Trump officially invading the US with beaners

The mask slipped a long time ago. But, now, it has completely fallen off

DHS: 100% of Migrants with Children Being Released Directly Into the Country! Given Work Permits!


Utilising his expert 4D chess skills, the Zion Don is releasing 100% of illegal immigrants who cross the border carrying children into the United States.

Not only has Trump done nothing that he promised, he is now actively working against those who voted him into power. If he is re-elected in 2020, expect to see him accelerate the great browning of America even more. His slogan, "Make America Great Again", referred to making the economy great again and his mission, I believe, is to try and achieve that by importing as many foreigners as he possibly can. I believe he sincerely thinks that the future of America hinges on the unwashed, brown masses pouring in to work in factories and lawn mowing businesses. That's not surprising, though, given that Trump is a spiritual Jew, a Zionist, and a philosemite who was literally funded and backed for his campaign by Zionists. His only concerns are status, money, his family, and power. He cares about nothing else.

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Kill yourself, shariablue. We all know military tribunals and mass arrests of the deep state are coming any day now, but a big problem would obviously be who would work at the prisons where they'll all be held. Many Americans are democrats and would sympathize with the prisoners, so they can't be trusted, and patriots would be too enraged to even be near them. Mexican immigrants are the only rational candidates.

The storm is coming.

4D chess was only ever civnats mentally projecting their own mental gymnastics onto Trump.

Just like what that zionist stooge, Alex Jonestein said that he doesn't care if America becomes 80% brown in 30 years as long as they are gun, liberty etc loving people. I don't think so Jones. I don't want to live in a non-White country

Well yeah that is what he signed s few months ago. Have you not been paying attention? Notice how effortlessly that policy went into effect here in the JewSA

But is Trump directly driving those beaners to the cities, no. Checkmate Oliver/Brock/shareblue.
Do you really expect the president to control DHS, they're just trying to hurt the God Emperors' image! They won't be laughing when the swamp is drained.

Please go back to q research

You never see Jews with illegals

It all ramped up when the people who voted for him shit all over him for bombing Syria.

If a single US troop dies in the Iran escapade the 2020 elections will be a open shit show.
I think everyone is sick of kikes at this point, and Trump has failed to pull us from NATO or the UN. The syria bombings where idiotic.

this is a kike op just like flat earth and nuke derailers.

So many butthurt MIGApedes in this threat must be really important news if (((they))) want to sage this badly. BUMPED!

is this sarcasm? It's his department, under his executive authority, yes I fucking expect him to control it, you dumb nigger, he is perfectly okay with this

Did the king of the swamp do the exact opposite of what he said? This is very alarming. He must not be getting enough feedback on the urgency his constituency feels. Im going to write a 2000 word Facebook post letting him know how much I support him, that ought to get him in the spirit to finish this thing!

I'd rather live in a CAPITALIST society with non-white patriots than an all white SOCIALIST hell hole filled with snowflakes and nazis who hate America !

Only white men care about liberty, they will vote away everything you pretend to love you virtue signalling cuck


Whte men like that NAZI George Soros ? I don't know about you, but I'd take a CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE like Ben Carson over him an day ! Sorry if that offends you snowflake !

How many times have I told you Zig Forums that this is an OPEN BORDERS NATION now?

Zig Forums's resident GLOBOHOMO FAGGOT GOAT FUCKER once more polluting a thread with his hatred of 50% of the European/White race.

Yes Trump is a traitor through and through, but we need to understand that whole apparatus of government is for this unanimously. No one that represents you is against this or if they are then there is nothing they can do about it. There is no political solution, there never was. Time is wasted day after day that people hope that Trump will save them. Qanon and other shills push this to the degree that they make the most convoluted and asinine theories to promote the idea of his 4d chess. But there are now 36+ million illegals in the US. That does not include the millions upon millions of other non-whites who are legal citizens and H1B workers. Trump is always boasting how good the (((economy))) is and how many minorities are employed, despite the declining birthrate, life expectancy, and overall wellbeing of whites. He is more concerned about the Middle East and the wellbeing of Israel and the Jews in America. He is their lapdog, always has been, always will be. As was his father and as his kids are.

OP is shilling, Kevin McAleenan is simply complaining about how the courts are forcing DHS to release "children" as usual, and then forced to release "parents" because of bleeding-heart evangelicals pressuring Trump to cave on that (((family reunification))) nonsense that encourages trafficking.

The reason they have to be let go is probably because the bill the HOR approved has requirements that the money can't be used for deportations, can't be used to expand housing, and you can't just pack them tighter because they start getting sick and dying and then you get sued.

Funny how he can afford to send billions to Israel, though.

are you fucking retarded? What does George Soros have to do with anything I said?

And kikebart is the one reporting this stuff. Whod've thunk.

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Hey man, don't you know that real national socialism hasn't been tried before? It'll work this time. I promise.

top kek

You think you live in a free market? How fucking cucked are you? The current state of the union is the exact opposite of its founding in every regard. If you read the list of complaints against the king, it reads like a description of USA 2019. you're being played hard dude. The government of the USA isn't american, its literally a foreign government controlling the united states, you have zero representation whatsoever, all the things you think you want are just little blips from fox and cnn, completely disconnected from your actual lawful responsibilities. You think this racial awareness you witness is offensive, like its narrow minded. Most people here would love to live in a world without any racial strife or hatred. Many here were driven to racial awareness which they weren't born with because they woke up one day, looked around and realized they are going to be wiped out. The only reason the "white" race is targeted is because it contains within it the german race which was declared by a rabbi in 1914 to be the amalekite descendents. The methods of employment arent just for whites, they are for all people, we are just first, the Canaanites are second. Any race that you are will be targeted and subjugated and families destroyed, its only a matter of time. Just like the hegemon plays musical chairs with the top minority group of the week. Its all a smoke screen to get you to agree with it, if they didn't give trannies air time, then it would be conspicuous when they started making special laws for jews. The jews laws will always be a step above all other minorities. Its not that people here dont have empathy for other races, but that other races fail to understand whats going on, and so they become victims to be weaponized against us. It will not stop now that its begun. And thats not right, we deserve to live, necessarily, and we will prove that we deserve to live by defending ourselves against all who seek to destroy us.

Trump can only sign the spending bills that the HOR pushes his way. Sending billions to Israel was a concession he had to do to keep the government open.

he can veto them too, MAGAnigger

Everyone has taken the black pill in the comment section of that web page.

Funny how he can't do anything yet you have an excuse for all of it. 4D chess.

Top tier bait.

I'm not a jew like (((you))). Women aren't our enemy, jews are. Women are the gun, refugees are the bullet, jews are pulling the trigger.

reality is, trump fucked everyone who voted for them, and they are starting to notice

Trump won't win the elections. Too many people will stay home.

Your government is a show. All of your wealth is in the people. Does it seem like your government is in service to the people? Does it seem at all as if the government is actually afraid at all of its population? Only on the drama and propaganda of what you call news. Like when it looks like the deep state is really puckering their asses or "the Democrats are really worried now". This is all fake, the people performing for the camera, some of them are real, but they are just as alone and confused as you are, trying to do their best. This is how totalitarianism works, by controlling the perception of the masses so that their intellectual mind refuses to accept what their animal brain knows, that your country has been completely taken over, without even so much as a fight. You are weak, and so you accept lies and your family members are sent away to die on foreign lands which arent even theirs to take and they are taking them only so that it forms a nice soft perimeter around israel. Totalitarianism has very rarely been brute force, and when it was, it was short lived. Your refusal to accept the simple reality thats plain as day to others is a testament to the thoroughness and effectiveness of social engineering. Have you ever given any thought as to why youre allowed to use the term "deep state" but not allowed to pin the tail on the donkey? You can say hrc, or fbi or cia. None of that is true, those are third rate errand boys. The people who run this world are in every nation, logically, because they are creating world government at a very effective pace. There is only one group that is present in all 1st world nations, and thats jews. And your president hired a secretary of commerce that worked for rothschilds rit caputal investments since the 70s, and trumps son in law is a childhood friend of likud party executives. They did 9/11, you fucking cuck.

Cuckitalism in a nutshell. Ever notice how the former Soviet block is resistant to anti white programming? Almost like methodological individualism is far more antithetical to ethno nationalism than communism ever has been or will be.

Mexicans did nothing wrong tbh A Mexican a day keeps the Muslims away

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OP is an Anti-Trump shill. We all know that the Democrats are responsible for this.

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No, trump could send the illegals to Venezuela until they're processed instead of playing musical detention center. Venuzela's neighbors would prevent them from leaving, and our government does not see the current government as legitimate.

(waste of dubs)

Neck yourself, you half-breed rape baby mongrel goblin.

the horse should be a goat, and the sun a jupiter sphere of evil

he could deport them, but he doesn't, he even boasts on twitter how he could deport them, but not to worry he won't do it

13320077 (checked)

And yet Trumpfags come on here and shill for him, as if we are as retarded as them.


Yes, he can veto them and keep the government shut down, and say it's because of Israel, and then get nothing at all done because they'll impeach him as an "anti-Semite" and crash his chances for 2020.

He got in non-leftist judges. That's the primary thing people wanted. He's also tricking illegal immigrants into giving up their locations through the 1 year of amnesty they get for sponsoring a child until deportation, even though it will vanish like sand through fingers as soon as the kid is deported.

Mexicans are half Aztec (Beringians ie Mongoloids like all "native Americans") and half Moors (Semites: mix of Muslims and Jews)

Venezuela would refuse, we would have to conquer them to do that. Which is a great idea. But if we were opening to conquering our enemies we could just conquer mexico and move the border south (along with the occupants) so that the wall we need to make will be smaller.

He actually can't: the funding ICE received this year came with the condition that it couldn't be spent on deportations of people who sponsor children. This lasts until 30 September 2019, so 1 October 2019 is when the new budget needs to be out and he can begin deports.

He's just bullshitting to appear strong and magnanimous. By telling pro-immigrant voters that immigrants are safe because of him, they might vote for him. But he couldn't deport them if he wanted to, unless he finds alternate funding for ICE…. and even if he did, due to the "other acts" clause for FY2019 that couldn't be spent either.

Nu/pol/ dipshits can't detect sarcasm. This board is dead.

:( true maga has never been tried. Secondly they had the fucking taco benders on a plane. Why not take them back home on that plane? We can't be victimized by our own laws, I'm fucking pissed. It is up to us to make the lives of those spicks hell. Beat them rob them, burn their homes. No one will rent to a beaner if it will get burned and they can't afford white nehiborhoods. Putting pressure on them in this way will make them compete with the niggers and then they will fight, and we get two stones with one bird. My last point is this . Organizations like the Catholic Church that fund or encourage these caravans or see to the needs of those people in any way must be eliminated. Burned to the ground and the Jews and cucks in charge lombotomized. No sanctuary!

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OP is a dumbass…. frankly if I had to choose between beaners immigrants or muslims…. I choose the beaners

bingo. he realized his support was barely skin deep and decided to replace the population of the country with unquestioning gibs-takers instead.

can we call usa a failed state yet?

Everyone was supposed to fall back in line with PNAC and the new coat of orange paint it was getting.

Absolutely this. Trump is fucking based and saved us from the globalist pedo democrats. Everything he is doing is 4d chess. He practically owns isreal and the deep state. Saviour of the white race!

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As long as zion don gets a cut of little kiddies he can rape he'll let as many in as he can rape.

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Actually, he can't the Communist 9th circuit courts cock block everything that Trump is trying to do for the American people.

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Castizos are white

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if any of you think voting (although necessary for a slower death of whites in the countries they created) is going to stop the (((rat))) led spic,chink,poo,ape invasion you are living in a fucking dream world.So the only thing you should really be mad about is whites haven't collectively come to the conclusion that all shitskins must die and race traitors tortured,humiliated and publicly executed.

trump can't do shit because every 2bit liberal judge blocks any shit he does.thats part of his campaign promises. trump could be 100 percent Zig Forums approved neo Hitler (he's not) and he still wouldn't be able to get anything done. the system is broken/corrupt a good president couldn't fix it (let alone a mediocre president like trump) A savior will not come, the people of the west must save themselves

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I don't buy that.Put me in there and all those judges would be irrelevant.Not only do they have to go back they would gladly go back on their own as fast as they came when they realize they are about to be killed.Also All jews would be arrested and sent to israthotel for mass disposal later on unless dual citizens in govt then they would be executed for treason and espionage along with all corporations in rat control seized ect ect could go on and on like removal of shitskins in the military.

dumbass shills. he is advocating for the quick and seriously needed change of laws. those are the fkn laws.

fuck your (((laws))) moishe. Time for natural LAW.

what matter was the law when the Roman came down their and sacked you ugly hook nose rats

dont imagine to much raping was going on as ugly as jew women are lol

Trump was controlled opposition from the beginning. You were warned and did not listen.

The cucks do not realize that under Capitalism, profit is worshipped not race. Their masters will sell them for other races the moment it is profitable.


This shit isn't going to stop without it getting real violent.

the real 4D chess was Trump pretending to be anti-immigration.

Seeing how Trump's White House is a Jewish Family Business to you…

What could this man be capable of?

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The rope is closing tight… you betrayed us. You betrayed truth! Are you safe? Maybe. Are you unsafe… that depends. Are you untouchable? Nope. Keep it up mods.

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A non-stop flow of immigration. Biden is complete suicide. At this point any choice is death. The only real plan is acceleration and disorder. Jews control everything else.

I was one of the first warning of it and banned shit ton for it the asshole is a jew sell out through and through.


Voting wont save you only mass violence will BITCHES!!

>>>Zig Forums

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have a bump my dude!

Okay, but look though, look at where he's sending them. new york, california, broward and palm beach florida. All of these are (((highly liberal))) areas.

It's as if he's saying, 'you want criminal immigrants so badly, here, you take them.' One wonders how long before they scream to slam the borders shut and start building the wall themselves.


Fuck off. White women vote conservative. We have white husbands, brothers, and sons, you dumb piece of sh*t.


Tits or gtfo

We can hope. The only reason the (((elites))) want mass immigration is bc they don't have to deal with any off the consequences until it's too late and the situation is irreparable. This way they get to see how the future of mass immigration is really going to be unless things change and quickly.

Get out nigger

Have you ever been to any of the places you're referencing? They are already full of brown people, many of them illegal.


The wall was an esoteric metaphor for the strength Americans find within themselves when working for the good of others… #MAGAconDACA

you know what to do.

By the end of this, half of California will be cut out of the union anyway. As in, no longer a part of the United States.

But I love you, user. You can't escape my love.

That's so beautiful, only true Aryans would understand.

Kill yourself moshe.

gr8 b8 m8

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I am hoping that the last year of his second term, when he no longer needs (((campaign donors))) he will throw caution to the wind, and build a big beautiful wall, and half of california will be on the other side of it.

Don't take hope from me anons, it's all I have left.

I'm honestly going out of my way to hunt down and fucking end people like you who spout this Mossad pysop bullshit. I'm ending you, your family members, even the goddamn family dog.

Qanon is mossad? Thought it was chabad.

It's a mil operation, come on.


If 5 posts in a row say "Trump is a lying narcissistic conman" I'll post my nudes:

Pic related is a clothed pic of me

No different from you excusing white elites and promoting capitalism, talking about foreigners constantly

oh clumsy, did you slip? It sure looks that way

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Based and the mutts will vote for him again in 2020.
After that he will go to war with Iran.
Can't fix stupid.

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This. This country is beyond fucked.