We are a true Nationalist Patriot organization that want to preserve our heritage,culture and traditional values by reforms to reflect our true Canadian core identity. A moratorium on all immigration,stopping third world immigration,a new immigration policy for a return to Canada's traditional ethnic demographics of Euro-Canadian pioneer settlers and Natives. Real equal rights,eliminating affirmative action,discrimination against Euro-Canadians and an end to minority group special privileges.
Canadian Nationalist Front Clarified Mission Statement
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Good lads.
Keep pressure upon the regime.
Please take this down before anyone sees it. It's an embarrassment. Also if you can't afford to buy a real domain for 10usd a year then just shut the whole org down now.
We are doing what we can, like protesting in front of parliament etc
Nothing Kosher about our organization
This is an extremely valid point guys.
RCMPniggers and the CSISniggers glow strong this one
No it is not, we've had the site for a decade and why change it? We are active off-line and aren't keyboard commandos.
If you can't even be bothered to take the time to make a decent website, then why should anyone take the time to even go to it.
You are the Glowy one, we have been active for decades, well documented and none of our members have been arrested because we do not condone violence or illegal acts.
We had a great website till a month but was recently taken down because we were in the news and many complaints so we got de-platformed, we are making a new site on Zensurfei
What image? Our Celtic Cross/Red Ensign logo?
Sure thing constable
Sorry I don't live on these boards and fairly new to it because we are on many other platforms but less now that we are kicked off jewbook and twatter thepeterboroughexaminer.com
How about you start with learning from history? No politics, no identity movements, and no idolatry will ever make a difference against the jewish a cabal. Every time you split up into another nonsensical group, with yet another worthless flag, you create more division in your race.
You have to face 3rd world migrants being build up for a race war, radical Islamist ready for a war on Christianity, your own politics, military, law enforcement, media etc. conspiring against you, your economy becoming worthless any day now, Russian and Chinese communist collaboration armies, and whatever dirty tricks the jews in charge have up their sleeves.
Face reality and choose wisely. 1. Survive by any means or 2. kill or be killed. The only laws that are active right now, the only laws that were ever of any importance are the laws of nature.
This looks like boomer LARP trash to me, you really need to work on presentation.
Also the leader appears to have some very Jewish facial features, which certainly doesn't help.
Your Glowy, Everyone knows who I am
This is the first time I've even heard of this group, and it appears to be several years old.
Perhaps the cringey Stormfront-tier presentation and lack of effort put into the group, along with your degenerate tattoos that screams you being a (((fed))), is the reason.
Where were you when BC was invaded by asians and indians 10+ years ago, before all this mass migration and Kalergi Plan bullshit?
Again with these faggot groups and LARPers.
Maybe real men don't care what a netfag pleb thinks is cringey today.
All these idiotic idol worshiping to somehow mimic Hitler, yet none of these fools realize that Hitler mimicked Christianity, not because he wanted to but because he needed to. Why? Because just like the identity groups today, the Germans from back then were too indoctrinated by Christianity to follow the naked truth. Instead they needed the fake idols to raise up.
No, you're a fucking lying cockroach White Nationalist scumbag and not a Canadian Nationalist. Fuck you and you're Jew leader.
Wonder why the BO doesn't deal with these recruitment and advertising faggots?
Imkikey's gone tho
Zig Forums is a global board thanks to codenigger, jim the cianigger, and (((friends)))
wrong formatting, CSIS.
What have you done for white interests in Canada?
Same thing dumbass.
nice tatoo
That was my post in the left pic, I was never affiliated with the RCMP, I was just a desperate and retarded newfag.
It's embarrassing to see that pic.
I wanted to make friends that I could be myself around, I was crushingly lonely, and suffered from mental illnesses (bipolar, aspergers, and in a deprerssive mode that was causing suicidal thoughts) that made it an even worse experience.
It was a cry for help, not a Mr. Big.
Highly doubt that the RCMP would leave in that typo before posting, if you are still going to repost that pic, could please fix the typo, it's painful to see that "n" fucking up the spelling.
RCMP probably wouldn't take me, a shame, I think I could do some behind the scenes work with that kind of privileged position.
Here's some proof I'm that guy: 14/88 WPWW
*Cringes internally*
Was in BC in the 90's, yeah allot of Chinese and Sikhs, I came back to Ontario to fight in the belly of the beast
You don't belong on here Robert, you commie dirtbag
We have done White Pride rallies and protests at Parliament hill
Tell me how a bunch of materialistic fat ugly white nationalist hitler larpers are any better or worse than sikhs or chinese.
You stand by and participate in this retarded unnatural clusterfuck trashfire of a society everyday and buy your shit at walmart like evety other faggot so what makes you think i would fight for you
Canada is a dead country and wanting to cling desperately to the past (which led us here) is fucking retarded
I would liquidate you all
You are correct, Civic Nationalism is Communism from the First Turdeau era and is not real Nationalism, Ethno-Nationalism is true nationalism. Anyone thinking otherwise is brainwashed by leftist propaganda
The most important thing you can do is openly support Trudeau. Say that he is your candidate because he will accelerate the demise of Canada. Say he is the best choice to destroy the social safety net and bring on massive crime and race wars. Praise him as a force for societal collapse. Praise him for destroying the worst members of the white race with LBGTQ and degeneracy propaganda. Everywhere you go say Trudeau is the best choice for the far right, racists, terrorists and white nationalists.
Of your CSIS fucking Kys if not hail victory
I think mr glownigger needs to see more faggot gore and Supporting.Our.Youth. (SOY) made propaganda to really see what we really are, and why we're still here. Also, Nigger, learn how to embed videos this time.
I noticed your mission statement says nothing about resisting jewish world government, which, if you haven't noticed, is balls deep in the human races's ass and about to impregnate it with butt-babies. There is really nothing at all that matters other than warning as many people as possible about the jews before the war starts.
Listerine tier demoralization thread.
Canada thanks to multiculturalism has turned into a cesspool of criminal gangs amongst the newly added middle easterns, Africans and communist Chinese. It is literally a scitzofrenic society of which in the major cities the demographic change in half a century is so noticeable it’s laughable. Most european Canadians have retreated to bread and circuses or community events which in themselves are necessary but often vouch for more of the same. The major cities are warzones, illegal weapons, drugs while the government in the truest contradiction advocates for gun control of citizens weapons. The population is segregated but european communities are swarmed with young hungry foreign men who either are canadianized to a reasonable sociability or are act quite openly as a hostile and aggressive force. It’s sickening and mind numbing. The boomer populations and what remains of any other different racial Canadians go about their day as if it doesn’t exist while at night a hyper primitive nightlife plays out complete with all the jungle beats and city people. It’s not uncommon to hear about attempted abductions, the culture has been so destroyed and deracinated completely that the only type of “feel” for the young european man is the drugs the blacks and other so happily sell while in the same situation whatever family they have is destroyed and if there are girls they are encouraged by a “liberated women’s culture” to sell their body. It’s hard to actually rationalize the absolute state of both genocidal policy but also the apathy of the old population and the perserverence of young white men. Tall blacks walk around with young blondes as if a trophy, drugs and mainstream rap are culturally fashionable. This place is a time bomb waiting to explode. It is such an outward display of pure hatred, subversion and also lack of any sort of national spirit it’s scary. The paper isn’t read, only sports section, because it’s a nightmare. Why won’t people take responsibility? Why wont people take any number of the most basic fucked up scenarios and say “I cannot ignore this”. It’s demoralizing but in the same ripe for the passion of a stand, a stand that could honestly throw over the political order
Canada has an opportunity for the next few years to flip multiculturalism on its head and shine a light for Europe and possibly even America. The truth is so easy to rationalize, it is so outward. It is so sickening. Just thinking of it together makes a person want to vomit. This is what scares most importantly the Canadians with influence and the young who feel its cultural affects but refuse to become a pariah to the culture, or risk being mauled by gangs of young men that walk around quite openly, It is unacceptable. It is the highest form of treason. It is a direct threat to the Canadian children born of the descendants of european immigrants and the pioneers that sold this country. One of the biggest problems is the complacency of the military and the greed of the commerce/construction sectors. A business with a house is stable and sought after while the Europeans that get left behind fall through the cracks forever. The natives are scarred from the Jesuit order policies of the Catholic Church doomed to live under the bureaucracy of the government and their easily corrupted tribe leaders. Money, and materialism are literally enough for these people to ignore such an obvious internal attack. Good people need to find heart, Europeans need to face the friction of self determination. It is so obvious. Most us good ones literally cannot just pass it by even if we are well off. The biggest threat is the jewish influence within organized crime that runs through all the big immigrants syndicates and the blacks in the city. They wield an enormous army of cheap assasins with a population convinced a 15 min cop ride will save them. The gangs commit assassinations in broad daylight and young girls are hit all the while the same cultural incentive and music is jammed down their throats. Conform, conform. How could anybody possibly conform to a literal nightmare? How can you just forget? The American and Canadian armies, and any good men must act, you must yield a standard that plainly points out cultural treason. Comforts should not be a distraction. It’s literally insanity. Social engineering and anthropology are basic high school subjects rooted in material science. If any kid from high school grasped their concepts they are wide awake. I remain true until the bitter end. I will not ignore such an open act of genocidal policy masqueraded as advancement. I will not watch european children especially boys be esmasculated or the girls be transformed into sex toys for “thug” blacks to exploit at behest of the culture. So CSIS if that is you. I hope you understand this truth is so glaring, it is so rage inspiring. No amount of money or socialized multi racial groups can make up for the Canadian government continuing to act like this is OK. You genocided the most generous and open Europeans, you ruined a good thing. Enjoy the swing back on that
I’m literally predicting before 2025 that most major Canadian cities and population centres will Balkanize. To the marxists and liberal capitalists who have seized on this opportunity knowing full well both the implications and the sort of organic, safe and connected communities Canada offered before you ruined it. You are the pieces of shit that will turn the average apathetic person into a fanatic. That you sold out your own people, without looking out for them, that you allowed policies that would make money while your own people, probably the best ones faded into the sea of ghettos and misery. Imagine working 7-5, donating a few hundred bucks to a charity or hockey team, attending a fundraiser for a kid with cancer just imagine a person who could say okay I’ve done that and in the spirit of Pontius Pilate I wash my hands. You ruined this country, hundreds of kids have died from drug abuse of which is a direct result of genocidal social policies. You will not win. You forgot about the one thing that mattered the most. That someone or a group of people could connect the dots, someone who was like you, someone who knew you inside and out, that they could connect the dots. And just the sheer power of indignation of such a sleight against good people. The jewish international world order will fall, the criminals that aided the violent suppression of community defenders will find their money worthless. The allied soldiers that sailed across the ocean to murder and take part in atrocities against a people whose plight was the same as our own now heir spirits will join us in the fight. You closed the doors to Valhalla. Even now you back off your attacks on the european history. Lol literally all it took was one year. You exposed your hubris and your flank, attack the veterans, attack the poppy, attack the memorials. DO IT. You are beaten. You are weak. You are pathetic. You are shit. Our guys, the victims of economic subversion, or cultural enrichment, or those so demoralized by such a complex attack, so carefully designed to silence to strongest, bravest, who love their communities the most. The kids who committed suicide due to being in a synagogue like prisons where a Canadian school 30 years ago was filled with joy looking forward to the bond of community. They are the ones who will be the straw that broke your back. Fuck you and I hope all you internationalist swine and those who prey on good people, good communities without the nuts to engage them at the front get what’s coming to you. MONEY CANT BUY ME LOVE
Your policies are routed. Even the most money in the world can’t buy an army turning tail, can’t buy back a broken front. I’ll forever be proud I took the burn to bait you with your humanitarian poison only to turn around and pick you apart through simply existing, through proving will, perseverance and self love are the true foundations and than culture, community, in group preference are the best drugs around. Fuck internationalists. Your weak. Your shit. Your pathetic. Consolidate in a country and declare war already! You never will! Because you’d flee from the FRENZIED SCREAMING
You parasites inspire the truest spirit of the multi ethnic and pure blooded German. The chance for a battle impossible to win, that can be fought with no quarter, with no honour, with only fury and a fanatical devotion to never ending. A pride to be the first soldier to smash through the shields, and though outnumbered, confused, not stop until their is a stop, relishing the superhuman ability to single handedly carve a hole through the enemy line. Have fun with the rest of the Canadian european folk and the multi racial immigrants who remember old (((white supremacist))) Canada.
In Canada the coalition is known as the layer cake
The bakery
The wheat fields
Is this the new la raza?
No its a honeypot from a month ago
First order of Operations:
Second order of Operations:
Third order of Operations:
You friggin idiots
When are ya gonna realize that we gotta accelerate the decay of this kooky country of ours?
Instead of protesting outside of Parliament hill you should be hand-delivering presents of fire and destruction to our enemies in AdventureQuest. Tax dollars can repair property damage but can't bring back the dead, ya know what I meen?
I am just telling what I know to be the truth, I made a new thread dedicated to the topic so I do not flood this one, but if there is any way to prove what I say to be true, I know I can, because it is true.
Looks like a skinhead group not a serious nationalist movement.