Remember Zig Forums that June is (((Buggery Month)))

Stop using marxist language to describe bad behavior

Fags love their euphemisms. Unnatural acts and pedophilia are now (((love))) and you should be (((proud))) to be a turd burglar.

John Derbyshire has some words on this:


Attached: buggery month.jpg (900x520, 53.57K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Creating a carnivorous bog isn't at all difficult.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (800x1200, 61.96K)

More important is speaking up in public forums at all opportunities using the proper terms for things. Anytime we have balls and speak up refraining from using the Marxist terminology we do 2 things:

1. We inspire others who may think like us, but don't have the courage to speak out. It also may drive people over the edge to our side forcing them to think
2. With every act of using proper terms like: faggot, freak, mentally ill person, nigger, pervert, whore,etc we push the overton window

Pedophilia IS love. Homosexuality isn't. Check the facts before making a shitty thread like this.

Every day is fag day at OP's house.

Attached: OP making friends with the faggot police.jpg (730x464, 116.65K)

We've been occupied for 2000 years OP. Every word we have that isn't ancient Celt, Viking, Slav, or Med of some kind is some kike shit.

Isn't sodomy more commonly used than buggery?

How many child's assholes did you destroy on Buggery Day user?

It's to trigger the disgust response that the (((left))) disabled about faggotry. They want the image of Anderson Cooper. I want the image of a leatherman felching Roy Cohn.

Not at all
Buggery= funny Brritbong word (hehe bugger)
Sodomy= Sodom and Gomorrah= burn the faggots