As I have warned several years ago, the hotwife/cuckolding scene has gotten completely out of control. It has become an EPIDEMIC of MASSIVE PROPORTIONS. We seem to have become mired in the world of cuckoldry - its even become part of our daily lexicon of political slang. The hotwife subreddit alone has passed a whopping 200k subs, pretty high for a supposed "kink". There are hundreds and possibly THOUSANDS of homemade porn videos, made by real people and not pros, dating even back to the 1970's, of white men documenting encounters with Black men and their wives.
The bottom line is this: Through the spread of interracial hotwife and cuckold propaganda, two major crises are happening:
1) The degradation of the family unit and pair bonding between man and woman, boiling it down to purely bestial desires
2) The perception that Black men are physically and sexually superior to White men.
As I have suspected, porn is a brainwashing tool. But its not only being used against White men, but being used against White women to CHANGE their sexual preferences from White men to Black men. If you dont think this can happen, well, in some ways it already has, and you only need to look to Asian women's reported preference for White men to see that this can happen.
White men are now considered inferior. This propaganda extends to nearly all media. White men are considered sexually inferior, less manly, have less muscles, less sexually aggressive and dominant in the media, who affect the desires of females.
This needs to stop. This does make you question, as a White man, if you are indeed sexually inadequate. Perhaps we need to address our own shortcomings? Testosterone has been decreasing rapidly through generations, and I suspect that its targeted towards White men. It's quite clear that we do have our own problems to address.
What can White men do to compete? What can we do is fight this nonstop onslaught against our sexuality?