Our favorite Candian THOT has a new documentary about the Migrant Crisis. I'm going to watch it tonight, this is the viewing party thread. I doubt she'll name the Jew any deeper than Soros.
In advance, I am not Lauren so I cannot show tits
Will give it a go.
Lauren (((Simonsen))) naming the jew after working for the biggest kike in leaf media is like expecting her to date you without 'gifts' or whatever the prostitution lingo is these days.
Just finished watching it. It's shit.
When you are happy with "Oh, you have a clean signal and…" I don't see it. On The other hand, if you suspect that it is purchased from the control unit, it will interrupt the functioning of the leg.
Does she investigate who the traffickers are working for?
I thought she was a jew
Not really, she gets a video of some chick from an NGO talking about how she tells the migrants to lie in order to get in. She hands that video to the UN and the UN say 'wow this is deeply concerning'. At the end she throws in a line about how some 'very evil men' are making lots of money. That's about it.
Just heard her say, "The people that so desperately need to get to Europe can't afford it" and something about how sad that is. WTF? None of these niggers who can't even make it in Africa belong in Europe.
I won't have a chance to see it until tomorrow. How does it compare with her video on South Africa? IMHO, that was really good. Maybe a little too focused on her 'journey of discovery', but that is typical of female-led documentaries, and with her looks, that could play to both a male & female audience.
In every shot she's dressing very masculine. Women should not wear suit jackets.
Also about 30 mins in, and I don't have any problems with the camera work.
Farmlands is much better. Even ignoring the actual content and how feels-based it is, the editing is just crap. It doesn't really form anything coherent, it just sort of jumps around with little structure.
I’m not against what she’s doing, but she seems dumb and unlikable
Tried to tune into farmlands, and one of the first shots is her looking at a computer and taking notes
“Look at me I’m doing research”
May be nit picky but I work in film/tv
But I’ll forgive her if she criticizes kikes.. that’s what it comes down to
Everything else is just white noise at this point
Thanks, that's unfortunate.
Honestly, I wish she had done a documentary about the border issues between the United States and Mexico instead. That is a more straightforward topic, it's more timely and would get far more publicity, and it would be safer for her and her crew if they stayed in the United States. No shortage of heavily armed Americans who would volunteer to escort her through any areas she wanted to film.
She doesn't.
I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on this one. Are you planning to watch it?
Doctor being interviewed at Refugee camp in Lesbos. Jew or just an unfortunate face? (35 mins in)
This is still better journalism than anything you'll see on the MSM, and probably done with a shoestring budget.
She's a jew not a Canadian
Wew. A jew making a sci-fi movie about neverending nigger centipede caravan because no borders, but then try to arrive to Cuckada and pass the border police having a traffic ticket from home.
She legally a man.
Simonsen is a Scandinavian name, unless you can prove otherwise, STFU
Cucks! No serious white man would watch anything this MUDSHARK WHORE produces.
All these alt-kike figures will go into the trash bin of history and so will you for supporting them.
Isn't she supposed to be Spanish?
If I remember well, she said her Jewish grand parents in Denmark lost their virginity to 30cm of wood in concentration camps.
I really don't get why anyone here would waste their time watching such bluepilled bullshit like this documentary created by a Jewish whore who sleeps with muslims, niggers and trannies. Are you really going to learn anything in this documentary you don't already know?
Non-jewed link
Also, why hasn't this been posted to her bitchute channel?
Oh is it out now? Been looking forward to it. Loved Farmlands.
scandi for son of simon, which is a jew name
pol has a strange fascination with transexuals.
Jew are everywhere so shoot first and ask questions later.
She may be either a jew or jew worshipper, and this documentary being maybe very bluepilled compared to our standards.
However, for the purpose of Redpilling and actually showing to the normie, one has to do so out of a bluepilled angle.
Yeah, couldn't make it past the first minutes. And this subject was relevant 1 year ago. She wasted 6 months on editing?
She tries too hard to combine CNN type segments with panicking Vice style. Or it may be the editors. Either way. If I wanted to watch shitty reddit videos I'd watch MSM.
Ironically, Lauren Southern is one of the only few that actually address and make documentaries topics. For example, whites in South America.
European jews always made localized versions of their surnames. Think of Cohen, Kahn, Kohn, Coen. They're all the same name. Just different versions of it. Simonsen is the Danish version of Son of Simon. It's a jewish name. She's jewish. Deal with it.
She's a thot in it for the fame and money which she's gotten but she does good work and delivers good media. That's basically it though, she's a thot, a coalburner, possibly has jewish ancestry, thus i pay very minimal attention to her stuff. The South Africa doc was great but her persona outside of her work is autistic. I still won't hold it against her publicly, women spreading a good message for the movement is a positive because women convince both the men who wanna fuck them and other women more than good men do.
good info is good info, not everyone is full 1488 and thus need a starting point. You'd know that if you weren't a shill. The only reason to not watch a movie on the EU's illegal importation of nonwhites is to stay asleep.
agreed, but to reject a potential tool for the sake of muh purity is just retarded.
Send ALL migrants to progressive CANADA
all problems solved.
And that's the fun part. A woman has done more job than you could ever have done.
Whammen and kikes in journalism is fundamentally bad professional structure. Since the last fratricide, journalism in the Dominion has become a whore house of smut and disgrace. Actively executing journalists, as a reactive social program, doesn't seem at all violent or immoral.
You're a fool.
We don't need these people and we never have/will.
Liars and half truth tellers are even worse than those who tell outright lies. These people are literally worse than the kikes.
Cenavich, Southern, Molyneux, Jones, Milo, PJW, Pettibone, Tara McCarthy, Styx, Sargon etc. All these alt-kikes are confusing our people as to what the actual true source of the problem is. Everyday we dont name (((them))) we are wasting time.
Jones spent years avoiding talking about the kikes and it still didnt save him. Even now he defends them even though they destroyed him. Talk about denial and cuckoldry.
So shut the fuck up and stop defending the indefensible.
If she ain't our girl, she LARPs convincingly.
No it isn't amerimutt. Many names derive from hebrew - as Christian names from the Catholic days. She might be a jew, but her name isn't really at this point. Southern sounds a bit jewish tho.
I'm done with listening to women. They've done nothing but fuck up western civilization
Lauren has zero jewish phenotype characteristics. At the very least, she's honorary Aryan and has done more to defend White European culture than anyone else on this board.
I would definitely marry and breed her.
Yeah, stuff like this really brings out all the mental issues of the people here. Those of us who have some perspective simply want to find good educational material; primarily for others who are new to these topics or on the fence politically, but also hopefully with some stuff we can learn from as well.
What made it so much funnier was in 2016 when these same types of people who dismissed anyone and everyone were 1000% on board with Donald Trump. Those of us who criticized Trump were dismissed as shills and everything else before we were permabanned. Get new IP, rinse and repeat.
Not that I've ever heard.
This film is a good thing. It shows the reality of migrants regretting their journey to Europe at the very least. Everyone she interviewed who made it said they regretted it. She got an Irish politician to sperg out when asking about a "refugee" hotel.
Did the film name the jew? No, but it showed the jew's hand.
No such thing. You can only BE European or not. You can't be a kike and European.
I'd take any day a jewish female that fucks only aryans over an aryan female that fucks niggers.
Lauren Southern is damaged goods. She is irrelevant as a human, the moment she fucked a nigger she became a subhuman. She does not deserve any attention as a human because she is not a human, she is a coalburner.
Maybe these documentaries are her way of asking for forgiveness. It's not enough but she is on the right path. Her redemption will happen when she will bring on the DOTR thousands of nigger heads that she personally hunted.
Notice all the (((posts))) attacking the creator rather than talking about the content of the film.
And why did her family leave?
My family swore loyalty to Adolf Hitler but after the conflict the damn jews said my Great-Uncle oversaw the killing of 6,000 jews, retards and homosexuals and was executed by guillotine by the Americans. The jew prosecutors even said he was at the first "gassing ceremony" at Brandenburg, like there were "gassing rituals" where everyone would gather around to gas something. We took our lumps for losing to ZOG.
But why did her family leave? What were they running away from? The gassing rituals?
I only saw a few bits of the documentary, the last thing I remember from her was that EU speech she did to talk about it. There, she pretty much let her estrogen run free and became the typical female with excesive empathy. There's a part in which she mentions that she talked to a group of nigs who wanted to cross the border and the things she said were along the lines of "I feel so bad for these guys, I talked to them, they seemed so nice, with dreams… one of them just wanted to be a football star and play for Chelsea FC… *gets emotional* They probably would be a good addition to European society, but they have to understand it's not going to be easy for them… bla bla bla". I did rather prefer the same documentary was done by either a man or a woman with high testosterone levels.
Is there something new in that documentary? I decline to waste all that time to watch something which is known for years now.
Waste of god damned time. Regurgitated bullshit. Southern reminds me of that Thenranos bitch that hustles and grifted billions out of gullible goyim in a husky man voice. Same psychopathic look.
William Pierces old broadcasts are 100 times more relevant and interesting than this and they were made 25 years ago!
There is no redemption for coal burners especially unrepentant ones like her who just think because they're "christian" its okay. Shes just another koshner civic nationalist like Ben Shapiro.
The only one with mental issues here is beta cuckolds like you who defend women who would otherwise be invisible if they weren't half attractive and flashing their tits everywhere regurgitating the talking points of men to fatten their bank account.There is countless videos and photos out there exposing Lauren as a sexual degenerate and a shekel grabber.
Do you own research. Shes also denounced white nationalism.
What about Kaitlin Bennett
could she be extracted from the thrall of (((Alex Jones)))
RIP Bill Cooper
It's a surname that is often jewish, and she included her grandparents with "jewish people [sic]" who are "still recovering from the holocaust".
Eceleb thread.
She is effective, which is why you have the shills screeching to 'shut it down'. To those complaining that her documentary is too 'blue pilled', where's yours? If you can to a better job, put the work in and make the movie.
At what? Stopping people from understanding that it's her co-racialists who are behind all of these ills, and instead keeping them focused on the symptoms and chasing ghosts?
How low does your IQ have to be to write this? You know what you sound like, a social justice warrior. Change 'women' to 'white men' and you're half way to being a tumblr superstar.
She's taking people who have a lower than MSM understanding of these topics and bringing them to a level just shy of what you'd like. If you can do a better job at reaching people, have at it.
Yea, it's definitely easier to absorb a serious message conveyed by an intelligent sounding woman who's easy on the eyes and ears. Does she have a boyfriend or a husband yet? It'd be a shame someone wasn't working to create and raise another generation of good looking intelligent Canadians with her.
Anyway, I'll give the documentary a watch and share it with folks I know who might be interested.
Youtube has Shoa'd the film. For a "blue pilled" documentary, they clearly do not want people seeing this.
Found the vagina
She's smart enough to remain independent from Jones, but collaborate with him on occasion to reach his audience.
Sadly, she's engaged/married
With you I'm not sure what I've found. Could be a subversive kike, or an incel beta male.
The cat is already out of the bag now. Come follow a link that can't be destroyed, and help to rehost it everywhere you can.
Of course, they recognize that she's effective, which is why they're kvetching ITT. Here is the backup Youtube link as well.
Hi Lauren.
What do you mean sadly?
I thought that was what you wanted, intelligent white women having kids?
Does 8ch support bitchute or others?
They're a start, but they won't solve the problem.
She is taken to the disappointment of many males, but of course it is ultimately good that she will birth a healthy white family.
Kill yourself. No clickshekels for (jew)
You're late to the party kike/Russian IRA goon.
It gets bumped you get the dick slapped out of your mouth. Keep it up yid, I got all fucking day.
I am not at all surprised a retard has an abundance of free time on his hands.
According to Tim Pool, her documentary appears to be ghosted:
Holy shit, that image is true! They don't even do this for Area 51. I hate Google so fucking much.
Does Simonsen sound fucking chosen to you? You're a dumb nigger.
Johnson means the son of John. Is that a jewish name too? You belong in a fucking oven.
You know, no matter how much you shill for her here and donate to her patreon, she's never going to fuck you.
She's known to work with antifa types and worked for LITERAL JEWISH MEDIA. God you people are fucking stupid. Dyed hair, a fake name and a pussy and you people trip over yourself to dance to their tune every time they wheel out the next fraud.
kill yourselves
>(((Rabbi Media))) puppets worshiped.
All these faggots on here larping about how much they love Hitler and how they'll totally fight and die for the White race, etc. and shit like this is front and center. Shills and scum.
Who in ANTIFA did she work with?
Pussy worshipers thread. Nothing done by women has any value at all. Ever.
In the case of your mother, you're making a good case for that being true.
White Nationalism is going to save the White Race.
Unless it's Brenton Tarrant. We should suck his cock like there's no tomorrow.