial violence in America
>But the apparent new plot, discussed as recently as 2018 ahead of the 2020 presidential election, goes much further. The documents reportedly contain shocking proposals such as sending black Americans to Africa “for combat prep and training in sabotage,” as well as targeting people who have previously been incarcerated and people “who have experience in organized crime groups … for participation in civil disobedience actions.”
>The goal, it seems, was to encourage the newly trained African Americans to create their own pan-African state in America’s South . That would “undermine the country’s territorial integrity and military and economic potential,” according to one document, by “destabiliz[ing] the internal situation in the US.”
Wakanda in the american south soon.
Putin trying to radicalize blacks in america
Ahhh it seems the russia posters are back.
This is any different from the current situation except more spread out how exactly?
Sounds good, the more people have the brick of truth thrown at their head the more people wake up quicker.
OP might unintentionally not be a faggot.
still gonna sage.
Read into "eurasianism", Duginism and post-USSR KGB strategies. Putin is one of the three globalist factions trying to flex into USA using KGB strategies.
Fake fucking news, jew.
Russians aren't this stupid. This is the weekly shabbat dump by yid aviv.
Putin is an accelerationist.
Jokes aside, this is great. However I must admit that I am offended though not surprised that he is not helping White Nationalist groups. Offended because I know that the reason why is that we're so disorganized and so unlikely to get our shit together that even blacks are better organized than we are.
A lot of this has to do with the efforts of the police state as White nationalists are the supreme threat to the establishment. However, a lot of it also has to do with our own weakness and character problems.
I worry about the future.
It has already happened.
This is KGB shit which the Soviet Union tried to do during the 60's and 70's in all of America with the chicanos too.
(((Putin))) and Russia are irrelevant. Russia hasn't done anything interesting in decades.
Crimea wasn't interesting?
What has the US done in recent decades that's more interesting?
So, Russia's big, bad plan is to sit back and allow what's (kinda) already happening to naturally take it's course?
I'm surprised there haven't been more Malvo and Mohammed style attacks. It was one of the most effective non (((governmental))) sponsored terrorist attacks in US history.
Something else to consider
I know this is just propaganda but it doesn't even go in the direction it's aiming for.
Seriously though, the jews began that shit decades ago.
Thanks BASED Putin
It's literally jews projecting their own acts upon others in the hopes everyone will focus on them and not the fucking jews.
Reported for anti-white D&C.
that's not accelerating, that's fulfilling (((their))) agenda.
They consider themselves whites. I consider myself [Nationality]. I see no problem with that.
Reminder that these paid shills are allowed to post here.
that shit never works retard, just send them back to africa or exterminate them.
t. merimutt
It's strange that OP doesn't bother to mention this is from Vox.
You're repeating yourself, you better got an ancestry tree.
based rabbi gamer putin
It's already wakanda in the South now. I live here. The cities are over 85% black I don't care what any Jewish Census says
Only where there are jobs. Boomer areas are still pretty clean.
That's like saying Australia killed 51 Muslims in NZ. They had their assholes blown wide open just a few weeks ago when their Russiagate fell apart, why the fuck do they think trying this again will work?
Excellent please hurry up with this plan Putin. Thank-you for helping us purge the poison in the USA.
Goddamnit. Every time some nigger refers to Atlanta as wakanda I want to put my fist through their skull. The city is shit because of these wanna be people. Niggers are the reason my commute is damn near two hours.
all races hate the usa government.
It's good to have Putin and his army of bots to pin the blame to when the inevitable next chimpout happens.
This story is kosher boomer feed to show those like my parents that not all blacks are bad but are instead being controlled by those evil Russians whom boomers know about from the Cold War.
On the contrary boomer posters don't seem to ever getting the fuck out. Fucking chodemonkey's nu-Zig Forums.
You need to figure out how to redirect that self-harm.
Nah, this is just your typical "destroy them from within" CIAnigger 101 stuff that either never leaves the drawing board or doesn't work. The bread and butter of intelligence communities is spitballing stupid shit that they could try to justify their budget; just look at what they either considered or tried for Castro to the tune of tens of millions of dollars annually.
Putin is no friend of White Nationalists and actively throws National Socialists in prison whenever he can get his hands on them. That being said, this is bullshit. "Top secret documents were shared," but there's no verification or citation, so this is literally just some bullshit somebody made up until proven otherwise. And it plays too cleanly into the "muh Russian meddling" narrative the media is STILL pushing to avoid having to admit how badly they misred the Trump election cycle.
It is important to not forget that the entire media establishment predicted that Trump had less than a 1% chance to win, and then he shat all over Hillary even WITH the establishment tearing ballots and losing voting machines off the backs of trucks to cheat in her favor. I don't care what you think of Trump, the fact remains that the election cycle outed the entire media as being a bunch of inept and brainless adult children who are completely disconnected from reality and read their talking points off of que cards and projection screens. The entire "Russia hacked the election Trump is a Russian asset" narrative was invented out of thin air solely and explicitly to cover the media's asses. They either had to admit they didn't know fuck-all or they had to try and pretend the election was rigged somehow, so they chose to argue that the election was rigged, after spending an entire year condescendingly telling Trump supporters that there's no way the election could be rigged.
Anything that supports the "muh Russia hackers" narrative should AUTOMATICALLY be suspect as a controlled alphabet op or some bullshit invented by the media. The fact that there are no citations, no sources, no anything at all to back this up, that it's pure heresay and nothing more, means no one with brain cells should take it seriously. It's all lies made up by some morbidly obese "intel operative" in Tel Aviv that's apocalyptically assmad that Assad is still in power until proven otherwise.
If you can spin the Russiagate disaster against blacks, that'd be great.
They did this in the 1960s-80s for the Civil Rights movement, why are leftists claiming that it's bad now?
What I was going to say.
Also we know who built the USSR, the Chinese Party, fund 50% of the DNC, etc.
These "Jews did nothing" threads are Mossad deflection bs.
No that is just to try to tell us "black is innocent", but we know that isn't true.
Oh, so it's bullshit then.
Come on, goy, seekrit documents prove da hollowco$t.
Gee, I wonder (((who))) would ever want to scapegoat Russia for the very crimes they're guilty of
Be me. Unironically live in the SE. Saved up for 15 years to buy [a lot of] land. Rule my own ethno-state, currently.
I did this because I've been a white minority in my own country for more than a decade. Lurk 20 years before offering any "sage wisdom".
Know a lot of people, have lunch with them. So, in the last year… all the black dudes start telling me that fags and Jews control black cities. Naming names.
I'm like 'congratulations, bro'… finally. The truth. They be like "I told you the media was targeting us". I'm like, yeah, you were right all along?!?!?
No joke. Atlanta, GA isn't going to be the next GSSR (Soviet Georgia). I have N's telling me there is 'no other option other than violence' against the elite… and how there's not going to be any "race war"… it is fucking fascinating. Are they LARPing?
My face is smug. I'm used to this shit. They have serious behavioral issues in the lower income brackets. We do, too. White dudes OD'ing on (((Fentanyl))) in droves. How am I to defend degeneracy? Protip: I don't.
Embed related. "Choose the sword, you join me. Choose the ball and you join your mother in death".
Same game the Russians / Sovjets played in the 60s / 70s /80s.
The commies are back.
What is it about defective Russian DNA that makes them such pathetic bootlickers to the jews that rule over them?
So we're giving them Mexico?
This is huge, we all know the Jews scapegoat Russia for the various schemes but it's not to often they get caught red handed.
The original source is a group ran by Jewish super swindler Mikail Khordosky. We should dig and see what other stuff leads back to his groups.
Like Soros he also runs a open society foundation for Russia.
So when Barack Hussein Obama directly encouraged black rioters and the same group later murdered police officers WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU AND WHY DO YOU IMAGINE THIS RUSSIAN HOAX CAN MATTER NOW?
Every man, woman, and child in Langley should be immolated.
When Soros and Obama radicalize blacks with the result that cops die it apparently doesn't matter, but look at this magic memo from the Kremlin that you made up and which had no effect anyway. Jesus fucking christ bring the civil war.
How stupid dp you think we are?
So in other words just flat out lying.
They want us to not pay attention to the jews publishing gangsta rap music, and the jews constantly speaking against whites to blacks
I'm so confused… Russia is supposedly not Communist anymore… So, why are they still "The Bad Guys"…
It seems to me like Communists still control Russia without calling themselves Communism because the fake "Communism" that ruled over the USSR was never really "Communist" in the first place… So, now… the USSR "Collapsed" even though the same Russian Oligarchy controlled "Non-Communist" Russia…
The Russian people still have no rights, and they have no ability to enter into the Elite Ruling class.
The Ruling Russian Elites are Evil Sociopaths that play god exactly like the Ruling Elite in every nation. People claim that "Communism" would end the problems caused by the Elite Capitalists… but "Communism" only creates a new class of super elites… It doesn't actually solve any problems…
Then, while this seems like it should be obvious to everyone else… I'm sitting here with a 180 I.Q. thinking that these things should be obvious to everyone else… but not only will the 100 I.Q. monkey people be arguing over these issues for the next 1000 years… they would actually call me stupid ( NB4 HERP DERP, GTFO KIKE, Socialism is not Communism, There are not ruling elites you schizoid… ) when in reality, those degenerates are wage slave retards who will serve the elites their entire lives…So Fuck it… I'm going to start thinking like an elite, and I'm going to quit wasting my time explaining this shit to you retards who just ignore it and shit all over it anyway….
Putin is based and SIEGEpilled
The people who ran the USSR left the country and moved to brooklyn.
America is the new USSR.
The jews have been doing this for over 100 years and openly admit to doing it and yet only now do they cry it's the Russians.
Well whatever the case, you can radicalize niggers if there are no more niggers.
Who? What people are you referring to?
Lurk more/gtfo
stfu u kike-trash-mass-media shill. you need your own containment board
wasn't putins mother jewish or am I confusing him with some other russian politician?
Ukraine worries me considering the pres and pm
Nice, hope Putin keeps trying to accelerate polarization in the country, we need all the help we can get.
Anti-white, Mongoloid Slavs and their kike masters are at it again.
Yes, the military had no involvement in the sniper attacks nor the anthrax attacks. The FBI was not engaged in a coverup for these events. They had no relation at all to the PATRIOT Act.
Putin is ethnically Russian, and the fact that this disinformation is uncritically accepted by ostensibly brainy anons just demonstrates the extent to which intelligence psyops have successfully delude the vast majority of the population. He is a globalist though, that's for sure.
Sage for being CIA hearsay and not actual news. Also if anyone can get their hands on a real copy of A Racial Program for the 20th Century by Israel Cohen, inquiring minds would be interesting in reading it. It's mentioned in the Congressional Record, but nobody can attest to its actual existence. I happen to believe it did exist, but was memoryholed after it was mentioned on the floor of Congress.
African Americans making their own sovereign nation is a funny thought until you remember that the international community would probably force it to happen somehow and then they'd send them all kinds of investments and aid. Thanks for a new nightmare.
They both have eyes of mental illness. Yeesh.
Putin also threatened to arm illegal aliens and Texas separatists (who did actually travel to Russia and meet with government representatives) in order to destabilize the US. Nothing new.
China shipped AK-47's and hand grenades to nigger gangs in California and offered to sell them fucking tanks and rocket launchers if they started a race war; that's the incident that got Chinese guns banned from being imported to the US.
The Russians have been doing this shit since the 30's.
KGB is over and during its time borders were strong.
If it's true that a foreign nation is attempting to destroy our country, then I would fully support completely eradicating them off the face of the planet.
This. I don't doubt places like China and Russia have a hand in mass migration to the US, for their own long-term benefit. The way I see it, if they succeed, we need to empty our nuclear arsenal on them. If we go down, no one deserves to take our place. These sub-humans, guaranteed, had a hand in the '65 immigration subversion. After all, the USSR was home base for bolsheviks, and China was their new rising star. Everything bad in this country right now, I guarantee they all had a hand in it. Israelis, Russians, Chinese, American jews etc. If we go down, we need to take everything with us. Humanity should burn if we're destroyed.
Fuck off jew
Thanks Putin.
Implying anything is wrong with that you dumb patriot conservtard, let them arm niggers. Balkanization is coming to America and niggers are going to Siberia with the rest patriotards.
Those famous "Russians Hackers" again kek
Niggers are getting violent towards whites because of Kikes and the social media based anti-white movement.
Plain and simple.
Nobody cares about fake news and fake documents anymore.
Nobody cares about Snowden or Assange.
You want to win hearts and minds? Tell the truth.
It's the only thing that stands up to scrutiny.
SPLC is not sustainable. Anti-white is not sustainable either.
They misspelled Soros, OP
Interview from 7y ago (2012)