I don't quite understand this whole ordeal with the United States and China, regarding the trade war. Why does China keep biting the bullet and taking these tariff lashes to the face? I don't get why they don't pull the "debt card" and use the fact they have the US wrapped around its finger in DEBT as a deterrent to calm down the United States. Why don't they just ask for all the money the US owes them every time they start shit. The US is in no position to pay any of that back. The economy as a whole might even be at a big risk if those words ever came out of XI Xinping's mouth. Anyone have insight on why they wont do this?
China and US Conflict
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in The Art of Wa, ra book by Sun Tzu
it is stated "allow the enemy to defeat themselves before you ever have to fight them"
^^ That wouldn't even be fighting them, that is simply a verbal deterrent.
That is because there is no true trade war between the two: one is zionist occupied government, the other one is globalist occupied government. Jews never truly fight one another.
Thanks sun tzu, very deep
Lord Shang Yang explains how he controlled people like Sun Tzu.
Ever wondered why Sun Tzu would fight the enemy for a mysterious master?
Ever wondered how Sun Tzu gained control over entire armies?
Did you think that shit just up and happened?
Because you can only play the "debt card" if you are ready to take loses.
China has taken advantage of the USA for so long and in such a way, that even with the new tariffs they still make a profit.
Meanwhile if they play the "debt card", China will make a loss because the USA will not be able to pay it back and China can't enforce a payment.
Because China cannot enforce its will upon the USA.
China depends on USA's money to sustain its facility, its domestic buying power isn't there yet.
Too bad USA is ruled by cucks.
Why would China want America to end? They are already buying it up from under us
China can't do shit, just like iran can't do anything. They are all just all bark. Don't believe Zig Forums retards.
If they called in the debt we couldn't buy their products. Not buying their cheap crap means their economy screeches to a halt and causes a civil war.
Besides, what enforcement arm would they use to collect money we don't have?
It’s not the argument it looks like. China is a fascist state, but they’re trying not to be. They’re struggling with reform and trying not to suffer post-Soviet syndrome as they transition their economic basis. They’re also powering something of a race to the bottom in labor, but again, they don’t really want to be doing that. It doesn’t lead to anyone’s perfect future.
There’s a lot of negotiation going on as everyone dearly tries to figure out 1) the best possible future, and 2) the ways to actually get there. Human societies are an eldritch mess when seen from above; even people who know themselves as orderly in their own lives often look chaotic when seen by narcissists who delude themselves about having the “above” perspective.
People shouldn’t try to crash foreign societies. If China or the USA sincerely actually attempts to crash the other, they can, and then the result is both crash. Don’t be as you wouldn’t want people to reciprocate. Be inclusive.
Learn from what happened to the American left when they rallied around warriors who excluded people in GamerGate: integrity fell, suffering rose, and science became slower, all because the left excluded people declaring that their victims were exclusionary! Avoidable conflicts like that undermine progress. Be inclusive. Exclusive people go around in circles forever ruling over a two-faced world.
I hope it doesn't lead to war…
What will Israel do?
It won’t. This is about environmentalism and labor.
Racists are excluded from government because they’re demented everwarriors.
check my Aryan quads above your post
The jews are not the problem.the problems are africa,India and China.
There are to MUCH of that mongloïde and negroïde apes.i hope america will destroy all of THEN.but if the richt extremists never come to power,and the white's never can work united and together.then the traitors can stay do their job and it will never happend.
I hope their come' s a war with China and america.ha ha ha.
How do you keeping getting big gets? Do you have a bot?
Zig Forums - jews
>Deluded imbeciles like this think that (((inclusiveness))) will advance science while entire history points to the contrary, it was always wars that motivated scientific advances the most.
it isn't really debt at all. its protection money that china pays to continue doing business in the world. for china to ask for that money back would be suicide.
Jews told them to.
Because you know fucking nothing whatsoever. China has virtually no US debt. Fucking Japan has more. Debt is meaningless for two reasons:
1. The US can erase it overnight and no one can do anything, because the debt can never be repaid.
2. The US can mark China as a currency manipulator and the yuan would inflate to nothing within five minutes, slaughtering 600,000,000 chinks.
Because they don't even have the money they owe themselves. Stop listening to fucking boomers.
Because that's a fiction. Look up US debt and where it comes from. China only holds like 8% of US debt. Besides, what exactly do you think they can do? Demand their money back? That's not going to happen because Beijing lacks the ability to project power over America. The opposite is true in fact.
The solution to the Chinese vs USA conflict, is to rid both nations of their jewish influence
China literally cannot call in the debt because it isnt how that debt works. . .
If you owe the bank $300 you have a problem.
If you owe the bank 30 billion dollars, they have a problem.
China wants a relationship with the US because it's largely one sided. They steal our IP and sell products based on stolen IP back to us and the rest of the world. They try and crash us, guess what, they kill their R&D department. They would have to do research themselves, something they are woefully unprepared to do.
And jimmy cracks corn, and I don't care
Yeah everything is made in China
Plus how could China possibly call in that debt?
Even ignoring the fact that most of it is debt with a fixed repayment schedule, how would China be able to force the payment?
The Chinks know that trying to force the issue can only result in one of two outcomes:
The US Dollar collapses in value when the USA says "lolno" erasing a good chunk of their assets.
The USA declares war to make it quite clear that the value of the US Dollar is secured by its use in international trade and oil trading. Which is ensured by the USAs military muscle and their willingness to throw it around.
Now whether or not the USA could win a war with China is another topic entirely, they couldn't without going well overboard with the means.
But the USA could certainly cause utter chaos in the international economy during its conflict with China to the point that China would either have to capitulate or run the risk of an all out WW3.
This guy gets it. China is an exporter. We buy up most of their shit.
They are teetering on the brink of a "Civil War" between, like, 7 different factions right now.
If we stopped buying, they would almost immediately collapse into turmoil.
Other anons have mentioned the other factors.
-No authoritative power or threat over U.S.
-Domestic buying power is weak in China.
-We still sit on massive resources, and potential labor (if lazy Americans would get inspired to work for American prosperity)
Bottom line, the kikes have spread their fragile web so deeply into everyone's shit, and have so overextended themselves, that we're all tied to together now at the end, and this house of cards is coming down. To be quite honest, I believe this is all theatre, and stalling tactics to get the pieces laid out across the map the best they can for WWIIII. However, how they had planned for it to go down is not what's happening. (((They've))) lost all control.
Ray of hope, anons. It is in this kind of chaos that allows for the smallest, smartest critters, to slip through the embers and survive the forest fire, ruling the forest in the aftermath.
Be smart.
They can sell to the whole world.
Yes and no.
China can sell to alot of the emerging markets but it could never replace the gargantuan monster of profligate consumption that is the USA.
If they could, they would already be doing so.
Exactly. You seem really, really, really smart, which means you know what a "default" is.
And surely you're smart enough to understand what happens when a country defaults on its debts.
China can't take infrastructure and property for debt like they do in Africa.
To add: How would the US even default? We control the mandate on who prints the USD, therefore we could print money to always pay our fixed dues.
Hyperinflation upon repayment is one of the risks of taking loans without set and enforced collateral.
This is the reason I made a point to say our "fixed dues." Paying all of it off at once would be insanity, and the US treasury is still considered the safest asset on earth. There are a number of reasons for this though, which should be explained so that people better understand WHY hyperinflation won't happen unless there is some currency bloc that gains more access globally. I will explain in extremely simple terms:
-Most of US treasury/debt is owned by citizens. The citizens rely on this for retirement and investments. Therefore, the government will be voted out if they are not careful. This creates a sense of comfort for foreign investors and especially foreign banks.
-Developing countries often peg their currency to a certain dollar value. To do so, their central bank requires an asset that isn't volatile. Therefore, they mostly hold USD, and assets for their central bank reserves.
-Finally, since the USD is the most stable and liquid asset, these banks hold it. As the USD weakens, so too does their ability to maintain their peg. Therefore, they attempt to push the value of the USD upwards.
It is also laid out nicely in this book.
Dollar value crash.
Everyone currently holding US Dollars would seek to limit their exposure to the US Dollar.
International trade would see less US Dollar transactions.
We currently and have been printing money to pay our dues. The dollar hasn't crashed. China can't demand we pay them anything for the debt they owe. They will be paid based on the agreed-upon procedures
which would be devastating because USD is king jew currency and has infected everything
yes it has, it's just been so slow that people aren't killing themselves over it.
Citation needed
just 50 years ago you could buy a new house with money saved from a summer job and now you need a bank loan to secure funding for a house that you also have to repair
is a direct result of banks fucking with money and people thinking they can profit from it too.
Everyone in the world wants to come to the USA. Prices naturally rise
to benefit from it and not put back into the system which fucks over the populace that was born there and benefits the bankers who can leave
This is more due to inflation being used as a means to siphon wealth off.
Your purchasing power has still decreased even when you get a raise or minimum wage increase.
The Dollar hasn't crashed due to demand for the Dollar.
As a fiat currency the value of the Dollar is primarily driven by supply and demand.
Since its widely used in interntional trade and oil trading, demand for the US Dollar is very high.
The housing crisis has more to do with boomer NIMBYs and investment properties than inflation. Look at things like tree removal and milk price to calculate inflation. Far less foul play and other complicating factors, etc.
All true, but still a route to raise housing prices independent from yet far more significant than traditional inflation
US debt is worthless, the Fed will hyperinflate to pay it off crashing the world economy since the USD value won't even be able to buy Chinese goods anymore.
China is not my enemy.
China is my friend.
China is a country far, far away, and they will never personally bother me.
I hope that they can get pollution and their population numbers under control, but otherwise, I respect them for being strong.
If I was Chinese, I would be proud to live in China.
But I am Aryan, so instead, I prefer being a trade partner with China, and I hope that their people are happy and healthy.
I prefer Europe over China, when it comes to priority, of course, but China is still my friend. I respect them and do not want war or bad things to happen to them.
Politicians do not represent me.
They are controlled by Jews, and Jews will try to make me hate China with propaganda. But I am smart, so I will not hate a country I have never visited. I just hope that their pollution levels and population are at safe, sane levels.
Then we can both be happy.
no the chinese have to go extinct because fascism has been in their genes for 3000 years.
The fact you even ask these questions and cant answer them yourself (and Im not refering to retarded "China papertiger! eceleb jon doe said so!" shitpost rethoric) indicates you have no clue what you are talking about.
You entire rationale are on the same level as "why dont we just tax the rich more?" questions.
When you say 'pull the debt card?' what exactly do you mean.
If I owe you a large sum of money, you can use the police or debt collectors to get it back.
If a country owes another countr a large sum of money, there are no international debt collectors. You just have to hope they pay it back.
The US could play the debt card and cancel their own external debt. They could stop paying the interest and nobody is going to come and get it by force. Worst case scenario they would be downgraded by the international credit ratings agencies. Where as the Chinese economy would crash overnight.
I smell nose
Because the US has China by it's balls.
US holds all the cards when it comes to geopolitics.
Any tariffs China could implement have already been implemented.
(You would be surprised how many tariffs, bans, and general animosity American companies have faced abroad since before you were born.)
US controls access to the Eastern Hemispheres oil fields. Hell, it controls access to the worlds oceans for that matter.
US has relationships with Japan, Taiwan, Korea and many other South East Asian countries who don't like china.
US's consumer base makes up a significant part of China's economic model.
China can't project force because 90% of their military budget is spent trying to keep rebellious ant-men in line.
Literally the only thing china could do at the start of the 21st century was sell cheap crap to burgers and try to copy some technology along the way.
Except now that Trump is in Office they can't sell cheap crap to the US or copy technology.
They are basically fucked, that's why they can't and aren't doing anything.
This whole situation was born out of the negligence of the previous presidents.
If you want someone to blame, blame Clinton, Bush, and Obama.
They were all elected based on being the most domestically focused candidates.
The American People have, consiously and subconsiously wanted a nationalist/isolationist/domestically-focused administration for nearly 30 years.
The problem is that as a president, you can't really do much domestically. The presidents role is to deal with foreign threats.
(Ultimately it's only Congress that can pass laws and it requires a very large amount of congress to agree.)
(So very little US laws get passed compared to places like the EU and China. This is why the US is so Laize-faire on most things. And why most of it's problems arise from negligence.)
So Clinton, and Bush, and Obama, all went up smiling and promising economic reforms and programs they knew they couldn't deliver with the powers they had as president.
9/11, and the ensuing middle eastern conflicts, were ultimately an enormous waste of time, and ironically made Americans more anti-Semitic.
Trump however campaigned on using powers that he actually has as president. Tariffs, Bans, Wall, Military Intimidation.
Now Donald is bringing down the hammer and China is going to hurt for it.
Forgot to say, made Americans more anti-semitic AND even more isolationist.
Sorry of. Nothing could compare to USA consumerism and consumption though, especially considering most of the world is in meltdown mode already, and the Chinese population doesn't have the capital go be as wasteful as burgers.
That debt is liquidity you dorks, not an actual outstanding loan debt that literally needs to be paid. That debt is referring to the US dollars that China holds because the USD is a debt based currency. China doesn't want to devalue their own dollars and destroy the value of the USD they've been hoarding
Really? I thought OP was referring to US external debt. China being the largest foreign holder of US debt at 1.1 trillion dollars.
Most of OPs post wouldnt make much sense if he was talking about china hoarding US dollars.