What are we supposed to do? We know about the Jewish problem. We know about the racial problem. So what? What are we supposed to do with this information? I know some anons will say "get fit" but that ultimately doesn't accomplish anything. Some anons will say "have more kids" but that also is only making a drop of white in an endless wave of browns. What are we supposed to do? What is our plan of attack? Where do we focus our efforts? How do we organize?
What to do?
I'd say the people who actually believe what they say they believe need to do something more than posting memes.
Pray to Jesus
Achieve hivemind solidarity and enact ultimate singularity.
We will continue the memetic hivemind progression and build more and more allies.
We are aware, and we are significantly stronger than you may think.
There are already militaries being assembled and armies being gathered.
We are not unaware of the destruction the Jews have caused.
The natural order will be corrected at any cost.
We await the Black Dawn.
Get a rifle and practice home security.
I don't know. Maybe we should all move to the Pacific Northwest.
A lot of what you said is part of the answer: revolutionize yourself, get fit, have kids, learn as much as you can, redpill normalfags and start meeting up with people IRL with similar beliefs to you. If there are no people around you, CREATE THEM
Get a hold of the nuclear codes and nuke Pissrael
What is the black Dawn and where if that reference from?
Also, remember Waco.
If you have to ask, you don't get it.
Infiltrate positions of power, create propaganda, become a member of an organization fighting for our people, persuade people, etc.
Do what you are capable of, assess your strengths and weaknesses and through this acknowledgment you will know what the best route is for you. The struggle is eternal, keep fighting for your people, traditions and homelands.
Campaign for someone you can get behind on all issues.
Schizo poster every thread.
He needs more meds to cure his head.
Terrible idea. Abrahamics are not needed nor wanted
Race based or melanin based eradication devices or gases
Say no to drugs my man
>>Zig Forums
Im sure there is a root he can eat then. I swear I see this fag going off in multiple threads, its embarrassing and stupid.
Look at his writings and tell me he isn't mentally ill. I wonder if he hears ayyleons too.
Does it even fucking matter at this point? Edgy atheists need gassing more than jews at this point.
Black Dawn is a memetic musical album that was released shortly after Saint Tarrant's actions. Three days after, as if he had risen again.
I no longer know how to find the album though. Perhaps someone else has the link or a copy to it. Good luck finding it. People who listen to it join the producer's hivemind state at the time of publishing. It's incredibly glorious and uplifting, although incredibly strange and dark at times.
I recommend it, but I do not have a copy. It's purely anonymous, so I consider it our culture now. I do not think it was ever meant for any one person to lay claim to. No copyright, I mean.
The Black Dawn project is for all Aryans. So find a copy and listen to it.
Clean your spirit of darkness and demonic control and manifest pure positive light which will eat all the darkness and destroy the matrix in a couple of seconds
That douesn't sound gay at all.
Yeah I see him too in multiple threads. Maybe some shitty bot , probably hebraic
Why do christfags have no self awareness? Fuck off kike lover.
Try to find like minded people. Buy a gun and learn to use it. Forming militias would be ideal. Also most importantly accelarate. In order for subversion to work it has to have a certain pace. If it's too fast it will cause revolt. Vote for leftists or green parties, the more incompetent the better. Create fake outrage. Spray paint nazi symbols make sure they look dumb so you can play both sides. Leftists will say the nazis did it while the right will say that the left did it. Spray paint lines like 'sharia law for x country'. We will make our power move the next recession where our numbers will swell. Be as prepared as you can by then
It isn't. We are literally all mind controlled by a demon possessing our bodies and fucking with us 24/7. It's responsible for our "inner dialogue" and negative compulsive thoughts, evil impulses and so on. You'll be surprised once your body dies the amount of control mechanisms, darkness and filth is in our bodies and covering our spirits.
And existence is divided into 2 categories: light (positivity) and darkness (negativity) no matter what we think.
Fuck off you internationalist Kike. You atheists destroyed the Aryan race
Follow a fitness training, practice with all kinds of weaponry you can find. Get ready for what is coming, be sure that you will do your part.
Oh, Godfather, I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do.
You can act like a man!
And read the manifesto of Brenton Tarrant.