Broward County, home of the false flags, now has another mass shooting:
Breaking: Mass Mosque shooting in located in Broward "Jewish Bermuda Triangle" Couny
Other urls found in this thread:
It’s already over, shooter dead, zero kills.
One person killed, hardly a mass shooting you retarded nigger. Also the motive is unknown.
probably just muds being muds
Saw this on twatter
half-chan did a good job calling that. but this correlation could suggest that there is some lose thread that they don't want pulled.
Such retardation is too unbelievable to be real and yet it probably is.
Nice hat there
Florida jews do not give a fuck.
Tarrant is spammed everyday on the chans. Frankly Saint Tarrant deserves the praise.
Only because the kikes lost control of it. Look past the immediate facade and see the jew love at the core.
This thread is just as likely to have been posted by a kike in on the false flag than kikes spamming Tarrant before doing a false flag.
Sage for shitty thread with no info and lazy OP.
So all I have to do to fool you is spam threads? Wew.
March 2019: X killed a desert person, therefor X glows.
May 2019: X posted about somebody who killed a desert person, therefor X glows.
It's almost like people are trying to discourage absolutely any kid of activism. Hmmm…
SunnyBoys vs TheShites?
It's a RamadamaDingDong
I like it when they kill each other.
Now, what about those in power who are responsible for intentionally fucking up our way of life?
please be white please be white please be white
please dont be white please dont be white please dont be white
This is one jewy-looking fuck for the jewiest county in Florijew.
Killing non whites and attacking the goverement is bad goy!
Cuckchan also spams threads here all the fucking time because we have no mods
Much like many other retards and feds discourage any form of activism between internet shitposting and mass murder.
There are hundreds of non-violent or even non-lethal forms of political activism. If you're willing to die i have no idea why you wouldn't also endure some heat from spreading friendship windmills everywhere.
broward here, the mosque is near MLK ave, just another day in the ghetto
I wonder if it was that idiot from last night who claimed he would reach double digits.
More likely it's from a hood nigger, it's literally a block away from the swap shop.
Don't forget the other shill point: in order for someone to be a successful lone wolf, they have to be trained by ZOG and equipped with the latest in ZOG military technology.
Jesus fuckin christ. Here we go again.
Ugly little jew gets rich off BITCONNECT (not Bitcoin…BITCONNECT).
Ugly little jew with big jaw spends his newfound wealth to visit Pakistan and loves Pakis
Ugly little jew visits Turkey Bosnia AND ISRAEL.
Ugly little jew stages massacre on New Zealand mosque.
One of the five shooters in Ugly Little Jew's gang ESCAPES TO ISRAEL
Kill yourself already.
Lame. Can you learn pride enough to trade in truth, or are you really just submissive liars forever?
Who benefits from calling Tarrant Mossad?
Well is this an interesting happening or should I go back to what I was doing?
broward county
yeah, like, totally seems legit dude, better snatch those guns
i predict it was a radical muslim attacking the mosque because they weren't radical enough
sage for double post
Bitconnect is a /biz/ meme, it's not real you mouthbreather
might as well make this bread rock
Being this retarded.
Who else would attack muslims, not jews. Really.