The world's FIRST modern programmable binary Z computers made by Konrad Zuse. The fact that it is in binary and DIGITAL makes it the direct precursor to modern PC's, he was also a pioneer Personal computing in 1941 with his Z3 and later Z4, model which he would sell worldwide. He also designed the first high level programming language named Plankalkül. He was also a painter and civil engieneer.
He is a forgotten inventor, and the Jews do/did not want him to be announced as the inventor of modern computing. Only since recently has the wiki on him been updated to include that he is in fact the inventor. For many years they pathetically attributed others to his invention. And even though he lived untill 1992 he never recieved the glory and praise he was responsible for, much like Werner von braun and many others. For 70 years they have not mentioned this man in any capacity because the shame the allied savages have in stealing, destroying, and defaming the ideology which managed to propogate genuises whos theories and imagination was truly "alien" in the sense that nobody knew their potential had they not been funded by the National socialist german state. Since Hitler himself ordered heavily on scientific research and invention as a matter of policy, way before wartime.
The satanic allience of "allies" first targeted patent offices in wartime, they were raided during and after the war and inventions/patents confiscated.
The second very notable invention is synthetic fuels by carbon cracking, using the Bergius and Fischer–Tropsch processes. Many of these factories were set up before and during wartime.
"The Bergius process plants were Nazi Germany's primary source of high-grade aviation gasoline, synthetic oil, synthetic rubber, synthetic methanol, synthetic ammonia, and nitric acid. Nearly one third of the Bergius production was produced by plants in Pölitz (Polish: Police) and Leuna, with 1/3 more in five other plants (Ludwigshafen had a much smaller Bergius plant[20] which improved "gasoline quality by dehydrogenation" using the DHD process).[18]
Synthetic fuel grades included "T.L. [jet] fuel", "first quality aviation gasoline", "aviation base gasoline", and "gasoline - middle oil";[18] and "producer gas" and diesel were synthesized for fuel as well (e.g., converted armored tanks used producer gas).[17]:4,s2 By early 1944, German synthetic fuel production had reached more than 124,000 barrels per day (19,700 m3/d) from 25 plants"
This mass production technology of petroleum has existed since the 1940's and theory even before and has eliminated the manufactured idea of "limited resource" and "finite quantity", and also the major nature pollution and contamination from oil rigs that drives the already inflated price of petroleum products, the matter of fact is that petroleum products are directly availible by high pressure chemical synthesis; this essentially requiring water for hydrogen, biomass, coal and electricity to produce high grade fuel. This would change the world today. And make the (((petroleum business))) obsolete.
But since the profit driven hedonistic semites won obviously we can't have infinite resources. And so only ruins are left.
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