I've noticed that shill threads promoting a "civic nationalist", Zionist group called American Identity Movement. Once a legitimate white nationalist movement, they have been co-opted and are now a slightly edgier version of the MIGA kike movement. Stop replying to these threads, don't even reply and sage, if you reply the shills will bump it. I'm pretty sure it's just one kike using a proxy and IP hopping on these threads, but it also seems that a lot of Zig Forumsacks are falling for jew bait. I make this thread because this keeps happening, and apparently needs to be addressed, the mods do nothing against this obvious kike shilling, so you can do something by simply ignoring these threads. These kikes can shill for their group on reddit or cuck/pol/, keep it off of 8/pol/, that is all.
Stop replying to AIM threads
Other urls found in this thread:
If they're Jonestein-approved there's no way they're legit.
AIM isn't civic nationalist though
So they don't support dual-citizenship?
prove it
Checked for dubs of truth.
Really? I thought they hated us wignat stormfag nazis, right? Also, no denial of the group being Zionist?
Wait. AIM is Zionist now?
might aswell be when you are literally composed of kikes. AIM IS FOR FAGS I smell garbagepot
Who has that webm of that Casey fag saying that nobody cares about white identity and that it isn't desirable? Race traitors, all of them. For optics fags, it's never about their people to them but being edgy; if selling their own kids into slavery was the hip thing to do, these morons would be first in line.
their website literally says they aren't. and they only take white members.
You openly admitted to being paid to post here. You can’t hide it. Kill yourself.
Where do it say white members only?
He says some similar things in this homoerotic video.
I just looked over the entire site. Never names the jew, comments on israel, or promotes white identity. It's civic nationalist.
AIMfaggots BTFO.
These AIM shill threads have been popping up frequently, they need to stop getting bumped, and then they'll stop completely.
SShekelstein strikes again!
What a waste of trips.
It doesn't matter if you respond or not though. They will bump the thread regardless and the mods won't delete the thread, let alone anchor it. We need to doxx them and bypass their cloudfare security and fucking organize a DDOS attack if you want to stop their shilling.
Sounds like a great idea. Maybe if they don't stop with the constant threads, we may have to do this very thing.
As long as you've got the software and know how to successfully bypass cloudfare security.
Aim is strong
These stupid AIM controlled op threads stay but all the Purple user threads get deleted even the one just talking about him yesterday. Deleted. Qushner pedo mods. Fuck you Ron.
IE used to have something called 'cyberstrikes', which was leaked by antifa in the discord. They probably have people shilling it.
That was some of the truly faggiest garbage I have heard. Moreover those examples that Bronze Age Buggerer gave of successful men? Ha. Haha! Kurz is out and accomplished absolutely nothing. Salvini is at least deporting some but there is a lot of exaggeration. But besides Salvini, the rest are just ZOG with a Center Right twist. Mr Potatohead in DC is Israeli posting on Memorial Day; it is that bad.
I know man. Barney drops solid gold, but instead we get this BS and 14 yearold gender queers on the Alex Joneshekel Show.
You want to know how I know you're one of Chodemonkey's kikevols?
Checking those dubs.
Pretty funny how they have to start each thread by sniping in post two an: >inb4 Soph is a tranny
I don't have the webm but here's the bitchute re-up
And there you go, this alone is why we need to completely ignore these shill threads. AIM doesn't even claim to be white nationalist, to hell with those kikes.
It's Aryan nationalist!
Fuck off #MAGAwithDACA
Nah, it's just shills making AIM threads.
I could maybe even understand the civcuck stuff as a misguided strategy, but that's unforgivable.
AIM is an esoteric metaphor for working hard for your race
Bumped due to continued AIM shilling.
Not gonna lie that's pretty cucky.
Why not infiltrate and radicalize the organization? Shouldnt take much. For all its gay optics, i bet many in AIM share our sentiments on some level. I mean, its not like ethnic solidarity is a foreign idea to the human mind.. people are pretty willing to shed their kike conditioning if they are at least a bit right of center
Ultimately, its not the ideas themselves that overturn tyrannical regimes.. its the leaders who articulate the common thread that runs through all of humanity who inspire people from "diverse" mindsets and backgrounds to unite against a common enemy.
The espoused ideals matter little until an organization garners enough social power to press themselves up against the ZOG machine.
A big reason that the kikes are able to amass so much power is because they understand that the squeekiest wheel gets the oil. They kvetch and organize. Read Rules for Radicals.
We can keep moralizing and debating for decades over the "best" political system for whites (despite even a general consensus of what "white" constitues)… or, we can collectivize irl and let our bonds guide us.
Show the world what it means to be white instead of bitching to each other about it.
yes they are you fucking dumb nigger, they're "identitarians", these people are all civnats. they don't even believe that race has a biological proponent.
If a group identifies as "identitarian civic nationalists" but is composed predominately of whites, isnt it a white nationalist group?
You guys sound like fucking leftist jew litigators with this semantic bullshit. Why are we appalled at trannies identifying as an opposite gender? Because we whites are rational creatures who know that the best way to define something is by the thing in itself. Its nature. Call it whatever the fuck you want, but at the end of the day, its still a pitiful creature of the worst kind of mental anguish imaginable.
If you organize white men against the debaucherous bullshit coming out of hollywood, against the attacks on our constitution by jewdicial frauds, against the march of islam, etc, its only a matter of time before the (((enemy))) is found.
So stop making AIM threads, cunt.
Yes, the mods are bunch of sodomites with a strong taste for (((kushner's))) satanic load. A great thread about ZOGnald's impotent tariff's on Mexico was deleted yesterday:
In favor of this kosher approved one:
Stick to blowing Boomercucks and kikes, you (((AIM))) faggots. "Muh constitushyun" and "muh patruhtism" won't free us from the kikes' satanic claws.
shut the fuck up retard
these faggots are civnat cryptocommies, they're Duginists, kill yourself
You'll just immediately get kicked out for disagreeing with the anointed one. If you disagree with Patrick on anything related to how things are ran, you immediately get the boot. Doesn't matter if you are brand new or in leadership, you get it all the same. Patrick runs it like it's a cult.
k keep waiting for the perfect group of white people to collectivize without you while you bitch and project your own ineptitude onto them
As there was just another AIM thread posted (deleted now), I have an important warning to add.
Not only was the recruiter for IE a cop (the news of which caused IE to be disbanded and reformed as AIM) - but his replacement Patrick Casey is a cop too!
The story is also suspect as hell.
Looks like a pro-cop propaganda piece, which would mean that Casey has already proved his willingness to engage in psyops/covert ops/propaganda.
I wonder if a cop corruption/brutality/excessive force scandal broke in that town just prior to this event.
I pity anyone who has contacted AIM already.
deserves some digging into
Any of these groups who advertise in public should be assumed to be co-opted, if not at least infiltrated. Alphabets won't sit by and let whites gather publicly without opposition. They're terrified of us getting the idea that we can freely associate with one another without the need for their pet shitskins to 'represent the marginalized'. It scares the unholy shit out of them, and is also why they simultaneously push for the lone wolf action. Though I've noticed they've dialed it back a little recently after Brenton garnered a reaction opposite to what (((they))) wanted. If he was, indeed, a falseflag, he didn't accomplish the objective of making Zig Forums and it's inhabitants look bad. Quite the opposite really.
It's my thinking that it was the reason why they shut that shit down so quickly. The majority public had a positive response to Brenton BTFO of the goatfuckers, and it derailed their 'poor shitskin' narrative into a blazing glory of laughter that wasn't in their favor. Though I also recall there being mention to the fact that the sect of muslim that got shot up in NZ, and in the follow-up in Canada, that it was one that other islamic sects actively shit on. Kikes don't care one-way or another, and your average normie won't really know the difference anyway. A goatfucker is a goatfucker in their eyes. So of course, kikes will use a soft target that's less likely to fight back while pretending they're all the same, and that other denominations don't exist.
I don't advise going lone wolf either way, but I also would caution any anons to be wary of groups they join. Safest bet is for anons to create smaller groups with those they explicitly trust, and avoid openly advertising as the glowniggers won't be too far behind in worming their way in should they catch wind.
Stopping making them then.
Here's a quote that summarizes what happens after their thread sinks and they get BTFO and make another.