The political left is a pretty big field, and a hard one to understand. Is there any good overview of this? One issue is that the usual categories like Democratic Socialist often don't always tells you much, it's all theory. It doesn't tell you how they view things like the progressive stack or Muslim immigration or openness to dialogue. Words like progressive and liberal are so vague they barely mean anything now.
Understanding the left
It was a little superficial, but several years ago Gavin Mcinnes did a decent short breakdown of the political right. I never found anything equivalent on the political left.
Lurk more, then kys.
Let me guess, you're a Christian opposed to abortion.
If you don’t understand the left, you’re on the left. Fuck off and lurk more before you post a retarded thread with no material.
low testosterone
Lurk the fuck more.
Let me guess: Your life isn't worth living.
Looks like I upset a Christian. Unfortunately, it doesn't answer the OP.
Shit can take many forms as well, solid, chunky, liquid, varying colors, varying levels of digested material. But it usually all has one thing in common - it smells like shit. There's no need to "understand" the left because that implies we have some desire to coexist with them. We don't. We'll simply flush the toilet.
That'd imply moving them elsewhere. I'd rather have the assurance that they're properly incinerated. Preferably in the core of a large star.
The left and right are tools of dialectic. Binary opposition is the most efficient way to cause change. Defining what actually constitutes "left" and "right" is tricky because transient dogma should be discarded from their defining characteristics. Transient dogma would include all of their respective contemporary political stances and claims which would normally be cited as the definition itself. This is erroneous as the leftist of 2019 is entirely different politically from a leftist of 1919 etc. Instead, to define "left" or "right" we should appeal only to constants.
It doesnt really matter what either side wants in any given political climate, leftists are opposed to rightists.
This is reflected in modern nation states as well as ancient ones. In modern america, those who produce, and are less reliant on central organization, such as farmers, tend to be rightists. Those who rely on central coordination to live te.d to be leftists.
This is true in the united states and probably where you live as well. Large cities, st louis, kansas city, atlanta etc. have heavy concentrations of "left", they also have federal reserve banks and have new money injected into the economy by congress at a greater velocity than places without. Due to the nature of dense cities, their inhabitants are totally reliant on a smooth machine that doesnt stop.all services used for daily living are interdependent and centrally coordinated,. in the rural united states, the opposite is the case.
Until you begin to look at it this way, you will be led astray. Both conservatism and liberalism are controllled brand words which were sold to the masses but created by specific jews, namely frank meyer. Of course everyone knows saul alinsky carl marx.
The left and right date from the masonic (((French Revolution))) and the Estates General. But yes, left or right wing, it’s still a (((chicken))).
This is a great response, but the labels only partially match up with your defining characteristic. Meaning, corporate conservatives like Ben Shapiro are much more tied into the system than enviro-leftists.
We both know the labels are limiting and inaccurate, and that is why I would like to see a good breakdown of this, because relying on 'liberal' and 'conservative' or 'left' or 'right' is almost meaningless. Some people like Michael Tracey are barely leftists as that would be defined in 2019, but that's where they are categorized. They believe in the standard narrative about race, but so does most of the population.
Read "Industrial Society and its Future."
Uncle Ted gives a pretty good explanation of what drives leftists. tldr: they have low self-esteem and project it onto "oppressed" groups.
Nietzsche's "Genealogy of Morals" discusses some similar concepts with its theory of "slave morality," but he doesn't attach it to leftistism as much. He does however talk a lot of interesting things about the Jews.
I think that, well many things are just fine. But there are some, mostly obvious points that could be disagreed on.
So maybe you already know everything.
But still, to really know something it must be placed under a magnifying glass.
Just going on what is on the surface can tend to float in a way.
Yeah the whole left vs right thing is pretty out dated. However the current "left" are some weird neo-liberal/social democrat hybrid. Don't mind the Larping Marxists and anarchists they'd never turn on liberals and never align with anything else. Pre 60s "leftists" in America haven't been bad just economic left think like a dixiecrat union boss. Even Marx and Bakunin weren't shy of naming the Jew back then but keep in mind from a cultural position not blood. Mind you Tito and 50s Stalin were 100x better than the average leftist/neocon.
Remember the Doctors Plot and how Stalin tried to move all jews in Russia into Gulags for "their own protection" in 1953 but then the jew Beria poisoned him?
this is why this leftist wave will fail, its as someone who attends lots of leftist political shit I can tell you their they try to be all inclusive even if it means sacrificing their goals, and in what you have in the end is alot of people wanting a movement for different things look at BLM and antifa for example. ask your self what does the left want,
Reminder that the american left is actually right wing. They limited the spectrum to keep the capitalism as the only available economic ideology - to keep wealth and power in their hands.
I find it easy to define because I was a leftist… also you should be able to define generally what leftists are about based on your own positions they argue against and the falasies they provide.
Here is a quick breakdown for you, take it or leave it.
The "Left" is an ill-defined concept, with no real ideological coherency between various tendencies, however, they are all competing for a general type of political person. In North America, this is fundamentally a person that (erroneously) believes something along the lines of "Everything would be good if white people weren't so racist." Almost zero organized tendencies don't uphold some sort of conception like this, and in that respect, it puts them in competition for the same material as the Democratic "Party" (that thing isn't a "party" at all, but a state institution). So in that sense, there is a 'continuum' of stupidity from the Democrats, all the way to most so-called 'Marxist' organizations.
Structurally, the way this fits into capitalism was revealed first within the "America" labor movement. That is where the theory of the Labor Aristocracy was born, but the capitalists clearly understood it first. That is, the people who run the labor unions in the advanced capitalist countries are conscious agents of capitalism. The modern ones outright see themselves as Labor CEOs, running a Labor Business, that functions something like an outsourced Human Resources Department. I've seen even "Left" unions like Unite Here basically get invited into a place, the union setup, and all the (non-English speaking) workers don't even realize they have a union. Most of the other are similar, SEIU being a particularly awful example of the above.
One thing the "American" Labor Bureaucracy hates more than communists is White Nationalists. There is essentially no room for an organized White Nationalist labor organization in "America," and if such a thing were to come into existence, you would see the full force of the ZOG come down on it with all its might, all the way from the so-called 'hard' "Left", to the 'Right', to the official pro-government Labor Apparatus (AFL-CIA, SEIU, Teamsters, etc).
Most of the "Left" that has any connection to the unions are too stupid to realize what they are, even though this was made explicit over 100 years ago now Bolsheviks, the Germans, even the "American" labor movement. White Nationalists, by a large, also seem unaware of it, an if not unaware of it (such as Dr. William Luther Pierce), generally see it as an 'ethnic' issue, due to the historically high level of crime associated with the unions, due to the Italian control of many, many locals.
Yeah, this feels pretty accurate. Whatever that central belief is, like the notion that certain groups are oppressed, individuals and perhaps groups of them put varying degrees of importance on this. A typical leftist will almost inevitably believe that
but they will put varying degrees of importance on it. For feminists and SJWs, this is central to their political identity. For more class-based leftists, it is more of a sidenote. But the ones who think that it's only of minor importance never really fight in a convincing way with the social justice progressives. Pic of Bernie related.
I wish this story about OWS was an article somewhere and not just a story on an image board. It's a perfect illustration of their dysfunction.
The basis of difference between "The Left" and "The Right" is the left inherently believes that most people are good and bad things that happen are caused by external factors. The right believe the opposite, that most people are selfish and cowardly and bad things happen because "we" screwed up.
An example would be whenever something shitty happens people on the left always say "I lost my faith in humanity" even though they also lost it last week when some other shitty thing happened. Thus they are always depressed because they're always let down. The right has very little "faith in humanity" and just see's shitty things happening as a form of "welp, that's just nature", but because of this they are generally less prone to depression than the left because they have no expectations.
That is the reason why "conservatives" are seen as on the right, they believe that law and order are the only things that prevent society from descending into anarchy so they want to keep things exactly where they are and apprehensive to changing anything. Liberals on the left believe that law and order prevent naturally "good people" from doing what they need to do so they seek to undermine rules and laws by constantly throwing up exceptions.
Left and right are best seen historically and contemporarily as two opposing tendencies with respect to an ever moving principial/religious/cultural null hypothesis or "center" which since centuries, particularly after the French revolution, has been moving left with only small localized reversing tendencies. For this reason, many modern "right wingers" would be considered leftist ~100 years ago, more or less depending on how right they are.
These tendencies overall capture some essential dualities: Right-left -> Hierarchy-equality, spirit-matter, being-becoming, organic-mechanic, etc…
They are hard to put into a "system" not just because of this ever moving center but also because this "tendency" so to speak is deeper than it seems and will manifest itself to a very complex degree in all matters when forced into a dualistic context.
Not hard at all. Rules for thee, not for me.
Right-wing and capitalist are not synonyms. Kill yourself, Zig Forums.
Leftism is the pseudo-religious belief in equality. White people will always rise above the rest in the long term, so their beliefs almost always manifest as "fuck white people". Everything else follow from this.
The left worships 'equality' is obsessed with getting the rich man's money. That's it. Their god is as false as the one they demonize: the accumulation of money.
They are NPCs
They run this site. Fabricating bigotry into the population is a desperate effort to prove themselves dead enough to be loyal. Living leadership isn’t bigoted.