My wife and I just got married a few months ago. She is now pregnant. We are expecting our first child. (It's aryan like us.) We are both woke on the JQ and want a large family.

Please redpill me on vaccines using actual sources and not anecdotes. We are already distrustful of what the government and mainstream big pharma says, but I can't deny science. Please help. Thank you.

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Other urls found in this thread:

nypa, use qtddtot next time, retard.

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Flu And Flu Vaccines: What's Coming Through That Needle?

Thinking of getting your flu shot this year? maybee you should watch this first, you might save youself some time and money not to mention your health. But if you still feel the need to get one at least ask your doctor to show you the insert so you can see for yourself what poisons you're getting shoved in you.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny's DVD, Flu and Flu Vaccines: What's Coming Through That Needle, explores the problems associated with annual flu shots

In addition to the truth about the effectiveness of flu shots, the two hour presentation will detail:

- How influenza viruses are selected each year for the vaccine
- The six labor-intensive steps involved with the manufacture of flu shots
- The low prevalence of influenza viruses in circulation
- The low number of persons per year that actually die from the flu
- The reality of flu shot side effects
- Flu shots and asthma
- Problematic ingredients: animal cells, detergents, polysorbate 80, formaldehyde, gelatin, mercury, and more
- Problematic adjuvants: aluminum, AS03, MF59 , and squalene
- The serious problem with latex and rubber stoppers used in the vials
- How to refuse flu shots
- The truth about vaccination antibody titers
- The truth about Tamiflu, the medication for influenza
- An overview of possible things to come: Mandatory flu shots for all
- How to stay well without the flu shot

This presentation is the most complete guide to influenza and influenza vaccines you will find all in one location. Some elements of manufacture, production and delivery of influenza vaccines is often in flux. This presentation is designed with information that stays constant, year after year. It is a must-see for anyone who has ever questions the safety or effectiveness of the seasonal campaign.

Please share this information far and wide, burn the video to DVDs/Blu-ray discs or put it on USB Flash Drives and give them out to friends, family and others.

Please seed as long as possible, at least to a ratio of 1.100, thank you :)


Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe is a 2016 American film alleging a cover up by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of a purported link between the MMR vaccine and autism.[1][2] According to Variety, the film "purports to investigate the claims of a senior scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who revealed that the CDC had allegedly manipulated and destroyed data on an important study about autism and the MMR vaccine";[3] critics derided it as an anti-vaccine propaganda film.[4][5][6][7] The film was directed by discredited anti-vaccine activist Andrew Wakefield, who committed scientific fraud under an undisclosed financial conflict of interest, for which his license to practice medicine in the United Kingdom was revoked.[1][8][9] It was scheduled to premiere at the 2016 Tribeca Film Festival before being withdrawn by the festival.[10]


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Thank you.

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This deserves it's own threat rabbi.

Thank you.

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Especially with the lengths the jews are going to shut down "anti-vaxxers". It seems like vaccine truth is second only to Holocaust revisionism when it comes online censorship.

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OP is a faggot straight outta conservcuck twitter or reddit.

Hmmm why do you smell like a heeb or a woman, anyway a thread already exists. reported to mods for duplicate.
Use this.

. That’s fine just move to Russia and stay there forever, thanks

Russian/China plot to kill off thousands of Americans by getting them not to vaccinate themselves. Fuck that

A mother's natural breast milk is the best vaccine any baby can ever possibly get.

The synthetic vaccines given to people by doctors are filled with artificial compounds, some of them toxic. Also, animals like mice, monkeys, and chickens are harmed or killed in the process to culture some vaccines.


That's literally the dumbest fucking conspiracy I've ever heard of.

If you guys are going to have children are not going to vaccinate them, you have to homeschool them.
Every student is required by law to be vaccinated (at least in burgerland) and maintain them updated.
Also make sure that they're not in the city and ESPECIALLY DO NOT let them eat all the processed junk this means breastfeeding until they're off of it . Try to raise them and live as naturally as possible. just make sure you teach them more than enough for when they go out into the chaos

Avoid TV (or any electronics connected to the internet) because they will be exposed to media designed to lure them. It will make them resent you for keeping them protected in your home.
Start them on some form of redpill/jq when they come of age as it is important for them to understand why you've kept them secluded. They'll learn to distinguish right from wrong and will know to resist the materialism.

Godspeed and good luck user,
my best wishes to you and your lucky gal

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They are a scam, poisonous and unnecessary.

Read up about it yourself. The evidence against vaccination is very real. There’s a reason Doctors, Jews and Billionaires DONT vaccinate their kids.

Hi, OP. My wife had my first baby a few months ago. I've researched through Zig Forums, external sources and attempted to push the Overton window as much as possible with my kid. Here is what I'm practicing, you can tell what you want or not from this list, but its the best I could do:

- NEVER take your kid to take more than one type of vaccine in a single day. Space out at least one week for every shot.

- Do NOT give flu vaccines to your kid. Flu is a common disease that is treatable. Flu viruses are highly mutatable because they infect just about anything; vaccines are not even 50% efficient to prevent infection. Also, every flu shot is 0.25mg aluminium in your kid's bloodstream. NEVER do it. This is very easy to convince your wife; just say flus are not that big of a deal and you'll help her when your son/daughter is sick and treat them.

->>13323321 speaks the truth. Your kid should be breastfed for at least six months, weaning out starting at five. Aluminium contamination through the gut is much less deadly than injected.

- MMR vaccines are a pain to convince your family because there are possible complications in small groups of kids. A compromise-position of two-shots, instead of three, or one (90% efficacy on first, 95% on second, 98% on third).

- is a fag. There are multiple deadly diseases out there that you do not know if they are coming back because of mexicans invading the US. The DNA-strands in vaccines claim is the shakiest of all. Focus yourself on the problems of adjuvants, like aluminium and mercury. It is easy to convince your family these two are deadly and should be avoided as much as possible, unless you're vaccinating your kid something that can take his life away.

- When you do all this, the amount of shots your kid should take during his lifespan should reduce from 90-ish to about 30, and the aluminium intoxication up to when he is three-years old reduces by about 70%. It is a perfect middle-ground that you can live with without ostracizing yourself and your family socially. It is roughly a 80's-90's concentration of vaccines, which was before the autism spread (which is also due to reclassification of autism to everything, from mild to severe).

Do all of this, and you should live well. NEVER refrain from putting your money in personal vaccination medical centers if needed be (just check expiry dates and last sanitary check-ups).

A thought- if you really must get your kids vaccinated, maybe do it at a Jewish hospital? I'd imagine they give cleaner vaccines than hospitals for the goyim.
Or maybe this is a terrible idea, I don't know. Never been to one.

Kill yourself newfag, cant even use abbreviations right.

I do, better than you most likely because I’m a biotech student. Vaccination won’t affect that because they don’t work.
Fuck off nigger. Have fun with your brain damaged children.

If OP ensures his kids spend plenty of time outside and have a loving family + books waiting for them inside then they likely won't be bored. This bombardment of (low quality)information we see nowadays wasn't always the norm, it's fucking retarded to think a kid MUST have tv etc. The real difficulty is keeping your kids from negative social influences, and the hardship of that challenge will vary depending on where you live. It's a worthy reminder to say that it's useless wanting to keep your kid away from degeneracy if you live in a big city. Cities are for rats and coons.
And if op cries about not having an option to move out of a city then he should have thought twice about having a kid, there's no use in crying about it later on if you made it this much easier for subversion to creep in.

It's illuminating to see like fags such as him always resort to fear to keep people from doing A and B.

vaccines have stopped millions of potential contagions in countries where medicine is easily obtained
op, i know you're thinking in the right way (being critical of the kiked establishment) but you have to realize that not everything they do is a form of subversion. some of it is for sure, but the literature and the consensus of the entire medical community is pretty clear on the benefits of vaccinations
keep your kids healthy, vaccinate them. the uptick in mental health issues are due to modern environments, social engineering, pornography, and later age of conception. not vaccines.

You're not doing a very good job at hiding your nose, Chaim.

So, if I do something stupid, would I take advice from a law student? Fuck off.

im not subverting, fren. just pointing out that the science behind vaccines is solid and empirically reliable.

It's useless, Zig Forums doesn't even know what adjuvants and DNA strands in vaccines are. They'll claim all vaccines are bad and useless to fixate the idea every vaccine should be banned. It's much more nuanced than that.

>(((the consensus of the entire medical community)))
Got it.

lurk moar, nigger.

Breddy zimble.
1. Read the Material Safety Data Sheets
Every product has one, including vaccines. Look at ingredients.
2. Preservatives are the Problem
There are vaccines without preservatives, made in small batches.
3. Avoid Vaccines
There is not harm to be done to a stong healthful child, as history has shown.

I would also look to Europe and Japan for their practices, for example, Japan doesn't force vaccines but stongly recommends them, and doesn't recommend the full mmr vaccine for some reason idr. Also kep in mind that when a child "gets" "mumps" or "chicken pox" they are now immunized, so "proof of immunization" some schools, even colleges, were "requiring" to leave "quarantine" are not logical and only seek to control.

Vaccines have real risks, but how could you forgive yourself if your child died from a preventable disease? I would vaccinate them, but slowly over time. Do NOT give them all the vaccinations at once, and they should be fine.

Vaccines are a drug. A prophylactic drug. All drugs have side effects.
*Drugs are bad, mmmk?*

we can't have a rational discussion about this if you're going to claim any and all information is controlled by the marxists and the jews. you give them far too much credit.
Biological science would all be a sham if vaccines were shams, since the process behind them is very very basic and foundational.

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This guy is a good source on vaccines.
Here is another video that is a must watch

gl user

"I don't know the science, therefore I'm an expert on the science."


Yeah, inoculation WAS very very basic, and has since been kiked into a toxic, subversive stew, specifically designed for your dumb White ass.
Stop being so fucking naive.
If we still had any space left in this machine to maneuver, we wouldn't be here in the last corner of the internet, having this tired, dead horse debate again.
Fuck all of you. I'm actually beginning to believe this board has finally been compromised in numbers that favor the usurpers.

Pump your retarded kids full of yid poison if you believe their propaganda, and you're so afraid of the world around you, you can't breathe without their say so, but don't bitch about it when your offspring end up drooling on your door knobs for entertainment, morons.

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The history behind vaccines goes back to the 1700's and is dumb as fuck. The Jenner guy put cow pox into children's open wounds. His theory was debunked but he ran with it for shekels and would not listen to other doctors' advice telling him his theory was shit.

Don’t mutilate your kids’ genitals.

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The polio "vaccine" spread more polio than it "cured". Look THAT shit up.
Side note: Look into Gates, and his not too recent polio fiasco in India (I think)

Acute Flaccid Myelitis is a known side effect of vaccines aka your legs not working.
What a normie tier meme, did you get that from Faceberg?

Try harder, jew.

I remember when being afraid of vaccines was a literal nigger tier chimp meme.

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the Central Mechanism By Which Vaccines Induce Autism - Dr. Russell Blaylock Lecture -


A veritable “rock star” of the scientific world In 2011, She found that at least 30% of our vaccines are contaminated


Half of All Children Will Be Autistic by 2025, Warns Senior Research Scientist at MIT

3-29-2019 Doctors Who Discovered Cancer & Autism Cause in #Vaccines Murdered Just Before Going Public

MMR Vaccine Licensing
When Approving the MMR -
1. More than half of participants developed infections
2. All adverse events described as 'other viruses'
3. Only tracked 'adverse events' for 42 days after injection

Mainstream Media Now Calling for the Arrest of “Antivaxxers”

5-4-2019 Measles, Masterminds & Millions
Notable facts of the Vaccine Industry -
1. Skyrocketing profits
2. MMR Monopoly
3. 95% Taxpayer Funded
4. Taxpayers (not industry) liable
5. HRC Donations

Just a few links from my vaccine thread - There's a lot more to say about this subject but I figure this is cluttered up enough with more science than anyone will probably look into so - enjoy : )

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What a fucking kike.

Do you have any study that isolates the huge amount of autism increase due to overdiagnosis done by the CDC to classify just about any sort of very mild autism to "autism", when a decade ago this same child would be classified as "normal"?

The most autistic place on the internet doesn't know whats in vaccines, cant into nuance and relies on feels.

Sounds legit.

That could only account for about 10% I'd wager - the actual science is long in on the precise mechanism by which autism is created and the attempts to murder those who dig into it is also well documented in those links. - one of the greatest scandals in medical history and we have yet to see any justice. But we will. I'm autistic myself and know so many that are - some people I know are so autistic they wear diapers all day long as adults and can't talk and that's not that uncommon - it's getting worse exponentially so

the only vaccine that's proven to be bad that I'm sure of is the MMR - some vaccines are good but not that one. There's a reason it was banned in Japan, and there's a reason its usage correlates exactly with autism gains. Pumping someone full of a nerotoxin like mercury = not healthy - and the way it got licences after a single month of testing where they didn't even write down adverse effects is a joke

Effort post. Basically what I promote. 24 selective doses instead of 70+. Before the law changed, holding pharma blameless.

Just watch this channel. Then talk to a lawyer, and draw up a contract for "Assumption of Liability" or "Duty of Care". And make whoever is going to inject your wife / child sign it.

If your kid still gets vaccinated, look up the "Vaccine Court Rules" and find out your time limit for filing for reparations.

Vaccines are a ZERO liability product, you can never sue the companies that make them, the money comes from tax payers.

I'd advise OP to NEVER vaccinate, even one is enough to cause PARALYSIS or DEATH.

You must be new here. The generations since the mid 1900's having been getting more dumb, at the speed of light, you've surely noticed this? People are literally non-verbal retards that wear diapers and you're like "it's always been this way."

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Listen to this two part discussion

Jewish-owned (pharmaceutical) corporations make $60 every time a vaccine is manufactured. At this point it is a global multi-trillion dollar industry. They are even richer than when in the Reagan era they bribed congress into making it literally illegal to sue them for the side effects they knew vaccines caused. At this point, just how much money do you think they have spare to propagandize the public over it? For a 3 trillion dollar industry, a propaganda campaign in the billions is not out of the question. So yes, spending a few hundred thousand of that to shill in vaxxer threads on Zig Forums is perfectly reasonable to them.

Reminder that at this point an 18-month old baby is expected to have received 24 vaccinations by that point, which is absurd and makes the kikes ~$1,440 for EACH PERSON IN THE COUNTRY. And that's only the stuff they give babies, it continues lifelong for each person so that the kikes get EVEN MORE money.

It gets even worse. The Japanese government banned the MMR vaccine, saying that the side effect rate was way higher than the stated 1 in 200,000, and was instead 1 in 900. If we take that probability and calculate a binomial over just the 24 shots a baby will take, we end up with a 1 in 39 chance that at least one of the vaccines will manifest its side effects. And that's only for the stuff they give babies, remember that we're being expected to keep that vaccination cycle going through childhood and now even adulthood. Good luck with that. To be fair, 1/39 is a fairly low probability, but it's actually far worse than the chance of getting seriously affected by one of the conditions the damn things are supposed to stop to begin with. And even then, they aren't even necessary to stop those, as seen in the diseases we keep getting cited like polio were already dying out on their own even before vaccines due to better sanitation and other infrastructure improvements.

The only actual reason for our current (soon to be mandatory) vaccine regime is to make some filthy kikes more, AND MORE money, at the expense of our health, our futures, and our children. These kikes too will hang on the Day of the Rope.

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Op. Please heed my advice. Vax is a jew trick. They are giving vaccines now but will use the general populations habitual compliance to introduce drisease plague and dna alteration. Another thing, DO NOT DO PKU TESTING AKA NEW BORN SCREENING. Every state does this, they keep the samples and sell them to research companies, the samples are stored and managed by a genetic research board that runs newborn screening in your town, ALL THESE BOARDS ARE FULL OF JEWS. Every state I look at is the same thing. Anyways, pku is so rare and unusual, I guarantee if your baby has it you will figure it out immediately.

Ok jew! really want to undrstand this shills some times.

of course jews want our babies blood, par for course

Get your vaccines in mexico user….there is a "universal" healtcare system(although deeply flawed) and one of the few things we actually do correctly is following vaccination charts.

Unlike US kiked healthcare, that shoot 20+ vaccines into children less than 3 months, we actually let our children build immunity with just 3 to 5 vaccines per year.

Also never administer strong wide spectrum antibiotics to small children, specially those which sweep gut bacteria…this is the main cause of autism. Children barren of gut bacteria will develop autism-like symptoms.

t. medfag

Sounds better, but I don't think you have any peer-reviewed evidence that even 3 to 5 is somehow safe. All you're doing is saying 'well at least we're not as bad as those guys' but that doesn't mean that your vaccine load is safe either.

This image was literally created by the marketing department of a pharmaceutical corporation.

I'm going to break with most of the rest of the thread and tell you to get the damn vaccines - but on a delayed schedule. For all of the people squawking about "muh heavy metals" and "muh jewish doctors", childhood diseases are no fucking joke. Even those that don't typically pose a severe risk of death can lead to things like brain damage, meningitis, compromised immune systems and sterility and "everyone else is vaccinated" is a bullshit excuse because many of these diseases do not rely exclusively on humans as vectors.

Don't get the yearly flu shot without extenuating circumstances though; it does butt-fuxcing nothing for your chances of getting or recovering quickly from flu and just makes you less likely to accidentally off someone with a compromised immune system.

Do you know how many is "safe"? ZERO shots.

People used to get no chemical shots and were perfectly fine.

ILLNESSES, they are illnesses you cattle. Not some deadly epidemics of death.

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DON'T DO IT. Watch vaxxed, the story of the triplets almost brought me to tears. Also I was fine as a baby and as a small child I developed severe, debilitating OCD/tourette's with paranoia and depression. Look into PANDAS, it's a theory that vaccines can cause an autoimmune reaction that causes life ruining brain damage. I suspect it happened to me. Not a day goes by that I dont resent my parents for falling for the kikes' lies. Please OP, DON'T FUCKING DO IT.

There are recent vaccine threads nigger, this is an important and often talked about topic on here. Search more than 5 min.

Alright, time to piss people off. Chemistry major here (graduated) I will try to do my best to sum up a thread I was in the other day trying to explain shit to people.

First, how do vaccines work? Basically, in your body you have immune cells and antibodies. All cell signaling is done with proteins which have a binding affinity for other proteins or molecules. Think of it like a very specialized magnet with hundreds of poles which make it stick only to specifically arranged things. So when your body is exposed to foreign proteins or certain toxins (which are usually proteins) it recognizes them and begins to build defenses against them. You have immune cells which try to "eat up" the virus/bacteria and you have antibodies which are protein structures which stick to the virus/bacteria until it becomes hopelessly tangled and ineffective and far easier to be eaten by the immune cells (white blood cells, there are more but this isn't an academic paper).
So when you get a vaccine your body already has made the schematic for the defenses it needs to fight it.

Autism/vaccine connection: possible but unlikely, MMR vaccine can cause inflamation and be unpleasant, but that is your body's immune system reacting to a perceived attack.

My pet theory as to the "cause of autism" and its rise to prominence since the 80's is that the symptoms of autism are eerily similar to early childhood neglect.
Strong empowered women dumped their kid in daycare while they went to work. The kid was left to cry in a corner for 8 hours a day except when occasionally smacked by the worker trying to get them to shut up. The person now doesn't like strangers or people in general, doesn't like being touched, and doesn't understand people's emotions.

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Another dumb argument I see is this idea that the negligible heavy metal content of vaccines becomes super potent because you are injecting it. The amount you are exposed to is insignificant. You breathe in more lead when you go shooting than you are exposed to when you get a vaccine. Break a fluorescent lightbulb and you will ingest more mercury than the vaccine contains. And if you still feel like the liver will save you from evil lead (it doesn't the liver breaks molecules down, not elements, your liver does NOT have the capacity to perform nuclear fission) why don't you ask the california condor how that works out (nearly extinct from eating things killed with lead shot, absorbed through the liver).

Has nothing to do with the topic.
Those diseases were already on the decline prior to their respective vaccinations becoming widely available.


How does someone get that stupid?

I looked it up. I can't find anything to suggest that is true, and the stats all show it is wrong.

this is your brain on Qboomer
Temporarily without vaccines, the viruses would then mutate and adapt and become infectious again to counter herd immunity, like how sickle cells and inherited immunity are no longer keeping the malaria at bay in niggerhuton, Africa.

Not an argument when every child of vaccination age has been exposed to heavy metals by then by simply existing in our society, not to mention if they eat essentially any fish, predator or prey, although predator is far worse. The point he is making is that its an extremely minute amount to the point of being a non-issue.

Frankly my own theory about the tism epidemic is that some other commercial chemical or substance is causing it, and we may not know what the fuck it is for a long period of time much like asbestos.

Since you are too stupid to read, let me make a pretty picture for your illiterate, drooling face to stare at.

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Hey I am a man of science and many of my ancestors were doctors. Every year I get a flu shot and I have not been sick by flu for some 5 years. Well, there are some side effects in the first 3 days. You will feel fatigue and have lowered productivity, without this disabling you. But let's go back to the topic of child vaccination. I strongly suggest that you should get your baby have the first shot (polio, smallpox, tetanus and others, regarding the place you live) which are totally basic. Do the repetitive shots too. Otherwise, some anti-vax nigga at your baby's school may give it a dangerous sickness, something nobody would ever want for any Aryan baby. The yearly flu shot isn't necessary, but I recommend it for everyone in your family.

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Documented medical cases in the US. When a doctor treats a patient, they report it. Especially at a hospital.
The resolution of the image is 2216x1663, recordkeeping changed when the vaccine was developed as is stated on the table header and explained on the website linked on the picture. I figured you might be too stupid to do basic addition (example, 10+18=28k cases in 1951, 21+36=57k cases in 1952 etc.) but polio was definitely on the rise prior to the vaccine's invention.

You are a mouthbreathing retard.

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And polio continued to rise until the vaccine's widespread use and acceptance.

Don't be a fucking retard, OP. Get your kid vaccinated. I have two and they both were and they're perfectly normal kids.

If the anti-vaxxer retards had their way, we'd have half the kids in the country crippled by fucking Polio and shit. You want that? Just have them get the fucking shots.

Also congrats on your first child. I am proud of you for actually procreating and helping to assure a future for the Aryan race. That is priority NUMBER FUCKING 1 and should be for every single one of you. Our enemies breed like rabbits, we have to do what we can to counter that. Don't listen to any tinfoil hat tards here that don't even have any children of their own.

Also remember: The Führer was pro-vaxx. You'll be in good company, kamerad.

vaccines are legitemate as an idea
they are gov/big pharma controlled, aka people your really shouldnt trust
Its unlikely you will find legitemate information on vaccines making you sick on purpose. For that you need a lab and proper understanding on the topic.
Lets say some medic has done that and found that there is stuff in vaccines which will fuck you up on purpose so you buy medicaments.
How is he going to publish that? He will be supressed and likely kill himself with 2 shots in the back of the head. You wont hear of that guy.
Further I didnt hear anything from wikileaks, while I found very intresting and surprising info on anonymity myself and ofcourse the pedomails are hot shit. But nothing on vaccines. (you could look it up, publish results if you find something. I dont have time)

So make of that what you want. Just dont trust ANY self proclaimed scientist.

Look at this logically, government/pharma are bad, I agree. But, both need a healthy enough workforce for the economy to function. Deliberately crippling your labor pool is simply stupid. It is like the government nuking its own people, yeah they will have complete control and no opposition, but they will be the supreme overlords of a radioactive wasteland. Yeah they would be able to dominate their people who have been injured by their vaccines, but it would make them the leaders of a terrible population of useless people and the economy would be a laughingstock.

Nice post. Only just scratching the surface with quantifiable first order stuff… how much more can you compound (((profits))) when considering what an impaired immune system will need (((treatment))) for throughout the entirety of a good goys life (not to mention the harm that comes from said treatments).

Then factor in things like fluoride, bromide, high fructose corn syrup, GMO frankenfood, BPA, petrochemical fertilizers in the food and water, insecticides, antibiotics, and on and on the list goes.

user, im telling you, dont do pku screening, decline it, they will come down hard on you to get the blood sample, dont do it. Humans have survived their entire history without vaccines, vaccines get introduced only in the 20th century, the same century that the jews took over. The data for vaccines efficacy is weak and unproven at best. They are constantly trying to understand more about nature through medicine, every 25 years someone introduces a new theory and it flips the previous centuries data upside down, then again and again. You dont need vaccines, you need liberty and ownership of your family. Look at it this way, literally everyone involved in delivering that vaccine to your flesh has no awareness of where it was created, by whom, if it was even created according to standards or is contaminated, beyond that, people really dont even know how effective it is, theyre just parroting the directives ffrom the american medical association. The media is shilling vaccines hard, very hard, they want more people injected right now than ever before, theyre passing laws about it. Why? At the same time the media is shilling something else, antisemitism. What do you think thiseans? It means the jews are seeing the writing on the wall, and theyre trying to back stop themselves through the media apparatus. Since logically, literally no one jewish care if you are sick or die, and no one in the msm cares either, why would you believe their lies? They lie about everything but youre going to trust them for injections into your loved ones? They are probably going to use the opportunnity of vaccines to introduce newweapons of ww3, just like they did subs and machine guns and gas amd planes in ww1, and nukes and incendiaries in ww2, ww3 will probably be robots and viruses, dna viruses. They are getting the population to get used to injections for a few years so that a few years from now, when they release weapons, the population wont associate it with injections, and will probably respond to media repots of sickness by getting more injections.

Microbiologists and geneticists were skeptical towards the scientific plausibility of such a biological agent.[13] The New York Post, describing the claims as "blood libel", reported that the likely source for the story was a work of science fiction by Israeli academic Doron Stanitsky. Stanitsky had sent his completely fictional work about such a weapon to Israeli newspapers two years before. The article also noted the views of genetic researchers who claimed the idea as "wholly fantastical", with others claiming that the weapon was theoretically possible.[14][15]

A planned second installment of the article never appeared, and no sources were ever identified. Neither of the authors of the Sunday Times story, Uzi Mahnaimi and Marie Colvin, have spoken publicly on the matter.

This is the wrong way to think about it. Jews are diasporic, they run social engineering. They are okay with wiping out the only enemy theyve ever had, Canaanites and amalekites, not just okay with it, but driven to it. They know that the south americans will repopulate america, and the Africans will repopulate europe, and be much less of a threat to their world government theocracy.

t. actual retard who was no doubt vaccinated himself but now wants to try to talk other people into not doing so for their children so they can catch smallpox or polio from some fucking niglet or Arab subhuman rapefugee kid at school

Fuck off stupid nigger

Thank you, leftypol.

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Get a load of this cunt.

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Fuck ya dude, I received all gov vaccines including the small pox, tb and anthrax while in oif. Unfortunately, I got multiple sclerosis at a young age. Soak up all the vaccine you want you utter faggot, high probability youre going to die in the new war anyways.

yes, you have completely convinced me to shoot up a defenseless baby with unknown chemicals. you know the final redpill is that the holocaust was real, i suggest you familiarize yourself with literature and consensus of the entire historical community.

I would go for the measels vaccine and decline the MMR vaccine personally. Mumps and Rubella are almost never fatal, measles can be though. It's all a cost/benefit equation, polio is crippling/disfiguring, measels can be fatal, but there is always a small risk of adverse reactions and consequences. Risk of death from measles is 0.2%, risk of vaccine related injury is 0.0176%, etc. You just have to see what you are looking at and make a decent decision.

The flu shot is dumb and I don't get them. If the delay of the DDT vaccine is good, then get it at the appropriate time to reduce risk. Just FYI, dyptheria has a pretty high mortality rate and vaccination is one way to avoid making drug resistant strains of these things.

Also, that blue picture is incredibly dumb. Deaths would be reported as there is an investigation when people die. Similar for permanent disabilities and hospitalizations and emergency room visits as ALL OF THOSE HAVE TO BE DOCUMENTED! Seriously man, think.

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One final point, the delay in vaccination may also be related to people getting it later if they live in the mountains, or some other rural setting, where there is less pollution and shit in the air to make you develop asthma. If you live an hour away from the doctor and have to be out on your tractor all week with no time to go to town, you probably experience a FAR higher air quality than Schmuck McDuck in PozCentralCity USA.

Vaccines would be fine in a National Socialist society that cared for the people, but not in our jewish one. Der Sturmer even printed cartoons about the dangers of "jews and poison".

By your "logic", we should all be supporting ZOG too, since Hitler was "pro-government" when he was in power. And then, of course, Hitler was in the military, so maybe we should all be signing up to die for Israel too?

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Zig Forumsdad here. I did the absolute least amount of best (by reading provided leaflets, choosing the ones I feel are safer) vaccines for all my children. Don't remember exact ones (am not a burger, so it's like 15-20 total "mandatory" ones, my wife keeps track of that shit), but anything that 1. Can occur naturally and is not hard to live through 2. Not having dangerous complications (like sterility from mumps, or any other shit that just makes your kid fucking die) I do not vaccinate against. Some that have several stages, I did not do all of them (3 to 2). So far kids live alright. Occasional sickness or two, but kids get sick all the fucking time until they are about 4 or so, you just have to deal with it.
I know burgers (and some other nations) have it hardest, but refusing to vaccinate at all is a stupid move. Just reduce the risk as much as possible and do your research. You cannot take your kids' health at a "fuckoff" basis, invest your time in it, it is well worth it in the end.

God you are such a fucking spherebrain I thought I just blundered into your average reddit frontpage article. The absolute chutzpah of you.
You don't even know the dogma of your own faction, what the fuck are you doing.
also you haven't actually made a fucking argument, you made unsourced claims and dramatic sarcasm, and then refuted things presented to you on Zig Forums of all boards with "muh graphs"
You disgust me.

Attached: Wog in 1945 (uncolorized).mp4 (320x180, 284.32K)

Hooray smart people! Good on you!

Good job on creating yet another "all science is the jews" thread in Zig Forums to really turn everybody who isn't a retarded contrarian or illiterate Untermensch away.
I swear, these threads expose new/pol/ for the bunch of dumb faggots they are.
These discussions are so dumb and fruitless, they might as well be on Zig Forums since it's the same echo chamber line of thinking. Never discussing the issue but the people behind it.

Yes, the flu vaccine is unneccessary, but vaccines are important for not only your child's health, but for every child that cannot be vaccinated, either because they are too small or too sickly.

Nupol is equivalent to reddit or cuckchan, so it seems.
I wonder where all the people from before 2016 have gone to.
I'm about to leave myself. It's such a goddamn hugbox.

Go ahead, you normie tier anti-vaxxers, and resurrect all the plagues that took our white children in the past. LARP some more.

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The nice part about vaccination is that even if everyone else doesn't do it, it still protects you!

(((normal kids)))

Where vaccines are worshiped and posts by the children of evil "anti-vaxxers" who break away from their parents and get injected with jewish poisons are voted to the top?

Don't pretend that you aren't on the same side as most of reddit, the jewish media, and the kikes behind the censorship at faceberg and jewtube.