In this thread we will discuss the use of subcultures and youth cultures as a means to create a counter-cultural movement among the youngest generation that rebels against the establishment and all that is associated with it.
This movement can provide a sense of community and a shared unifying culture while also creating a form of cover that could be operated within with greater security (especially IRL).
This on top of the obvious benefits of recruiting the young into at the very least entertaining our ideas without being immediately repelled by them, giving us a presence in the meatspace (especially by the creation of a unique style of dress), creating an outlet for us to express ourselves via media (especially music), and many more.
The young want to rebel against this system, but have no real rebel community for them to join, movements of the past, like grunge, metal, punk, and goth served this purpose in the past, and despite what you may think of the idea, you cannot argue that it was not effective to give the disaffected a uniform, a soundtrack, a language, and it's very own culture, complete with it's own associated ideology, activities, aesthetic, media presence, and so on.
We need an offline presence more than ever right now, not only is the internet becoming less and less of a safe place for us, but people are being scared away from us by the official arbiters of truth that are still generally trusted for some reason, we need to go to them, and using rebellious tween and teens is a tried and tested tactic that is super effective every time it's been employed in the past.
As a recruitment tool, nothing is better than subcultures, get them young, and you will have permanently changed the way their mind sees you as an adult, not only will the quality of recruits be improved, but also the number, as those who most want something to belong to will have little competition outside of the subculture at this point in time.
as for how to do it, there are two schools of thought, and both should be pursued:
a. We take over or revive an existing or dead culture in our service, /polgoth/ is a notable attempt, as is /polpunk/ or /polmetal/, it's got the added bonuses of being readily recognizable with it's own community to build from, taking a weapon out of the hands of the enemy, and being better at providing cover for us.
b. We can create our own subculture, the benefits are that we have more control over the message, a truly new community may be a better draw than a reprogrammed old one, and we have more room for creativity.