Fuck trump, seriously I'm an ex magapede now. ANyone supporting trump-k*ke please leave this board. Zionald-fags not welcome here anymore. Siege Heiler
Fuck trump, seriously I'm an ex magapede now. ANyone supporting trump-k*ke please leave this board...
Hello newfag.
On Zig Forums, they are not k*kes, kikes. They are fucking jewish abominations.
you will stay here forewer
You censored the wrong word.
Bump. This is the answer. I'm tipping my hat.
I should have thought of this earlier. I understand now how it's done by the best now. Seriously fucking spectacular.
There's no defense for it. It's the fucking crane kick. I'm in awe at whoever engineered this thread. It's the best I've ever seen.
Once people can live forever, I bet there’ll be a Mercurian collective working under minimum computing rules as they work to rederive science and discover the maximum breadth of non-computer achievement, using the intrinsic harshness of their environment to prove resilience as they exactly define the technological potency of computing as such.
Shame this forum is such trash, eh?
Siege Hitler, too. I’m just pointing out you lot could be part of better, more awesome subcults.
We can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes.
I'll vote for Trump just to see the leftists completely lose it. Trump might be a kike lover and he's a fucking failure who will never achieve anything, but maximizing leftist suffering is all that matters. Nothing is going to stop the happening anyway.
he sucked all the right dicks, I don't see why zog wouldn't hand him another term
He's certainly been a good goy. I wonder if the Democrats will try to offer the kikes a counter offer.
Do you even understand excelleration? No real alt-righter supports Trump. We have to vote for Biden for the people to rise up. When they see his radical extremist behavior they won't be able to handle it. ALl the normies will rise up, start a civil war and then we'll finally have day of the rope.
Clapper Brennan Comey. They're ALL in on it. ALLLL of them. Sometimes I just think wtf is even the point of being a nazi anymore and I just want to go to sleep.
haha yes! Prasie kek! voting is the way to troll the libtards!
Yes, I get your argument, but I can't vote for a leftist. I'll never do it. I honestly don't think anyone here supports Trump either, but it's a toss up between voting against Trump or voting against leftists.
The end result is still the happening.
Say kike you tranny faggot nigger
I see what you're saying. Everything ends up exactly the same so us alt-right nazis shouldn't vote. But why not vote for Biden to troll the libtards?
I mean we're all alt-right nazis and we all agree the best thing to do is vote biden to accelerate the happening or to just not vote.
Fuck Tr*mp the nigger kike cock sucker
How many layers of shilling are you on?
Principle, conviction, honor - take your pick. Also, we're not "alt-right" here. Alt-right faggots are damn near leftists compared to us. Don't lump me in with a bunch of sissy alt-right faggots.
So no, I'll hold my nose and vote for Trump because it'll make the left go insane.
I'm surprised (((Chuck Schumer))) (D) himself hasn't run for President. Maybe they still have some small concern about being too obviously in power.
btw, I suspect you're probably a shill attempting to D&C, or literally just a newfag, but you have your answer. It doesn't matter who wins anymore. This country is done. All that matters now is who makes it through the collapse and who doesn't, and I can guarantee the bulk of the leftist voters entirely dependent on the welfare state to survive while packed into shit hole cities are going to die from them ripping each other apart to survive. I'll kick back with a beer and watch the cities burn.
No way. Trump should be 6,000,001. There's no point in demoralizing the left. It only makes them stronger and more reasonable. If biden becomes the president though the normies and the boomers will finally awaken. We won't have to do shit with president biden! Everyone will go crazy and excellerate naturally.
It doesn't matter. You figure out what is the simplest objectively best way to help your people and do it and you will win.
Shill confirmed. Leftists are total fucking emotional retards completely incapable of reason or logic. You're wasting your time shill. This country is headed for collapse. You should be more concerned with whether or not you're going to survive what's coming, but honestly, I think you'd be better off just committing suicide when it happens.
Trump is and has been a con man his whole life
The amount of humiliation people are willing to take in their desperation for someone to do something so they won't have to themselves is fucking absurd.
*spell of
Trump is a impulsive compulsive unhinged man child. He's a total emberasment
Kikes are not retarded. They won’t put somebody in office that has the potential to piss off the kind of people that will rise up and start a civil war. This is exactly why Trump was put in office. To pacify these people.
Everything is always done for the best of Jewish interests and it will always be that way unless they slip up and we retake control of our countries which I am actually feeling like we might. Problem is if we end up getting our way Jews will just proceed with their “Samson option”. No matter what the world is going to burn. If only Hitler had won. Holy shit, it’s so crazy to think how much of a better world we’d live in.
OP is the same kike spamming kike porn on the other Zognald threads, don't forget to SAGE.
this board is largely full of cia-nigger plants and children pretending to understand politics - I only come back to laugh at your "muh hitler" and "juice bad! orange man bad!" and of course "da holocaust not reel" stupidity
drumpf is dogshit
nice to see another user waking the FUCK up
>>>Zig Forums
well aren't we above it all
With the majority of Americans not voting it's pretty obvious people are on to them, and have no faith in the ((democratic process))).
That's just sad. Is this your first time?
You're just a cowardly reactionary who has probably been subverted by years of propaganda that is designed to make you feel stupid and useless.
I support Trump. I also read Breitbart and Fox News more than Zig Forums these days, because these leftist infiltration attempts at "manipulating the consensus on imageboard to create the illusion of an 'anti-Trump' majority" are getting too transparent nowadays. Almost as predictable as the "If YoU SuPpOrT tRuMp, YoU'rE a KiKe!!" response that leftist shills are paid hourly to post here.
I started cutting out the "rightwingers" in my life whose views on Trump are no different than the shit that cnn and leftists keep spouting on about. If you're not intelligent enough to see the subversion that taking is taking place here,….
…then you really are retarded to let the left control your mind to be ANTI-DRUMPF HURR DURR.
You're in the wrong neighborhood you absolute faggot. We care about the destiny of humanity, not some teenage modus operandi that dictates modern society.
Trump is a kike
Like clockwork. How much are (((they))) paying you, mohammad?
-Jared akushner, as quoted by Zognald
I voted for the faggot solely to avoid war with Russia as I'm from Ukraine. But I'm not a drone, i see what he's done. You know, just things you notice.
Say it ain't so.
Zig Forums is so weak now you can successfully troll it by mentioning a single letter of the alphabet.
I want 2015 Zig Forums back.
Uhhh. I'm for immigration for Europeans. Yes I'm an immigrant, does it hurt that I have an actual root and connection to my lineage? Immigrant, naturalized citizens can vote, did you know that?
I know you're not actually interested in a conversation so, keep on milking my (you) tokens
can't expect niggers to logic
peanut butter is hetetrosexual.
hows the deportations and wall coming MAGAnigger? How are those white demographics holding up? Here, have an article from kikebart
They are all coming in user, in the greatest numbers ever, run to your fox news, run to your kikebart, too bad you can't run from the truth that the country is finished and Trump is the one to finish it
Cool story bro
Idk, learn Spanish, its a beautiful Indo-Aryan language. The New World was created by Europeans but graciously handed back to the Indigenous race who never forgot that race is more important than language, technology or religion.
Only jews do this fucking shit
Just look at the Jews crying over Trump.
Good lord it wasn't even 90 days ago, who are you even trying to fool?
Jordi savall is a genius tbh
I'm no fan of Trump, but a board with just rabid morons that want to genocide everything isn't much fun.
This faggot spic cunt.
Blow leaves, wetback street dog.
Why are we getting anti-trump posts like it's 2018? I thought we already agreed he is a kike shill?
I got called a SJW for not letting Trump get away with Julian Assange being prosecuted under his watch because Obama is much worse and prosecuted many more people under the espionage act than Trump did. Trumpbots are real and they are very stupid.
Oh, election, that's right. Hi, kushner.
i'd like to discuss some things about trump but everyone seems to want to ignore these things as if they are of no consequence.
Trump was mentored by Roy Cohn, so much so Trump was referred to as Cohn's "Apprentice".. i won't get into Roy Cohn but fact is he was regarded as the master of manipulating/blackmailing politicians, Trump learnt this trade.
combine that with the fact Trump is close friends with Epstein, and many many other confirmed pedophiles..he has even employed into his administration known pedophiles, not to mention how many "swamp rats" into key positions, probably the most important of all these is the head of NSA
After they launched missiles at a random site into Syria, none of which can be proven, Trump tweeted "mission accomplished"..this was obviously and most certainly a diversion from something else going on at the same time, it captured everyones attention but meanwhile they were scrubbing the internet of evidence..they being the 5eyes along with Russian co-operation, successfully removed all traces of that evidence from the internet including the deep and dark web
what was the evidence, it was a video uploaded by Peter Dalglish days earlier..he currently is in Canada awaiting trial still to this day, the prosecutors have no evidence of his alleged crimes except witness testimonies which have been contradicted, so to this day he is in jail awaiting a trial..convicted by the media and pretty much everyone before he'd even faced a judge, there is NO evidence against him, on the contrary he has an outstanding record of helping poor people
so when Trump tweeted "mission accomplished" he meant they had successfully suppressed that evidence and he was gloating to his pedophile friends while the public cheered him on..please feel free to offer an alternative to what the statement "mission accomplished" could have meant.
Dershowitz, accused by many of being a pedo has rallied behind Trump, gee i wonder why..how he can weasel his way out of all that is just amazing, same like the rest of them particularly Epstein..never spent 1 single day in jail despite being found guilty of trafficking and soliciting minors for sex..not 1 single day in jail
Trump worships the Beast, that being the ECONOMY..we are all slaves to this Beast, nobody controls it, it controls everybody..don't boast how well is the economy doing, you are a slave to it..BTW the "GFC" was the great blow dealt to the beast, from which it recovered and became even stronger.
NXIVM is an interesting cult, what do the letters mean? they planned to covertly overtake the mexican government and use that country to feed them hungry pedo-monsters with a constant supply of fresh meat, a market Trump would rather control himself, it's potentially great for his 'economy'.. N-XIV-M references New Mexico, really not sure the significance of the number 14 but for some reason they do like this number.
Epstein actually has a property up there in New Mexico, it was used as a gateway to traffick kids from mexico to Epsteins clients..Dershowitz liked to play around down there, he dodged charges of sexual misconduct with a minor, helps when you are friends with the investigators and prosecutors i'm sure.
Trump fooled both the left and right. and continues to bamboozle them..in my opinion he is some sort of magician, and understands wizardry on a level most couldn't even comprehend..it's a horrible situation friends, i would love nothing more than to be proven wrong.
Zig Forums isn't alt-right, faggot. Go back to (((TRS))).