First off if you're fired up and impatient, and unprepared, you should spend a couple years as an activist, and educate yourself, and pay attention to social skills, and building up your physical strength too. (muscles give you social advantages)
Finding appropriate people is hard, but we must ask the question what do we mean by "quality people" - if you are looking for people who are tough, strong and believe as you do - you will not find many, or any, or they will want to take over when you do.
Now I know the type of people you're thinking about is outgoing, strong, huntnig buddy type people - and indeed those are the best people - but the question than becomes can you retain leadership of your group? - which with men such as these will be more difficult.
The most basic requirement is integrity and trustworthiness - they need not be rough and tumble people - and the second consideration is of you retaining leadership, and the strength of your group's cohesion. So while personal strength and other good stuff is desirable, all the people in your group should be physically and psychologically weaker then you, (otherwise someone else will take over and you're screwed), and on top of this you must either have a strong friendship with them, and/or they must have some need that makes them dependent on you for something. If you can do this, become the leader, with strong people than very good, but if not than you will have to look for weaker people who are socially not as adept as you, or have a social need that makes them dependent on you. But in either case people who have the requisite integrity.
It will take a long time to find quality people at parties and bars.
For strong-good people look in places which pre-select for those qualities, hiking clubs, athletic clubs, shooting clubs, volunteer firefighters, etc.
If you want people which will give you a stronger position of leadership look in chess clubs, computer clubs, comic-cons - places with weak people with no social lives - people who have a need - which will give you a stronger position as leader.
Quality people just means trustworthiness, nothing else, not ideological slant (well they can't be liberal trannies), not rough and tumble qualities. - Obviously those are advantages, but not necessities.
Group cohesion, and your position as leader, which is very important, will be supported by relationships built up over time, this is the main factor with people who are strong, or need - such as you are the provider of their social life, the planner of fun activities, and owner of the club-house, which should apply as much as possible in all cases, but will apply more if you choose to get yourself some weaker people.
Now this takes time and you will have to be very careful - you are going to have 3 types of people - 1. acquaintances people you invite to a party a couple of times, 2. friends who are mostly ok, but you will need time to test out over at least 6 months to 2 years, and from amongst your friends 3. keepers people you select out as part of your permanent group.
The peopel yu do not want are the ideologicaly similar dish-rag, whom you make a mistake trusting, or the ambitious asshole who when included will renell against you and overthrow you, the first one you shoud avoid, or treat with great care, the second you should screen out in acquaintance phase.
Now it's ok to fail once or twice, if things go south and you get a couple of problem people in your group, it's better to break up the group for a while and start again later with what resources you can salvage, than to behave badly, try to fix things with strong-arming, by kicking people out, getting hardline etc. - and be permanently burned by trying to force-fix problems. You fix problems and mistakes you might have made (ie by sucking in problem people) by backing off and letting the group fail, than starting over.
BTW for some reason I can't post a thread with TOR - so you might want to copy what I have written and start a separate thread.
Also put it to a text or other file and spread it.