Kang Obama, on national television, told Drumpf that he was spying on him over a month before Drumpf moved his team out of the Tower after receiving word that he was under surveillance. Obama's hubris knew no bounds. I have every reason to believe the claims that these practitioners of jewish-occult-magic must subtly communicate their actions to the world. Symbols abound.
To all of the Drumpf-haters: if all of the anti-Drumpf hysteria (on the part of the players, not the proles) is legitimate then he is our friend in at least some sense. The fact that they took extreme (death penalty level) and proactive steps to stop him is evidence that the hysteria is not mere theater. Schiff, in particular, sweats like a pig. Look into the Schiff family.
Drumpf was a close friend of the murdered son of a murdered president. That murdered president was murked because he was anti-ZOG.
As far as all of the Zognald stuff–you may be right but it is too early to tell. If he is actually trying to fix things then he must be prudent. Regarding his "pro-israel" stance: it is all superficial up to this point. Nothing he has done re: Jews actually affects this battle. If he pardons some crooked kike who is going to come down with Tay-Sachs and gracelessly expire, so what? It is immaterial.
Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer.
If he lets a gaggle of illegal amerinds loose in leftist cities that are already teetering on the edge of complete collapse, so what? You want acceleration? You got it. A slow and unremarkable end to immigration will cement the current beaners in their places. Here in our land. There will be no political will to take any further action. If we crank up the dial to eleven and force everybody see what their future will look like in Mexico/Honduras/Venezuela/etc. v2.0 then we might be able to create enough political pressure to do something that is more effective than a worthless band-aid fix. Enough pressure to get the repatriation trains rolling. There's no other choice here.
He has gone a long way towards fixing the judiciary, a necessary step in rolling up the swamp kikes and shabbos goyim. He has now granted his AG the power to start moving in and making things public. As above: the political will/pressure must be generated before action. This MO is precisely opposite to that of the kikes: they work in the shadows and push actions through under cover of obfuscation.
inb4 the shills who fail to address any of the above: you'll be shipped off to Venezuela with the rest of the useless leftists. :^)
What gives me hope about DJT is that people in the military seem to take him seriously, like this guy: youtube.com/channel/UCEo9S5mMQ7z4n7ZiuUoBFRw Former Army LTC Royston Potter.
Is Donald Trump a white nationalist? No. Is DJT the next Adolf Hitler? No. Does he love the United States? Yes. Is he fighting the good fight against the NWO and world-wide communism? Maybe?
You people need to realize that there will never again be figure like Adolf Hitler. Turning the whole United States into an ethno-centric nation is never going to happen. You need to accept that and move on. His purpose in life is to protect the United States and secure a future for all American children. At the end of the day it's up to YOU to solve the shitskin problem.
Jose Stewart
Shoo, you D&C kike.
It is entirely possible that we expatriate all of those not of the limited number of founding/building groups. Not today, not tomorrow, not next year but, as the failure of leftist politics and multikulti become so overwhelmingly obvious that the normalfags wake up in significant numbers, we can get it done.
Civilizations have waged wars that completely destroyed their populations and infrastructure more times than I can even remember. Large scale, extreme action is very possible. Sending all of the outsiders back to their homelands is tame in comparison to most of the conflicts in history.
Trump is slowing and reversing the momentum. Read some history and then reconsider if you're not just a D&C shill.
Brayden Diaz
The best thing trump has done, is continue unabated the flood of non-whites, in record numbers, into the country, which will ensure he is the last republican president, and I won't have to listen to any of you cuckservatives as your entire agenda and legacy is obliterated by the shit skin horde you prostrate yourselves to
William Jackson
Kikebot spam.
Xavier Turner
really? you think a bot wrote that?
Ethan Ward
Yep. Or a person with the IQ in the 70s who is unable to address an argument and must rely upon spamming non-sequitur slogans.
Nathaniel Wood
What argument? I wasn't even responding your retarded cock chugging
James Martinez
The best thing we can do is come together as a white community. Blacks have organized everyone against us. They control the underworld and the government. Make no mistake they mean to wage jihad on white America. They will do everything they can get away with.
Exactly, kikebot. You picked a random post and replied to it with something uninteresting and unrelated. Humans communicate in meaningful ways… well, not leftist protesters. They just repeat irrational slogans at the top of their lungs. Sorta like you do.
Kayden Bailey
Hardly a random post, he was slurping trumps cock even harder then you, while trump fails in the 1 area he was elected to fix, immigration. How much does being a trump intern pay this days?
Leo Price
So DO SOMETHING about it. No one cares about conservatives advertising their victim complex. If someone wronged you, kill them. No one follows weakness because it is dangerous to do so.
You fuckers are either shills or dense as lead. Giving the kikes their welfare is immaterial. Drops in the ocean. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer; if Drumpf cut off their gibs then the kvetching would amplify and the reduction in his political capital would more than outweigh giving the desert kikes money that they send back to the US via defense contractors.
It's like you can't read or even think.
Justin Hernandez
okay, now damage control immigration
Caleb Price
zognald blumpf
Eli Martin
And if pigs could fly I'd mount them for transportation, fucking retard.
Yeah, they gotta really gotta speed up the enshrinement of Israel first legally.
Chase Murphy
You don't understand anything, do you? Must be difficult to live in a world that you haven't put any effort into studying.
This is completely immaterial. Words on paper re: israel don't matter. The fact that our embassy is in some old, remodeled building in jerusalem is immaterial. None of this theater matters.
There are concrete human problems in our country which are a big fucking deal. We need to get the subversive leftist kikes out of our institutions. We need to hang traitors. We need to expatriate 80 million outsiders who are currently protected by all of the above.
You're either a shill or a retard. There are different degrees of urgency for any given set of problems. The order they are being tackled in makes sense to anybody who knows anything about human affairs and organizations.
Read a book, nigger.
Elijah Miller
hmmm nah
William Taylor
Calling for the death penalty for "anti-semites", pretending you need congress to build a border wall, making sure all economic growth is going to non-White immigrants, and giving huge tax cuts to the same people who dismantled America's industry in the first place to incentivize them to return it if they feel like it sounds like a great way to get started on all of that.
Jaxson Anderson
Immaterial. Addressed in OP you fuckwit shill. An unremarkable and "clean" end to letting the amerinds/mestizos in will not fix anything. It will cut off the supply but those already here will breed like animals and overwhelm us. We need repatriation, and accelerationism is the only path to this. Learn to read, nigger. Citation needed. Fewer niggers and spics on welfare is a good thing in the short term. At least they're doing something. Also: you seem to forget that politicians need voters. 2020 is going to be a shitshow since all of the silicon valley trannies are going to be 5000% better at censoring anti-lefitst rhetoric, so Drumpf needs all of the votes he can scrounge up. You'd rather leave our industry in chinktown despite the almost inevitable war with them? Get bent.
You're not even a midwit if any of this is genuine.
Oliver Thomas
sharebloo 2.0 really make this board unusable, kikemonkey was a mistake
Connor Davis
Actually repatriating people would be significantly accelerating things. If we need to beg and bribe the people who sent it elsewhere in the first place, it isn't really "ours" is it? I'm sure they'll get right on bringing it all back instead of just waiting this dumb orange faggot out. As a capitalist, Trump can't actually solve the problem even if he wanted to, which he doesn't. He's just mad that China is making our system look bad and destabilizing the position of nigger loving parasites like Trump.
Ryan Hill
You need to come back to reality, man.
Ian Parker
Right. And the political energy needed to do this without being abandoned by the electorate must be generated, first. What bounces back farther: a beanbag tossed against a pillow or a pool ball thrown at a concrete wall? We need big momentum in to get big momentum out. Lots of people are shitty. That's the world. Giving businesses incentives to come back is about as good as we can do. Things will get better in the long run as the "benefits" of globalism show themselves to be kike fictions. Provided, of course, that we can make it through the short-term and mid-term. Having our industry on our shores is necessary for this, so bribing distasteful people is probably the only thing do to, unsavory as it may be.
Priorities, magnitudes, and realities are things that this board needs to become more familiar with.
That faggot is still posting? I filtered him since he's got a bot-tier IQ and doesn't add anything–not even interesting criticism.
Cameron Johnson
He had it immediately after the election. He instead bombed Syria and began flooding the country with spics almost exactly when his base revolted over Syria. His job was to get White people back on board with PNAC. That failed and will forever fail. So now it is full steam ahead to get rid of White people to secure his jewish interests. So fucking nationalize it. This isn't complicated. You can't let the people who got rid of it be in charge of bringing it back. You know why China doesn't have these industrialization issues? Because they don't let Coca-Cola or General Motors set the terms.
Jeremiah Adams
You can also drop your tough guy act here, Mac. There's pushback here.
Luis Johnson
Throwing Jose and Juanita on a one way train to Honduras would have confirmed all of the DRUMPF IS HITLER screeching in the minds of the average voter-serf. If you're not a shill then you are severely stupid. If we let the precious leftists watch as things go downhill faster and faster when the precious brown people show up then nobody will fucking complain, as even a compromised press can't cover up the decay that is beginning to set in. Yeah, because that works so well. Again: that would draw unlimited DRUMPF IS HITLER kvetching. Go back to leftypol you silly faggot.
lefytpol faggot confirmed. Shoo.
Anthony Richardson
Who had just elected him. He was already elected. He took Michigan and almost nudged Minnesota. This is hilariously bad shilling.
Tyler Harris
I pray that you are correct OP
Hunter Clark
These anti trump threads is a clear sign that pol is nonstop being raided by degenerate conglomerates called the left.
David Sanchez
The only reason there were ever any Trump threads here to begin with is because he said he'd build a wall and "they have to go back". Then a paid off moderation team in Tel Aviv banned every user every day who posted accurate information about Trump's political history to maintain the false narrative.
This board did not and does not exist to be free positive propaganda for trumpniggers.
Must be a shill, this level of foolishness is almost unreachable. The vast majority of Trump's base are civnat cucks at best and don't like the idea of rocking the boat that much. They can be won over if and only if they are forced to witness what will happen if the boat isn't rocked. Allowing a bunch of cholos to rampage across the countryside is the only form of accelerationism we've got.
well the OP isn't anti-trump, but most posters here are, so every thread becomes 'anti-trump'
Hunter Martinez
I work with one of your Boomer buddies and it's TRUMP VERSUS THE DEMS all day long, all week long, all month long, and it's the fucking funniest thing I've ever heard in my life. Top-tier fantasy, man. And he won't brook a word of dissent – Trump has his hands tied by judges and US attorneys and the democrats on immigration (poor guy has tried everything) and gee whiz golly he's tried but those judges, they tell him no and what he can do after that… and so while he can't stop one single person from coming across the border because of judges at the same time he's plotting a five-or-six year sprawling master plan to bring down dozens of coup plotters by obliterating some of the crown jewels of the US intelligence apparatus that is used to try to control every person of significance on planet earth.
Sebastian Gray
What is sarcasm? Holy fuck user are you actually autistic?
No, kikes just take ziondon angle because it benefits their promotion of infighting and genuine discussion. It is more or less equal.
John Thomas
Trumpfags who don't see the truth when the civil war begins will be strung up alongside kikes and shitskins.
Alexander Hughes
You didn't read the OP, did you?
I already said "inb4 the shills who fail to address any of the above: you'll be shipped off to Venezuela with the rest of the useless leftists. :^)"
Adam Davis
fuck off nigger
Owen Taylor
You are spot on with all you say OP, it'll take awhile but Trump will eventually win.
Hello, torfag. What am I incorrect about? I can't prove that Drumpf will do anything worthwhile, but his actions thus far are consistent with the steps necessary to successfully drain the kikeswamp.
The kind of people who think the military has any credibility after the last 25 years, let alone the last 70, are either traitors or retards. The worship of the military and eagerness to serve it is something that should be impressing upon White nationalists the necessity of exterminating the American right.
Damn, you niggers are going all in. Are you that terrified of the Mueller Report being unredacted?
Nolan Collins
Spare me.
Gabriel Hernandez
They all get gassed kike. But most anons are more concerned over the kikes in power, rather than a few shekel-pinching volunteers. And how do anons know those images aren't just photo-ops you kikes came up with as an attempt to discredit him? Not exactly the first time it's been done.
Actually still waiting on that amnesty nigger. Any day now, right?
Juan Powell
Little kikes get shit on by big kikes all the time. Do some research on how brutally the rabbis would treat their congregations (or whatever the fuck a pack of kikes is called). The little kikes are like ablative armor for the big kikes–they exist to do the bidding of their masters and shield the masters from harm. This is the type of jew that could be convinced to volunteer for the Drumpf, as their self respect has already been destroyed by the megakikes.
Landon Watson
More like DACAmnesty :^3
Levi Nelson
Amnesty is amnesty nigger. It's all the same. But any day now, right?
"I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever"
Brayden Peterson
Trump would never
Hunter Adams
Did you even read my OP you sand-brained faggot? The only way to generate enough widespread disdain for the beaners that we can send all of the illegals and legals back is to force the American public to see how shitty they are.
If he were to build a mile high, titanium wall and send the DACAspanics and all of the other illegals back tomorrow, we'd still be absolutely fucked. Jose and Juanita are pumping out beanlets at unbeatable rates. The only winning play is a hail Mary. It isn't guaranteed to work, but any other play is a guaranteed failure.
I thought you faggits prided yourselves for your critical thinking skills and strategic minds.
Brandon Davis
So tiring.
Juan Diaz
Let me guess, he has 3% chance of winning again kike?
Robert Brown
legal immigration hasn't stopped, we are being replaced, trump never even said he would do anything about legal immigration
Gavin Bailey
That has nothing to do with the argument. Go read the OP. I know your reddit and hentai addictions have ruined your attention span, but it isn't that long.
You must be a fucking shill. Maybe you're actually this stupid. What do you fail to understand, George? Do you want us to procure some rabbits for you to stroke?