FBI tapes show Martin Luther King Jr. was a rape enabling cuck nigger. Discuss. Also had 40+ affairs. How will liberals ever recover?
Civil rights sex fiend
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important topic but op is a faggot. sage. should delete yourself and stay in faggot chan
Who would have thought, a nigger is in fact still a nigger.
Bill Cosby and now MLK. Really makes you think.
Cuckservatives obsess over Michael King just as much as any liberal. I don't know how many times of heard that "MLK was a republican" line.
MLK day should be revoked. I mean we still have to convince beta cucks that Malcolm X was also a nigger of the utmost nigger order but it's a start
Hopefully they will get rid of all his shitty statues, and stop putting his name on everything.
There it is again. The lazy, no-effort, two-sentence-thread newfaggot that keeps spamming these shit-threads.
Fuck off back to cuckchan
we should use this to start a fight between fmeinists and niggers
In this topic, we can turn to each other and meet IRL. After our discussion we agree on the date, time and place of the next meeting of the parent-and two plans, if he brought in scared people. If you cannot find it for the first time during deployment, we use the world and time and space experience in a week. If we do not, we will move to a certain number of days of preservation and time deals.
I don't have, or write the details of your next meeting. We create the details in the memory.
At least this story is getting some Boomerwaffen traction.
That is the most potent 3 minutes of hyper Americanist Boomer post-Protestant evangelical Trumpist cuck posting I may every have witnessed.
"dayyyyumn man dat guy was a REAUL nigguh"
Bringing down MLKNigger is like the equivalent of bringing down the holocaust, but in relation to (((civil rights))). I remember 4 years ago seeing a thread where anons were eagerly awaiting this day because the FBI (((inexplicably))) sealed the case files on nigger-martyr for 50 years.
And here are. Do we let this chance go to waste?
"Please, what would MLK do?"
Woah, are you trying to tell me that all this time he was a nigger?
I really doubt it. In any case we should just build an open society. Punish people if they’re caught concealing affairs - but reward them if they live openly. My husband isn’t the only person I’ve had sex with since starting my relationship with him, and he knows it. Sunlight disinfects. By doing these things in the open, proper precautions were always in force.
I don’t really trust the historical FBI, but if thry were telling the truth the only appalling part of MLK having tons of affairs would be the part where he concealed it. Even then I understand society used to be less honest and intellectually valid than society today - people couldn’t live their sex lives unconcealed. It was inappropriately dangerous to be sexually competent.
I think there’s also a factor whereby if federal agents were asking after the sex life of an honest man it would be hilarious to just be like, “oh yeah, he fucks everyone. Best fucker in town.” It’s defiant of the agent types and makes them look like dumb gullible fuckers when they can’t tell they’re being had by the community’s activists.
The jews have taken niggers as far as they needed, so now they can be dumped to the side of the road used up and bitter. Hopefully some of the 'woke' niggers can inform them who their real enemy is, it's always fun to watch the golem attack the master. I sometimes wonder if we need to publish "how to spot a jew" posters for niggers. "This is a white man… this is a yid. Knowing the difference could save your life."
It would have mattered 30 or 40 years ago, but now the jews use faggots and trannies as their "special needs" class.
(((You know an actual orgy is kind of a weird scene, right? It’s a bit awkward. Been there, stopped voluntarily.)))
Whitebois answer me this
How can King be a cuck n**** if he had so many relationships and fucking snowbunny pussies.
He sat and watched a rape, throwing out tips and hints
The rape was of a black woman.
I like the use of the term "hints" in this context. There are hints that blacks are more inclined to violents. Some people hint that jews have been instrumental in the destruction of the occident. Others hint that Islam may not be a religion of peace.
No one should suck MLK's dick, it's the urban liberal establishment that turned him into a national hero.
BUT. All of these sex acts is just made up bullshit by Hoover and everyone knows it. Please live in the real world.
Yeah im sure conservatives pushing based blacks on white americans for decades had nothing to do with it either.
Best part. Boomerwaffen are the key to winning sooner vs later.
Hell yeah, lets make a literal monkey onto a hero
good job amerifags
Petition to remove his name from ALL public places named after him;
If we do that, how will we easily identify the bad areas, rename them after obama and keep track of the density of liquor stores and fried chicken joints?
stay triggered m80 :3
If only you could judge an user by the content of his post and not the structure :^D
"I have a dream that my minimum-of-four and probably a bunch more children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character, which will work out if I am dead by then."
Trump is probably actually legitimately smarter and more grounded in perceiving a long term mental standing and methodology of retaining the country than literally this entire Board combined with a fucking oracle. And I'll fucking VPN spam this comment. because its Literally true. Fuck yourselves. This literally has fuck all do with sided anything, but to do with the sheer fact that this board remains cohesively bankrupt for 20 hours out of the day. running around in fucking circles. You Jew Retard Kike fucking mess
MLK was gay and rumor has it he fucked J Edgar hoover.
MLK dindu nuffin
He wuz assassinated cuz equal rights n shiet
This. Anyone who acts as if "libs" are the enemy is on the wrong board. Liberals are but a tiny sliver of the kike pie that we're dealing with. If you're unironically a republican, you will unironically get the rope.
You can't nog the nig
Degenerate shill.
Low effort bait, and it worked.
Should have reported for bait.
They won't need to because they'll just ignore it, deny it, and call you racist if you mention it.
Pill Coonsby drop. [5 of15] Maybe modified into a sequel cartoon.
Pill Coonsby drop. [6 thru 10 of 15]
Pill Coonsby drop. [11 thru 15 of 15]
Male feminist activists are universally rapists. Seems to come with the (((territory))).
I’ll bet Trump planned something for this.
Nigs gonna nig, but I’m more interested in his (((backers))) who are sexual deviants too.
You are a whore and your husband is a cuck. You may have infected him with STIs as well. KYS
All of these sex acts Hoover was in is just made up bullshit by kikes and everyone knows it.
An 80 years old takes the red pill much easier than a 60 year old. Old people tend to drop the mask and get really race realist once they pass 70 or so.
Lots of meme magic potential with every town in burgerland with an MLK Boulevard.
It was mostly cuckservatives slobbing on MLK, because with Malcolm X at least you had a nigger who didn't lock arms with kikes, taught race and race war now, and left Islamic Brotherhood when he caught his boss shagging interns. A rare, nigger with command in other words. MLK was a joke and looked like a gorilla.
Read the niggers doctoral thesis wherein he denies the divinity of Christ.
Didn't he plagiarize it anyway?
Ryan Faulk is more of a sexual deviant than MLK.
This user aint wrong.
In CA SFV all the Mexicans were upset because the Streets did not have a "Tilde" even though we live in America, so the Mexicans petitioned, and CA replaced all the signs like the cuck CA is.
2001 "…replace at least 115 street signs in Studio City in the next few weeks at a cost of $6,801 because they said misspelled Spanish names mislead motorists and disrespect the streets' namesakes…"
Patiently waiting for the Bill Cosyby/MLK rape memes to start flowing…
give me ideas here…
Not necessarily "made up", although there was apparently some question as to whether the voice on at least some of the tapes may have been his bodyguard, but the content of the of them was first made public in a 1968 column by Drew Pearson, a jewish ADL operative. And James Earl Ray himself implicated the ADL in the assassination, referring to them as "Mid-East organization" that was concerned with King taking up support for the Palestinians. Ray's handler, Raul, was also linked to Jacob Rubenstein ("Jack Ruby").
Of course, none of that means you have to like MLK, but it shows that things aren't always as black and white as people would hope they would be, and that the jews are willing to kill someone who ostensibly advances their agenda if they start stepping on their noses.
In the early 90's all of the FBI's records on Martin Luther Coon were about to be declassfied. There was talk of what a piece of she he was. Commie, adulterer, thief, plagiarist, perv, drug user. It was bad. So the FBI (under Clinton) slapped on a 25 year extension. I expect the same will happen in… 2027 I think it is. Niggers can't know the truth, they're fragile af.
One story about the monkey, is that when he landed in Sweden to receive his Noble Peace Prize, the first thing he did was head to a whorehouse. The ape was out of control.
Degenerate jew puppet.
When did Ryan Faulk sexually assault anyone?
Martin Luther King Jr - The Beast As Saint
Any actual proof for your claims?
Nothing new here, and who the hell cares?
It's one of the things blacks admire about him.
By denying it.
If I am going to investigate sexual deviance it won't be of a man, eapecially not an old negro man.
Yes goys! Distract yourself with dead schwarzes! Don't talk about Israel or the chosen! Remain slaves of the (((pagan volcano gods))) people and be distracted! keep bumping this (((useful thread)))!
This is an awesome video. It's one of the best things I've ever seen posted here and I've seen some great stuff here.
I am disappoint, Zig Forums. Who cares if he was a sex fiend when he was a proven communist.
Zig Forumss obsession with sexual morality is it's downfall
you need to get more intelligent arguments than "muh degeneracy"
and especially if you are fighting liberals, they don't care about adultery or any of this shit.
Good thing communists don't have double standards, surely this will take them down a notch.
it's pure boomerism
well it makes sense since at least 50% of users on this board are old men
pure Judaism
Yea, old men are posting cringe nazi shit for the Jews.
This really goes deep into the evil rot of the communists in American life back then.
None of this has any relevance to 2020!
None of this has any relevance to 2020
We have to support the ZOG Emperor and his cabal of Trotskyites - the "good" commies - right?
Mandela was a child-killing terrorist but now he's a symbol of hope and peace. They will ignore reality and continue.
Berniebro will save us. He was annointed as a savior by being one of Dr. Martin Luther Coon's disciples on Golgotha.
The shills are really working hard to shit up this thread. That is a measure of how important it is.
No politician is going to save us, nigger. Nor is there a "good" form of communism, not even Trotskyism masquerading as "anti-communism".
Not to mention, Trump met with his son, had his niece at a rally, and engaged in all the usual negrophilia. King-worship is a Bernie thing or a Demokike thing, it's a ZOG thing.
Shit like this just illustrates how far this shithole has fallen. In the past we never would have tolerated such shitty and unfunny nicknames. This just reeks of some Boomer who migrated over here from some WN fourm. Martin Luthor Kang is actually funny and yet you stupid shits think that randomly and lazily sticking a racial slur in a name is a completely okay.
God I feel like i'm on Stormfront a boring sterile shithole that's utterly incapable of accomplishing anything. I fucking miss 2014 back when this board was populated by actually anons instead of transplants.
So Jews enabled these niggers to commit these atrocities and USA acted as the host nation while these were committed. Can we say the past 120 years of all degenerate filth came from USA?
I'm old enough to remember this. There's secrets that the US and other govt say they will release at X and Y date but then they either make that deadline very far in the future or they find a way out of it. Brits did the same with Heinrich Himmler.
USA does the same thing with the JFK assassination also.
I worked with a very elderly (70+ year old) black woman who was near retirement. She was kind of a bitch but she had an interesting story. When people were marching with King, she brought up going to it to her mother, who told her "you fucking better not, if you want to march around, you go march around in the backyard"